Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Sigma Morgan
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Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

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Standard Match

All standard rules are in effect

Win via pinfall, submission, or knockout

"We're not in Scotland anymore" Hazel thought to herself. It was her first time fighting in Japan or anywhere even outside of Europe. These buildings in Japan were way taller than those at home, they made Hazel's childhood home look like that of a mouse in comparison. The Highlander wasn't nervous or intimidated by much, let alone some buildings. Tonight was her first match in LAW and who was she facing? None other than the inaugural middleweight champion, a tall task to beat but one Hazel planned to complete it.

Hazel was already clad in her green and brown attire, there was just one little thing to do to complete her look. Hazel stood in front of the mirror with a small container of orange face paint and she quickly got to work putting her usual designs on her face with her fingers before closing the container and tossing it in the trash seeing how it was almost empty, she would have to order more of it when she got home. Finding a sink near the showers Hazel washed the excess paint off her hand before heading back over to her locker pulling out her fur cape and put it on, she had to look her best for her match after all.
Hazel with Cloak
With her look fully complete the debuting talent left the locker room, her attire highlighted her figure well allowing her muscles and abs to show without being overly revealing or risking a wardrobe malfunction. The locker room wasn't far at all from the guerilla, you would almost have to be trying to be late to your entrance. Hazel on the other hand timed things out perfectly having a minute to spare and took the time to stretch.
Entrance Theme
Hearing her music start up Hazel stepped out onto the stage and got her first look at the large crowd. A small smile appeared on her face as she ran to one end of the stage throwing her fist in the air before running to the other doing the same before returning to the center of the stage. From there, Hazel began her descent down the ramp. Reaching the outside of the ring Hazel took off her cape letting it fall to the ground before she went to the steel steps and from there the ring apron before stepping in between the ropes. Hazel went to her corner and grabbed the top ropes before leaning forward beginning to do a few last minute stretches while she waited for her opponent.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:25 am, edited 4 times in total.


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Re: Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

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Tina felt like this was a sign. She went from headlining PPVs to now being asked to open up a show against a woman making her debut. Tina wasn't mad at her opponent mind you, but she was mad that there was a perceived view of her. She wasn't a main eventer anymore or so it seemed. She felt as good as ever but that must have been an illusion. She was going to go out there and give it to her opponent to show whoever it was that did the booking that she did deserve to be at the top and that she was as good as any middleweight including Kyoko.

Tina's music hit and the crowd roared as she appeared. The lean, sleek blonde British woman in tiger print came down and held her arms out as she strut her way down to the ring, pointing out at the crowd and smiling. She slid into the ring and stood tall holding her arms out and doing a lap around the ring before settling into her corner. She looked at Hazel and gave her a small smile and nod as she bounced from foot to foot waiting for the bell to ring.

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Re: Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

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In all honesty, Hazel didn't exactly care who she was debuting against, in her mind she could beat anyone if she fought hard enough and a loss meant she needed to improve, but tonight he was planning to win and show what Scottish girls were made of! Hearing her opponent's music start up Hazel stopped stretching and stood up straight looking towards the ramp and saw a woman in tiger print attire emerge. The woman's strut and overall posture screamed confidence. However, Hazel couldn't blame her, a woman who had been in LAW for so long, a former champion nonetheless against a debuting talent who hadn't left the European indies.

Even so, Hazel remained confident in herself waiting and watching as Tina joined her in the ring, taking the time to study the woman as she did a lap around the ring. She had a good physique, was lean and slightly toned, and was certainly more than attractive. She clearly put in her fair share of time at the gym. Seeing her opponent flash her a small smile Hazel did the same before giving her a nod, things seemed to start on a somewhat friendly note, but this was a match, it was competitive, and that could easily change.

Hearing the bell ring Hazel would step out of her corner while raising her arms aiming to meet Tina in the center of the ring for a lock-up. Seeing how she had a small size advantage this could be really interesting. If everything went to plan she would bear down on the former champion aiming to show the woman that just because she was a debuting talent that didn't mean she couldn't easily be on Tina's level.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Thu Aug 29, 2024 2:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

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Tina saw Hazel step to the ring for a grapple and she knew this was a mismatch because of their size. However Tina believed in her technical skill, footwork and speed. As the bell rang Tina lunged in and grappled with Hazel, going low and wide so she wasn't forced backward. Tina would try to twist and spin hoping to grab an arm of Hazel and twist it behind her to kick things off by putting Hazel in a hammerlock to try to show her that grappling with a smaller Tina wasn't a clear cut victory simply because she was bigger!

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Re: Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Stepping to the center of the ring Tina wasted no time meeting her, and showing off her speed. The height difference between the two wasn't that massive maybe three inches at most. Tina didn't and wasn't going to grapple on Hazel's terms as the woman went low and wide to avoid a situation where Hazel would likely hold the absolute advantage. Instead, Hazel's arm was grabbed and her opponent worked her way behind her trapping her arm against her back.

Hazel's free hand shot to her shoulder trying to lighten the pressure on it. Thinking quickly Hazel reached her free arm back until it was behind her opponent's head. From there, Hazel would move and pull on Tina working her way out of the hammerlock. Once her arm was free would turn her body and grab her wrist locking in a side headlock on her opponent! Hazel would then flex her arm giving Tina's head the occasional wrench to work her over.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Fri Aug 30, 2024 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

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"Ngh!" Tina groaned as she was struggling, only to have Hazel lock in a side headlock. Tina stomped on the mat a few times before gritting her teeth. She wasn't as big as this woman but it didn't mean the 149lb British wrestler wasn't strong or powerful! Tina grabbed Hazel around the waist and bent her knees lifting up ward to hold Hazel high before falling back to plant her opponent to the mat with a big backdrop to counter her situation. Tina hoped the impact would surprise Hazel as the tigress was going to try to get back to her feet first hoping to build up some momentum.

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Re: Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

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Hazel's expression remained serious, she wasn't in LAW to play games, she was here to make a name for herself. Wrenching on the former champion's neck she could hear the woman stomping she could feel the woman grabbing her around the waist. Tina then showed off some power of her own as she lifted Hazel up and slammed her back down. Hazel gritted her teeth on impact trying to avoid even making a sound. Hazel was if anything tough and durable and she wasn't about to just let one move keep her down, especially this early.

Hazel would roll onto her stomach getting her feet beneath her before pushing back up quickly, almost as if she was trying to race Tina. She would then rush the woman eager to get her hands back on her and not waste time. She would attempt to grab Tina by the shoulders as if she wanted to grapple with the woman but instead she would raise her leg aiming to drill Tina's abdomen with a series of knee strikes to start softening her up early.


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Re: Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

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If Tina thought sending Hazel crashing down would have an effect on her she was horribly mistaken. Tina was getting up as Hazel somehow beat her to her feet and the surprised Tina was now being hammered by knee strikes staggering and struggling in the grip of the rookie! She shook her head gasping for air as she was utterly shocked as to how her counter led to this situation and she was in no position to fight back as the knee strikes were hammering away at the smaller tigress.

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Re: Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

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Hazel's durable and muscular frame meant she could take a fair amount of abuse, she would really have to be worn down before she stayed down and Tina learned this the hard way as Hazel even beat her to her feet and was now grabbing her, hammering away at her abdomen with knee strikes. Hazel wasn't about to let up though as she waited until she felt Tina go slightly limp. From there, Hazel would turn Tina around so the woman's back was to her. The Scotswoman's arms would then slip under the woman's arms before interlocking around the back of her head and upper neck for a Nelson hold. From there Hazel would then flex straining the woman's body for a few moments before throwing the woman overhead while bridging her back and hitting Tina with one of her signature Highland's suplexes!
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Tigress In The Highlands: "Tigress" Tina Armstrong vs Hazel "Highlander" Nielsen (D)

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Tina humiliation of hitting a move only to rise more slowly than her opponent was only going to grow as Hazel grabbed hold of her and kept her in place before lifting her up! Tina sealed through the air and came crashing down hard to the mat letting out a low, long moan as her body seemed to go limp! She was in a very bad spot against a woman who seemed to hit her hard while shrugging off what Tina had done thus far. Tina was demoralized and her own worries over her being old news that was now out-classed, peaking at 19-20 years old in the ring seemed to all be coming true.

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