A Emerald Becomes Pristine: Chloe Braden Vs. Alizeh Midori

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Re: A Emerald Becomes Pristine: Chloe Braden Vs. Alizeh Midori

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Chloe landed on Alizeh’s midsection with as much force as she could. This was her opportunity, she needed to finish Alizeh off and pull off the biggest victory of her career, beating Alizeh will make her photobooks fly off the shelves, a Middleweight Championship opportunity will certainly in her windshield.

Chloe would quickly kip up to her feet, before running over to the nearest corner of the ring, before springing up to the top of the corner.

“Time for the finale!” Chloe said as the camera flashes went off in the audience, and Chloe sprung off the ropes. It was time for her to hit the Chloesault Stomp.
”Chloesault Stomp”

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Re: A Emerald Becomes Pristine: Chloe Braden Vs. Alizeh Midori

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Alizeh was groaning and gasping in pain in the wake of Chloe's drop directly onto her stomach leaving her utterly stunned. Or so it seemed. Granted she was definitely hurting right now but she was aware of what was happening around her. Of Chloe's excitement as she kipped up to her feet, the crowd's reaction to the sudden turn of events, and most importantly the Pegasus leaping onto the turnbuckle and shouting out that it was time for the finale.

All of this was enough to warn Alizeh mentally of what was about to happen and that she had to react immediately. Sucking in as much air as she was able to Alizeh would push her hands against the mat and scoot backwards, lifting her legs up as she did so before jutting her feet out, intending to not only avoid the path of Chloe's stomp but also drive both her feet into the Pegasus's jaw if she was successful!

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Re: A Emerald Becomes Pristine: Chloe Braden Vs. Alizeh Midori

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Chloe leapt up into the air, looking to come crashing down on Alizeh’s midsection with the soles of her shoes. After that, she would surely pin Alizeh and win possibly the biggest match of her career. It was time to catapault herself to being a number one contender.

“AAAAH!” Chloe yelped as her chin crashed into Alizeh’s feet, completely surprising her with the pai, that shot through her head.

Chloe took a few steps back before landing on her rear end, completely stunned from the pain.

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Re: A Emerald Becomes Pristine: Chloe Braden Vs. Alizeh Midori

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Raising her legs up at the last moment and barely managing to escape what would have surely been a match ending move Alizeh managed to keep herself in this and quite possibly also put herself in a position to win. Sitting up after managing the blow Alizeh would look over at the downed Chloe and smirk softly before standing up and near stumbling but would quickly make her way over to the pristine pegasus.

Reaching down and grabbing hold of the woman's arm Alizeh would lift her back up to her feet, pulling her to the center of the ring before grabbing a firm hold of her arm while lifting her own leg up, resting it on Chloe's arm while pressing her foot against the model's face before looking to drop down for the inverted stomp face breaker portion of her finisher, twisting around and snaking her leg around Chloe's arm as she did so Alizeh would then move to grab the girl's leg, lifting it up and over her shoulder to pull down and go to fully lock in her submission finisher emerald twilight!

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Re: A Emerald Becomes Pristine: Chloe Braden Vs. Alizeh Midori

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Because she was so stunned from Alizeh’s counter, Chloe had no way of reacting when Alizeh brought her up and forced herself up to her feet before hitting her with a Face Breaker. “AAAAGH!” Chloe loudly yelled as the pain surged through her face.

This made things easy for Alizeh to knock Chloe down and lock her in the Emerald Twilight. Chloe yelled and screamed in the massive amounts of pain she was in. She can’t take this, she hated being in submissions.

Chloe began rapidly tapping on the mat, yelling “I GIVE! MAKE IT STOP!”

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Re: A Emerald Becomes Pristine: Chloe Braden Vs. Alizeh Midori

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Twisting and pulling on Chloe's leg as she locked her into her submission finisher Alizeh would grunt and groan in effort as she waited for the inevitable, and it would soon come with Chloe tapping out and verbally submitting. Immediately releasing the Pegasus's leg Alizeh would fall backwards against the mat, panting softly while raising her hands in the air before sitting up, turning to face Chloe's downed body and giving a quick spank to her rear end. "Great match Chloe... Let me know anytime you want another." Alizeh said with a nod before standing up and having her hand raised as the crowd cheered out loudly in response as she basked in the moment of victory!

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Re: A Emerald Becomes Pristine: Chloe Braden Vs. Alizeh Midori

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Chloe felt immediate relief as her leg was let go, though now she lay face first on the mat in immense pain, especially in her leg and back. That was one of the most incredibly painful submissions she had ever been in, felt like her body was about to turn to mush.

Chloe immediately was alerted when she was tapped on her buttcheek by Alizeh and she heard Alizeh’s words. “Your welcome darling, but next time the finale will have a different ending.” Chloe managed to say.

Chloe would then roll out of the ring, before being assisted by a staff member to help her to the back.

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