Submission Supremacy!

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Submission Supremacy!

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For this LAW showing, Katherine had put in a request for some promo time. Every now and then she saw it fit to address the fans informally. Whether it was autograph signings, promotional events, Make-A-Wish kids, or even fan functions, Katherine was always happy to interact with pro wrestling fans. And tonight was no different.
Katherine Hart
As her theme song blared on the stadium speakers, The Super Kitty would emerge to thunderous applause. She'd stand at the top of the entrance ramp and smile and wave to the audience with both hands for a moment. After inhaling and taking in their reaction, Kat would begin to walk towards the ring. She'd high five some members of the audience and stop to hug a small child on camera along the way. The little girl shook and screamed with glee after feeling Hart's embrace. The masked blonde would continue her march to the ring. She'd hop onto the apron before climbing through the ropes and prompted a member of the production crew for a mic by gesturing.

"Hello, Japan! As always it's wonderful to see all you fans out here, tonight! And it's wonderful to be here." Katherine would begin pacing the ring while contemplating aloud.

"Now, many of you know me from my time in the states, overseas. I made sure to build my reputation there so that I could bring that legacy and that prestige to the very best wrestling promotions! To places like LAW!" The audience would be highly receptive to the LAW praise.

"But you know, part of that rep was my prowess as a technical wrestler, especially when it came to a particular type of move." Katherine would nod to some fans in the stands as began alluding to it.

"That's right. Your girl, LAW's resident Super Kitty has been a submission specialist, since my very first match, as a matter of fact. And you don't have to look far. In the Last Woman Standing Tournament not long ago, every knockout I earned was through a submission hold. So where am I going with this? I don't feel like I've proven my submission prowess to the LAW locker room just yet. But we've made some progress. And tonight we're gonna make more! Because tonight, I'm extending an open challenge to any woman in the back right now that wants to take me on in a submission wrestling match!"

With the declaration made, the masked feline wrestler would turn her attention to the entrance ramp. She'd glance at the cameras at ringside before winking. While standing in the middle of the ring, she'd once again call for anyone who was feeling up to it.

"So...who's it gonna be?"
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Re: Submission Supremacy!

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Quite the announcement had just been made by the Super Kitty Katherine Hart, the LAW veteran stunning the LAW crowd with a challenge to the locker room, one that surely all the wrestlers in LAW were taking notice of, not only the ones that specialized in submission holds. But it would seem that one member of LAW in particular would be taking the initiative.

As the figure approached the entrance to the ramp, she strode confidently, smile on her face as she greeted the crew standing backstage, making her intentions clear as she asked for a microphone. And then, she was off.

The crowd was quite lively as they waited for an answer to Katherine's challenge, buzzing loudly, when suddenly, music would hit, revealing that the one who would make their way out at the top of the ramp was none other than... Ducky Williams!
As the curvaceous blonde appeared at the top of the ramp, mic in hand, the audience let loose a loud cheer, excited to see Ducky there, knowing what it meant. The blonde had been a LAW wrestler for quite some time now, and her sweetheart attitude and never say die attitude had quickly warmed the hearts of the LAW fans to her, earning her the nickname "The Darling of LAW." But right now, as much as she was waving and greeting fans, she had a statement to make. She would begin walking down to the ring, raising the mic up to her lips to speak.

"Hello, Japan! Always a pleasure, you're too kind!" She greeted the crowd with a wave. "But as I'm sure you've guessed, I've come out here for a reason. And that reason... is you, Kat." Ducky said, before sliding into the ring, standing across from Kat as she spoke to her.

"As somebody that became a LAW wrestler a while ago, I have to admit, the reason I joined is because I wanted to face stunning wrestlers from all over and prove myself in the ring, in front of these fans. And one of the women I hoped to face was you, Kat. As a submission specialist myself, watching you is captivating. Truly, you're a master of your craft. But... with full respect to you, I wouldn't be able to call myself a competitor if I didn't want to be the TOP submission specialist in LAW, and... Well, I'm sure you can see where this is going."

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Re: Submission Supremacy!

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Katherine smiled upon seeing promising LAW superstar answer the call. It was none other than the beautiful and formidable Ducky Williams that made her appearance tonight! The audience and announce crew talked up Ducky's arrival as her music hit. Without much delay, the blonde bombshell came on out and made her way to the ring. The Darling Ducky of LAW's presence elicited nothing short of but cheers and welcome! Feelings of expectation soon followed her arrival. Given Katherine's spiel earlier, it only made sense that Ducky was here for one reason and one reason only.

Katherine grinned at Ducky's words. After hearing her out, she glanced at the canvas and then eyed Ducky up and down before answering her.

"Well, shoot. You really know how to make a girl feel special, Ducky! I've seen you go at it and I have to say: you're every bit as nice to be around as you are to watch in this ring, heheh. Yeah I think I know exactly where this is going!"

Kat would step towards Ducky. Her usual confident smile would be accentuated by the competition before her. The heavyweight luchadora's blue eyes met Ducky's own and her posture and body language conveyed more and more that she was getting fired up at the chance to take Ducky on in a submission match!

"Let's do it, Ducky Williams! You, me, everyone here wants to see which woman's gonna establish herself as the best submission wrestler in L.A.W.! I came out here with a mission to do just that, and I'm still all in!"

Kat would extend her hand out to Ducky for a handshake. She'd try to seal the deal with a formal acceptance for a match right here and right now!

"Let's you and me throw down in a submission match right here, right now! If you're as good at dishing out holds as you are at dishing out flattery, I'll have my work cut out for me." Hart finished her statement with a wink. If Ducky took her hand and accepted the terms, Kat would prompt the LAW staff to send an official.

"Can we get a ref out here?"
Last edited by winner3 on Thu Jun 07, 2018 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Submission Supremacy!

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Sliding into the ring, it didn't take long for Ducky to state her case, the blonde being relatively straightforward as she told the fans and Kat what she wanted. And a smile crossed her face as Kat answered her positively, the luchadora heavyweight seeming quite pleased that Ducky had answered her, a smile on her face.

And as Kat stepped even closer to Ducky, the blonde straightened up her posture to match Kat's excited body language. This still left a considerable height difference between the two, but tying up with girls much larger than her had never bothered Ducky in the past!

"Well, I'm glad to hear it Kat! Because as much as I respect you and admire you, I fully intend to make you tap out here, in the center of this ring! I want to be the top submissions wrestler in LAW, and I'll climb any mountain to make that happen!"

Ducky said boldly, clearly asserting her claim to become one of the best submissions wrestlers that the world had ever saw. And while she had no ill will towards Kat, in fact, she admired her very much, Ducky was more than willing to face one of her inspirations with every intent of beating her in the center of the ring!

So with a grin on her face, Ducky would confidently accept Kat's handshake, waiting for the referee to come down as she mentally prepared herself for this impromptu match with one of LAW's elite!

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Re: Submission Supremacy!

Unread post by winner3 »

Last edited by winner3 on Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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:raised_hands: Peace, Love, and Sexy Wrestling Roleplay Stories :raised_hands:

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