Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Lily Sniper - Apex Qualifier Match

Qualifiers for the Inaugural World Openweight Title Event LAW Apex
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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Lily Sniper - Apex Qualifier Match

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Roxy swung Lily down with that judo hip-toss. Showing off some of her Judo skills as she would watch Lily roll over onto her front. A smirk appeared on Roxy's face as she would reach down and grab onto that short hair of Lily. She'd guide her up, trying to get Lily to her knees. Standing in front of Lily, she'd flash a rather cruel grin towards the older woman.

The green-haired babe then suddenly swung her leg up and aimed a knee straight right for Lily's face, trying to drive it square into that forehead of her foe with the intention of knocking her loop and leave her dazed.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Lily Sniper - Apex Qualifier Match

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After rolling over onto her front, Lily was trying to get herself back up. Unfortunately, Roxy seemed to have a different idea of how the match would proceed from there as she grabbed Lily by her short hair and pulled her up onto her knees. Grimacing, Lily knew what her opponent was about to do next, as evidenced by that cruel smirk of hers.

Sure enough, as soon as she got Lily on her knees, Roxy then proceeded to deliver a cruel knee strike right at her forehead! "URGHHH!!" Lily was absolutely rattled and dazed, just like what Roxy wanted. Lily desperately pawed at Roxy's thighs, trying to keep herself from flopping down onto the mat, but things didn't look too good for her at the moment.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Lily Sniper - Apex Qualifier Match

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The cruel knee strike shot forward and hammered right into the forehead of Lily! The impact of that knee seemed to have dazed her and gotten Lily Sniper a bit loopy, which was exactly what Roxy wanted. The crowd groaned out in sympathy from Roxy's cruel strike, but the green-haired babe was far from done! She'd keep her grip firmly on that short hair of the tomboy, as she would try to pull her up! Dragging Lily up to her feet by that hair as she would then try to release that hair and slide one hand in between those legs and cup Lily's rear, the other arm would swing around Lily's shoulder.

With a heave, Roxy would try to lift Lily up into the air and tilt her upside down! The Conqueror would drop down onto her rear as she aimed to slam Lily down with a wrestling move! Specifically a Michinoku driver! Should the move hit she would try to reach forward and hook one of Lily's legs, pulling it towards herself as she would go for a pin.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Lily Sniper - Apex Qualifier Match

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Still rattled and disoriented from the knee strike to her head, Lily was unable to stop Roxy from doing whatever she was planning on her. "Eughhh..." She groaned in pain as she was pulled up before she was set up into some kind of move, and her mind was still too muddled to even formulate a plan to escape whatever predicament she would be put into next.

Soon, Roxy proceeded to lift Lily up and tilt her upside down before slamming her down onto the mat with a Michinoku driver! "GAAAHHH!!!" Lily cried out in pain as her body hit the canvas. That took quite a lot out of her, and she was laid out on the mat. Roxy then proceeded to go for the pin, hooking one of her legs.




Before the referee could reach the third count, Lily shot her right arm up, getting her shoulder off the canvas, breaking the pin. Still, her body still felt sore and her head still throbbed, leaving herself in a rather vulnerable state, which would allow her opponent to continue with her momentum if she so desired.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Lily Sniper - Apex Qualifier Match

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Roxy with a show of dominance lifted Lily up into the air before spiking her down into the canvas with that Michinoku driver of hers! The impact shook the ropes a little and the crowd waited with bated breath as the green-haired babe hooked Lily's leg and went for that pin.

There was a silence in the arena as the referee slapped her hand down, once...twice...thr-no! The three count was not attained, as Lily broke the pin count and shot up her shoulder. Roxy would click her tongue, as she was a bit annoyed, but she figured she'd get to torture the cute tomboy a bit. Roxy decided to use their current position, to try and wrap her legs up and around Lily's head as she sought to lock those deadly limbs of hers into a Figure Four Headlock on the tomboy!

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Lily Sniper - Apex Qualifier Match

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Lily tried to regain her bearing after taking the devastating move from Roxy, but it seemed that Roxy wasn't going to let her go just yet as she then grabbed her head before putting her into a figure four headscissor on her.


Lily started squirming and struggling as she was held in the hold. She would bring her hands onto Roxy's legs, trying to pry them off her head, though for the time being, she would remain in the hold, draining more of her strength and energy.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Lily Sniper - Apex Qualifier Match

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If there was one thing that few could argue with when it came to Roxy, it was that her legs were lethal. From swift and powerful kicks, to powerful squeezes...they were a force to be reckoned with. Now, she had those powerful limbs of hers wrapped firmly around Lily's head, squeezing and draining her foe in this figure four headlock.

The Conqueror placed her hands down against the canvas behind her back and propped herself up a bit. She smirked as she looked down at the struggling Lily, feeling those hands grab and pry at her thighs. "Poor little tomboy~ Feeling trapped?" She'd tease Lily, moving one of her hands away from the canvas to grab a handful of that short hair, taking a commanding grip of it and jerking a bit on that hair.

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Re: Roxy Ashworthy Vs. Lily Sniper - Apex Qualifier Match

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Lily groaned as Roxy continued squeezing her head in the headscissor. Roxy even adjusted her position, propping herself up a bit before she grabbed her hair, causing Lily to cry out in pain some more.

Knowing that she needed to get out of this predicament, Lily would try to roll herself over, hoping that it would loosen Roxy's grasp on her. Considering that Roxy had propped herself up, she might have an unsteady base, which might cause her to fall as Lily rolled herself.

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