The First Gym Visit

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.

The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Vinn »

It's been a couple of weeks now since Alberta moved to Japan for her new job. There was a lot of adapting to be done for her, but it's been quite an exciting time for her so far. Now that she finally had time for some workout, she decided to visit her new place's gym. She hadn't been informed about an upcoming match or anything, most likely since the management knew she needed time to settle. Alberta was glad that she's allowed time to prepare herself, but her debut would come sooner or later, so she better make sure she's prepared when the time came.

The LAW building wasn't too far away from the apartment she rented so she could come just about anytime she wanted. It's already late in the afternoon when she arrived as she had some stuffs to do earlier in the morning, which was why the gym was pretty much empty. Not that Alberta minded that. She could use a quiet workout for a start rather than mixing with her colleagues right away. She was dressed in a blue sports bra and spats for the occasion, with a dark purple ribbon on top of her head which had been her trademark for a while.

Alberta took her time looking around the place first, checking on the machines and all sort of equipments they had before starting her workout. A professional league had a better facility compared to a night club after all, so was the conclusion of her little inspection. Alrighty, let's start with something easy, she thought to herself. Dropping her bag near one of the benches, she then walked towards one of the treadmill machines and began to start exercising.

The Ominous Future
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Re: The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Moira Pandela was not a gym frequenter.

That was fact, so much so that the busty giant took no offence in how obvious was from her shapely figure. She was strong, unnaturally so, but such was mostly part-in-part with her monstrous size. That, and the years she'd been wrestling certainly hadn't made her weak.

With that been said, the heavyweight had found herself too spending her first week within a LAW gym, albeit barely for reasons associated with exercise. Sure, she'd been doing the occasional squat or set or two upon the treadmill, but curiously, Moira's intentions at the gym were not to leave there a more athletic figure. No, with a gym came already fit figures, or those attaining to be so. Moira was more focused upon meeting with them, as opposed to gaining a figure herself. Well, not just meeting of course, that became obvious to all who encountered the beauty before.

Clad at first in a tanktop that nearly defined the word 'cleavage,' alongside a set of jeans that too aided in defining her giant curves and rear, Moira found herself giggling among the figures lining the LAW changing rooms. "Ohhh I've just got a feeling..." She'd purr to herself whilst taking her 'work-out attire' from her bag, much to the curiosity of the nearby gym-goer who believed she was talking to her. "That today's gonna be good!"
Emerging in a workout outfit somewhat unfitting a woman of such curves, the ever care-free Moira found herself latched with the eyes those in the gym today, as her figure jiggled through the masses. To those oogling, it would appear that the curvy giant was in fact looking for a empty machine to begin her routine. To Moira herself, her eyes were not upon the equipment, but those upon them.

And as you'd of guessed, one in particular.

Carrying only her towel after locking away her bag in the changing rooms, Moira continued with her jiggly pace, until she was close to a particular treadmill in use. Where as most would offer a greeting, or a gentle nudge to alert someone in mid-exercise, Moira as ever opted differently. Sidestepping around the machine and girl upon it, Moira would instead stand before the girl in mid-pace, before planting her hands upon the top of it. Crossing her arms, she'd lean her head upon them, her body stance that of a women resting or even bored, where as her eyes were considerably different. Now holding a stance that suggested she knew the beauty before her, Moira would pull her rear back as she leaned upon her arms, knowing full well just how much cleavage she would have been showing to the figure she didn't even know the name of.

Somewhat askew. Like they were up to something. Or analysing the figure before her, with no attempt at hiding it. Or both.

"...Hi," she'd purr, her smile quickly growing.


Re: The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Vinn »

Alberta didn't really pay attention to her surrounding to notice that someone else had entered the gym That was until her eyes caught sight of another person approaching her. Before she turned around her head to look at the figure, however, the person already positioned herself in front of her. Alberta's first reaction was a slight gasp. She almost stopped her steps right away.

The girl she's facing was... huge, to say the least. She almost looked like twice her size in almost every department! Even her top looked barely able to contain her chest, a sight that caught Alberta's attention first, although she'd quickly to look away from them. She could feel her cheeks warming up a little already.

"Ah, um... hi?" the smaller girl greeted back, looking a little nervous with the development.

The bigger girl's face looked sweet, but still she felt a little intimidated. Someone her size wasn't that uncommon back in her place, but here, in Japan? Alberta guessed that she's a foreigner as well from her look. Just like other sports, there's always foreigners involved. Now if it's a local with a size of the girl she's looking at, it would be more awkward of a situation. In her country, Alberta sometimes got teased for being relatively small. To have a Japanese making fun of her size without a doubt would be embarrassing.

The Ominous Future
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Re: The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Moira had long become used to the gazing eyes of both men and women before her, becoming somewhat adapt at picking out those that were blatantly forcing their eyes to wander where perhaps they shouldn't have. Only with Moira, she didn't care in the slightest. She made such apparent, very quickly.

"Ohhh she likes what she sees..." She'd smirk, straightening up and putting hands to her hips, 'accidentally' pushing her giant chest out even more so, before slumping a little to correct her posture. Smiling yet still at the figure that was obviously put off by not only a stranger being so afront, but a giant stranger at that, Moira would try her best to lighten the situation, given that for reasons only she knew, she had approached Alberta on purpose. In her own unique way, mind.

"Ohhhh calm down little pixie..." Extending her hand, not for a handshake but to literally ruffle the girls hair; those around the duo could have been forgiven for mistaking the two as friends given how Moira was acting. "I'm not going to eat you. You look fun. I like fun..."

Bringing her hand back, Moira would flip the towel that was in her other hand over her shoulder, before shooting the figure a sly wink.


Re: The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Vinn »

Alberta twitched at the giant girl's remark, but offered no words to defend herself for looking at her chest. The girl was so tall that those large breasts of hers were lined just right in front of her eyes after all! Then the giantess extended a hand that ruffled her hair, and she could feel her cheeks warming up again. This person she just met seconds ago somehow acting all too comfortable around her, which only made her felt more uneasy. Well, given her size, she probably wouldn't have confidence problem, especially when picking on smaller girls like Alberta.

The smaller girl just gave a somewhat alerted stare. She wasn't sure how should she react, but it didn't look like she could have a peaceful workout until this giant of a girl left her. Well, she didn't look like a bad person, but Alberta wasn't exactly a social type herself to start with.

"So... do you want something?" she asked.

The Ominous Future
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Re: The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Devilish53 »

The extreme blushing on Alberta's cheeks, much like her wandering eyes a moment ago, had not gone unnoticed by Moira. To try and reduce the tension as it were, Moira's hands would come from her hips to her sides in lazy dangling fashion; quickly reducing her amazon pose to that of a lazy slob somewhat. Her smile however, remained.

"Well...Now that you mention it...You look like ya know what your doing and...My wrestling's a little rusty..." Purring yet again, Moira purposefully said no more as she turned her head to the nearby free mats, opting to let Alberta put two and two together on her own all without even exchanging names with the figure. Her former comment was somewhat humorous though, as apparently Moira felt Alberta was the best fit for a sparring partner despite the huge size difference, and the nigh full gym before her, with aspiring wrestlers of equal or even greater size to boot!


Re: The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Vinn »

Alberta couldn't help but to look a little dumbfounded as she heard what the giant girl said. If only she had seen one of the few matches she was in back in that club, she probably wouldn't even think to say what she did. That aside, it also sounded rather strange for someone her size looking for a sparring partner that's much smaller. Rusty or not rusty, it shouldn't be too much of a problem for someone with her figure to subdue one as small as Alberta.The smaller girl raised an eyebrow.

"You... sure...?"

That was an honest question. Alberta herself fancied a chance to wrestle with bigger girls that didn't look completely mean, and the giantess in front of her kinda gave that vibe. She kinda got used to being a training dummy by this time anyways. She turned off the treadmill and slowed down to an eventual stop, all the time looking at the giant of a girl in front of her almost like a bewitched person. Part of her probably already charmed by the bigger girl when she first saw her.

"I mean, I'm not that experienced myself to be honest..." her words trailed off. It's as if she didn't really feel worthy of being a sparring partner for someone who looked stronger than her.

The Ominous Future
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Re: The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Devilish53 »

To Moira, anything other than a no, wasn't a no. Hell, even if Alberta gave all the signs that she didn't want to train with Moira, still anything short of outright saying so wouldn't of put the busty giant off. Such became apparent, as the moment Alberta got off the treadmill to speak to her, she somewhat jumped into action.

By lifting the petite beauty up onto her shoulder, as if she was a sack of spuds!

"Yeh I'm sure!" She'd smirk, beginning to carry the two of them towards the nearby mats, knowing full well of the view Alberta would have of her plump rear if she deemed such necessary. "Your fit! That's all you need to be! We can have a good one!"

Soon reaching the mats, not after sliding her curvy figure through the masses with Alberta still atop her shoulder, somewhat using the girls dangling and kicking legs as a means to nudge them out of the way, Moira would slide the girl back to her feet, all without even asking if she still wanted to tangle. Not that it appeared she wanted to in the first place!


Re: The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Vinn »

"Wuaah?!" Alberta yelped as the giantess' response was to pick her up and laid her smaller figure on her shoulder before carrying her away from the treadmill. "H-hey! Put me down!" she protested, squirming around, while partly glancing at the back side of the girl. "I-I'll do it so put me down!" Alberta keep protesting on deaf ears, face blushing from the embarrassment she had to go through with this scene. It's as if she's just nothing but a doll to the bigger girl!

When she was finally put down, Alberta couldn't help but to pout a bit at the other girl. Despite not even knowing each other name she's already having her way with her! It's kinda frustrating how powerless she was against the giantess, but that's probably what's going to happen for her in the spar... It kinda excited her a little at the same time, but at the moment Alberta was a little too flustered to even realize that.

"Uuu... that wasn't necessary... I can walk on my own..." she grumbled childishly.

The Ominous Future
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Re: The First Gym Visit

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Not that she at all needed to, but exerting her great figure was something Moira not only specialised in, but adored doing. Alberta's figure barely had a presence atop her shoulder given the sized difference, even with the jiggling and somewhat playful taps to her back in the vain effort of sliding free. Plodding the girl back onto her own feet, Moira would again adopt the posture of hands to her hips, pushing out her bosom as she looked down at the grumbling Alberta.

"What! You said you needed a lift!...Didn't you?" Moira laughed, knowing full well her now-apparent training partner never even came close to saying such words. Now that the two were upon the mats, the spar itself could somewhat commence. That is, if either fully intended to actually do so. Whether due to Alberta's fear of the girls size, or Moira's lack of interest in actually sparring, remained to be seen.

"Anywho sourpuss. Let's play a game. You make me tap, you get my name! And vice-versa!"

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