Talia Chavez vs. Nicole Demara [D]

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Talia Chavez vs. Nicole Demara [D]

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
Already, Talia was being booked for her second match - and to her, that could only be a sign that everything she'd strived for was working out perfectly. Clearly she was doing something right - either her good looks, her assertive personality, her bombastic sense of spectacle, or her infamy in the wrestling world had ensured that she was someone the fans wanted to see come back to the ring time and time again. And when Talia's number-one goal in life was to have as many eyes on her as possible, that was a win. Some day, she'd be the biggest talking point in the company. Sure, right now, she was facing off against some unknowns lower on the card, and tonight she would be pitted against a debuting newcomer. But that was her stepping stone toward something even bigger, and until then, she was here to enjoy the ride!

"Coming first to the ring, out of San Antonio, Texas! At 5'7, weighing 135 pounds...TALIAAAA CHAVEZ!!"
Entrance Music
As soon as Talia's name was called, the arena went dark, lit only by flashing lights as smoke billowed from under the ring. Talia stepped out in tune with the pumping beat of the music, hoisting her fist over her head, and as she sauntered down the ramp she was greeted with cheers, boos, and wolf-whistles alike - all of which she was willing to take in stride, if they meant people were noticing her! When she came to the ring, she rolled in under the bottom ropes, rising to her knees and then to her feet, and flipped her hair back over her shoulder to greet the fans with a winning smile. Now, she would wait on her opponent to arrive, leaning back against the corner with her arms hooked over the ropes and her chest puffed out proudly.
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Re: Talia Chavez vs. Nicole Demara [D]

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As she waited backstage, Nicole was filled with excitement at the prospect of her competitive debut at LAW. She was jumping with excitement, highlighting her large chest bouncing up and down next to her hips. She stretched, flexed her limbs and relaxed, eager to test herself in this new league.
Entrance Music
"Ok, im ready!" She came out strong and an excited and excitable Nicole emerged from behind the curtain, Her energy and enthusiasm infectious, drawing the crowd's attention and setting the stage for an exciting debut match. eagerly jumping into the spotlight to the applause of the fans. The beaming LAW rookie spun on the spot, happily showing off her curvy hourglass figure to anyone who cared to examine her, before prancing towards the ring.

She takes the time to interact with fans, showing off her personality and approachability. She zigzagged back and forth across the ramp, high-fiving, jumping into selfies and blowing kisses as she went. Once she arrived at the ring, Nicole climbed the ropes to sit on top of one of the corners of the ring, where she would greet the audience with a radiant smile. After a wave of cheers, she grabbed the ropes on the sides of the ring and with a simple jump returned standing to the mat.

After her exuberant entrance she slid under the bottom rope and stood up, a smile on her face. Her eyes fell on Talia, her opponent today no doubt looking fit, she was anxious to see how strong she was. She marched straight towards the other woman as she took slight jumps, until she stopped dead in her tracks. "I hope we have a good match! I hope you give everything you have!" She held out her hand to shake.
Last edited by APlaying on Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Talia Chavez vs. Nicole Demara [D]

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This would be Nicole's first match in LAW, and the entire arena was watching her with rapt attention, eager to see what the pink-haired rookie might have to offer to the promotion. But Talia was watching her every bit as closely. She could see the energy and the enthusiasm in every step Nicole took, and how she energized the crowd, riling them up into a chorus of cheers. Something told her that Nicole was going to be hard to keep a hold of for long. But at the same time, it only made the redhead that much more excited. It seemed Nicole had the makings of a fan favorite in her - which meant there would be plenty of eyes on this match. And in turn, plenty of eyes on Talia herself. Talia would just have to make sure everyone knew which one of them really deserved that spotlight.

When Nicole entered the ring, Talia sauntered a little closer, waving her hips from side to side with each step to try and capture some of that attention for herself. "Ohh, I've got a feeling it's gonna be a good match," she said, winking in Nicole's direction, "but maybe not for you!" Still, she accepted her opponent's offer, taking her hand and shaking it. "Still...you'd better believe I'm gonna give it my all, at least." Her grasp was a firm and steady one. Talia was cocky, but anything could happen next.
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Re: Talia Chavez vs. Nicole Demara [D]

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Nicole let out a smile as she watched Talia try to get attention, although she actually looked pretty good admittedly. "I can see you're trying to steal the show" Nicole laughs, giving Talia a playful shove. "But remember, you'll have to bring more than style to the table if you want to compete with me." She said as she grabbed Talia's hand with enthusiasm and firmness on both sides, at which point they would both go to their corners, Nicole jumping a little until they reached the ropes.

The roar of the crowd surrounded them like a hurricane as they danced around each other, sizing up their opponent, Nicole could only be more excited to get started. As soon as the bell rang, she raised her hands to clap her hands in thanks as she circled the ring.

At a certain point, between short jumps the pink-haired girl would approach Talia to put her hands on her, trying to grapple with her to take her head with a headlock. She wanted to take as much advantage as possible in her debut, although she wasn't sure how the redhead would act on this, she was about to find out.

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Re: Talia Chavez vs. Nicole Demara [D]

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Talia chuckled to herself at Nicole's response. "Perceptive, aren'cha?" she said with a wink. In fact, Nicole's concerns were echoed by many of the more hardcore wrestling fans in the audience. Talia had the good looks and the name value to put a spotlight on her in the wrestling world, but many had dismissed her as coasting by on those things, without putting any effort toward actually honing her skills in the ring. However, Talia was ready to prove them wrong - if all went according to her plan, Nicole wouldn't be the only one taken by surprise at what Talia was capable of!

Nicole herself was definitely playing on the theatrics, though - that could be seen in how she hopped toward Talia to close the distance. The Latina rolled her eyes at that. "Didn't you just say you believed in substance over style?" she mused. But Nicole was going to back herself up - she grabbed onto Talia's head, trying to pull her into a headlock!

The redhead hissed under the pressure as she was pulled forward into her grasp, feeling Nicole's hold tighten around her temples. She threw a few punches at her opponent's sides, hoping that might soften up her stance. If that wasn't enough to break free, Talia would then attempt to throw her arms around Nicole's waist and pull her up off the ground, before dropping back to try and hit her with a German suplex!
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Re: Talia Chavez vs. Nicole Demara [D]

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Nicole's eyes widened and she suddenly let out a laugh “Haha, you're right about that!” Nicole giggled, feeling the adrenaline rush through her veins as she pulled Talia closer. “But sometimes a little flair can make all the difference, don't you think?” As soon as their bodies connected, Nicole latched onto Talia's head eagerly, squeezing hard and causing the Latina to wince. Talia responded with furious blows aimed at Nicole's sides, The impact rocked her causing her to startle, her chest heaving pleasantly.

“Aaaargh, you're strong, I didn't expect that!” exclaims Nicole, as soon as Talia rounded her waist, sensing an opportunity, Nicole quickly with a sudden burst of energy, pushes Talia away and takes the opportunity to wrap her own arms around Talia's neck.

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Re: Talia Chavez vs. Nicole Demara [D]

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Talia certainly didn't have a problem with being flashy - after all, her number-one priority was to make sure people were talking about her, and she had been quick to learn that the best way to do that was to make sure you stood out from the rest of the pack. But she wasn't going to let Nicole off the hook until she gave her a reason to believe she was worthy of taking seriously. Luckily for her, though, Nicole was quick to do just that, as she grabbed her by the head to pull her in against her side! Talia hissed and grumbled as she felt the pressure tighten around her head, but she wasn't going to let up now - she would just throw a few blows of her own against Nicole's side, softening her up until she dropped her grasp!

As soon as she saw the coast was clear, Talia smirked, ready to move in and secure a good grip on the pink-haired girl's waist. Just as she did, though, Nicole managed to shove her back, and grabbed her neck to tighten the pressure of her own! She hissed, feeling her airways clamped off. It was becoming quite apparent that things wouldn't be so easy for the redhead. Nicole was on her toes, seemingly able to counter her at every turn. If Talia wanted to keep up with her, she would need to be just as alert. But she could adapt to that!

"Tsk...is that...supposed to be an insult-?" she sputtered, rolling her eyes to Nicole's statement. But she would grab for the girl's wrists, trying to pry her arms off of her. At the same time, Talia would move to try and hook her leg around Nicole's own, attempting to pull her footing out from under her and compromise her balance when she was distracted with keeping up the chokehold!
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