The Beast

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The Beast

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

”Don’t take it personal.”
Name: Viktor Vasilev (nee Sokolov)
Nickname: The Beast
Age: 26
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 6”1’
Weight: 180 lbs
Birthplace: Derbent, Bulgaria
]Entrance Music:
Feral Love by Chelsea Wolfe
Wrestling Information

Strategy: Beast’s basic philosophy is to wear an opponent down to the point where they can’t fight back, either by using his strikes to batter them senseless or his submissions to sap their strength. Once they’re sufficiently weakened, he either picks them apart at his leisure on the ground, or, more often, lets Beauty come in and have her way.
Style: Hardcore Hentai Specialist
Type: Mixed Martial Arts/BJJ

Preferred Attacks: Knees, Elbows, Chokes - moves that aim for the head.
Signature Match
Belgrade Brawl: A cage match where only knockouts count to win. Beauty is allowed to throw weapons into the cage intermittently.
Preferred Matches: Handicap, POW, Hardstyle Hentai, Trophy Matches

Physical Statistics
Endurance: ★★★- A tough competitor, capable of taking what he dishes out.
Strength: ★★★- Not the strongest, but he goes 100% with what he does have.
Speed: ★★★★- A quick striker, deadly at a range.
Defense: ★★★ - Does his best work on the offense but tends to falter when the tables are turned.
Technique: ★★- More of a brawler. Lacks finesse.

Wrestling Statistics
Strikes: ★★★★★ - A gifted striker, breaking down opponents with a variety of blows.
Submissions: ★★★★- Wears down opponents with effective submissions when the openings arrive.
Powerhouse: ★★- Prefers to get it done with his strikes and ground game.
Aerial: ★★ - While he’s nimble, his strategy doesn’t rely much on air attacks.
Counters: ★★ - Doesn’t have the right mindset for counters.

Signature Moves
Liver Blow
What it says on the tin [/color] a targeted, precise shot to the liver, delivered with power and speed. It’s enough to take the fight out of an opponent quick if Beast can find the opening to use it, which sets them up for his more sensual moves.
Brute Force
Beast’s go-to submission. While he rarely clinches it tight enough to get a win, it’s usual for leaving opponents vulnerable, allowing him to strip and grope them.
Finishing Moves:
Clock Out
A spinning hook to the face and what he uses to finish off more troublesome opponents. It comes out fast, often knocks opponents clean out, and he’s pretty good about connecting with it out of nowhere.
The Divide
The Banana Split - when an opponent is sufficiently worn down, the Beast wraps his legs around their thigh, arms around their leg, and pulls them apart, forcing them to split. This would be a deadly enough move on its own, but he can often use one of his hands to work at their exposed crotch area while he torments them, and heaven help the opponent if Angel is able to participate.
Personal Characteristics
At first glance, the Beast can seem friendly, if a little bit annoying and chatty. He makes jokes, has a slick personality, often replies with quick wit, doesn’t have much trouble getting a laugh out of people. Charming, charismatic, and personable, he can a very pleasant fellow when Beauty isn’t around or he isn’t going off her orders...which is rare.

The Beast is devoted to Beauty and does what she says without question, seeing himself as a tool for her to use. This allows him a certain detachment - he can justify doing almost everything on her orders and maintain his demeanor since he’s just executing what she wants. He can beat up someone because she orders it and not feel it’s personal. He can steal and not see it as doing the deed himself but as Beauty just taking what he wants. This mix of pleasant demeanor and detached sadism make him an odd individual to deal with and also undisturbed. If there’s something Beauty wants, he’ll stop at nothing in his pursuit to gain it.
The man once known as Viktor Sokolov seemed destined for a fair, if uneventful, life. Growing up an only child in a middle income Russian household, he was a rowdy child. This tendency was quickly tempered when his parents got him into martial arts. He took well to Karate and developed a fondness for combat sports, particularly enjoying the bombastic style of professional wrestling. When he was old enough to leave home, he joined CAGE, Russia’s underground answer to LAW, and had a small measure of success. He wasn’t in the running to win any belts, but he made enough money to live well. A life of mediocrity didn’t bother him.

That changed the day Natasha came to CAGE. While intergender matches were allowed in the league, few women were there, and it was even rarer for one to blow through like this. Few knew much about her; while she had a decent record, it was hard to find anything profound about her history. This piqued Viktor’s interest enough to keep an eye on her, and he didn’t like what he saw. From what he could tell, she was worming her way into the company, using a mix of blackmail and force to get wrestlers under her thumb and winning matches through unscrupulous means. She seemed to have some history with CAGE’s general manager, Balalaika, which gave her leeway to do as she pleased. Worried that she might wreck the company, he confronted her directly, and the two got into an argument, ending with a challenge - a match where she would leave if she lost, and claim him as a servant for a year if she won.

Natasha won, and so began the most transformative year of Viktor’s life.

At first, he hated having to do Natasha’s bidding. Being at her beck and call 24/7, attending to her needs, always at her heels. It was degrading, and she seemed to delight in making him do things he wouldn’t have wanted to, like fighting former friends or public displays of submission - he grew accustomed to the taste of her boots. But he honored the contract and stuck with it.

As time grew, however, the treatment grew on him more and more. Her teasing. The smiles. The touches. The more time he spent around her, the more he liked it, and the more he relished in the detachment of it all. There was something freeing about being a tool, about having no real responsibility to the actions you take. There was a wildness to it that he’d never known, a thrill in being this woman’s pawn and serving her. The worship stopped becoming a chore and turned into an honor. He didn’t have to pretend to desire her anymore. Viktor found himself thoroughly under her spell, and when the contract was up, he asked for it to be renewed...permanently.

She accepted, and the tag team of Beauty and the Beast was born.

While Beauty had other slaves and servants all over Europe, he was her most trusted and capable prize, utterly devoted to her and following her wherever she went, always ready to serve in any capacity. He was privileged to share her bed and know her pleasures. He even came to propose to her, though it was more of a token gesture to please. To his surprise, she accepted, but only when he stayed on his knees and made sure her boots were licked sparkling clean, a condition he eagerly agreed to.

Wherever Beauty goes, the Beast is close behind. So when CAGE dissolved, and Hotel Moscow came to Japan, well…
Just another day…
Ready to pounce.
=Fun Facts=

+Something of a sunglasses aficionado. He has a collection.
+ Since becoming her slave, Beast’s become an expert on BDSM and relationships and has a growing library on the topic.
+ Doesn’t have much contact with his old life and family, but he wants to make a new one. He’s talked with Natash extensively about it, and they’ve agreed to take a year off for it once she turns 30.

CAGE Tag Team Championship

Friends: Beauty
Allies: Beauty
Crushes: Beauty

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