Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

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Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

A Spin-Off from this: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=18259


While some were just making their way to the Grand Island Resort, which was a few hours sailing south from Japan, others were already at the beach; enjoying their time basking the hot sun.

This was the case for Sylva, also known as "Huntress" at L.A.W. She had already participated in a few matches at L.A.W. and made a name for herself, which was something that she noticed when got a bit of a fan base. Now, Sylva did like some attention from time to time, but it was never her biggest thing. When it came to fights, she always looked forward to it and had fun. If there were admirers, she would acknowledge them, and sometimes be playful; even having been noted to flirt and tease a couple of male fans after she started at L.A.W.; though it never went anywhere.

Currently, she was laying on the beach. The tan-skinned beauty, whose firey tattoos could be seen along the left side of her body, wore a tiger-stripped bikini that was the only thing covering her ample for. Her long brown hair was tied in its usual ponytail, with part of the hair stylized to cover the left side of her face. She opened her brown eyes, having taken a small nap. She yawned as she flexed her body to stretch; arching her body up a bit that would certainly have gotten a lot of woofs and whistles to any who were watching.

"How much longer until they get here?" Sylva muttered to herself. She was waiting on her sister, Fang, along with everyone else that was to attend; including Fang's boyfriend. It was still early in the afternoon, but Sylva wanted to wait until everyone else got there so that they could start drinking. At this rate, Sylva got bored of waiting and decided she was going to get something.

"Let's see what the bar has for drinks." Sylva commented to herself as she looked around for a nearby bar. After a few seconds, she saw a tiki bar not too far away from her.
"Perfect." Sylva commented, "I don't care if I get smashed by the time they arrive." Sylva started to make her way towards the tiki bar. She was eager to get something to drink. Of course, who knows. Maybe there might be something else worthwhile to amuse her.
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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

It is commonly known that when tourists discover a place, they inevitably ruin it. This beach resort, including this particular tiki bar, was no exception. The bar was crowded and there was a long line. After waiting quite a bit, Sarnai Buyantu was finally close to the front of the line to get it. She had a long (and delayed) flight to Japan from her home country of Mongolia. She was here to be a pro wrestler and try out for different promotions. But right now, she wanted a drink after a hellacious travel episode. And the line’s glacial pace did not help her mood. But she was finally almost to the bar.

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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Now, when Sylva saw that the Tiki bar, she originally thought that it would be a simple, get a drink and then leave kind of deal. However, upon getting close the bar, she realized just how damn busy it was. There was a long line up to the bar.

"Oh you've got to be shitting me." Sylva muttered in disbelief. This was the first time she ever saw a beach bar be this damn busy. How fast was the line moving? How long was it? Where was the freaking end?

Sylva sighed as she had to start looking around for a way to get to this line. She was a tough gal, but she was not just going to cut in a line without reason.
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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Sarnai was frustrated. Everyone in front of her was taking forever. I mean, if you're waiting in line for that long you should know what you want already and quickly order. When the party in front of her were asking for the menu and taking their time looking over and customizing their cocktails, Sarnai lost her patience. She pushed ahead through the group shoulder checking the much smaller people aside. When they protested, she turned around and glared.
"You're going to wait now," she said in Japanese, though it was clearly not her first language. She turned to put in her order with the bartender.

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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Sylva was waiting in line, like everyone else, as she though to herself, Jesus Fucking Christ. Now, granted, she too was annoyed and hated waiting in lines, but she did keep her cool while others were getting impatient. She was nearing the end of the line when she suddenly heard shouting and noticing people getting shoved.

"Hey, what's going on up there!?" Sylva shouted at the barkeeper, "Can't you get the orders done and get this shit under control?"
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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

When the tourists continued to protest, Sarnai simply ignored them, turned around to the bartender, and said, ”One Moscow Mule.”
She turned back to the tourists and switched to English.
“See how easy that was?”
The tourists were not happy and continued to shout. Sarnai bowed up to them and glared.
“Just try it. Bitch.”
The tension was palpable.

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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

As the line began to get more and more chaotic, Sylva was beginning to lose patience with this kind of nonsense.

"Oh to Hell with it." Sylva said as the line broke apart and moved up to find out what was going on.

"Alright, which one of you is deciding to be a pain in the ass and hold up the line?" Sylva shouted to the barkeeper, the woman that was ordering a drink and other tourists that were shouting at said woman.
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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Sarnai turned to face the new woman calling out to her.
"They're the slow ones," she replied, tilting her head towards the angry tourists.
"I fixed it. And ordered my drink in seconds."
Sarnai tensed. This woman was larger and far more confident. Unlike the tourists, she probably had bite to go with her bark.

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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ZorzLeth »

Sylva listened to what the woman had to say. While it was clear that this woman was tougher than she looked, Sylva was not impressed with the display. Long lines could be annoying, but now the line was getting chaotic, which meant things were more annoying for Sylva. People were now pushing and shoving to try and get up front, having been encouraged by Sarnai's actions to just basically say: "Fuck the line".

"Yeah, and everyone else needs a drink. You're not the only one, princess." Sylva responded, kind of mocking Sarnai's actions.
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Re: Tensions Over Getting Drinks!?

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Sarnai stared down the new woman talking back to her. She fully turned towards her now and replied,
”I don’t care. You and the tourists can wait. And if you don’t like that, what are you going to do about it?”
The tourists shut up and the tension could be cut with a knife.
The bartender interjected,
“Uh just give me and minute and uh I’ll get your drink…”
But nobody was paying attention to him. All eyes were on the two muscular women in bikinis facing off.

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