Fennoscandia Conflict Pt.1

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Re: Fennoscandia Conflict Pt.1

Unread post by Devastated »

Luviagelita would narrow her eyes as the other heiress pressed forward and close the distance between them even further. She didn't like the smug smile on her face, it was as if Aslaug knew something which she didn't....Well, she revealed that information soon enough. Along with an insult to boot.

The blonde would click her tongue in annoyance as she would then take the final step forward between the two. Pressing her generous rack against the white haired woman's large rack as she stared her down!

" I was not informed, but this is wonderful news. I get to quite literally knock your lights out."
Luviagelita spoke as she pressed into Aslaug in a challenging manner. " Say what you will. I will be leaving you flat on your back in the center of the ring, when I walk out as the winner." Luviagelita spoke out, before she would step away from Aslaug and turn to walk away.

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