All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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Triple Threat Match
Participant : Louise Bélair, Ina Rosenbaum, Marika Tachibana
Victory Via KO, Pinfall, Submission.
No disqualification.

Today was a new match day for Louise and for the first time, she would not face one opponent alone but two! As usual, she didn't know who her two opponents were, she simply accepted the match because it would make more people to beat and it would be impressive to win this kind of match, after all, her goal was always to become rich and popular through struggle and by any means. Speaking of average, it was a big mistake if the staff thought this would prevent Louise from attacking her opponents before the match started.

Barely after finishing her warm-up, Louise left her locker room and rushed towards the locker room closest to hers to visit, what she hoped would be, one of her next opponents. She opened the door with great violence, giving it a powerful kick which startled the woman inside the locker room, a redhead with Asian features and above all smaller than her. It was Marika Tachibana, one of Louise's opponents in tonight's match but as the Frenchwoman didn't even know what her opponents looked like or what their names were, she preferred to confirm it.

“Hiiii~ Do you have a match against a Louise Bélair ?”

The redhead, taken aback, wrapped her hair around her fingers to think after being surprised by Louise's brutality towards her locker room door.

"Well.. Yes? Do I know y-UGH ?!"

Without even having time to finish her sentence, Marika is greeted by a powerful kick on the stomach, forcing little Marika to take several steps back and hold her stomach while bending slightly forward because of pain.

“Perfect, you're the one I was looking for~”

Marika quickly understood what kind of opponent she was facing but she was not used to this kind of thing, she even wondered if this kind of act was authorized. Although the Japanese woman was known for acting like a heel in the ring, her behavior was the complete opposite when she was outside of a match. She then tried to calm and resonate Louise by remaining pacifist, placing her hands in front of her to protect herself and show that she was not going to fight Louise outside the ring.

“Please ?... Stop..”

But the named "Goddess" was purely mean, she swept her opponent's hands and grabbed her by the hair before banging Marika's head against the lockers several times before letting her fall to the ground after the Japanese girl lowered her hands and arms. Louise obviously let go of her opponent who fell to the ground, Marika was unconscious following the violence of the French woman's blows. It wasn't the longest fight she had but at least it wasn't exhausting, a long sigh of disappointment escaped Louise's mouth as she trampled her opponent's body.

"Well, maybe I have time to beat the other weakling since you were miserable.~ I at least hope the other one is stronger than you.~"

The goddess grabbed the redhead by the hair to stand her up and carry her on her shoulder. She then left the locker room whistling innocently in front of a few staff members who were glaring at her. She was obviously going to get a lecture after this match but the damage was done and she wasn't ready to end. She walked in the corridor, looking for a third locker room where her second opponent could be found to give hre the same fate as Marika and finish this Triple threat match in record time.
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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Another match albeit a peculiar one. Ina could only ponder on why management set this one up. Perhaps, two jobbers came loose, got a boost of confidence they didn’t deserve and needed comeuppance? Management experimenting if she could take out two at once? Speed things up! But a quick look at her opponent in her phone revealed just one odd fighter compared to the two. Perhaps straight up bad luck or drawing some ire from above to be faced between the two. With them inconsequential in the equation, the other felt nothing she couldn’t manage.

Looking at the time, Ina stood up from her stool, fingers tidied up her hair, slid in her top from the open side to pull it down then pulled up the waist of her skirt to make sure it’s tight. Expecting her other opponents to be called any minute now, Ina looked one last time at the mirror before donning her signature black cape on her shoulders. She opened the door out of her locker room, ready to walk down the long hallways to the gorilla position like she always had…
Ina Rosenbaum
But one wrestler stood in the way, looking exactly like in the picture of one of her opponents she looked up. Casually carrying on her shoulder, unconscious, who seemed, probably, most likely to have been the other one.

“It’s that Marika on your shoulder? That’s not nice, you know.” Ina told Louise almost apathetically. “I was looking forward to beating both of you at the same time in the ring.” Ina then pulled her cape off and let it slide on the cold hallway floor, knowing full well what’s to come.

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Re: All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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The spectators, the staff and some wrestlers knew what Louise was capable of, both in entertainment and in boredom, and many people, wrestling fans, found the Frenchwoman's way of acting annoying. She had no respect for anyone, whether it was the wrestlers, the fans or even wrestling in general! People had surely come to see this match to see their favorite wrestlers put on a spectacular show with many twists and turns... But Louise was not on that side.

The self-called Goddess was the type to only show off her victories while wasting as little time as possible and for that, she acted backstage! She had just beaten Marika and was ready to go towards her second opponent and what a surprise came when she left the Orangette locker room carrying the knocked out body of her opponent on her back.


She was being challenged by a person, a blonde cosplayer who thought she was in an erotic film about the war?... No, it was her second opponent whose name or face she knew neither. Fortunately she showed up on her own, she had less time to waste looking for her and could surely defeat her before the match started!

"Moooowh... Poor thing~"

The Wildcat placed Marika on the ground, laying her down more or less delicately before approaching her cosplayer opponent, looking at her with a big smirk to mock her. She moved forward until she could press her chest against the blonde's, showing that even if she was smaller, she had nothing to envy her and even less to be impressed.

"How sad and ironic, you already imagined yourself winning this match but, as you can see, I have already beaten the other pumpkin, I am clearly the strongest.~ I forgive you for your stupidity if you kneel in the next 3 seconds, otherwise you'll end up like that Mari-thing, okay ?~"
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Re: All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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Ina was no stranger to people who hardly played by the rules. Wrestlers who thought they were above everyone else, as well as the wrestling itself. The blonde had no qualms with grandiose evil against simpletons and inferiors, being mislabeled as one herself for her noble goal of cleansing wrestling. But going above the rules of wrestling wasn't condonable, even more so if it was cheating her out of her supposed 'kill'!

Ina simply stared as Louise dropped the small girl off her shoulder like a boring broken toy. Their lithe body piled on the side of the hallway against some haphazard heap of equipment cases. The stoic expression on the German unwavered as Louise walked towards her until their bosoms pressed lightly against each other.

Ina scoffed. "Jumping and beating an unsuspecting defenseless bunny. You want a medal for that?!" Ina would then rear her left foot and pull the knee abruptly upwards to try and hit their crotch! "You owe me another useless wrestler to beat!" If successful, she'd then cross her left arm on her front "Although I'd settle beating you here then again in the ring!" and with a balled-up left fist try to backhand slap Lou onto the equipment cases and the knocked-out Marika!

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Re: All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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Louise looked at Ina with a powerful glare to be able to impress her and make her change her mind about this match. Not many wrestlers but a good part were trying to avoid the French woman who was way too strong and cruel, it was normal to want to avoid such an opponent. But the blonde was not that kind, on the contrary, she insulted the French woman by looking her straight in the eyes and gave her a low blow between the legs.


Louise bent her knees and crossed her legs before lowering both hands to hide her crotch. It was not often that she was hit there and it destabilized her, enough for Ina to follow up with a backhand slap that pushed the French woman back who slammed against the metal lockers and crashed against Marika.


The so-called Goddess growled slightly and raised her head to look at the blonde, this time, she was really angry. She clenched her fist and stood up while staring at Ina so as not to take a blow by surprise and threw herself on her opponent to pin her to the ground with a powerful Spear.

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Re: All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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The feel of her knee homing in on its soft target. The juicy crackle of her knuckle slamming onto some bitch’s cheek. And the music made by the objects they crashed onto were majestic. It made Ina feel alive, like a young reckless brawler. Her toothy smirk just oozing bloodlust that grew wider as they rose with that fury-ridden face!

But all that was wiped off her features as Louise blindly charged at her like a mindless, angry bull! A senseless move that could be a bane of over-calculating wrestlers who'd think their foe would do the same. “Guuughhh!” Ina hit the concrete floor with a thud, crushed by Louise’s fervor.

But Ina would not take that lying down as she’d try to snag Louise’s head, wrapping her arm around their nape and closing on the neck with a guillotine choke. Grabbing what she could on their arm with the last of hers and wrapping her legs around their waist to try and out-grapple, restrain and in other words tame Louise!
Last edited by Violet on Mon Aug 26, 2024 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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The Wildcat threw herself at her opponent at full speed to pin her to the ground and she did so without too much trouble. Barely a second after slamming the blonde's back against the hard floor of the backstage, Louise sat on her opponent's hips and clenched her fists to hit her opponent in the face with powerful blows, trying to make her regret attacking her by surprise with a low blow by showing their difference in strength.

But although Ina was weaker than Louise in pure strength, the blonde was more rational and technical unlike the brunette who was wild and brutal. Ina therefore managed to quickly reverse the balance of power, trapping Loise in a Guillotine Choke so that she would have difficulty fighting and especially to soften her up before the match began.


It was strangely effective! The Frenchwoman kicked the air and waddled in all directions to escape and breathe but nothing worked, she was completely trapped. She began to lose her strength more quickly than expected by moving in all directions, her movements were slower and heavier.
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Re: All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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The backstage brawl wasn’t something Ina expected to happen. But her hands forced by Marika taken out of the competition and Lou’s absurd demand, she had to take the preemptive strike. An action that clearly startled the brunette as she slammed Ina to the concrete floor. The explosive impact of the tackle would have rattled wrestlers below her but Ina’s methodic skill could only pencil it as boorish behavior. A thought displayed by the German with a flex of her bicep as the Guillotine choke tightened around the French’s neck like a noose!

“Maybe I’ll beat you up to the same state as Marika after you sleep and before I drag you to the ring. Even out the competition of who’ll last longer against me.” Ina said through a cocky smirk as she would try to roll them over, tugging on Lou’s neck with the choke as she tried to shift their legs so she’d be mounting her instead!

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Re: All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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The real match hadn't even started yet when Louise already found herself in a delicate situation... It was perhaps the first time she found herself the victim of one of the brawls she provoked backstage but that didn't mean that all was lost, on the contrary! If Louise had experience it was in this kind of fight, especially if there were no rules.


And since there were no rules, no one was going to stop her from "cheating". The Wildcat groaned in discomfort and lowered her head slightly while pulling Ina's arms to give her space and breathe lightly. She had to gain as much time as possible before she could bite her opponent's arm with all her strength, hoping that the pain would be strong enough for Ina to release her on the surprise!
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Re: All in a day's work - Louise Bélair vs Ina Rosenbaum vs Marika Tachibana

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Ina’s wrestling acumen was at full display as she turned the unpredictable encounter in a dime! The German dissected the precarious situation and now sought to dismantle the adrenaline-filled Lou with almost methodical precision! Her arm flexed as it snaked around Lou’s neck like an anaconda to its prey. Her bicep pressed against the poor French’s trachea shutting her lungs of much needed air. Her legs then slowly wrapped ever tighter around the brunette’s waist, locking by the ankles to tame the raging wrestler till the inevitable knockout!. She would have preferred dismantling them this way on the ring but it was clear she had no other choice to drag the fight there with the angry brunette!

“Be a good girl and pass out! Let’s continue your punishment in the ring” Ina said chuckling as they wrestled against her arm in a futile attempt to get out. Their struggle and groans fed her even more as if she could just close her eyes and ride it out while humming Lou a good night lullaby. But that air of calm soon vanished quicker than it came as Lou’s fangs dug into Ina’s flesh!

“Gaaaghhhh!!” Ina’s screams filled the hallways as Lou’s jaw latched onto her arm! The unorthodox move shocked the unsuspecting blonde with stinging pain! Her eyes shut and tears filled their corners as her other arm pushed on the brunette’s forehead hard! The suddenness of it causing the German to unwind her legs around their waist and use it to further push Lou away!
Last edited by Violet on Tue Feb 11, 2025 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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