Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

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Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

Holly took a deep breath, watching her chest swell against her tights as she made certain every inch of her body was contained in her ring gear. Letting out the breath, Holly sighed and tried to convince herself she was ready for this next bout. Before she knew it, though, the ring crew was waving her through the entrance ramp, ready to start another bout in LAW!
Holly burst out onto the entrance ramp to the loud cheers of the fans as “Miracles” by Chvches hit the loudspeakers! Holly bounced up and down on her heels while she threw her fist up into the air, grinning widely. The buxom Bombshell's ample curves bounced up and down, drawing cheers from the fans, even as many were already shouting taunts at the loss-plagued Brit grappler. Still smiling the entire way down the ramp, Holly was trying to hide her nerves as she high-fived fans, posed for a couple of quick selfies, and made her way to the ring.

Reaching the ringside area, Holly hopped up on the ring apron, wiping her boots three times on the apron before she stepped between the middle and bottom ropes. Her thick bum hit the rope, making it jiggle as she entered the ring. Holly spun and stepped to the center of the ring, throwing up a big wave. Holly looked right at the hard camera, flashing the fans a big smile and a wink, as the mixed reaction of the fans started to die down.

As soon as eyes were off her and waiting for her opponent to enter, Holly let out a loud sigh. Holly watched nervously up the ramp, her façade of confidence crumbling. Holly’s record was abysmal, but as the British Bombshell did some last-minute stretches, she could only hope that the prep and training she did before this match would be enough to net her a win, this time. Right now, she could just wait and see what LAW was going to throw at her, next …
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Re: Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

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Amèlie was ready for her next match and she decided to take it easy.. she watched her opponent entrance, pretty standard but something was good to watch... this girl was...VERY HOT.

So.. she couldn't wait to put hands on her and rushed to the arena, not even caring about her entrance at all she just wanted to start this match and flirt with this girl, and in fact it was the first thing she did after sliding into the ring.

"Hello gorgeous.. hope you will be fun to wrestle <3 and since you are so pretty i'll give you the first move, here you go <3" Amèlie quickly grabbed Holly hands and just putted them on... her own breasts!

The bell rang fast and Amèlie was moaning already... she never had this type of approach with the other girls, it seemed that Holly really picked her interest...

"Ahh!! So good! You are beating me already!"

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Re: Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

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Holly sized up her curvy opponent, and tried not to feel too intimidated. The French woman was curvy and sexy, and seemed very bubbly and excited … traits that didn’t help to put Holly at ease. She had learned the hard way that even ‘cute’ competitors in LAW should be taken seriously. Unfortunately, that didn’t prepare Holly for Amelie to grab her hands, and force them onto Amelie’s bouncing breasts!

Holly gasped as she groped Amelie’s breasts. However, as Amelie started to cry out that Holly was already beating her, Holly’s eyes grew wider. The Brit was confused, but she kept up on it for a moment, her fingers kneading and squeezing Amelie’s breasts, working over her soft, supple flesh …

“Oi!” Holly said, gasping as she realized what she was doing. “Come here, you!” Holly yanked her hands away from her opponent, then lunged in to try and hook Amelie with a side headlock. She grappled Amelie and smothered her face into Holly’s own heaving bust, soft boobs pressed hard into Amelie’s face, while her grip worked over her neck!
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Re: Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

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"W-wait!! MHMPHMHPHMHP!!!" Amèlie didn't expect an early smother but... it was so nice... she loved it and played the part of a weak girl already rolling her eyes from pleasure.

She tried to struggle from it and start gropnig Holly ass a bit but in a weak way, she didn't want to overpower Holly yet, she was liking this. So..after enjoying her ass she would move her head into Holly breasts motorboating as much as she could to make her aware of some struggle..

"MHPMHHPHHHPHPMHMPHM!!! Let me go!" She said but of course this was all an act to make this match as long as she could!

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Re: Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

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“How do you like that, eh?” Holly asked with a cocky smirk, wrenching on the hold. “Looks like I’ve got you just where I want you!” The British Bombshell kept her grip on Amelie snug and tight as she could, her impressive bust smashed tight against the blonde woman’s face, Holly feeling pretty confident that her opponent legitimately couldn’t escape. Back arched slightly, proud chest thrust forward with her ‘captive’ on full display in her soft rack, Holly was feeling quite confident in her mastery over her opponent, tonight!

“How about this, then?” Holly said, bracing herself. Then, she shifted her boots, before twisting at her hips and flipping herself and the squirming Amelie over! Holly would flip Amelie onto her back, slamming her into the canvas with a side headlock takedown that would keep the blonde pop star beneath her, Holly’s breasts continuing to lay right across her face and smother her features as Holly squirmed on top of the ‘trapped’ blonde!
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Re: Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

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"MHPHHPHPHHPHPHP" Amélie was "trapped" under holly and acted like She really couldn't escape but It was so good.. Holly breasts were Amazing...

But Amélie hands weren't trapped so She started to grope every inch of Holly body trying to please her too, She couldn't be the only One feeling good!

"MHPHPHHP take this mhphh <3" her hands would go up and down feeling Holly, she was really liking the girl even if from what she understood Holly didn't seem that strong so Amèlie wanted to have as much fun as possible
Last edited by Albentes on Tue Sep 10, 2024 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

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“You can submit any time,” Holly said, with a smirk. The British Bombshell was feeling her confidence surge as she felt Amelie struggle against her but fail to break out of the hold. Unfortunately for the buxom Brit, she had no idea how little control she actually had …

“AH!” Holly gasped, feeling Amelie’s hands suddenly started to grope and explore her body! Holly blushed red, biting her lip as Amelie’s exploring caress caught her completely off guard. “A-alright,” Holly stammered, feeling her knees go weak, “that’s enough of that!”

Holly tried to roll over Amelie, kicking her leg to get up and over the blonde woman. Holly’s movements weren’t graceful, but she was trying her best, struggling until she could get up top of the French Diva and roll her onto her belly, attempting to transition the grip into a camel clutch!
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Re: Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

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"Oh no.. a camel clutch! ;( Owww!!" Amèlie got rolled by Hollie but she asserted one thing.. Holly was weak to getting pleased so she would do more of that as soon she got free from the clutch!

"How about.. you put one hand on my breast? Make me look weak!! Please?" Amèlie was begging Holly to humiliate her at this point, the girl was so hot that she didn't care at all and also since she knew that Holly couldn't hold much pleasing Amèlie knew that she could turn this match anytime she wanted.

"I can't get free OWW!! Let me go <3"

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Re: Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

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Holly couldn’t help but grin as she held Amelie in the position of the camel clutch, hearing the woman’s melodramatic cries of pain. It wasn’t often that the British Bombshell had a chance to dominate another woman, and here she was doing exactly that! Holly took a big breath, ample bust swelling with pride against her tight wrestling gear, and she tossed her hair to one side with a dramatic flourish so she could get a better look at her ‘victim.’

“My word,” Holly said, “you really are quite bad at this, aren’t you, my dear?” Holly took Amelie’s suggestion without thinking about it too much, working her hands down the blonde’s gorgeous body and sliding her hands across Amelie’s chest, groping her soft flesh then settling to cup her breasts fully in each hand. With a grin, Holly kneaded the soft flesh, working Amelie’s chest over in the same way that Holly herself had been worked over, so many times.

“Nothing you can do now, eh?” Holly said, with a taunting tone. “Too bad you weren’t around when I had the Loser’s Championship, that belt would have looked better on you!” Holly continued to use her delicate fingers to caress and tease Amelie’s chest, not realizing that what little pressure was on her submission hold was now completely gone. However, in this moment of imagined dominance, Holly was hardly thinking strategically. In her mind, the British Bombshell had this bout won!
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Re: Diva vs Bombshell: Amelie DuBois vs Holly Matheson

Unread post by Albentes »

"Ahh ahh!! So good!......how did you fuck call me?" Amèlie was enjoying, until Holly became too cocky and said that she would give her a loser belt? Now she stepped over the line and in fact Holly was so focussed in groping Amèlie that her submission was with almost zero pressure! In fact Amèlie now tried to shrug her off to get on top of this girl and actually show her how to please a woman!

"Now... you pissed me off girl. I'll make you my sex girl <3" Amèlie tried to cool off a bit, but there was still a tiny bit of rage and she had to teach this girl that she was allowing her to do it, not that Amèlie was weak!

"Prepare to see a good groping... and some more!"

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