Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Tonight would be another match for Megumi Mutoh after her victory against Hikaru some time ago. This time, she would be facing a familiar face, the Venus of Submission herself, Toshimi Minami. Thinking that this would be quite a challenging match, Megumi prepared herself for the clash against her fellow Angel, and for this occasion, she decided to wear her red singlet instead of her signature minidress that had been associated with her.

Megumi would wait for her cue for a while before her entrance song that had been selected by LAW itself, Golden Nocturne, was played. Wearing a confident smile, she showed herself on the stage, showered by the cheers of the crowd, who were cheering for the Genius Mutoh, the prodigious wrestler of Wrestle Angels. One would never believe that prior to her becoming a professional wrestling, she had zero knowledge about wrestling, and she became a great wrestler through sheer talent alone.
Megumi Mutoh
Jogging down the ramp, Megumi would high-five some cheering fans, ever gracious to her fans despite her apparent loner attitude. Then, she would reach the ring, and she would climb up the apron to enter the ring, slipping under the ropes. She would walk around the ring, raising her arms and acknowledging the crowd, going from corner to corner before she went to wait for her opponent to show up. She had a few encounters with Toshimi in the past, and now she wanted to see who would emerge victorious this time between the two of them.
Last edited by PrinceArjuna332 on Sun Jun 03, 2018 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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Toshimi had been away for a little while, it had been a long while since she had faced off against a fellow angel, the last one was Thunder Ryuko in her debut match her at LAW but now it looked as if she was about to face the young Megumi Mutoh. She'd faced her before, much like with Thunder Ryuko and having been one of the top girls in Wrestle Angels, former champion and general main eventer, she found herself facing off against the up and comer from Wrestle Angels. It didn't seem like a bad deal, Megumi was a tough girl and for that reason the Venus of Submission thought she would have a rather interesting match here tonight.

Stepping out onto the ramp, the ice queen started to walk down towards the ring, wearing her usual one piece attire of purple and yellow as she came up towards the squared circle and with it she'd climb into the ring and get up to her feet. She showed little emotions and movement as she came into the ring and would walk up towards the center of the ring, giving a nod towards the crowd before she turned towards Megumi. All she offered Megumi was a slight glance before she turned and walk towards the corner post, placing herself in her corner as she would wait for the referee to introduce them and then ring the bell.

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Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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Back in Wrestle Angels, Megumi had made quite a name for herself due to her exploits which earned her the moniker 'The Genius', but if put next to the Venus of Submission herself, Toshimi Minami, Megumi couldn't help but feel rather small. Toshimi was among one of the top wrestlers in Wrestle Angels, besides Mighty Yukiko herself among others, who people would strongly associate with the wrestling promotion itself. And back in Wrestle Angels, Megumi still remembered all those losses that she suffered at the hands of Toshimi herself, with her being relative beginner at that time. But now, knowing that she had grown stronger and more skilled than before, she believed that she could take the ice queen herself head on.

And as expected, all Toshimi did once she put her eyes on her was giving her a slight glance before walking towards the corner so that she could wait for the match to begin. She would also do the same, going towards the corner to wait for the match to be officiated. Then, the referee would call for both wrestlers to come to the center of the ring as she would call for the bell, starting the match.

The first thing Megumi did once the bell rang was holding out a hand, offering Toshimi a contest of strength. She could just go for a more traditional tie up, but she wanted to start the match with a contest of strength first in order to ascertain her fellow Angel's strength. She remembered Toshimi being quite strong back then, but she needed to know how strong she had become now. She imagined that the Venus of Submission had grown stronger than before. After all, Megumi wasn't the only one growing up stronger.

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Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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Toshimi would look over to her corner and would wait there, arms at her side as she stood and waited, eyes closed as she was simply focusing on the task at hands. Shortly enough the referee called for the two combatants to make their way to the center of the ring, Toshimi would walk and meet Megumi again in the center of the ring, the referee called for the start of the match and she would glance around at the crowd who seemed rather excited to see two Wrestle Angels clash yet again. Though Toshimi was for the most part just wondering if she was only going to get to fight other Wrestle Angels while she was here in LAW, cause that would sort of defeat the purpose of coming here.

When Megumi raised her arm and offered it towards her, the Venus of Submission would raise her right eye brow just lightly. Not something anyone would really notice as the Ice Queen wasn't know to look too affected by things like this. She would step forward and raise her own arm, mirrioring Megumi's stance and motion of her arms as she went to lock their fingers together. Then she'd proceed to raise her other arm and wait for Megumi to do the same so they could lock in this test of strength. If the brunette wanted to test her mettle then the raven haired veteran didn't mind. After all, if she didn't mind facing up-and-comers then she wouldn't have handed Megumi her fair share of beatings before. She'd have settled with one and then refused the rest of the challenges. No, Toshimi partially wanted to nurture more challenging competition, after all...that was what she truly wanted and of most, Megumi was the most promising candidate.

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Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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From her experience back then in Wrestle Angels, Megumi remembered that Toshimi wasn't the most pleasant member of the roster, but she did respect her because of her willingness to fight honorably. After locking their fingers together, Toshimi had brought up her other arm, looking to lock the fingers of her other hand with Megumi, and Megumi brought her other hand to lock her fingers with Toshimi's, completing the setup for the contest of strength.

For the first few seconds, Megumi would try to push Toshimi while having her fingers locked with hers, the soles of their boots skidding against the canvas. Megumi would try to raise her arms up, pulling Toshimi's arms with her, hoping to find a leverage over the Venus of Submission. But she figured that her opponent wasn't one to be easily overpowered, and Megumi knew that her strength alone wouldn't be enough to defeat her strong opponent.

So, instead of relying on her strength, she had to make do with her footwork instead. Twisting around, she would try to bring Toshimi into a position where it would be hard for her to apply her strength, and from there, Megumi would try to shift the lock up into something else as she would release one of her hands, looking to twist one of Toshimi's hands in a classic wrist lock.

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Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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Toshimi Minami wasn't one to go easy on anyone, especially a young up and comer, she knew better than that. She knew how dangerous they could be, after all, at one point in time she had been one and she had made her mark fairly early at that. Not one to wait around for Megumi to build up any momentum and power as she was certain that that was the easiest way for her to falter tonight, and she felt it was too soon for Megumi Mutoh of all people to get the better of her.

The two of them were locked in their test of strength with neither of them gaining much ground, mostly cause Toshimi had chosen not the expend needless energy on this test. She kept calm and focused, that was her style and she wouldn't change it.

When she felt how Megumi was trying to turn things around, abandoning the hold with one arm and then tried to twist around and lock in a wrist lock, unfortunately for the red clad woman, Toshimi was all to familiar with this and the Venus of Submission twisted with the motion to avoid getting locked into a wrist lock, and then tried to pull Megumi towards her, dropping to the side and trying to snag her legs around Megumi's shins to try and hit her with a drop-toe-hold!

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Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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When Megumi was about to apply pressure on Toshimi's wrist in the wrist lock, the Venus of Submission was quick to get herself out of the hold. Megumi was about to go for her contingency plan when she felt Toshimi's legs snagging around her shins before she was brought down into the mat with a drop toe hold. "Aaahhh!!" Megumi yelped when she suddenly felt her body going weightless after being brought down into the mat before her body hit the canvas.

Still, Megumi herself was a quick thinker, and she would not let Toshimi take advantage of her while she was down. So, rather than staying down, Megumi would try to get herself back up, rolling over onto her side before pushing herself up. She could only hope that Toshimi would not launch her attack on her as she was trying to pick herself up. Still, she also knew that Toshimi wasn't one to let any kind of opportunity slip away from her fingers.

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Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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Toshimi snatched Megumi with that drop toe-hold and with it send Megumi falling flat onto her chest, and her chin making impact on the canvas. The older Japanese woman would quickly push up to her hands and knees as she watched Megumi roll away from her. She would stay on Megumi though, the brunette wasn't going to get away from her that easily.

As the raven haired Toshimi Minami would charge after the rising Megumi and attempt to come in and drive her shoulder into Megumi's gut as she was rising to her feet. Trying to take Megumi off of her feet yet again and attempt to drive the younger woman down into the canvas back first, with a spear!

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Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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Getting back up on her feet, Megumi prepared herself to meet Toshimi head on, but her opponent was quicker to take advantage of her while she was recovering as she went for a spear, driving her shoulder into her belly when her defense was still lowered, causing Megumi to gasp out in pain as she was tackled down by her opponent before she was brought low into the mat once again.


Gasping out in pain, feeling breathless, Megumi would try to stop Toshimi from taking advantage of her while she was down by kicking her feet at her direction. Knowing the Venus of Submission, Megumi knew better than to stay idle on the ground while Toshimi was still on the prowl.

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Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Toshimi Minami - The Clash of Angels

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Toshimi's shoulder drove right into Megumi's gut and because of it she was able to bring the beautiful brunette down onto her back, taking her air out of those lungs and getting a loud gasp of pain from the superstar wrestler. She wouldn't stay idle, Megumi was surely right about that, and when those legs came up to try and kick her away. Toshimi Minami would try and catch them with her hands.

She'd try and quickly pull those legs in under her right armpit and left armpit, one under each as she'd then try and use Megumi's struggles to try and pull Megumi around and over. She'd try and start this off simple and very pro-wrestling focused as she'd try and roll Megumi over and place the red clad wrestler in a painful boston crab submission hold.

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