A Fiery Reunion

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A Fiery Reunion

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Aurora González had things to say.
The Latina made her case to LAW management rather persuasively and was given time to make her introduction to the LAW fandom.
Aurora’s music hit. She half-walked, half-danced down the entrance ramp to the ring. With startling agility, she Assassin’s Creed scaled the turnbuckles to pose and preen for the crowd.
She jumped down into the ring and took a mic from a crew member.
“¡Hola LAW! I am Aurora González, and I am here to make a statement. To you, and to the locker room. I have been a wrestler since I was 15 years old. I have the skill, agility, and experience to dominate and I’m still in my early 20s. LAW, get ready to get burned-“

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Re: A Fiery Reunion

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Cassidy Ryder
Before Aurora could finish her promo, Cassidy Ryder's music blasted through the speakers, cutting her off. Cassidy, making her debut in L.A.W., stormed down the ramp and into the ring with a mic in hand, to address a few things to Aurora!

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in! Aurora González, the gal who thought she could just up and leave ol' Cassidy behind. You think you can waltz in here, talkin' big and bad after ghostin' me? Honey, you ain't nothin' but a flash in the pan. Let’s not forget who won that Royal Rumble match back in our last company. And let's definitely not forget who unmasked you in front of the world!"

The crowd erupted, and Cassidy continued, walking circles around Aurora.

"You can try to make a name for yourself here in L.A.W., but remember, Aurora, you ain't no match for the Lone Star Cowgirl. I'm the one who’s been holdin' it down, winnin' matches, and earnin' respect. You think you're gonna come back and burn down L.A.W.? Darlin', the only thing getting burned is your reputation, and I'm fixin' to make sure of it."

The audience was completely unaware of Cassidy's identity, yet her distinctive accent and vibrant energy had already won over their hearts with the natural charm she exuded in just this short amount of time.

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Re: A Fiery Reunion

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Aurora scowled at shitty American country music interrupting her promo. When she saw who it was, she grimaced. Many memories and a match she’d sooner forget played in her head.
”¡Que puta!” she growled upon seeing her former friend and tag partner walking to the ring. And not only that, the woman who unmasked Aurora to the world. La Fénix glared at her nemesis while she delivered her promo, clearly annoyed that the crowd was cheering her. When Cassidy was done, Aurora raised her mic and responded,
“Eso es muy rica coming from you, Cassidy Ryder. Why are you all the way here in Japan? Did you miss me? Things not going well in America? I don’t see a championship around your waist anymore… Es una lastima,” she laughed.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Mon Jul 22, 2024 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Fiery Reunion

Unread post by Weonna »

Cassidy smirked, raising her mic.

"Well, bless your heart, Aurora. I'm here in Japan because I figured someone had to come and show y'all how it's done. And speakin' of missin' things, it looks like you're missin' somethin' too... oh right, your mask I mentioned! Ain't it funny how the woman who talks so big and bad is the same one who got unmasked by yours truly?"

The crowd roared in response, and Cassidy continued,

"You can talk about championships all you want, but the truth is, Aurora, you still ain't got a mask, you ain't got a partner, and you ain't got a prayer against me. I'm here to make a statement, and if that means reminding everyone how I took you down, then so be it. So go ahead, keep yappin'. But remember, Cassidy Ryder ain't scared of a phoenix that can't even hide behind its mask anymore."

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Re: A Fiery Reunion

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

“You’re lying. You’re here in Japan because you’re nothing without me. I carried our team. And that battle royale, who saved your ass? Me. Who had more eliminations? Me. Who got stabbed in the back after saving her partner from being eliminated? Me. I’ve wrestled before you. And I’ve been wrestling just fine after you got lucky and took my mask. The only flash in the pan is you. And what do you do to stay relevant? Come back to me.”

Aurora stepped forward, her face inches apart from Cassidy, and the two had an intense staredown!

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Re: A Fiery Reunion

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Cassidy stood her ground, her smirk never wavering as Aurora stepped closer, their faces inches apart.

"Well, sugar, if you think I needed you to make a name for myself, you're sorely mistaken. I didn't come to Japan to ride your coattails; I came here to blaze my own trail. You wanna talk about carryin' the team? Funny, 'cause last I checked, it was me who walked outta that ring with my hand raised high!"

Cassidy took a step even closer, refusing to back down.

"You can spin your stories any way you want, but the truth is plain as day. You’re right, I did come back to you—came back to finish what I started. You think you’re so high and mighty, but the truth is, you’re just another face in the crowd. And darlin', when it comes to relevancy, I'm doin' just fine on my own."

The crowd's cheers grew louder as Cassidy leaned in, her voice dropping to a dangerous whisper.

"You better get used to seein' this face, Aurora, 'cause I ain't goin' anywhere. And if you think you can intimidate me, you got another thing comin'. The Lone Star Cowgirl backs down to nobody."

Cassidy stood tall, her resolve unshaken, as the crowd roared in anticipation of the inevitable clash between these fierce rivals.

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Re: A Fiery Reunion

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“Oh estoy muy feliz que verte, Cassidy. It really is perfect that you’re here. Everyone in one place now. I’m going to make everything right and get all the revenge I’ve ever wanted. You… Todos… Veras.”

Aurora’s chest was pressing up against Cassidy’s as the two continued to face off with neither backing down.

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Re: A Fiery Reunion

Unread post by Weonna »

Cassidy's smirk twisted into a sneer as she listened to Aurora's fiery words. She let out a cold, mocking laugh, her eyes gleaming with contempt.

"Oh, I'm lookin' forward to seein' you try, Aurora. But let's cut the nonsense—revenge? You couldn't even hold onto your own mask, and now you think you can take me down? You're dreamin', darlin'."

Cassidy leaned in even closer, their faces almost touching, her voice dripping with venom and that signature Southern drawl.

"You talk about revenge, but deep down, you're nothin' but a scared little girl. Scared that without your mask, without me, you're just another face in the crowd. And that terrifies you, doesn't it? The world sees you for who you really are now—a fraud, a loser, and a coward."

The crowd gasped, the tension in the ring at its peak, and Cassidy’s taunting smile never wavered.

"So go ahead, try to get your revenge. But know this—you'll never be more than second best. I say, I say, I beat you once, and I'll do it again, any time, anywhere. 'Cause darlin', the only thing you're good for is provin' how much better I am. You're nothin'. Just a washed-up has-been, clingin' to past glories."
Last edited by Weonna on Tue Jul 23, 2024 3:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Fiery Reunion

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

Aurora had about all she could stand and couldn’t stands no more. The sight of her former friend filled her with a rage that only grew as Cassidy spoke. Being called a scared little girl is what did it. She went quiet, almost peaceful. And then as Cassidy finished, Aurora snapped and slapped Cassidy hard in the face!

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Re: A Fiery Reunion

Unread post by Weonna »

Cassidy's hat flew off her head from the force of the slap! She stared down at her fallen hat for a moment, her face reddening with anger. She picked it up slowly, dusting it off, and then looked up at Aurora with a dangerous glint in her eye.

"Well, butter my biscuit and call me a cornbread muffin, looks like someone's got a wild hair up their britches!"

The crowd was momentarily stunned, trying to process Cassidy's thick Southern phrase. But before anyone could react, Cassidy lunged at Aurora, and the two wrestlers collided in a flurry of fists and fury, the crowd roaring with excitement!

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