Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Kamidere hyuuga clutched her gut and stretches after mounts of sparring she was ready to let her sadistic nature run loose,her music played as her she fixied her tights,walking to the stage,she appered with fireworks as she showed off a smile she shwed her curved but plush frame with confidence.

After the ring annoucer said her name she slide in the ring and got up with her still smiled,she flunted her body with a narcissistic pleasure, she wore her 2nd attire showing no modesty ss shr looked at the entrance.

This submission match had no count outs which favor her.

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Re: Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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It was going to be months since we last seen Minxy... A lot of things changed for her since her friend got injured... Transitioning to one of the best tag teams known as The Elite who never actually lost their titles in their federation to just being a singles wrestler... Is tough. Luckily for her... She got connections. The energy ball went way back to her old friend and Mentor : The legendary white dragon herself Amy Valentine who is known for her striking and technical style. So, they worked on that. Minxy already had a good base compare to her partner on the technical side but she still managed to learn a couple of important lessons that she hopes to put into practice during her matches.

Once the call up time came... It would be a lie if she said she did not have butterflies but they already went over this before... The mind set, the confidence... It can be one's greatest ally or one's greatest downfall depending on which extreme one tends to land on.

Entrance Theme :
The snowball came in strong, confident... She stood there a moment taking a deep breath. Minxy was focus but the crowd chanting her name was too much for her to not react and break her serious face... She had to. Minxy let out a little smile for a couple of seconds before taking back her serious face and slowly making her way to the ring determined. Once inside, the UK girl would approach Kamidere to show respect to her opponent by offering her a hand shake looking her right in the eyes. She knew people could be crooked so Minxy stare said it all... You could either show me respect and shake it or... If you do try to disrespect me... I will rip your neck of your head with a clothesline.

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Re: Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Hinata smirked arrogantly as she shook her hands,not out of respect yet,she backed away and the bell rang,hinata circled the ring with evil intent with minxy as she offer a collar and elbow tie up to the taller women."Ready?"hinata asked with a smirk
Last edited by Ovrlrdalex on Thu Aug 01, 2024 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Minxy also backed away circling at the opposite of her opponent once the bell rang... It was not just a phase, the snowball was serious and ready to grapple. Once her opponent challenges her to some sort of strenght contest, a eyebrow of her quickly rose up. The tag team veteran was willing to oblidge '' S--Sure. '' but just like her staredown prior... She did not trust her fully and kept her in her radar to be ready for any crooked tricks her opponent might try to pull up on her if or when they eventually lock up.

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Re: Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Hinata struggled as the two heavyweights were equal the same weight and minxy was taller,hinata knuckle down and took the lock to the ropes,as she tried to over power minxy ,trying to play mind games with minxy to get under her skin.

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Re: Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Minxy calmly stood her ground leading her opponent to the ropes but Hinata did not seem quite on board with that result as the snowball would be forced to back off a little bit instead of her initial plan of breaking the lock once reaching the ropes.

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Re: Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Hinata smirked as sheslowly lets go and tries slapping minxy across the face to get under her skin,if sucessfull she would perform a side headlock,wrenching on the head.

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Re: Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Minxy a bit surprised by her opponent letting go, stood there before Hinata slap brought her back to reality. I don't know if that was the brightest idea to try to piss off the snowball though. The UK girl wasted no time after the slap to quickly wrap her arms around her opponent waist wanting to send her flying with a strong belly to belly suplex.

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Re: Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Hinata looked shocked as she was sent flying over her opponent and on her back,she looked as hinata rolled put the ring hinata smirked to herself, as she got up,trying to get under minxy's skin as she got back in the ring sliwky, ckutching her back.
Last edited by Ovrlrdalex on Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kamidere Hinata Hyuuga Vs. Minxy:Submission Match

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Minxy noticed her opponent was finding it funny after she snapped... In some other world, one would not lie to say the snow ball did want to rush blindly at her opponent and clothesline her head off but... Maybe that's what Hinata wants... The UK girl was fired up and ready to go but did not seem like she was going to let anger get to her.

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What does the Design stands for : I don't rush stuffs, everything is made by design (Collaborative, Talkative ooc, Proper to the design : No burial or breakage of the character, a common goal.) and no Casper (Ghosts) policy.

~ The Designer

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