Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Left stunned by Skylar's knee, Kirie had doubled over, going to her hands and knees against the floor. Her eyes were open wide, and her chest heaved as she tried to collect the air in her lungs with haggard gasps. She knew this was bad - she was down and vulnerable around Skylar, a woman who hated her exactly enough to be plotting her schemes of how she was going to capitalize on this moment, and to be sure to make them especially torturous. Kirie didn't want to be left anywhere near where Sky could get her hands on her - but right now, she hurt too much to do anything about that!

Kirie was shaken out of her thoughts by the sounds of the crowd cheering, and she looked up to investigate the noise - only to see Skylar bowing to an overly enthusiastic reception from the fans. The sight of it made Kirie pout, crossing her arms and fixing a glare on the brunette. It was bad enough that Skylar had to be her obnoxious, ill-tempered, slutty self, but if everyone was eating this up, like it was something to be proud of? Why, she was sure she didn't even get this many cheers! Normally, Kirie felt that Hiro's approval was the only kind she needed, but this time, Skylar had struck a nerve. She lifted a fist in the air, shouting back at her rival. She wasn't going to have the last word!


"You don't need to be so smug about it, you stupid BIMBO-!" she began - only to suddenly be silenced with a squeal when Sky reached down and grabbed her by the hair! Clenching her teeth from the pain, Kirie was dragged back up to her feet thanks to Skylar's hold on her pigtails, and she tried to reach up to pull her wrists away from her scalp, crying out "Let...go-!" But just then, Sky turned and threw her straight into the barricade!

Kirie's cries turned to a shrill scream as she went running too fast for herself to control. Right before her eyes, all she could see was the barricade coming closer and closer, and she could only imagine the pain if she made impact! She needed to think fast, and it was only out of reflex that she would be able to swing her hands out in front of her, moving to grab a hold of the bars. If that worked, she would use her momentum to swing herself into the air, vaulting over the barricade and in the process kicking her leg out behind her to nail Skylar with a double-footed kick to the chest!

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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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Huffing, Skylar lifted Kirie up by her pink pig tails, before throwing the smaller girl in the direction of the steel barricade. Feeling a sudden pain in her left arm, she hissed out, still feeling the effects of Kirie's arm bar a minute ago. Straining this arm couldn't be a good idea, but she had to win this match, and there'd be plenty of time to put ice on it and take pain killers once the fight was over.

As Kirie was launched towards the barricade, the pinkette managed to catch herself just in time, grabbing the top of the rail and hopping up, shooting her legs back at Skylar with a mule kick! "GRAGH-!" Skylar grasped, taking the strikes to her chest and being knocked backward, her back slamming against the edge of the ring. "URGH FUCK-!"

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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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If Kirie came crashing into the barricade, it would almost certainly have knocked her senseless. But, whether it was her survival instinct that kicked in or just her single-minded hatred for Skylar and her desire to foil her plans, something stirred Kirie to save herself then and there. At the last minute, she grabbed hold of the bars and stabilized herself - not just stopping her charge in its tracks, but also allowing her to hoist herself up and fire her feet behind her to nail the brunette with a mule kick! And, in the process, flash her panties to half the arena; her short skirt really wasn't made with the assumption that she would be this active in it. Still, Sky had been thrown backward, sending her crashing into the ring apron and crumbling to the floor below. Once again, Kirie was in control - just as she liked it.

And now, she was going to make sure Skylar knew just what she thought of her! With her eyes narrowed in a glare, she came storming closer, where she went to grab the downed Skylar by the hair. When she turned Skylar's head up, she looked down into her eyes with nothing short of hatred. "You wanna pull hair, you stupid bitch? You don't know what you're getting into..." Looking for a little bit of payback, Kirie would climb back into the ring - pulling Skylar along with her to haul her through the ropes!

If that worked, Kirie would throw Skylar back down against the mat, leaving her laid out flat, before climbing on top of her to sit on her chest and throw some mounted punches straight at her face! She had a lot to say to her, and she'd do the talking with her fists!
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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

Unread post by Deskfan45 »

As Kirie gripped her brown hair and turned her head upwards, Skylar glared up at her rival, defiant despite the fact that she was currently at Kirie's mercy. She groaned and hissed in pain as Kirie pulled her back into the ring by her hair. "Ngh!" She grunted as Kirie threw her down on her back. Then, the pinkette mounted her, hammering at her face with punches! "AGGGGHHH!"

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Re: Skylar Jones vs. Kirie Tsukada II - Costume vs. Costume Match

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In throwing her weight into Skylar with a powerful kick, Kirie was able to bowl the larger girl over, throwing her against the apron and knocking her into a dazed heap on the floor below. And yet, she still wasn't satisfied - no, she was only getting started! Kirie wasn't going to be content with her efforts until she had Skylar well and truly beaten, shattering her pride and leaving her begging for mercy. Now that she was down, it was her opportunity to finally take her down a peg. Now, the fun could truly begin!

Climbing on top of the brunette's chest after she'd hald her into the ring, Kirie drew back her fists to unload a rapid volley of punches into Skylar's face! Her head was knocked this way and that, every blow coming down with the sound of a crack. Through it all, though, the pink-haired girl's face remained locked in a scowl of disdain - nothing she could possibly throw at her rival would be enough to satisfy her rage. But this beatdown was a long time coming, either way!

"This!! Is!! How!! You!! Really!! Fuck!! Up!! A!! BITCH!!" Kirie roared, punctuating every word with another punch. If she could get Skylar sufficiently rattled, she would proceed to slide her weight forward, climbing up onto her face to try and smother her beneath her rear!
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