A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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If there was one guilty pleasure to behold... it was when the night hours took over from the daylight sky. It was Stick's 'me' time as it where. Stone did not like to stay up too late, and often went to bed at decent hours unless a wrestling card forced her to stay up longer. She wasn't a great lover of the dark, and thus always turned in at a decent hour. Stick had all the time in the world for Stone, but she could not deny that when the giant of a woman went to bed, it gave her a good few hours of lone time which Stick really appreciated. She was with Stone most of the day, telling her what to do, when to do it... it was a fortunate break that she always went to bed early and allowed Stick to unwind.

Tonight, after their debut match and their first more than modest paycheck, Stick had rented a room in a luxurious hotel. With Stone no doubt in bed and asleep by now, Stick took advantage of the hotels 24 hour pool bar. Given the late hour, she had the pool all to herself, and leaned against the wall in the shallow end of the vast pool, with a small float besides her holding a fine dark red wine that near matched her hair. Naturally she was clad in a two piece bikini, and though not a fighter like Stone, she still possessed a well defined and stunning model like figure.
The water was perfect... the wine... passable. Stick could do nothing more then sigh and relax a little, enjoying the warm sensation upon her stunning form from the heated pool.

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Re: A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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When the Russian woman was wanting something she would get it, otherwise she would make people give it to her. And right now she wanted stone. As an ally. The Russian woman was walking through the long hallway of the hotel, wearing a bathrobe right now. She wasn´t liking what she was wearing below it but she had to try and blend in. She would slowly walk to the place where she expected this little brat to be, that was thinking more of herself than she actually was. Maybe she was thinking to be Stone´s master or maybe she thought to be a friend of her. But all she really was, was unnecessary weight for the big woman, a waste of space and air.

Natasha would reach the pool bar looking around while taking off her bathrobe. Perfect no one was here right now expect this little idiot… meaning Natasha had all the freedome she wanted. The Russian woman was wearing a blue and white bikini and having her typical twin tails on her head.
Similar to that
She would smirk before walking over to the pool and slowly stepping into sitting down right next to Stick. To make sure that this little girl would be getting away Natasha would lay one hand onto her leg and hold on to it as thigh as she could, without actually hurting stick already.

“good evening!” would she start with a dark voice. She would slowly turn her head looking down to stick with a big smile on her face.

“I think we two did get off on the wrong foot before. Maybe we two should talk again, a bit more private, with your big guard dog not around!” , Natasha would smirk a little bit looking down to the woman slowly moving tighter. “ I will say this only one more time I want you two to work for me from now on!”  

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Re: A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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All at once, the fortunate of the day had changed significantly when a familiar face decided to slip next to her in the pool, making her presence known instantly as a powerful hand slid over Stick's bare thigh, gripping firmly into the muscle of her leg. Once relaxed, Stick noticeably began to tense, her expression showing some nervousness despite her best efforts of trying to hide it. She had a full cup of wine in her hand... and found herself downing the whole thing in a few seconds before carefully placing the cup down. She gave a fleeting glance to Natasha, seeing her wearing a two piece bikini outfit, not all too unlike her wrestling attire, save for the bottoms of her bikini being more revealing.

Stick let out a deep sigh as Natasha once more made her demands. This time however, Stick did not have Stone to hide behind. Stone was alseep and up several floors on the other side of the hotel. Even if Stick had called out, it took a lot to wake Stone from her sleep. She was on her own for this one.
"Evening..." Stick replied, somewhat sheepishly when Natasha greeted her with a sinister and very large smile. The two of them knew that the game had changed now, and Stick was no longer looking so confident as she was before when she had shouted out at Natasha earlier from behind the wall of muscle that was Stone.

Stick listened to Natasha say her peace, simply repeating her statement from earlier, but carrying more threat as her grip tightened on her leg, whilst Natasha herself seemed to slide and press closer against her. Stick could barely look her in the eyes... but in spite of her fear and in spite of her situation...
"I want to be anywhere else but here right now... but we can't all get what we want can we? My answer... still remains the same, we don't work for anyone, which kind of covers not working for you. If that is all, I wish you a very good night." Stick spoke, uncharacteristically civil and polite with her words.

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Re: A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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Natasha would smile a little bit when she heard the words coming from that little woman. She would shake her head before sitting closer to the side of Stick. The big Russian fighter would lift up her arm laying it around the shoulders of Stick. For a moment it looked like they two were good friends. But then the Russian was starting to pull Stick closer to herself starting to increase the pressure more and more trying to keep stick in place at the same time as squeezing that little woman only using one of her arms. The big woman was about to give Stick a little tease of her famous strength, but only a little taste.

“you know back in Russia I knew a woman just like you. She was in way above her head. She was fighting all woman she met while being a little whip. Using some kind of boxing kick boxing mix she was able to stay in the ring with most woman and win via points. Sometimes she did knock out a few people by getting lucky. But one day she totally went crazy challenging me for a match. Naturally I did take the challenge… and the match took place. I just stood there taking her punches and kicks for some time. But then I had enough from her, I grabbed her, I threw her around I squeezed her, and slammed her until the referee was calling of that match… this woman is scared to step between the ropes until this day!”

Natasha would turn her head to look down. “you know what I want to tell you there do you`” The big Russian woman would stop squeezing her opponent placing a hand onto her back and shoving her right into the deeper part of the pool where you couldn´t sit anymore.  

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Re: A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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Stick winced, feeling Natasha's powerful arm seemingly grow and tense, pulling her against her shoulders. She quite literally felt her shoulder blades touch she was so compressed, and a grunt of discomfort escaped from her parting lips as she felt her bikini clad body being forced up against the side of Natasha's powerful build. Stick knew she was holding back, she sensed the threat and the warning even before Natasha told her little tale about the last girl that was defiant against her.

"Ah well you see, that means she isn't like me. I wouldn't challenge you to a fisticuffs... that's just madness. I mean... I'm not defying you... I'm just saying... with respect of course... that we feel honoured you are considering us for an alliance... but me and Stone, we're kind of doing our own thing." Stick spoke, knowing very well that the wrong thing said right now would probably spell disaster for her. Despite her cowardice and her clear lack of confidence in the presence of Natasha, if there was one thing that could be said about Stick, she was sticking to her guns despite not having Stone with her.

She gasped out as Natasha pushed her with frightening ease from the pool wall, virtually lobbing her into deeper waters. Stick stood in the waist deep water, gasping out and spluttering a little as she accidently swallowed a little of the pool water. The chemical taste mixed with the cheap wine she had previously been drinking made for a terrible concoction of taste... but right now that was the least of her worries as she held up her hands to Natasha, realising she did not like what she was hearing.

"H... hey now. There's no need to be like that. I know I was a bitch earlier but.. that's part of the game! You know I meant no real malice!" Stick began to plea, hoping as if by some miracle, Stone would rise up from the water and defend her. She knew that wasn't going to happen though.

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Re: A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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Natasha would slowly stand back up from the set and wander throw the water right towards the other woman. She knew that this woman had nothing against her. In no way she would stand the slightest chance, it would be even unlikely that Stick would fight back at all. The Russian woman would try to close in the distance to the other woman before reaching out with one of her arms grabbing the shoulder of stick. With a smile on her face she would look down to the other girl.
“Then you must know that is part of the game too!” She would say before laying the other hand of her´s onto the hips of stick lifting the woman out of the water with ease. She would pull that girl right into the air holding her up with a military press. Natasha would laugh for a moment. “like the view up there you little bug?” she would scream out loudly leaving her opponent there for a sometime.

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Re: A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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Stick gasped out, feeling a strong hand grasp her shoulder before she could swim away towards the poolside to escape. She was pulled through the water towards the larger Russian wrestler. In mere seconds, Stick found herself from standing in waist deep water within the grasp of Natasha, to being lifted up high with terrifying ease, feeling Natasha bench her upwards as if she was virtually weightless. She had no trouble putting Stick in a military press position, holding the bikini clad Stick in the air like some form of trophy.

Stick gasped out, trying to get free but being powerless against the strength of Natasha. She feared she might throw her against the pool side or into a corner... as it was she was simply at her mercy.
"H... hey! You've... you've made your point... but it... it won't change anything! Let me down!" Stick tried to demand, though her voice was filled with fear, realising she was in great trouble and knowing Stone was not here this time to stand in the way.

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Re: A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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Natasha would laugh. “That might be that you won´t change your opinion…” she would say before starting to move forwards… She would walk towards the poolside, with some steps. She was taking her time she was noticing that the other girl was struggling trying to break free. But it wasn´t working, so weak how she was she could only dream about breaking free. Natasha would walk up the stairs to the outside of the pool, with a mean grin on her face. She would walk around the pool for a moment, now having her muscular body at display while working
She would stand right at the ringside. “but I maybe can teach you a lesson about respect and have some fun during it!” With that said Natasha would try to throw her opponent right back into the pool into the center of it.  

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Re: A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

Unread post by thesteedman »

Stick did not have time to scream when she was finally hurled into the center of the pool. She landed with a less then graceful splash, landing stomach first which was painful enough, feeling as if she had simply been thrown onto concrete given the strength of Natasha's press slam. And Stick had been trying her best not to get her hair wet either... things were going from bad to worse.

Stick managed to surface, coughing and spluttering, having got some water in her lungs which she was now vacating. She took a deep breathe and wiped her eyes, looking for Natasha, knowing very well that she was no doubt far from done. Stick began to swim, heading towards the shallow area, looking for a means to escape the pool and more importantly escape from the Russian that seemed intent on teaching her a lesson. She had already handled her like a rough young girl with a new doll, and Stick had no intentions of sticking around to find out what she had in store next for her.

"Your crazy Natasha... ugh... this... this isn't proving anything!" Stick declared, though her usual confident self was clearly shaken as she was still clearing water from her eyes and not able to quite pinpoint where the Russian was.

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Re: A Time and a Place [Stick/Natasha]

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Natasha would see how the target was running, like a bitch. She would only smirk while watching her swim through the pool. She was showing some idea trying to swim away from the Russian heavyweight. Maybe she expected Natasha to jump into the water after her following her that way. But the Russian would simply shrug and start to walk around the pool in a ease speed. She was faster outside the water than Stick inside the water so the longer way shouldn´t be any problem for her. She would try to stand right at the spot where Stick was swimming to and tried to reach it at the moment when stick reached it. She would stand up there looking down with a smile to the other woman, not wanting to let her get away again Natasha would reach down with both of her own hands grabbing the wrists of Stick and pulling her upwards right out of the water in one more.

“if I didn´t prove you anything so far… I just have to try harder!” she would say before placing Stick on the ground right in front of herself. At first Natasha would only let go of one of the wrists of her opponent to lay one arm around stick than she would place the other around her as well to pull her in and close to her very own body. Natasha would press them together making their bellies and breasts rub against each other. Natasha would start to slowly increase the pressure she was putting onto her opponent’s back. She was smiling happily while doing so.  

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