Emma vs Erica

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Re: Emma vs Erica

Unread post by Geckosun »

Emma had gotten her opening, bringing her to the floor and keeping Erica from going anywhere as Emma got a chance to try something. The rush she was feeling from the slam made her spring back up as she looked at her opponent. "Hey! I'm pretty strong huh?" Emma said happily moving around to try and find something else to do, hopefully something cool.

Grabbing Erica's legs she pulled them up and tried to twist them into her planned idea. "Lets see move this here turn it likes this and then put my feet right here..." Emma would try and turn to get the girl trapped in a figure four leglock. She wasn't sure how smart of an idea this hold was but she had heard good things.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Eri was still dealing with the aftermath of the last impact. The small girl would be moaning out quite loudly while laying on the ground. But her cute opponent wasn´t giving her any rest instead she was set up. She would feel how her legs were lifted up into the air and then crossed over the legs of Emma. The poor girl would scream out in pain when the figure four leg lock was put in… and so early in that match. The poor girl would keep screaming out loudly trying to endure the pain somehow.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Emma's face looked more then a little excited at the turn of events. She actually did it! She got the hold locked in! She wanted to jump for joy, but for obvious reasons she couldnt, so she settled for a very giddy laugh at her success. This was awesome, she looked like a wrestler now and was proud of it. She hoped Layla was watching her!

Trying to make the hold a bit harder for her to get out of she would look for ways to tighten it and hurt Erica's legs a bit more as she also tried to make sure that she didnt get out of the hold. "So do you give? Or do I need to show more of these awesome moves I learned." Emma would say though with a excited tone to go with her threat.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Eri would be screaming in pain for a bit before she caught herself again. She would need to do her best to stop screaming and trying to come up with a plan. She would think fast going through different possibilities to not having to tap. The cheerleader would come up with a solution very soon. She would try to push herself off the mat with one arm hopping to make both of them roll over the mat. She would try to turn both of them onto their stomachs before reaching out with her hand to grab the bottom rope of the ring to get a good old rope break.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

Unread post by Geckosun »

Emma was keeping the submission hold on lock. Hoping that the early submission idea could still work. Though Emma was struggling and fighting back anyway she could clearly not looking to be the victim of this match as she turned her body around with one big torque. Turning the submission around on her "Aaagghh!" Emma screamed out her legs being turned agaisnt her before Erica went for the ropebreak putting an end to the submission hold as Emma and Erica separated.

Hissing in pain Emma skidded away from Erica for now looking at the cheerleader while rubbing her leg. "Okay that didnt work out...but I guess not everything can go as planned." Emma muttered as she stood up looking at Erica and trying get herself back in the action. "Nice move but its gonna take more then that to beat me."

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Eri would feel how the rubber of the rope was pressed against her skinn and she would knew she did it. Only one moment later, no moment to early or to late the referee was calling for the rope break. And Emma was good girl so she would let go of the cheerleader only moment later.

Eri would pull her arm in again holding it tight for a moment and rubbing it. Damn this felt like she almost broke it… that wasn´t good. The cheerleader needed to watch out for this one. She would slowly push herself upwards turning around using the ropes to get back into a standing position. While she was doing it her opponent was in her back and the normally very happy girl was making the big mistake of not turning her head at least a little bit having no clear view on what Emma was doing.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Th getting back up to her feet she noticed Erica was doing the same but not paying her any mind, or at lest not looking at her..was she trying to play possum and look vulnerable? Judging by the way she was tending to her leg it didnt look very likely but still Emma felt a moment of apprehension looking at the fans before looking back at Erica...screw it, you never make the shots you dont take.

Running in after Erica she would grab her arms and try and hold her before attempting to turn with her and go for the Unprettier. She had no idea of this would work her not but f she was fast she might pull it off, and she certainly tried to be fast. Looking to turn ehr as fast as possible and waste no time in dropping her into the mat with the move.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

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Eri would try to turn around when she was stopped. She would feel how both of her arms were grabbed and she wasn´t able to pull them free again. She would try very hard but it wasn´t working out for her and only one moment later she would notice how her opponent. Would force her to spin around but in a different way. The cheerleader would scream out loudly trying to block it but it wasn´t working out her opponent was to strong… So she would suddenly find her head right under the butt of her opponent before she dropped herself.

ERi would try her best but it was too bad for her upside down in this position she was just pulled down and driven head first into the mat brining her whole weight of her own body and of the body of her opponent onto her neck. Making her scream in pain before she would bounce of the mat and fall onto her back looking into the ceiling without moving.

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Re: Emma vs Erica

Unread post by Geckosun »

The move connected. She could hardly believe it and her shocked expression made her look like she was the one who was hit instead. At least before the realization kicked in and she turned around nd tried to grab her and pull her a bit more away from the ropes and go for a pin. Pulling her leg up and attempting to pin the girl here and now.

Her legs were kicking in anticipation hoping that the move had done the trick and she could get the pin here and now. This was a huge opportunity for her, all she could do was hold and hope for the best as the ref began making his count.


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Re: Emma vs Erica

Unread post by xalex »

The ring would be sinning a few moment after the move connected. It got quite silent in the audience when they saw a fan favorite taking such a brutal and hard move. Seeing a move be done between such lovely and cute little lightweights was defiantly nothing to enjoy. But the move turned out the worst way for Eri… she wouldn´t even get what was going on. Her opponent was laying on her, and she didn´t even feel the pressure on her chest or the hocked up leg.

The referee would go on with his count, “TWO!” but eri would show no signs of life her head turned sideward’s any her limps laying lifeless on the ground. Then the finall count did happen and the match was done for. “Three!”

The referee girl would jump back up to her feet calling for the ringbell ending this match with one clear winner in record time…

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