Allison vs JJ

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Re: Allison vs JJ

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JJ hit back and she was surprised Allison didn't fall, and was swinging back! JJ's head flew to the side and she stumbled again but she didn't go down either. She grit her teeth and screamed as she came back swinging for the fences! If this one hit she knew Allison would be down on the floor hopefully knocked out. JJ moved in and swung her fist up looking to smash Allison's jaw with an uppercut! She was going all in with this one and if it hit clean there was no way this woman would be standing let alone awake!

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Re: Allison vs JJ

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Allison was barely able to stand, having to force her body to stay up, knowing that even going down on a knee could prove to be fatal. The hook felt right on her knuckles when it made contact with Ebony powerhouse, more so as her head almost flew off of her body. But the pressing concern for her was that Janella did not go down, she just staggered back a couple of steps, just like Allison.

"Shit,shit ,SHIT!!" Allison cursed internally. This match was at its twilight. Someone had to give in and it seemd that her hook would suffice. But JJ not only withstood the hit but retaliated! Allison could only watch wide-eyed as the fist barreled through to sink into her jaw.

"GAHHH!' The brawler's feet lost contact with the mat for a second, the sheer force of the punch launching her into the air for a second and landing hard onto the mat, convulsing in agony. Her face was contorted trying to assimilate the hurt, inhaling deeply the hot and humid air that was surrounding the ring, owing to the devastating action between both the ladies. The world seemed to slow down around her, eyes becoming all hazy, ears ringing and her jaw tingling from the bone-crushing blow. Allison was down, at the mercy of Janella who was licking her lips at the prospect to finally finish her...

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Re: Allison vs JJ

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JJ saw Allison drop and had an idea to put her away with style. She ran to the corner and climbed up the turnbuckle perching on top and facing the ring. She flexed a bicep and pumped it, pointing to the crowd. "Lets see how much this little girl likes this huh?" JJ shouted as she jumped up high and extended her elbow looking to crush the fight right out of Allison entirely with her flying elbow drop! She knew if this landed the match was over, no way she could kick out again even if the zebra forgot how to count!

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Re: Allison vs JJ

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The crowd was visibly on the edge of their seat, eagerly anticipating the outcome of this hotly contestly match. But once JJ swung her fist to strike Allison's unprotected jaw, probably knocking the consciousness out of her; it now seemed like the result would be a mere formality. The fans made their presence felt, actively cheering Janella and applauding her performance while also sympathetic to Allison, trying to snap her back to reality.

Allison's vision was fading fast, every blink of her eyes displaying a blurrier version of arena and JJ. The last thing she saw before her eyelids dropped was Janella climbing the top-rope. If she managed to land on her, it would be over for her. She had to do something; and fast.

But JJ wasn't intent on driving this home just yet, rather using the top-rope to gloat and pose for the fans, along with taking a slight at the fallen wrestler. Allison couldn't get to open her eyes, but could here parts of what JJ was saying.She would have loved nothing more than to just grab her by the throat and slam her from the top, but her battered body was in no position to do so and instead had to contend with lying motionless and accumulate some of her strength; maybe just enough to move her body.

JJ leapt high, her shout spurred Allison to open her eyes like a slit, seeing a foggy image about to crash onto her. "Grrahhh!.." Allison let out a roar, waiting for Janella to close the distance , to roll towards the corner post just as she would be about to make contact, which would mean that JJ would be about to collide with a whole lot of nothing, just the hard mast, while Allison would be saved from the match-ending move and be afforded a few seconds to rest up!

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Re: Allison vs JJ

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JJ soared having gotten more height on the jump than the crowd usually saw in a womens wrestling match especially from someone not focused on being a high flyer. She smiled as she came down, but that smile turned to a look of pure horror as Allison moved out of the way! JJ crashed thunderously to the mat howling in pain and writhing about after the impact clearly hurting and in agony! "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She howled as her match winning move ended up causing her no small amount of pain. She kicked, bucked and flopped around seemingly down and out after her misfire!

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Re: Allison vs JJ

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The onlookers reactions were all over the place. JJ had crashed herself onto the mat with an impact which sent tremors throughout the jam-packed arena, the thud followed by the immediate gut-wrenching screams quitened the arena for a moment, left people stunned by the sudden reversal of fortunes. On the other hand, Allison hadn't yet lifted her eyelids, having barely managed to roll out of harm's way. But her ears were still functioning pretty well, taking in the bellowing wails of Janella and the subsequent silence of the hushed arena.

A weak smile played on her face; one of relief, knowing that JJ won't be able to come back from that fumble anytime soon. So, she delibarately stayed down for a few more moments, not moving a muscle and letting her body stay still, with one arm over her chest and the other sprawled outwards. Her hair was a mess from all the perspiration and was sticking to her face, as if drowning in glue, while her chest heaved with every undulation of her whacked body.

Finally, fluttering her eyes open, Allison titled her face to have a crumpled Janella in her crosshairs.Rolling towards the cornerposts seemed to have paid huge dividends, acting as a support for the raven-haired woman, who first used her sweaty palms to get herself into a seated position and rested her tired and crushed back against the bottom turn-buckle."Uh...Uh..Haah...*Pant**Pant*..." The middle ropes on either side of her were feebly clasped from the underside by the brawler, before gritting her teeth to pull herself up. A searing pain went up her back, looking to snap at any given moment, and the veins near her wrists were threatening to pop out from the immense force being exerted against gravity. "Grrr..Arrgh!" Allison let out a powerful grunt, having risen upto the level of the middle ropes, her back arched backwards in a bridge and followed it up with immediately wrapping her fingers around the ropes above to hoist herself up fully and lean back.

Allison's eyes glinted with opportunity and the small lopsided curve playing on her lips made it even more pertrifying for the viewers, who were in equal parts anxious and amped up to see what her next move would be. She would straighten her posture, wincing while running her hand over the spine and hobble towards Janella, who looked out of it.

"It ends with me JJ..." were the words spoken into her ear when lifting her onto feet. The raven-haired woman would pull the ebony powerhouse close to her with one of her hands holding her wrist."You've hit a Dead-End..." This one-sided interaction would be followed by Allison whipping Janella towards the ropes like an Irish Whip, but pull back when her arm would be extended the furthest to reverse the momentum and let JJ rush towards her. As the First Sister of Slam would come into close proximity, Allison would drape her arm over her chest and above the shoulder and bend forward, the inertia of motion forcing Janella to drop backwards; but Allison's arm would prevent her from hitting the mat and simultaneously the feet would be lifted off into the air!

This smooth transition from an Irish whip would continue, with the now suspended Janella, albeit being held by Allsion's arm would be heaved back up and now, would fall the other way around, like the motion of a pendulum, to get slammed into the mat, affecting her whole anterior; in her finisher — the Dead-End!!
Allison's finisher
The move would see Allison hitting the mat too, but it wouldn't be that painful as JJ would bear the brunt of the damage but would still take a lot out of her. She had used up all the accumulated strength to conjure up this finisher and now her body won't let her rise. So propping onto her shoulder, she would thread one of her arm from under Janella's arms and clench the back of her neck, while the other would push on her torso in a Half-Nelson to roll onto her back and collapse on the stomach. To make sure that there would be no complications in the hopefully final pinfall of this brutal slugfest, Allison would hook her left arm under JJ's right leg and try to lift it up, which prompted the referee to get down for the count.


This was it. Allison had gone all the way to stay in the match against a proud and accomplished wrestler, running on fumes by the end. Her head drooped over the chiseled and glistening abs and the eyes were sealed shut, hoping that time would move in fast-forward...just till the referee counted to three...

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Re: Allison vs JJ

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JJ knew she had to fight back, she had the match won quite literally in her mind but had screwed up and opened the door for this cocky newcomer. JJ wanted to put her in her place yet it was Allison who now had control after her failed dive. JJ was yanked up and pulled towards Allison lift up before she could register what was going on. JJ had no idea what hit her as she crashed down to the mat with thunderous force, howling in agony as she landed! "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!"

JJ groaned and meekly flopped her free leg about, kicking the mat to no effect whatsoever. She bucked weakly and struggled as she was pinned in pain and disbelief as to what had just happened as she was still pinned to the mat.


JJ kept screaming and struggling as she was sent crashing down but all her struggles were futile.


The bell rang and JJ let out a long, loud moan covering her face in her arms. She couldn't believe she lost to this woman who she didn't even know! What kind of rumble winner was she? How could this have happened?

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Re: Allison vs JJ

Unread post by Hitman45 »

As JJ's body collided with the mat with a loud thud, enough to send aftershocks rippling through, the gasps of shock from the fans in unison was heard so far, any poor soul passing by the arena would have been easily startled by the sheer magnitude of it. The referee, like the rest of the people was gobsmacked seeing what had just transpired got onto her knees with a tremble, going for the count.

The first slam of her arm seemed to happen really slow, atleast for Allison, who was barely holding onto JJ's leg. Her mind was devoid of any thought or emotions, only hearing the reverbaration of the surface from the flail of Janella's leg and her excruciatingly laboured intake of breath.


JJ began to writhe gently, nothing quite alarming. Moreover, it was appearing to be the result of her finishers's influence rather than the urge to kickout. Her attempts to buck Allison off were only met with more resistance by the brawler, who was not at all willing to let go. These are the moments that made pro-wrestling or any combat sport for that matter, special. A fight that tests and push the limits of what you can endure and how far are you will to go for a chance at being the victor, which is not a certainty. All the hurt, aches and perspiration is worth it if you feel that you have gone the distance and put up a fight. And Allison seemed to have ticked all the boxes. So, though she was in it for the win, if Janella was not to stay down even after getting bludgeoned by her final move, she would have no qualms about the aftermath. The brawler had indeed ran herself to the ground.



The crowd erupted, akin to a volcano, the screams and cheers reaching a crescendo.The decibel count was off the charts. They had been a part of a memorable, box-office of a match. Any fan the camera picked to zoom into from among the throngs had only one look — disbelief, stupefaction or astonishment. This cannot have happened. This shouldn't have happened. This was supposed to be a no-brainer — The First Royal Rumble Winner teaching a cocky hotshot some manners and put her in her place. But against the run of play, Allison had managed to emerged victorious and how! No cheapshots, No distractions or Unfair advantages and No usage of weapons. It was all skill, conviction and tenacity, all the traits which seemed to strike a chord with the raving audience, who began to cheer and chant her name as well as her "Avalanche" moniker.

Allison, still groggy from the aftereffects of the fiery contest, was resting over JJ's abdomen, heard the three count but didn't move or respond for a few moments, her brain taking its precious time to process the information. A pat on her back shuddered her body. It was the referee, who was now having to shout to have Allison even remotely hear her squeaky voice."I won? I, won? I won..I won..I won!!" Allison's countenance was still painted with an expression of utter disbelief, but she was beginning to come to grips with what she had managed to pull of. Getting up onto her feet by the aid of the referee, Allison's arm was raised triumphantly pointing to the sky to declare her as the winner. Royal Blood, her theme song began to blare through the gigantic speaker once again, while the raven -haired woman leaned against the ropes with her arms hooked from over the top, the disherveled gear and the glistening midriff visible for all to see.Still reeling from the torment to the back, stayed in that position, panting and wheezing, while occassionally lifting her tired head to looking at the fans to offer a tired yet joyous smile.

But she was not done yet. Limping towards a motionless Janella, Allison bent down to whisper into her ear "There is a reason folks say 'Never Celebrate Too Early' Janella. Didn't you get the memo? Well now you have the time to reflect on it in the intensive care.". The brawler had the last word, both literally in terms of words and in the fight, taking one last dig at the powerhouse before getting back up to exit the ring, and taking her sweet time to walk up the vibrant ramp, macthing the beat and theme of her music; interaction with the fans and clicking memorable photos, which would last a liftime for some and would be the highlight of the day for others. A fitting end to a fantastically contested bout.

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Re: Allison vs JJ

Unread post by Highfly »

JJ felt embarrassed. She felt like she had this woman beat and that second chance she got led to JJ being pinned. JJ hadn't been pinned in... she couldn't remember. Losing a call-out was just humiliating, embarrassing and deflating. JJ kept her face covered kicking the mat in pain a few times before rolling to the ropes. She flopped under the ropes to the ground, landing and stumbling. She shook her head and walked with her hands on her hips looking down at the ground. She kept shaking her head in disbelief. How did this woman manage a victory against her? This wasn't happening.

Winner via pinfall: Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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