Keeping The Relationship Healthy

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Keeping The Relationship Healthy

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Tina had her back pressed against the wall beside the entrance to April Starling's training facility. She had a foot lifted up to rest against the wall as she wore her blue and white two piece bikini complete with matching wrestling boots and a large grey sweater tied around her waist. By her side was her gym bag as well. She was holding a long cigarette holder close to her face as her other hand held a cellphone, looking at confirmation that her sweetheart, Grace, was almost at the facility as that brought a small smile to her face. They trained together once before when they were teaching Oscar and his friend Matilda some bearhug basics. It's been a while since the two met up, both being respectfully busy with their work, so Tina was eager to see her once more as she patiently waited. The plan was simple for their date this evening, workout together and maybe even have a friendly wrestling session while taking this precious time together to fully learn more about each other.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Mon May 20, 2024 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Fairy Dragon
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Re: Keeping The Relationship Healthy

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It was long overdue for some quality time and some training. After Grace's PPV victory over Toshiko and the break she took to recover from that fight she decided that she'd worked long enough and needed both, the fact that it meant she could spend time with Tina was even better. She had just opened the door when she saw Tina waiting for her and smiled, moving in to give her a hug. "Sorry to keep you waiting." Grace said, pulling her in close, dressed in her workout gear.

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Re: Keeping The Relationship Healthy

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

By the time Grace arrived. Tina had moved inside to the lobby where it was a little bit cooler and had also put away her cigarette holder for no and her phone. Her gym bag was also beside her. As Grace entered Tina smiled brightly as she walked over to Grace, being the lead in the embrace as she wrapped her arms around Grace's waist and pulled her off of her feet and gave her a light squeeze. "Mmm, are you kidding me? I could wait forever for you." She mentioned as she lowered Grace to her feet and shifted her hands to rest on Grace's hips as she examined Grace to take in the details of her workout outfit before looking at Grace's face. "That was a great PPV performance. I hate what happened after the match. I wish I could have been in your corner to prevent that from happening." She pouted as she stepped back to crouch down, providing an excellent view of the beautiful bluenette as she scooped up her gym bag and brought the strap over one shoulder as she gave a little jiggle of herself by temporarily lifting herself up on her tip toes and then back flat on her feet. "So, how would you like to warm up sweety?"

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Re: Keeping The Relationship Healthy

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Grace hugged Tina when she got close, happy to see her after the tough fight she got into at the PPV, her biggest win since she joined LAW and one she was pretty proud of even though she ended it getting beat up. She knew she got through to Toshiko and that was important, she'd deal with her friends later. "I know you wanted to be there, but I think going by myself proved a point and that meant more than avoiding a beating. Besides you know how durable I am." Grace said giving Tina a little squeeze before they separated. She watched Tina get ready to go and thought about what she asked her.

"We could start with a test of strength, I'm all healed up and ready to show off that I'm better than ever, and that's a good way to do it without trying too hard. We can go from there." Grace suggested, looking for a place to put her stuff down.

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Re: Keeping The Relationship Healthy

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

"I completely get that. So what does Grace's bright future hold for her?" She asked, curious on what's Grace's future LAW plans were. Tina nodded in agreement with Grace wanting to prove herself. She then listened to Grace's plan to start with a test of strength she grinned. "Ooo, skipping cardio are we?" She teased as helped Grace find a place to set down her belongings, which she did the same with her gym bag. She then hopped up onto the wrestling ring and sat down on the middle rope as she pulled the top rope up to allow Grace an easier entrance into the ring. She would then twist around to enter inside as she did some slow eye appealing stretches. "So, which test of strength would you like to do?"
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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