Battle at the Beach - Juma vs Melony

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Battle at the Beach - Juma vs Melony

Unread post by dddybee »

Intergender Beach Match: Match takes place on the beach, with the beach sand used as the ring floor, while ropes and turnbuckles still connect to make the arena. Aside from this, standard match rules apply. So victory will be determined through pinfall, submission, or knockout.
Melony's Casual Theme
Melony Peaches of the Booty Empresses was taking some time off away from her empire to relax on the beach. She laid on her beach towel, with an umbrella over her upper-half for some shade. However, lower-half was exposed to the sun, because she enjoyed the way the sunlight felt on her huge peachy butt and thicc muscular thighs. In fact, she had taken her peach-colored leggings off, just to let her lower body take in the sunlight. In one of her hands was a good book, while the the other one held a watermelon slice. Melony hummed to herself, as she enjoyed some alone time, snacking on her fruit, reading her book, and soaking up the sun's rays.

Meanwhile, not to far from where she was relaxing, there was an event taking place. A new LAW wrestler was apparently having some matches in a nearby beach ring. Too caught up in her own little world at the moment, Melony hadn't noticed yet. But as fate would have it, she would become quite aware of the more rowdy activities near her soon enough!
Last edited by dddybee on Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Battle at the Beach - Juma vs Melony

Unread post by JCream »

On a sunny day at the beach, she would be chilling and minding her own business while Juma would be whooping a wrestler’s ass and put him to a rear naked choke. The wrestler then taps out and Juma lets go by raising his fists in the air by telling every single people around the ring that he owns the domain and nobody couldn’t even touch him.

Juma: Woohoo! Now that’s 40 win streak! Who wants the next taste of Juma Jackson!

Juma would point his fingers at the crowd to see who has the balls to even start the match with him and majority of people couldn’t even match up with him.

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Re: Battle at the Beach - Juma vs Melony

Unread post by dddybee »

Melony overheard Juma boast about his winning streak and challenge the crowd, but she didn't think much of it. After all, she had come to the beach to relax, not to fight. However, a bystander approached the world-famous empress and began to plead with her to do something about Juma. This bystander was one of her fans and an inspiring wrestler, who had been defeated in Juma's beach-match winning streak. While she didn't want to ruin Juma's fun, she also didn't want to let her fan down. After thinking it over, she decided she wouldn't mind doing a bit of wrestling. Perhaps Juma may even enjoy tussling with her and they could both have some fun.

So at her fan's request, Melony fixed up her attire and approached Juma's sandy ring. She jumped right out of the crowd and did an impressive front-flip, before landing gracefully in the ring. "Greetings dear. At one of my fan's request, I (Empress Melony) will accept your challenge. Let's make this an official LAW match and my first beach match to boot." Melony declared, getting the crowd hyped up to finally see a very noteworthy wrestler step up to Juma, the Booty Bullet herself!

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Re: Battle at the Beach - Juma vs Melony

Unread post by JCream »

Juma would stand proud and then he looks back at some empress herself wants to have a match against Juma. He heard all about who she is and what she do which made Juma have a smile on his face against his prey. He clearly has no idea who she is, but may look like an easy win just the way the looks of it by his own opinion.

"Well Empress, it may not last very well for you. As a matter of fact, it’s the best time to surrender before I drive ya face in the sand!"

*He would be this cocky and finally gets to his stance and waiting for her & the bell to ring just for them to get started.*

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Re: Battle at the Beach - Juma vs Melony

Unread post by dddybee »

Melony squared up with Juma, after entering into his beach ring to challenge the man proper. "Surrender? Now that wouldn't be very courageous of me. So I shall decline. " Melony respectfully protested. "However, I am looking forward to driving your face between my beautiful boobs and gorgeous glutes."~ Melony teased, slowly spinning around to show off her thicc, curvy, fruit-themed figure.

As soon as the bell rang, the Booty Bullet would dash towards Juma. Melony figured that Juma may have gotten distracted from her sexy assets, leaving him more vulnerable to her lightning-fast speed. In any case, Melony would go straight for a hip attack on Juma, hoping to bash him in the chest with her powerful posterior!

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