Additional stipulation: The winner must make the other person beg to win the match
Hakuno did her best to keep her well known for neutral look on her face, even if she squirmed a little bit at her upcoming match. She swore that after her match against Sonata and it was revealed that she didn’t have the best….endurance in hentai stuff, she’s been participating in more and more hentai allowed matches. Which secretly she didn’t really mind but it wasn’t like she was gonna say it out.
Seeing the crew give her the okay signal, the Moon Cell Sovereign nodded her head and headed to the entrance.
Hakuno theme
Hakuno Kishinami/Right side outfit

Heading towards the ring, Hakuno gave a few acknowledging nods towards her fans and even gave a lucky few in the front some high fives. Hakuno smiles a little at seeing some of them get excited by her high five.
Getting to the steel steps, Hakuno climbed them before entering the ring by ducking between the top and middle rope. Walking towards one of the ring posts, Hakuno climbed it till she got to the second rope, where she would pose. Most of the audience cheered for the Moon Cell Queen for a few seconds till she got back down to the floor.
Once back to the floor, Hakuno walked to her corner, mentally preparing herself and feeling ready to win!