The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

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The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

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Match Type: Apartment Elimination Handicap Match (Standard rules, with Hentai allowed)
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, KO, or Disqualification. Only one member of the Yuigahama family may be in the ring at a time.
Black Severin's General Appearance
Oh, LAW. Just when Black Severin had the feeling that he was being taken on an adventure, here comes the next thing to show him that he hasn't seen anything yet. Today's trip? He's going straight to Pornville. That is to say, his opponents' apartment. Dressed in an all black ensemble: Of course, there was the mask. And a short-sleeved dress shirt that was well-fitted to his muscular physique, being pleasing to look at, but tasteful, still. A comfortable pair of slacks that were held up with a belt that had a silver ankh on the buckle, and a sleek pair of leather shoes. His real attire for this match was underneath the pants, waiting to be revealed.

Severin was moving on up in the world bit by bit, receiving a nice bump in his pay after signing on to compete in Alix's After Dark venture along with all the normal stuff in LAW. He was even able to get himself a custom fit! He knew better than to splurge, but damn, if he wasn't feeling rich after that!

Hanae and Yui Yuigahama. At first, he was thinking that this was going to be an Ancestors of Isis thing: Twins. The Yuigahamas looked like they could be sisters, at least. Which would still have this match sitting in a comfy spot deep in Pornville. But it would go even deeper, still.

Hanae and Yui? Mother and daughter. Yeah.

And they both signed off on this, with Ms. Yuigahama having actively looked for an opponent for the two of them to face. Together. Yeah.

And they picked him, specifically. And as he had with just about everything else thus far, he couldn't believe his luck. The closer he got to their door, the more he felt like a porn star. It was...intimidating, but at the same time, exhilarating. Severin was well aware that this wasn't a Hentai match exclusively. That an orgasm wasn't even what was required to win. But he does have his preferences; if he were to hold any sway over how this thing goes down, especially given the two-on-one scenario...But then again, they really could be like the Ancestors of Isis, torture and all. In which case, he was going to be in for one hell of an afternoon.

Fingers crossed that that won't be the case.


Okay. This is it. Take a breath. Ring the bell...

And seconds later, the door would be opened and he would be met with a sight that made him forget all about the Japanese that he'd intended to greet them with. He couldn't help but blurt out...

"And a fine howdy doo to you too!"

God! Damn! Whichever one this was, she didn't waste any time!
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Re: The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

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"Mom, I can take care of my own hair." Said the youngest Yuigahama, annoyed as her mother comb and fixed her hair in front of a mirror.

"Now, now. Let mommy do this for now." The Yuigahama matriarch replied back, unfazed from her daughter's glare, "It's not everyday I get to fix you up since you grew up." She sniffed comically.

Yui rolled her eyes at the melodramatic behavior of older woman, "But seriously, can't I wear something more decent or better yet, cover up your bits!" She roared in indignity and embarrassment.

"Ooh, what's wrong with our attire?" Hanae blinked at her daughter before pulling her into a hug, pressing their bodies together to fit into mirror's reflection.

"Tonight's a special night and we are absolutely gorgeous! What's wrong with it?"


"Everything." Yui deadpanned at their reflection.

"Oh hush, child. Your decent like this." Hanae waved away her daughter's complaint, "Your beautiful and cute. Hmmm, you might even snatch a strapping young man tonight." She finished with a sing-sang tone.

"MOM!" Oh hell no! She's not gonna hitch with a man. Not yet at least.

Yes, Yui doesn't have a boyfriend or experience yet but it doesn't mean she's clueless to romance. She had her fair share of confessions and crushes but most of them are short lived.

Not to mention her own goals.

Before joining LAW, Yui has always been a fan of wrestling and LAW introduced her to that kind of world. She's a fan and a huge one to boot. So when her mother decided to join LAW as a sexfighter of all things, she can't pass up the chance to enter herself.

Helping her mother settle their debts are just a bonus to her.

"Hahahaha, my Yui is so cute." Hanae let out laugh, hugging her little girl tightly before letting go, "Now go prepare your 'Danger Room' and I'll greet our guest when they come."

"Your topless." Her daughter gave her a dry look.

"Eeeeeeexactly!" Hanae beamed, puffing up her bare chest.

Yui sometimes wishes she didn't inherit her mother's rack. It looked so heavy. Oh, the future back pains.

"Whatever and don't you embarrass, our guest!" Yui shouted back at her mother as went to prepare the so called Danger Room which is just her miniature gym. It had some mats, a treadmill and some heavy weights which are all bought with what meager money Yui can scrounge up at moment. The room also had a wrestling ring where she can practice and tonight's match venue.

Her mother naturally dislike the room, seeing it as a hazard for her daughter, causing the two to buttheads.

As much as Yui hated her mother sometimes, she respects her for all the lengths she would do for her daughter.

It's why she would become a pro one day and get them out of LAW.

Meanwhile, Hanae was adding some light lipstick before the doorbell began to ring.

Naturally, she didn't open the door immediately, that would be stupid. What if the one on the other side of the door is a murderous fan with knife? She doesn't want to die and leave Yui so early.

So she peeked through the small peephole.

And she smiles like a predator.

"Hmmm, I'll give him a 8/10. He dressed nicely and is that nerves, I see. Good, we don't want an arrogant prick being Yui's first time. Although, the dreadlocks looks good, he should've left the mask." Hanae whispered to herself as she observed the young man behind the door.

Black Severin, sounds tacky but it will do.

Opening the door, Hanae made sure the young man had a full view of her bare breasts and he didn't disappoint as his eyes behind his mask immediately glued on the two pale bouncing orbs.

Hook, line and sinker.

So much so he blurted out a rather embarrassing greeting, for him that is.

"And a fine evening to you too, young man." Hanae replied back before entering his personal space, making sure her breasts are pronounced by crossing her arms underneath the two soft orbs.

"~Say, Are you Black Severin?~" Hanae asked, using breathy and sultry tone to sell an image of a sexy and in need of good fucking MILF.

Looking down at his pants, it was effective.

And so it began.

Operation: Sugar Papa is a GOOOOOOOOO!!!

Hanae will have so much fun tonight and maybe get a son-in-law if she's lucky.
Last edited by MR. Q on Mon Aug 26, 2024 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

Yep, this is the mother he's talking to.

And Hanae was truly a bold woman, stepping out of the privacy of her apartment and into the unknowing prospect's personal space. His hands instinctively left his sides for her upper arms when he saw just how close she was looking to get. Chest to chest, but she wasn't squeezing herself against him. She wanted to make damn sure that he got a good look at what he was rocking.

He wasn't trying to stop her. Oh no, not with that greeting. He just wanted to feel some skin. Smooth, with one being able to tell that it was well cared for with a glance. His hands travelled, caressed their way up to her shoulders, and no place else. Not yet; there was plenty of time to get to the obvious choices. The nerves that he'd just breathed away were coming back, fueled by the idea of any one of their neighbors or even simple passersby coming around to see the two of them like this. But at the same time, her initiative left plenty of courage for him to take for himself.

Said nerves were calmed completely when he reminded himself of the aftermath of his match with Daeva, his very first proper foray Hentai. Proper in that it was in front of a live crowd, the way everyone else does it on the regular. How the crowd cheered for him. How Alix Jacques, of all people, had liked enough of what she saw to want him back for more performances. And he would indeed be back. But first, he needed to make a change.

Back to the matter at hand. The beautiful woman he held in his. One of the last opponents that he was going to be facing as Black Severin.

That confident approach. The sexy voice. The "fuck me" eyes...Hanae was throwing it all at him. Making it perfectly clear what she wanted from him in the ring. Or the mat. Whichever they had ready.

God, he loves that!

And it wasn't long before she saw how much.

He shot a flirty smile back at her. "That, I am. And you must be Hanae. Management didn't tell me that I was gonna be wrestling sisters today."
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Re: The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

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"Oh dear, thanks for the compliment but I'm Yui's mother." Hanae chuckled at the mistake.

It wasn't his fault to be honest. Her daughter has always been a carbon copy of herself so mistaking them as sisters are pretty common. Yui finds it annoying but she found it funny and a compliment to herself.

Despite her age, she aged very nicely like wine.

She hold in her laughter as the young man looked stunned at the revelation. Probably can't imagine a MILF like her. Although his quite the bold one to hold and caress her shoulder like that.

Too bad he didn't go further.

Hanae can't help but smile at the gesture. She will make sure she will take her time with this one.

"Come in Severin, make yourself at home in our small abode." Hanae invited him in, tracing his jawline to drag him inside her home.

"Would you like a drink first? It would be rude if I didn't offer you some." Hanae went to the living room where a plate full of snacks and jug of orange juice are ready (she made some to eat after the match) on a table.

"Sadly, can't offer you alcohol. I have daughter to raise, you see." Hanae said as she purposely bent down to let her perky ass jutt outwards in his direction while her breasts hanged loosely in position as she poured a glass of orange juice for him.

In the corner of her eye, she watched for his next move. What will he do? Would he take the bait?

How exciting!

"Did someone rang the doorbell?" Yui turned towards the entrance of the Danger Room before shrugging, might be her imaginations, and resumed placing the cameras around the ring and the room.

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Re: The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

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"Gladly." Led in by the chin, like a cartoon character to a delicious pie left to cool at the window. Oh boy!

Hanae had some refreshments prepared and ready at the living room table. All homemade, by the look of it, and some familiar smells. Just like mama used to make, literally. He could already taste that OJ. "Yes, please." He closed the door behind him, locked it, and, in accordance to Japanese customs, took off his shoes before following his host further inside.

"And that's just fine: I'm not much of a..." Yeah, forget about Stacy. Yui's mom has got it going on. "A drinker." Looks like she wants to get this going with an early one on one. He wanted to wait until he'd met Yui first, but damn, was Hanae making it hard. Harder.

There was a but in his mind here. One "t".

Every time he's taken chances here in LAW, it's worked out for him. As tempted as he was to take another here, though, there was something that felt off. His gut was telling him that it's not supposed to be this easy. Could just be his regular cautious self thinking too much, but...He's not so sure.

When Severin heard Yui's voice in the distance, that voice of caution got even louder.

Okay. So let's say that he does listen to the caveman brain. What if Hanae has some ulterior motive for making these his first sights of her? If this really was what it seemed, then why wasn't Yui already waiting right here? Heck, why wasn't Yui the one to answer the door?

This is some kind of test, isn't it? And if he decides that he'd like a 5'8 drink of water instead of a glass of orange juice, he either gets the boot or a first class ticket to Hell.

It makes sense. They're new, yet they get to make the terms. Choose the match type, the venue, the opponent, and make it so that everything is in their favor. Well, he doesn't know about Yui, but Hanae...She must have some sort of pull. Connections.

Yeah. He needs to watch himself.

In light of these thoughts, Severin would play it cool from here. Starting with averting his eyes while she poured the OJ. "This is a lovely home you two have built." And trying to think this boner away.
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

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Awwwww, he didn't take the bait.

Hanae would be lying if she says she wasn't disappointed at the casual dismissal of her blatant attempt of seduction.

Oh well, now she knows he isn't some horn dog like other wrestlers in LAW. Gotta pick someone nice and committed for her daughter afterall.

"This home? It's a fine house but it's actually rented by our manager for us. Although me and my daughter put some our touch in the decor, it's already this cozy once we arrived. We just made it feel homely for us." Hanae replied to him before handing him his drink. Afterwards, she took a seat on a nearby chair. Making sure to cross her legs and arms, which did wonders on her thighs and bust, she decided to test her luck some more tonight.

"So Severin, it's our Debut Match tonight but as you can see, me and my daughter are rather newbies and unfamiliar to the ring." Hanae began, laying down her honey trap.

"Would you mind showing us the ropes tonight? Mind you, I'm not a fighter and only little Yui is itching for a scrap, that cute girl." Hanae laughed sweetly at the thought, "If you do, I don't mind some 1-on-1 action on the ring." She gave him a saucy smirk before her voice went lower.

"Although, if your going to fuck my daughter tonight, be gentle and I might join in. Would you like that?" Hanae whispered with a wink at him.

The Q
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Re: The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

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While Severin had to turn his eyes away from Hanae for the moment, he was still listening intently as she talked about their home. They'd return to her as her footsteps approached him. His smile was different when he accepted the glass; very affable, still, but the flirtiness was gone. "Thank you." Not that he wouldn't like a shot at her, of course. Something she'd surely be able to see, with how slowly his wood was deflating.

He took a seat at an empty chair that sat across from her, adjusting himself so he wasn't just pointing his sword out. An embarrassing thought that helped with the effort of calming it. A swallow from his glass brought a familiar taste the confirmed that this was indeed homemade. He was no nutritionist, so he couldn't pinpoint the exact differences in its make if he were asked, but he just knew.

Just like she knew what he was trying to do. How else could you explain her keeping the show going like that? And with that came another problem: He couldn't keep his eyes averted forever if he wanted to be polite. And it was impossible to just ignore that body and keep his eyes level with hers the entire time.

The following sips of OJ were more like little distractions than him quenching his thirst.

It was good to have an idea of what to expect: Hanae wanting to stick to the sexy fun while Yui gets more of a proper match. Supposedly; his initial suspicions had him thinking: What if this is a trick to get him to put his guard down? Again, this was so easy. And that bit about joining in while he and Yui have at it -- woo! Lord have mercy!

Alright. He'll act as though it isn't -- he wants to take her word for it -- but he'll be keeping his wits about him. His voice would also be lowered to a whisper when he responded. "That's actually how I prefer to do things when I'm taking on a lady; focusing on the pleasure instead of the pain, if she's up for it. If that's how you two wanna do this, I'm game." As for teaching them the ropes, however...He has his doubts about his capabilities as an instructor. It's only been a little over a month since he started doing any serious training on his grappling. And before that? All of his knowledge came from TV, movies, YouTube videos, and video games.

Something Beatriz made sure they got to work on, pronto. Keira would lend him her expertise as well, and oh, how much fun the two of them had with that! He hoped her lessons in Hentai wrestling would serve him well here. But then again, they got him through a match with a woman who was trained by one of the best technical wrestlers to ever grace a wrestling ring, so he had a lot of faith.

"I'll be honest with you, though: As far as the wrestling is concerned, I'm making up a lot of it as I go. I've only been doing this for a little under a couple months now." That would more likely than not become evident at some point. "But..." And that flirtatious edge to his smile would return. "If you ask me, there's something special about that: Walking into unfamiliar territory to figure things out together."
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Sep 02, 2024 10:34 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

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"A humble one I see." Hanae smirked, leaning towards Severin's space and making sure to press her bare chest to the young man.

"I like that on my man. It's how I got Yui."

She then pulled back, satisfied with her test.

He passed.

With a an extra sway on her hips, she sashayed towards the Danger Room. Her hand turns towards him to beckon him to follow.

"I'm sure you'll do nicely with us. You're a pro after all but if you make a mistake, I'm sure to kiss it goodbye or give you a punishment. Tehee." Hanae smirked before finally opening the door leading to her daughter's favorite room in the house.

"Yui! I bagged a handsome young man!"


Never gets old.

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Re: The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

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He couldn't lie to her. But fortunately, she didn't seem to mind the truth. There was still one more thing he had to try to get out of the way, though.

Naked old ladies. Mother-daughter futanaris. Spit roasting, and he's the meat being cooked. Blue waffle. Scat. The punishment that awaits him if he makes a mistake? The John Bobbitt treatment.

Severin didn't want to be pointing his hello to Yui when he met her, so he subjected himself to the worst mental images that he could think of at the moment.

Come on. Come on...There we go. Atta boy.

Hanae's announcement to her daughter made him wonder: Did Yui not know who she was going to be facing?

When Severin thought about that, it made sense. This could easily be Ms. Yuigahama looking out for her, in a rather unconventional way. The arrangements with the bookers were most likely all her doing, with Yui effectively being along for the ride. And that nearly naked hello? Laying it on as thick as she did? The last step in the vetting process. If the prospective opponent wasn't up to snuff, they were out the door with Yui none the wiser, kept in the dark so her hopes wouldn't be put up too far. Explaining it away would have been simple enough. A quick "mission failed, we'll get 'em next time", and onto the next person.

The real test would begin the moment that door opened and her baby girl saw that their opponent had arrived. Hanae was going to be watching his slightest movements. Listening closely to every single word said.

Yeah, that makes sense. If he were her...He doesn't know what he would do, actually, but he could understand the thought behind this course of action.

Severin would start his introduction off with a bow that had been meant for Ms. Yuigahama as well. "Hello. I'm Black Severin. Nice to meet you."
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Re: The Kind of Guy You Can Bring Home to Mom (Black Severin vs Hanae [D] and Yui Yuigahama [D])

Unread post by MR. Q »

This is her first match and debut to LAW and it will be against a guy. She can't help but gush inside how she's going up against a pro tonight. Maybe, she'll get an autograph tonight.

Too bad, her mom is here.

"Yui, found us a strapping young man!"

"Can it, Mom!" Jeez, stop embarrassing me.

"Nice to meet you. Yuigahama Yui." I introduced myself to Black Severin.

"Alright, boys and girls. Let's start this fun!" Hanae suddenly clapped her hands, an eager look plastered to her face. Yui knows that look.

"Wait a dang moment, who will fight him first in the ring? "Yui narrowed her eyes, "Don't say it will be you." She threatened her, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of a pro.

Hanae stick her tongue to her daughter's threat but reasonably complied.

"Rock, paper, scissors. "Hanae offers. It is childish but must be done. She prefers going start but little Yui is much more familiar to LAW. But as a mother, it's her duty to go first.

Conflict between them is ahead.

"Alright." Yui reluctantly agreed.

"Yay, now Rock! Paper! Scissors!" Hanae sang before throwing a rock.

Yui threw a paper, a smug look appearing to her cute face as her mother looks at her rock in betrayal.

Climbing to the ring, Yui called out to the man to enter the ring with her. Inside she is very nervous yet excited.

The Q
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