Clashing Against Crimson: Akari Ito vs Haruka Miyazaki

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Re: Clashing Against Crimson: Akari Ito vs Haruka Miyazaki

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Akari groaned after taking the hit to the back of her head and neck, the resulting impact stunning her briefly. However, this strike would daze the Turtle long enough for Haruka to dash in and quickly lay her out across the canvas, face-up. With an unstoppable energy, an insatiable drive, and a hunger for victory, Haruka felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through her as she ascended the ropes in the nearby corner. She reaches the top, the crowd's cheers boosting the crimson-haired woman's morale as she rises. Standing tall at the top of the ring, Haruka LEAPED off the top of the turnbuckle with an IMPRESSIVELY STYLISH Moonsault Press!!! Haruka managed to land atop the Sea Turtle with a devastating level of impact, causing the raven-haired wrestler to cough and groan as she spat out a little from the pain before Haruka went for the pin attempt...!!!
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Re: Clashing Against Crimson: Akari Ito vs Haruka Miyazaki

Unread post by Aifumi »

The tables now have been turned over by Crimson Spring as she managed to land a smooth moonsault onto her opponent's abs, as the sound of impact echoes through the arena leaving the crowd in awe. She felt how warm her opponent's muscular abs was but she need's to focus on the match and take every single opportunity that's available. The red head then proceeds to move up, hooking one of the Sea Turtle's leg while trying to make Akari taste her own medicine, by using her body weight to cover put pressure onto Akari's body while she wraps her opponent's head into her chest and neck. The referee then proceeds the count, slapping the canvas intensely.


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Re: Clashing Against Crimson: Akari Ito vs Haruka Miyazaki

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Akari let out a soft moan as she was being pinned, taking a moment to breathe as much as she could while Haruka locked in the position. With the Sea Turtle being unresponsive following that dazzling Moonsault, it seemed as if Haruka's victory was all but guaranteed as she nestled Akari's face into her chest and hooked her leg for the win...However, at the near count of three, Akari FEROCIOUSLY kicked out, waiting until the last moment to drum up a little more drama and suspense before kicking out, but also, to give herself more time to recover as she wanted to save her stamina. It was a risky play, sure-...but the experienced Sea Turtle knew when and when not to play such a dangerous game in the face of defeat. After bucking Haruka off her body, Akari rolled away to safety. In doing so, she put some distance between herself and her opponent before kipping up to her feet, giving herself a chance to breathe and recuperate.
Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Re: Clashing Against Crimson: Akari Ito vs Haruka Miyazaki

Unread post by Aifumi »

Even though the red head was pretty sure that she had given a tight grip so that the sea turtle wouldn't be able to escape from the pin, she was knocked back as the ferocious muscular woman would kick out aggressively, knocking the red head's petite body away. With the shove that she received, the sea turtle managed to keep the distance between her and her opponent.

"Nnhh.. so close..."

The Crimson had no choice but to rise up from the prone position and keep fighting, but with her energy slowly seeping away, she would stand up slower than before, giving time for her opponent to rise up first and manipulate her vulnerable state. If her opponent didn't manage to do anything, she would charge towards her opponent and launch a spinning kick towards the sea turtle's chest.

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Re: Clashing Against Crimson: Akari Ito vs Haruka Miyazaki

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Akari took a few more deep breaths and got back up to try and fight back. However, Haruka was there to beat her to the punch, or the kick...the redhead's leg flew up at high speeds, striking Akari upside the chest with a powerful impact and a loud -SMACK- to punctuate the hard-hitting blow as Akari grit her teeth and released a pained grunt. "Gh-...Ugh-!!!" Not to be outdone though, Akari quickly grabbed hold of Haruka's leg before she could pull it away, gripping it tightly as she aimed to twist the woman's leg at the calf and send her twirling to the canvas via a Reverse Dragon Screw to dish out a bit of damage to those dangerous legs of Haruka's...

Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Jiyuu June:

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Anya Young:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Re: Clashing Against Crimson: Akari Ito vs Haruka Miyazaki

Unread post by Aifumi »

The kick successfully connects with Akari's chest, exerting a loud grunt from her adversary. The red head thought that this would be enough to topple her opponent down, but just as before she would lower her leg down, the sea turtle was fast enough to grab her ankles, before finding herself twisted around and eventually falling onto the canvas flat on her back with a loud thud.

"Gyahh! Nonono- Ahhn!!"

Dazed, the red head tries to recover her energy back after consecutively executing every single more to take her opponent down but to no avail. This time she would rise up even slower, guaranteeing Akari to continue attacking on her vulnerable opponent.

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Re: Clashing Against Crimson: Akari Ito vs Haruka Miyazaki

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

With Haruka in a daze, Akari took it upon herself to dish out a little more damage, grabbing Haruka by the hair and pulling her head between her legs, then grabbing her by the arms, lifting her up a little, and then DROPPING down with all her weight coming crashing down onto the back of the woman's head while simultaneously sending Haruka on a crash-course at breakneck speed, looking to introduce her face to the canvas with a Kneeling Facebuster!!!

Main Roster Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Akari Ito:

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Ami Anderson:

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Haruhi Okamoto:

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Chie Akiyama:

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Natsuki Yoshimura:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Jiyuu June:

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Miyuki Iwata:

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Yamato Ayase:

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Kaeo Amarin:

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Tori Taylor:

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Lilith Lenoir:

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Satomi Saito:

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Anya Young:

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ChaCha Luana:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Secondary Character Text Colors (For Ease of Access)

Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Grace Moore:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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Emelie de Toussaint:

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Noah Nichols:

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Roxy Hartbrooke:

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Dominique Heiani:

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Re: Clashing Against Crimson: Akari Ito vs Haruka Miyazaki

Unread post by Aifumi »


Still bearing the pain, it was the first that came out from her mouth as her torso slowly rises up thanks to her opponent, while her hair is being painfully pulled on as she'd also hold her waist to ease the pain from the impact earlier. Eventually getting into all fours, her head would be wrapped, as she was able to feel Akari's soft and warm thighs around her cheeks, making her blush a little, before reality kicks in and her face would be slammed onto the canvas. She was left limp and dazed on the canvas, still trapped under her opponent with her opponent able to attempt a pin next.

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