Virtual Insanity

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Virtual Insanity

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Starr: No. No, you’ve got it on wrong. You’ve got to…yeah, there it is. Just keep it there, and…no, you moved it. You want it close to your mouth but not too close. Higher, higher, and-

Sheila: Like this?

Starr: Fuck it, close enough.
Sheila sighed as she finally finished fiddling with the lapel microphone, getting the dumb thing in just the right space. Despite what some people thought because of whole cavewoman look, she wasn’t a total Luddite - she knew how technology worked, for the most part, she just didn’t like using it anymore than she had to. She’d gone a good portion of her life in the bush, far away from the cities, going about as computer-free as a person could get by with these days, and everything she’d seen about the modern world told her that was the right way to go about things.

With that in mind, it was a bit weird for her to be here: In the studio of Gabrielle Starr, one of the most prominent pro-wrestling podcasters on the Japanese scene, preparing for an interview. But then, it had been a crazy kind of week, hadn't it? Sheila had spent more of it than she’d liked in a hospital. That wasn’t an unusual thing by itself, but usually her time in places like that served as downtime for her, with people giving her a wide berth. This time, however, she’d been bombarded with requests for interviews and demands for statements, people she’d never even met sending text messages her way. It was the sort of popularity she’d never cared for, and she was getting waves of it.

All thanks to Kenzie Kraze.

Sheila rubbed her forehead at the mere thought of her, still feeling the effects of her headbutts, even now. She was quick to recover from beatings most of the time, but the hell Kenzie put her through was lingering, feeling it in her bones every time she moved. That was annoying, but the real problems bubbled under the surface. The two of them had been having a hell of a scrap, and having it end in a DQ of all things…blue balls? That was the term that kept coming to mind. If only they’d had more time, if only the referee hadn't been such a bitch, if only it had been a hardcore match, they could’ve had something special.

It was a problem she intended to rectify, but first, she needed to get the media off her back. There were a lot of fans clamoring for her, wanting a rematch with her and Kenzie, and she figured this was as good a venue as any to set the record straight and make the call out. While Sheila didn’t listen to Gabrielle Starr’s podcast - or anyone’s, for that matter - she knew the woman was popular enough, and the word would reach Kenzie in whatever cave the crazy bitch was living in. Or maybe some dank basement. Or maybe a gothic cathedral. Some place with lots of bats.

Gabrielle was just about finished sitting, sitting on one side of the glass while Sheila was on the other, the two of them shaked up in her cramped sound studio. While this was all new hat, she was familiar enough with sound equipment from setting up with Outback Wrestling, enough to know this stuff was all top-dollar.

Gabrielle held up her fingers and started counting down. Three, two, one…
Starr: And we’re back, starlets! Once again, I’m your girl Gabrielle Starr on the Gift of Gab and I’m putting a shrimp on the barbie with the Sheila of the hour, Sheila Morgan. G’day mate!
Jesus Christ.
Sheila: Hey, you know, nobody actually says-

Starr: ”So, Sheila, baby, tell me: how’re you healing up after that corker of a match with you and Kenzie? Still on the mend?

Sheila: Had better, had worse. I’ll be at 100% soon enough, most likely. And ‘corker’ doesn’t mean what you think it means, for the record.

Starr: ‘Had better’, huh? You’re no stranger to these kinds of matches, but it’s rare for a Standard match to get so steamy, isn’t it? You two have some connection?

Sheila: She connected with my goddamn skull like a dozen times, crazy bitch.

Starr: And your lips, too. Is Kenzie a good kisser?

Sheila: She kisses like she’s trying to eat my face, but yeah, I liked it. If she thinks I’m just going to lay back and be her fuck toy, though, she’s even more out of her goddamn mind than she seems.

Starr: Oh, now we’re talking. Are you saying you want a rematch? Making it official?

Sheila: Fuck yeah. Kenzei-

Starr: Don’t bother pointing at the camera, it’s not one for this. YouTube doesn’t let us upload LAW stuff, sorry.

Sheila: Right, sorry. Kenzie! I know your psycho ass is watching this from wherever the hell you go during the day, so listen up: You, me, rematch. I’ve already got the go-ahead, we can have whatever we want, so name the type and we’re on, got it? You want me, come and get me.”

Starr: Funny you should mention that. I’ve got a special guest who’d love to get her own take on the topic.
It was then that Sheila really noticed Starr - in particular, she focused on the weird, widening smile she’d been wearing for the past minute or so, looking like she had a secret she was dying to share. Then her attention went to the extra stool, which was set a few feet away from her, as if Gabrielle was expecting an extra guest. Finally, he attention turned to door, where she could hear the sounds of someone about to enter.
Sheila: Gotta be fucking kidding me-
Sheila popped up off her stool with her fists balled tight, not knowing what the ‘secret guest’ would pull once that door opened up. She hadn't come in her wrestling gear, just wearing some baggy jeans and a black pullover hoodie, but she was more than ready to go in it if need be.

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Re: Virtual Insanity

Unread post by DropKix »

A cluttered and crazed mind like Kenzie's couldn't dwell on one person for too long. Her fascinations were almost always fleeting, skipping from one victim to the next. There was just too much beauty to destroy, too much chaos to wreak in this world for her brain to stay fixed on any one target.

Sheila Morgan was the exception.

Ever since their fateful first encounter, Kenzie had been obsessed. She spent many sleepless nights, fondling herself at the mere notion of getting her hands on the wild fighter once more. So when she woke up to an email offering her another face-to-face encounter with her beloved foe, Kenzie audibly screamed. Sure, there was all this other nonsense about appearing on some loudmouthed blogger's, or podcaster’s, or whoever the fuck's show and all that, but Kenzie didn't care. The important thing was that she would be able to finish what they had started. She didn't care where, she didn't care when—just that they would.


The maniac screamed as she burst open the door with her shoulder. And there she was, Sheila Morgan, the blonde brute, ditching her usual paleolithic attire for a more casual look. Kenzie, for her part, was suited up in gothic street-wise fashion, sporting a black tattered crop top, torn fishnet jeans, and her signature combat boots, complete with a choker, chains, and all the usual macabre accessories. But neither one of them was here for a fashion show. Judging by how Sheila was positioned, fists at the ready, it was pretty clear shit was about to go down.

Kenzie pounced as soon as she stepped foot into the room, scooping up the empty stool and lunging towards Sheila. The Wild One looked ready for whatever the crazy wrestler was about to throw her way, but Kenzie bet that not even she could anticipate the burst of unnatural speed Kraze unleashed, thrusting the ends of the stool forward, aiming to trap Sheila's neck between the legs and pin her body against the glass.

“There she is! Miss me, hon?” she cooed, her devilish eyes peering deep into her rival's soul.

Gabrielle looked ecstatic from behind the safety of the glass, Kenzie's booming voice no doubt being picked up by the studio's microphones. But Kenzie barely acknowledged her existence, the entirety of her focus dedicated to Sheila Morgan.

“Did you miss my touch, Sheila?” Kenzie purred, leaning in closer, her breath hot against Sheila’s ear. “Because I’ve been dreaming about you, babe. Dreaming about ripping you apart, piece by beautiful piece. I know you have too you little slut! Let's do it now! Let's do it RIGHT FUCKING NOW!” Kenzie roared, her body leaning into the stool and amping up the pressure against Sheila's neck.

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Re: Virtual Insanity

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

No, as it turned out, Gabby was, in fact, not fucking with Sheila.

The Wild One let out a groan, but really, she couldn't be too surprised. While she had only known Kenzie for a total of what? Ten minutes? That fight alone had given her enough idea of what the woman was about and how she rolled. She’d come across more than her fair share of psychos in LAW alone, enough to know that this was far from done. She fully expected to see the goth bitch again.

She didn’t expect to see her here, though, and she damn sure didn’t expect her to come charging at her like a bull out of the gate, rushing into her at full speed. She brought her hands up, but the made a poor defense against the chair stool being thrust at her, and she found herself pinned up against the cracking glass behind her with cold steel at her throat.

”Fuck-” She thrashed about and hiss through her teeth, trying to get her favorite curses out, but none of it got her anywhere. Kenzie had her pinned, secure, and Gabby was too busy racking up views and staying a safe distance away to give any help. Not that Sheila wanted it - no, she was all about taking Kenzie on by her lonesome, and while she hadn't expected to throw down today, she wasn’t going to turn it down.

First thing was first, though - she needed to do something about this stool against her windpipe. She wasn’t in a good position to strike at Kenzie’s face, as much as she wanted to, with her hands too busy trying to alleviate the pressure. Her legs were free, though. More specifically, her foot. She had a great idea on what to do with it, too.

No holding back, then: She reared back with her leg as far as it would go and gave Kenzie a full-tilt punt to the cunt, right down the middle. She even threw in a bite on the bitch’s ear, just for spite. And maybe because she was a little horny and felt like getting a taste.

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Re: Virtual Insanity

Unread post by DropKix »

Kenzie’s laughter echoed through the room, a grating, manic cackle that only heightened as Sheila thrashed against the stool. The blonde’s defiance, the wild fire in her eyes, it was intoxicating. Every curse, every hiss, every ounce of resistance was like fuel to Kenzie’s twisted fire. But the moment Sheila’s foot reared back, Kenzie’s maniacal grin faltered, her senses tingling with the realization that Sheila wasn’t caught completely unaware. Before she could fully process the impending retaliation, the sharp, brutal impact of Sheila’s boot slammed into her most sensitive spot.

Kenzie’s eyes widened, the breath stolen from her lungs as a choked gasp escaped her lips. Pain—hot, searing, and all-consuming—radiated from her core, spreading through her body in a wave of raw agony. The stool slipped from her grasp, clattering to the floor as she staggered back, her body instinctively curling inward to protect her pounded pussy. But it wasn’t just the pain that caught her off guard; it was the savage bite that followed, Sheila’s teeth sinking into her ear with a ferocity that sent a jolt of shock through Kenzie’s system. A low growl rumbled in her throat, a guttural sound that vibrated with both anger and twisted pleasure.

“F-Fuck…that’s more like it, babe!” Kenzie spat, her voice breathless with a blend of pain and exhilaration. Despite the haze of torment, there was a perverse euphoria in her response to the violence. Her eyes, though clouded with pain, burned with a chaotic intensity as she forced herself upright, her fingers twitching with renewed energy.

With a fierce, almost feral scream, Kenzie lunged forward again, the girl from hell astonishingly indifferent to the searing pain. One hand clamped onto a fistful of Sheila’s hair, while the other swung a savage punch toward Sheila’s midsection, Kenzie’s knuckles eager to collide with flesh. Her movements were erratic and unpredictable, a blur of chaotic energy as she sought to regain control of the situation. Kenzie’s grin returned, twisted and sadistic, as she leaned in close, their faces pressed together. “I'm gonna fuck you so hard, you can't walk.” Kenzie hissed, her breath hot and heavy against Sheila’s cheek. “I'm gonna break you so bad, you can't breathe!” Kenzie’s grip on Sheila’s hair tightened with a cruel possessiveness. She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper tinged with twisted longing. “I want you, Sheila. I want to devour you. I want this to be the beginning of something... insane!

Without warning, Kenzie’s tongue lashed out, tracing a warm, wet path from the corner of Sheila's mouth to her supple lips. Gabrielle watched from behind the glass, her eyes wide as Kenzie began to passionately make out with her adversary, her fierce grip on Sheila’s blonde hair and the burning arousal stemming from her pulsating pussy driving every deviant slurp and kiss.
Last edited by DropKix on Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Virtual Insanity

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, this was perfect.

Gabbie probably should’ve been busy calling security or trying to help her guest get free of the maniac who was assaulting her. After all, it wasn’t exactly a rousing endorsement for future guests that they could beaten up if they showed up for her podcast. But that was a distant problem. Something she would worry about in the future. Now? Right now? She was far more focused on wracking up the views as she struggled to get her camera in the best position to capture the action. The live views were skyrocketing and showing no signs of slowing down. There was a hunger to see these two fight and fuck, and the viewers thought they were about to get what they wanted.

For her part, Sheila just wanted to make some space between them - she knew Kenzie would happily knock her out if she didn’t do something to get free, so the low blow was the only option available. She dropped to her knees after she was set free, coughing and hacking and rubbing her battered throat. But still alive. Still very much alive. She sneered towards the manic pixie and growled through her gritted teeth. ”Then come and get some more!”

That was precisely what Kenzie did, too. Sheila had just pushed up to her feet when the madwoman came shrieking in. She could barely escape from the glass before being slammed against it again, hitting with enough force to create a few cracks. A hairpull and a sharp punch to the side where enough to wreck whatever stamina she’d regained in the past few seconds, and Kenzie was all over her again, keeping her pressed and whispering sweet, insane words.

There was no getting away this time - Kenzie was too close, giving too little space. Sheila threw a few quick inside the psycho’s midsection, but she couldn't generate any real power like this, they were glancing blows at best. She couldn't do anything to stop her as she came and took her mouth with a possessive kiss, embracing like wild lovers. No way to fight it.

So Sheila decided not to. Sort of.

Her legs came up and wrapped around Kenzie’s waists, squeezing her with a bodyscissors and forcing her to carry the weight, but it had the main effect of pressing their body’s even closer together, and her hips incessantly ground their hips together. Sheila’s fingernails ran down her back, tearing into her shirt and leaving red hot trails down her skin, and she pressed so hard into the kiss that their teeth scrapped together.

It was half fucking and half fighting, so much of the both that it was hard less where one ended and the other began.

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Re: Virtual Insanity

Unread post by DropKix »

Lips locked, teeth clashing, there was no stopping what was bound to happen with these two locked in the same room. And Kenzie was hell-bent on making every moment of it count. To her twisted delight, Sheila tasted as wild and feral as she’d imagined—raw, untamed, and utterly voracious. The sharp stings of Sheila’s fists landing blows into her side only fueled Kenzie’s frenzy, her amused grunts vibrating between their fevered, intertwined mouths. The blonde was just as vivacious as she was, scratching and clawing at her back until red beads trickled through torn fabric, gnashing and twisting her tongue against Kenzie's as the two fought for dominance from within their locked mouths

Suddenly, Sheila shifted, her legs snapping around Kenzie’s waist, adding extra weight to the already frenzied assault. Kenzie stumbled forward under the added burden, a wild moan escaping into Sheila’s mouth as she fought to maintain control. Fine. If the bitch wanted to make things difficult, Kenzie was more than eager to return the favor.

With a delighted squeal between their messy kisses, Kenzie tightened her grip on Sheila’s hair, her other hand sneaking down to seize the waistband of Sheila’s pants. This new leverage gave Kenzie just the opening she needed. She forced Sheila’s legs apart just enough to start grinding against her, each thrust slamming Sheila’s powerful frame against the glass without an ounce of remorse.

Kenzie’s breathless moans mingled with Sheila’s as their bodies rocked together, the glass trembling with every brutal thrust of Kenzie’s hips. The cracks spiderwebbed across the surface, growing more ominous with each impact. And as if the relentless grinding wasn’t enough, Kenzie began to slam Sheila against the glass in erratic intervals, her crazed energy driving her to hump, buck, and thrash against the fragile barrier with reckless abandon.

She reveled in the sensation of Sheila’s body quaking against her own, their womanhood forced to bash together as the cracks in the glass grew larger, threatening to give way under the combined force of their ruthless lovemaking. Their kiss was fierce and unyielding, a chaotic fight of domination and passion. Kenzie’s grip on Sheila’s hair tightened further, pulling her head back to deepen the kiss, to claim more of her.

If this went on much longer, it would only be a matter of time before the fragile barrier gave way entirely, threatening to crush Gabbie on the other side beneath the ferocity of their twisted display!

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Re: Virtual Insanity

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

”Um, guys.”

The glass was cracking. They were still fucking.

”Okay, uh, seriously.”

The glass was cracking more. They were fucking harder.

Gabbie looked on as her guests engaged in feral, frenzied combat, tearing into each like wild beast. It was the wildest thing she’d ever seen, at least up close and in person. The two didn’t even seem aware of their surroundings anymore, like the only thing that mattered was doing as much pain and taking as much pleasure as possible, and the rest of the world could burn. All well and her viewers were loving, but this was a studio, not a fight club. The glass that the two were banging up against wasn’t designed to be used as support for two insane nymphomaniacs in heat.

Sheila didn’t realize any of that, but then, she likely wouldn’t have cared all that much if she had. No, she was far more focused on the wild thrusts against her groin as Kenzie pushed her legs apart and proceeded to give her the best fucking you could ask for with clothes on. She hated to admit it, but it was good, sinfully good. It had been a long, long time since she’d gone at it with someone who could hold a pace like this, who could return the same kind of energy she put out into the world, and she was rapidly becoming addicted to it.

Kenzie pumped, slamming into with a feverish rhythm, and Sheila’s moans grew with every touch. She thrusted back in tandem, trying to maximize their touch and she finally pulled out of the vicious kiss to let her lusty moans fill the air. ”Fuck! Kenzei, fuck!” She brought their heads together so hard it almost counted as headbutt, but it was mostly just to pour her raspy words into the woman’s ear. ”I want another goddamn match, hear me? I’m gonna fuck you so hard, so hard, I want-”

Gabbie went running as the glass took its last pounding, giving way under the unrelenting force and shattering around them as they fell through. Wires and computers monitors flew away, lights were knocked over, the microphone setup was demolished, as the pair tumbled through and slammed down hard on the floor, spilling out and creating sheer carnage all around them.

For Sheila’s part, she took a hard hit on the upper back and her neck, leaving her laid out with Kenzie on top, an all-too familiar position. Even so, she couldn't help but press her hips up against the woman, her body still seeking pleasure, still needing to be finished.

”Hardcore.” She breathlessly gasped, speaking through labored breaths as she stared up at the ceiling. ”I want hardcore hentai.”

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Re: Virtual Insanity

Unread post by DropKix »

The glass shattered beneath them, sending Kenzie and Sheila crashing through the chaos. The world around them disintegrated into a mess of wires, shattered monitors, and clattering lights. She landed on top of Sheila, her body pinning the Australian down amidst the wreckage, a wicked grin intermixed with the pained expression across her face.

Even among the pain and pleasure, Sheila’s breathless voice demanded for something even more extreme. The thrill of the moment, the raw, untamed energy between them, lit a fire in the pinkette's eyes. Kenzie leaned in close, her breath hot against Sheila’s ear as she whispered, Shiiiit Sheila, that's all you had to say!”

With a feral glint in her eye, Kenzie pressed her body harder against Sheila’s, grinding their hips together in a way that was both punishing and intoxicating. Her hands roamed Sheila’s body, fingers digging into her skin as if trying to claim every inch of her. Kenzie thrived on the sound of Sheila’s moans, the way her body responded to every rough, unabated move.

But just as Sheila might have thought Kenzie was about to bring them both right over the edge, the pink-haired maniac suddenly pulled back with a burst of energy, shoving herself off of Sheila and rising to her feet. She looked down at her fallen foe, a twisted smile playing on her lips as she took in the scene of destruction they’d created.

"Not yet bitch... not here" Kenzie whispered, her voice oddly calm and collected. She loomed over her rival, her body swaying back and forth as she struggled to stay upright on her feet, her body just now beginning to feel the toll of their brutal scrap. “When I ravage you, It'll be in the ring. Don't want that twat of yours spoiled before our big night" She continued, this time with her signature giggle.

Then, without another word, Kenzie turned on her heel, hopped over the table, and started to leave, her steps light and carefree as she casually picked out shards of glass from her skin. She glanced back over her shoulder, a final, crazed grin splitting her face. “See ya soon, babe. Don’t miss me too much.”

Gabbie, wide-eyed and clearly shaken, hesitated near the doorway. Her camera was still clutched in her hand, unsure whether to keep filming or run for cover. Kenzie noticed her and flashed a crazed smile, waggling her fingers in a mockingly playful wave. "Well, thanks for the invite, Gab-Gab! You should tooooootally have me on your show again sometime” Kenzie teased in her best valley girl impersonation.

And with that, she was gone, leaving Sheila in the wreckage, the promise of more to come hanging in the air behind the manic pixie.

To be continued...

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