Seeing Red

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Re: Seeing Red

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Stupid fucking hentai bullshit!

Brad knew he would have to deal with this hentai crap sooner or later. Yeah, he’d asked for that not to be a part of his time with LAW, and they said that they wouldn’t make him do it, but he’d worked with enough wrestling promoters to know a crock of shit when he heard one. There were too many freaks in this company for him to avoid it.

But goddamn, he never figured it would be like this. On his back, laid out, while some crazy she-bitch sat on his face and rubbed him. He supposed he should’ve been thankful that this was in a semi-private setting so he wouldn’t have to think about some lowlife jacking off to him getting dominated.

Squirming, twisting, cursing with what little breath he could muster, he still had enough wherewithal to hear them chanting something, something about…Seeing Red? Didn’t make a whole lot of sense to him, but he had little time to contemplate the meaning before he was lifted up and to his feet and sent off running with a double Irish Whip, hurled by two of the strong women into the corner. He hit hard and slumped down, and even if he had been clear headed enough to get back up, they made sure that wouldnt’ happenwhen they laid into him with a bevy of kicks. Still chanting, all the way.

”Swear to god- He gritted his teeth and weakly pushed at the foot digging into his throat. ”Swear to god, gonna end you fucking bitches, fucking swear-”

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Re: Seeing Red

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"Swear to me asshole!" Kimmy would bark out as she stomped on in his throat mid-sentence. Brad was giving his all to pry her foot off his wind pipe but the bitch-weight wanted him to feel a little winded after he had crushed her against the wall not too long ago. All the girls were chanting "Seeing Red", at this point. Even Kimmy joined in, her too cool for that act breaking as she let herself join in on the goofy fun for once. With The girls all set, Cassidy would take the lead as she started the team attack they called Seeing Red! Rushing full speed for the corner Brad was in, Cass would close in on him before turning at the last second to smash his face with her juicy booty! Smacking him in the face with one running hip attack wasn't enough, though. All five of them were gonna get a piece of the action!

Kimmy herself would kick off of Brad so she wasn't caught in the line of fire. Hurrying over to the corner so she could get her hit in. Next was Tommi, who while shy at first, was given the push she needed (Literally) from Linda and Syd. Running full speed, Tommi would turn and slam her ass into the guys face force before bouncing off him with the impact and moving aside. Linda was next, and the big ass gorilla crouched like a football player before Syd smacked her ass. Giving her the signal to break into a sprint and deliver her own hip attack into Brad's face once again. The bulky woman even rubbed her ass in his face a little. Giving her little sister time to get into position before she charged. Jumping out of the way, Linda watched and cheered Kimmy on as she flew in ass first as she crashed against the mans face. With Brad being smacked in the face by four asses in a row, Sydney was finally ready to make it five for five. Yanking up the back of her one piece, the she monster would show off her exposed cheeks before running at the man. Closing in, she'd let out a roar before turning last minute to smash her booty into Brad's face with a collision that shook all of the ropes!

"FUCK YEAH!" Syndey roared as she raised her fist in the air. Her ass still pressed against the man's face as she showed off. The girls all joined up with her too. Jumping together in a big group hug as they celebrated kicking this guys ass. Or more accurately, smashing his face with their asses. It was hugs and friendly ass smacks all around as the girls let Brad Seeing Red.

At this point Red Nation felt like they had taught the man his lesson. However, ever the insatiable she-monster, Syd would walk over the corner and crouch down to look Brad eye to eye. Smirking and looking triumphant even with her face covered in blood, the woman would pull his hair to make sure he paid attention even in this sort of state. "Having fun, muscle man?" Sydney would chirp at the battered weight lifter.

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Re: Seeing Red

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Seriously, who the fuck were these girls? True, Brad hadn't exactly done research on LAW before he joined, didn’t care much about the 1,000 plus random-ass hentai wrestlers they had on the roster, but he felt he would’ve taken notice of what seemed like a faction of red bitches. They had to be a new addition, he would’ve heard the scuttlebutt by now. Couldn't have been that far out of the loop.

It hardly made a difference at the moment, he supposed, finding himself thoroughly worked over. From the look of things, it was about to get worse. Much, much worse.

His fears were confirmed as the girls all took their turns in what he guessed was some crazy faction ritual of theirs, running hard into his face from across the ring and nailing him with hip attacks. The first two weren’t so bad - not fun, sure, but he’d endured worse, and all they did was daze him a little. The third, however, was a major problem, as the other strong girl came in fast and hammered her against his face like a battering ram. That one left him glassy, and it didn't help when she kept her ass in place and rubbed it all over her face. He was so dazed that he couldn't even mentally prepare for the fourth, which wound up hurting far more than it otherwise would. And the fifth…

This was the one he’d been dreading, and sure enough it was the worst. The fucking harpy who’d started this whole thing came at him, full bore, and slammed her bare cheeks into his face with an impact that made the ring shudder. Brad’s body seized up and spasmed, and for a second he went black - a flash knockout. When he came back, he was slumped, lifeless, and she was grabbing his hair and yelling in his face.

Couldn't fight back, couldn't defend himself, couldn't even move on his own accord. He was done. Should’ve given it up.


”Fuck. You.” And Brad spit in her face, just for good measure.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sat Aug 31, 2024 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Seeing Red

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Now some would say Syd could go a bit too far at times. The things she did could be called overkill. Was this true? Yes. It was true. Luckily Brad deserved his fate more than others had when she got her hands on them. Despite being beaten to a pulp by 5 asses, the man still had the nerve to spit in the woman’s face and cuss her out. The girls knew what was coming next as some turned away while others watched eagerly. With a smirk, Syd wouldn’t even bother wipping off her face as she grabbed the man and started hoisting up on the corner. Pulling on his clothes as she did so, Sydney would yank down his pants and underwear to reveal his cock before properly handing Brad upside down from the top turnbuckle.

The she monster made sure he was locked tight in the tree of woe. Even using his clothes to tie his legs up from there. Smirking with sadistic and lustful intent, the woman would then pull down the straps of her own one piece. Exposing her huge breasts for everyone to see. Cass seeing this would whistle in approval off to the side as the towering woman took out her mommy milkers.

“Hehehe! Milk him dry Syd!” The team captain cheered from the sidelines.

Without another word the man-eater would start to squeeze Brad’s dick between her large breasts before rubbing them up and down on it. Growling lustfully as she worked, the woman would soon be cheered on by the girls (Cass and Linda, mainly, while awkwardly by the other two). Going up and down, up and down, Sydney would give the man a tit job he’d never forget. Even going as far as to spit on his dick for lube as she continued to try to make him nut between her titties.

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Re: Seeing Red

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Spitting on this woman was a bad idea. An extremely bad idea. One of the worst Brad had ever had, and it was up against stiff competition. He was hurt, he was barely awake, and it was five on one. There was no scenario in which doing this improved his situation but at this point? Screw it. It could hardly make things worse, right?

That depended on your definition of ‘worse’.

She forced him up to his feet, and at first he thought she was just setting him up for another move. When she pulled down his pants and underwear, though, he realized that was far from the case, as his manhood came spilling out at half-mast, already growing hard from having a punch of women rub all over him. [color=#1ca8000]”Hey, hey, what’re you-”[/color]

Brad’s eyes as the woman - whom he just learned was named ‘Syd’ - went to work on him with her breasts, rubbing them against his chest with a wild titfuck. He would’ve been too out of shape to provide much resistance in a typical scenario, but she was going at him with a manic lust, rapidly forcing pleasure into his body, all while he gasped and wheezed beneath. He thrashed about, yelped, and tried in vain to push Syd off, but there was no stopping what was cumming. Simply inevitable.

Brad came. And came. And came. Long, hot spurts, all over Syd’s breasts, running down her chest and onto his own.

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Re: Seeing Red

Unread post by Caborn »

A part of Syd thought Brad wanted to be beaten up. He acted like such an ass, even in this state. But he had to know she'd make him pay for it. So whether he was just a huge masochist or just that fucking stupid, the she-monster obliged to kick his ass. He probably didn't expect her to do this, though, as she kept him hung upside down while milking his cock with her breasts. Growling like dog with meat, Syd would rub herself up and down on the man's shaft. Making his squirm and moan as she worked him over. Meanwhile, the girls were eagerly cheering her on (Or at least half of them, anyway). Shouting things like, "Make him your bitch" or "Make his cock pop" from behind. Feeling his dick begin to throb harder, the woman knew he was about to blow his load. With a sadistic smirk the man eating she monster would squeeze her tits around him tighter, aiming to make his bust all over himself.

"Mmmmmm fuck yeah!" Sydney would roar out as she made the muscle man cum between her big tits. His jizz paiting her breasts, as well as both of their bodies in the process. "Heh~ Somebody made a mess~" Syd chuckled as she rubbed around the cream on his chest. Back away as she licked it off her hand, the towering woman would leave the man their to be found by someone else. Whether they let him go or had some fun of their own with him was up to them. "Later, muscle man~ We should do this again some time..." Syd laughed before walking away with the girls. Cass giving her a smack on the ass and saying how hot that was as they exited the ring. The team captain was quick to offer to help clean the woman off when they hit the showers. Leaving Brad all on his own as a message to anyone who fucks with Red Nation.

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