Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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Smother match : Victory to be awarded by KO'ing the opponent with a smother.

Tonight was a match like any other in Louise's eyes. She was going to face again a wrestler whose name or face she did not know, not for lack of time but simply because she never found out about her opponents because she was not interested in future losers, especially since today's match was a smother match. It was the kind of match where the self-called Goddess excelled and was unconquered, although she was primarily a brawler, she knew how to use her body perfectly to surprise her opponents and gain a definite advantage.

The Frenchwoman was also the type of person to cheat during her matches, whether by attacking her opponents during their entrances or in their locker rooms before the match started, but tonight her intuition told her that she wouldn't I didn't need to do that to win. But above all, she read on Twitter that people expected her to spoil the match by attacking her opponent... And Louise hated being predictable.
She had to be the first to enter the stage and not losing a single second to arrive on the ramp as soon as her name was called. She smiled amusedly, wondering if her presence was still disturbing... And it was. She walked towards the ring while remaining smiling, maintaining her proud and haughty air while being accompanied by the crowd's boos and her theme. Not many people liked the Frenchwoman, whether it was the other wrestlers, the spectators or even the staff.

Louise ends up climbing into the ring and standing in the corner of her ring without greeting the audience once. She stayed in her corner pretending not to be interested while humming her theme until he stopped. It was now her opponent's turn to appear on stage and the Frenchwoman, true to her habits, completely ignored the entrance of her still unknown opponent and looked at her for the first time when she was in the ring.
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Re: Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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Ahh, a smother match. Jasmine's favorite type of match to partake in, due to her obsession with smother-domming others. It was this very obsession that inspired Jasmine to create her Kiss My Cake Club, a "club" consisting of those she applied lipstick to, before making them kiss her big booty! Though a fun gimmick for the monarch to partake in, the rules of the club also served as a way for take her smothery urges out on people who deserved it. As Jasmine expected members who had it coming to kiss her rump on command, lest they receive a thorough penalty smothering!

Unlike Louise, who hadn't bothered to hear about her opponent. Jasmine was relatively familiar with who she'd be fighting today. Louise was notorious for ambushing people backstage and being a fair bit of an overall cheat, hence the Frenchwoman got several boos from the crowd. Jasmine didn't currently have anything personal against the Frenchwoman. But if the LAW fans didn't like her, then Jasmine was all too eager to give them the pleasure of smothering her into defeat. And she'd love to add Louise to her Kiss My Cake Club, despite kissing the winner's butt not being an official part of this particular match's stipulations!
Entrance Music

When Jasmine made her entrance, the crowd cheered for her. She was quite the beloved face wrestler, and she always went extra hard for her fans! As she jogged down the ramp to her entrance music, she interacted with the fans in the crowd: smiling, waving, hugging, and fist bumping them! Not that Louise was paying attention. The arrogant heel only looked at Jasmine, when the two wresters were face-to-face in the ring.

"ALRIGHT LAW!" Jasmine cheered, pumping her fist into the air and pumping the fans up! "Ya'll ready to see the Booty Bomber tear this smother match up!" The royal monarch doubled up her fists and addressed her opponent. "What's up dude? Hope you're ready for a smothery smackdown! But let's have some fun, kay kay?" Jasmine chirped in a competitive yet friendly matter. The bonafide empress of Demeter Domain was down to get this bout started!

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Re: Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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After a short minute of waiting, while Jasmine faced her entrance, Louise finally looked at her opponent with a slightly bored look and as she expected with her theme, they were very different. Jasmine was tall, cheerful, adored by the public and had a huge pair of buttocks while Louise was short, insolent, hated by everyone and had a huge pair of breasts.

Clearly, Jasmine was starting off on the wrong foot with this physique but what irritated the Frenchwoman the most was the way her opponent spoke. She was friendly, way too friendly, and was trying to make the crowd more attractive than it already was. The Frenchwoman simply rolled her eyes and approached her opponent to raise her hand and plant her index finger against her crowned opponent's chest.

"Fun ? Heh, listen to me fat ass, you may be a queen but everyone should kneel in front of a goddess. Hurry up before I kick your ass."

These were not empty threats, Louise always found a way to bring her opponents to their knees before or during the first seconds of the match. Moreover, the more she looked at her opponent, the more irritated she became. The crown on Jasmine's head recalled certain former adversaries who posed as queens or conquerors like Gabriel or Reina. Jasmine better get on her knees or she'll get a belly punch in the next few seconds.
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Re: Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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With Jasmine and Louise face-to-face in the ring, the differences in their smother weapons were very apparent. Neither woman lacked in the slightest, when in came to booty and boobs. But Louise had a particularly MASSIVE bosom, while Jasmine had a particularly MASSIVE butt. Louise walked up to Jasmine and pointed a finger on her busty cupcakes, before talking some typical Louise-style smack. Jasmine picked up on the heel's disrespect, but she honestly wasn't too bothered by it. At least for now...

"Yeah fun! And I've got quite the abs, girlfriend. But if you're referring to my sexy behind, I'll take that as a compliment." Jasmine chucked, when Louise called her a fata*s. "Hold on there chubby-boobs. I'm no longer just a queen. I'm exactly a bonafide empress now! I'll be doing the butt kicking around here. Can't wait to see what it's like to smother a goddess silly!"

Jasmine's words still carried a degree of competitive friendliness. While it was clear Louise wasn't the friendly type, there current conversation felt closer to banter-like smack talk to her. And Jasmine loved banter-like smack talk! She knew Louise's threats were serious, but saying she'd kick Jasmine's a*s was nothing out of the ordinary. They were about to have a match after all. But Jasmine wouldn't expect Louise to belly punch her before the bell even rang. So if that's what Louise was planning, the punch would hit, as Jasmine refused to kneel before her!

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Re: Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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Annoyed. That was Louise's expression when faced with her opponent's answers after threatening her. Why the hell was her opponent trying to act friendly, relaxed but especially to lighten Louise's words by trying to take her insults well. It was annoying, enough for the Frenchwoman to click her tongue several times when Jasmine finally finished speaking.

"Tsk tsk tskkk. Queen or Empress, you remain inferior to a goddess."

She lowered her eyes slightly before looking at Jasmine with a serious look this time, ready to take this match seriously. Indeed, her opponent was not only tall with a big ass, she was also rather muscular. Her abs were visible and her shoulders were well muscled, it was an obvious sign to say that she knew how to use her fists. But the Frenchwoman was not to be pitied either, she too was muscular, especially in the arms, and had the beginnings of abs on her stomach, showing that she had started a little more serious training by dint of being hit there.

The Frenchwoman sighed one last time as she noticed that the referee was about to move the two wrestlers aside so that they could join their corners before the match began... But this kind of start was not the brunette's plans.

"Tell me, why are you trying to make this fight competitive ?"

Then suddenly, Louise threw a punch at her opponent's stomach. Even though it was a low blow and a forbidden blow because the match had not started, the Wildcat did not even try to hold back her strength or fight with fair play. She wanted Jasmine to be on her knees before the match started to remind her that she wasn't nicknamed "The Goddess" for nothing and to satisfy her dominance.

"Don't waste my time with your childish acts, I'm not your rival and less a friend. People like you need to know your place but don't worry, I'm here to get rid of trash like you."
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Re: Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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Louise's unkind words would have more easily triggered Jasmine's best friend and stablemate Honie, who wasn't quite as good at dealing with mean-spirited smack-tak. But Jasmine seemed to be taking Louise's attitude well, all things considered, only firing back in turn with sassiness and banter. But while Jasmine may not have been quite as short-tempered as Honie (in certain situations), she still very much had a temper. And unamused by Jasmine's responses so far, Louise continued to test it!

"Inferior huh...?" Jasmine grumbled in a more annoyed tone, as Louise doubled down on her words. She punched her palm and cracked her knuckles. "We'll see about that!"

When the referee approached to temporarily separate them, Louise asked Jasmine a question. "Ha! This fight may NOT be competitive to YOUR dismay, if you keep-GAAAAK!" Jasmine grunted. Louise had rudely interrupted the monarch's clever retort, with a sudden sucker punch to Jasmine's abs! The bell hadn't even rung yet, making this move a blatant example of cheating! If Jasmine had saw the shot coming, she could have flexed her rock-hard core, braced herself, and took the punch much better. But as is, Louise powerful, pre-bell blow indeed brought the empress to her knees!

The verbal insults that followed finally stuck a serious nerve with Jasmine. One could almost feel the flaming aura that surrounded her! The referee would admonish Louise for her illegal attack, but Jasmine would soon interrupt! "NOW YOU'VE DONE IT, LOUISE!" Jasmine snapped, springing back up with surprising speed to try and slug Louise with a hard payback punch to the face!

The bell still hadn't rang yet! Even when enraged, Honie would have been more mindful of that. But while Jasmine was no cheat, she was too angry to even consider the bell right now. The referee would desperately try and restore law and order to the ring. But thanks to Louise's dishonorable strike and Jasmine's chaotic impulsiveness, it seemed as though the brawl had already started!
Last edited by dddybee on Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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Louise cut her opponent's words short with a powerful punch to the abs of a wrestler cosplayed as a cake. She didn't give the impression because of her build and her small size but Louise was a woman powerful enough to lift heavyweights without too much difficulty, her blows were not to be taken lightly especially if they managed to bring some of her opponents to their knees like Jasmine tonight. The Frenchwoman looked down on her opponent, as if she was about to crush an insect that was in her way.

"You're talking A WAY to much."

Louise continued to glare at her opponent, waiting for the referee to separate them or for the match to begin but neither of her two expectations happened. Instead, Louise took a quick and powerful punch in the face which made her slightly step back and groan in pain.

"Argh!... That's it, you're fucking dead!!"

Louise was no longer annoyed and angry, she was enraged. Her fists clenched tighter than before and the so-called Goddess threw herself at her opponent, grabbing her by the duvet with one hand to slightly raise Jasmine's head and hit her in the jaw with her second fist to get revenge for the blow she had just received. Not wanting the match to start with a brawl, the referee tried to intervene by getting between the two wrestlers to separate them before there was no turning back.
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Re: Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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Louise had nailed Jasmine with a dirty sucker punch before the bell. And after Jasmine sprung back up the slug the heel's face in retaliation, Louise had the NERVE to get mad at HER! Jasmine smiled smugly after the hit, she was used to weaker opponents crumbling at the might of her queenly fists. "Heh. See jerk. That's what you get and-OWW!" Jasmine's taunt was interrupted, by Louise's own fist. The brawny heel had come right back at her for another punch, this time to her face! "You're gonna regret that! C'MERE!"

Jasmine was charging up another payback punch, when the referee suddenly got between between the two furious females. This probably wasn't the wisest decision on their part, as in Jasmine's fiery rage, her feared fist got dangerously close to striking the referee's face! Thankfully, with a gasp of alarm, Jasmine was able to stop herself, right before her punch would have landed! "Dear Demeter! I am SO sorry!" Jasmine apologized, having scared the poor official with her nearly connecting blow. She immediately put her dukes down, so the referee could stop quivering.

"FUDGE! Look what you made me almost do!" Jasmine snapped at Louise, despite knowing her fellow middleweight likely gave zero cares about the ref's safety. The ref would call for the bell to ring, officially starting the match. Afterwards, Jasmine would put her dukes back up, glaring at Louise and squaring up with her. She had every intent to make Louise pay, even if the heel could take a hit better than Jasmine had initially thought!
Last edited by dddybee on Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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Louise and Jasmine had time to exchange a few blows before the referee intervened by interposing himself between the two. This did not bother Louise who kept her fists clenched, ready to hit her opponent again even if the referee was there but this was not the case for her opponent who stopped at the last moment, avoiding taking the risk of being disqualified.

Louise raised an eyebrow at this scene and unclenched her fists, it is not often that the brawls she provoked at the beginning of the match were interrupted... It was even the first time. She threw a simple glare at her opponent and sighed with a disappointed air, trying to frustrate Jasmine who had not had the chance to have the last blow of this brawl.

"Tskk, coward."

The so-called Goddess took a single step back and waited for the referee to distance herself to get back on guard while waiting for the match to begin. Jasmine and Louise were very different even in a fight, Louise was the type to not care about what was around her, whether it was the spectators or a referee, she did not hesitate to use them to her advantage and even hit them if she was really angry, which earned her a lot of disqualifications.

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Re: Smothery Smackdown : Jasmine C. Cake vs Louise Bélair

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"Fella, you BEST not be referring to ME!" Jasmine snapped, after Louise called her a coward, for not wanting to accidentally knock the innocent referee's lights out. "I'll pulverize you!" Louise was being unfair and unreasonable of course, but Jasmine was known for not backing down against anyone. So the comment still ticked her off. So as soon as the bell rang, Jasmine would make it her mission to make this heel eat her words!

The bell rang. Jasmine immediately and unflinchingly charged right at Louise, strategizing be darned. But although Jasmine wasn't actively thinking ahead here. She would, by habit and by nature, actually do something pretty smart! Louise had only been dealing with Jasmine's fists thus far. It wouldn't be a far off assumption that perhaps the nasty heel wasn't prepared for Jasmine's booty!

So the Empress would race at her foe, by jumping and turning her brawny body at the right time. She was attempting to nail Louise dead in the face, with her massive, meaty butt. Jasmine would go for her signature Bomb Cake Bash, a classic jumping hip attack that would send ten tons of booty right at Louise's face!

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