Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Standard Match: Regular rules Hentai being allowed
Additional stipulation: The winner must make the other person beg to win the match

Hakuno did her best to keep her well known for neutral look on her face, even if she squirmed a little bit at her upcoming match. She swore that after her match against Sonata and it was revealed that she didn’t have the best….endurance in hentai stuff, she’s been participating in more and more hentai allowed matches. Which secretly she didn’t really mind but it wasn’t like she was gonna say it out.

Seeing the crew give her the okay signal, the Moon Cell Sovereign nodded her head and headed to the entrance.
Hakuno theme
Like usual Hakuno got a good ovation once her music played and walked through the curtains. A small smile formed on the brunette’s face at seeing her fans cheering for her for this match. She always did enjoy this part of the job.
Hakuno Kishinami/Right side outfit
Hakuno is wearing her regular wrestling outfit, a crimson red spandex sports bra with same colored red short skirt, hidden black spandex short shorts underneath it and long crimson wrestling boots to finish the outfit.

Heading towards the ring, Hakuno gave a few acknowledging nods towards her fans and even gave a lucky few in the front some high fives. Hakuno smiles a little at seeing some of them get excited by her high five.

Getting to the steel steps, Hakuno climbed them before entering the ring by ducking between the top and middle rope. Walking towards one of the ring posts, Hakuno climbed it till she got to the second rope, where she would pose. Most of the audience cheered for the Moon Cell Queen for a few seconds till she got back down to the floor.

Once back to the floor, Hakuno walked to her corner, mentally preparing herself and feeling ready to win!
Last edited by monkey299 on Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Mei slapped the door of her locker shut as she got done dressing. She was just really excited to get in the ring again. The amount of matches she had so far was really limited at the moment and Mei was happy for every chance she got to get in the ring and fight. Her blood was pumping through her veins and her entire body was almost vibrating due to her excitement.

"I am felling great. I just hope this woman will prove to be a challenge. At least I want her to be able to fight back."
Mei grinned and giggled as she adjusted her outfit correctly.
After that she went down the ramp. The people who already saw a few matches were not as nice to her as those who didn't know her. It didn't surprise her of course. Mei had the habit of getting rough with others. As she entered the ring the black haired woman would immediately try to lock eyes with her opponent, walking towards her as she made herself a mental image of the woman's body. Her smile got wide as she got closer. She waved at her opponent as she would start to talk.
"Hello! I am Mei. Nice to meet you"

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Re: Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Hakuno stretched her arms for a few moments, readying herself for her match as she wondered how tough her opponent was gonna be tonight. It didn’t take long before her opponent walked down the ramp, grinning happily. Already Hakuno could tell her opponent was gonna be a tough one tonight, especially at the sight of her muscles, but the Moon Cell Sovereign was ready to show what she could do and win!

Hakuno locked eyes with her opponent, seeing a growing smile with each step after she entered the ring, Hakuno had a feeling she was gonna face a wild one today.

Hearing the black haired woman introducing herself, Hakuno did the same by waving her hand towards her opponent. “It’s a pleasure. My name is Hakuno Kishinami. It’s nice to meet you too. Let’s have a good match.

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Re: Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Hakuno seemed to be quite friendly as she waved back at the dark haired woman. So it didn't seem that Mei had to be mean to her right away. Instead she could start slow and see how capable the other woman was.

"Hakuno Kishinami? That's a long name. I hope I will be able to remember that."
Mei says jokingly, still smiling at her.
"I am sure that this will be good. So come at me with everything you got."
Mei tells the other woman as she tries to put more confidence into Hakuno with her words. Mei is not that used to put on a friendly face around stranger, however, she hopes that Hakuno gets the image of her, being a nice person, before Mei will get serious in the fight.

After they greeted each other, Mie takes a few steps back waiting for the bell and as soon as the match finally starts, Mei will just stay in the ring waiting for Hakuno to make the first move to get a good impression of her skills.

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Re: Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Hakuno blinked at hearing Mei saying that, not picking up Mei’s joking tone as she cutely tilted her head. “Oh it is? Sorry. Please just call me Hakuno or whatever name you think is best.” The Moon Cell Queen said, not the best when it comes to this type of stuff.

And same.” Hakuno said, offering Mei a friendly smile and nod. Mei was acting much better then some of the brunette’s previous opponents, which made the smaller woman glad the black haired woman was her opponent.

Before the bell rang, Hakuno would stretch a little and back up, waiting for the start of the match. Once the bell did ring, the younger woman would get into her regular wrestling stance and try to move closer towards her opponent. Once she was near Mei, Hakuno would hope to lock against her opponent in a classic collar and elbow. In which Hakuno would hope to try and overpower her opponent and lock her opponent in a side headlock.

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Re: Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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After the casual round of greeting her opponent, they both prepared for the match to start. It didn't took long as the referee was convinced that both of the woman were ready to start the fight. Mei waited and saw how the other woman approached her. The black haired woman got an idea and put her hands up. As Hakuno locked up with Mei, the black haired woman would try to put her arms between her opponents and grab the back of her opponent with both hands, to get into a clinch position.

If she succeeds in grabbing the back of her opponents head, Mei would attempt to get closer, pressing her body close to Hakunos, so that their boobs are mushing themselves in the clinch. Afterwards, the black haired woman would pull her opponents head downwards and and attempt to kick with her knees into Hakunos sides.

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Re: Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Seeing Mei was looking to lock up against her as well, Hakuno would have attempted to win the strength contest. But just before she could attempt to lock her opponent’s head to her side, the black haired woman swiftly moved her arms between her own arms and grabbed her back, pushing the Moon Cell Queen forward and locking the woman into a clinch position.

Hakuno immediately fought against it, ignoring the slightly pleasurable feeling once her breasts mushed against her opponent's, slightly larger ones. But despite the brunette's best attempt to get to freedom, the black haired woman was able to keep her trapped in to clinch.

Before Hakuno knew it, her head was pushed down and a knee smashed into her side! The Moon Cell Sovereign gagged at the pain as her feet momentarily stumbled. A second later Hakuno would doubled her attempt to break free, hoping to escape before her opponent could do that again. Her right hand would shot out towards her opponent side, wanting to get some revenge against Mei for her strike.

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Re: Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Mei was successful in catching her opponent of guard or rather using Hakuno's intention against her, so that she was able to secure a clinch. Mei did then throw her knees into Hakuno's side, seeing visible that this was uncomfortable for the woman. The black haired woman smiled, but groaned a bit as the other woman tried to break free, making it harder for Mei to press her advantage.

As her opponent then broke free from Mei's grasp, she wanted to immediately strike back, however the woman attacked her site with her right hand.
Mei groans as her side hurt a bit from the attack. Still even then, Mei was not letting Hakuno go that easily. And so the woman would step forward, getting on her opponent's hip level. Then she would try to wrap her arms around Hakuno's hips. Afterwards if that move is successful, Mei would attempt to lift the woman up and then throw herself forward on the ground, so that Mei could mount the other woman.

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Re: Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Hakuno moved back a few inches once she was free from Mei’s grasp. Rubbing her side a little from where the knee smashed into it, Hakuno would have her focus to her side for a second before glancing back towards her opponent. Which was the wrong decision as her opponent didn’t let Hakuno take a second to breath as she was already on Hakuno for an attack!

Hrmph! N-No!” Hakuno cried out, fighting against Mei as her opponent wrapped her arms around her hips. Hakuno’s feet braced and tried to remain on the ground but that only lasted for a few seconds before the Moon Cell Sovereign was picked up and slammed to the floor.

Ugh!” Grunted Hakuno in pain as her opponent threw herself forward and slammed her onto the floor. Hakuno couldn’t do anything as Mei quickly mounted herself on top of Hakuno, making the smaller woman instantly squirm and try to push her opponent off of her.

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Re: Mercy Hentai match: Hakuno kishinami vs Mei Ito

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Mei was not giving her opponent much time to rest. She continued to attack her opponent and slammed her down on the ground. She was more comfortable on two feet, however especially in hentai related matches, Mei was not against body contact with her opponent.

As she was on top of the other woman now, Mei did attempt to grab her opponents hands and pin them above her head. If she succeeds in that Mei would get closer with her head towards Hakunos.
"You know, you are rather could when you struggle"
Mei says smiling at her opponent and giving her a small kiss on her forehead.

Afterwards Mei would attempt to grab her opponents arm with both hands and slide to the side with her body. She then attempts to pull the arm back and try to trap Hakunos arm in an armbar

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