So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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The air Garlim breathed was beginning to get damp, her hair was covering her face and strands of her hair were moving in time with her breathing. The blow she threw at Leila's thigh would do no good, even if she squirmed and kicked, her body would continue to bend more and more. While Garlim is a fairly flexible girl, she never found it pleasant to be stretched like this, her bust flattened on the mat as her breath came out in moans of pain. Leila would tell her to give up and joked about her current situation, this slut had already had her pretty much wore her out so far. "Nngh!" No matter what she wanted to do, Garlim wasn't about to give up, least of all to this stupid bitch.

Leila proceeded to get up, which made Garlim feel more relieved for a moment. "No..." but her head would at any moment be stepped on by Leila's big ass, one of Garlim's cheeks would be sown on the mat as she gritted her teeth in rage. Besides her body had arched even more, now his feet were in sight and the position was extremely painful, her spine and hips were burning with pain while her head was being pressed by the weight of the punk schoolgirl.

Despite this Garlim wouldn't try to make any sounds other than gasping and gasping, she tried to keep a cool head despite the circumstances and stretched her arms out to her sides, clenching her fists as she gave slow flutters. It was the best she could do at the moment to move a little and try to think clearly, but it was getting harder to stay calm with every moment she spent under Leila. "Ghck! Nnnhg!" The former champion let out a couple of pained whimpers, a sign of her suffering.

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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Leila managed to make herself comfortable, planting her big ass for the first time on Garlim's head, though the bully was sure it would not be the last time it happened tonight. Now she had all the leverage she needed to fold Garlim up like a lawn chair, pulling back on her legs so much that the heavyweight would be able to see her own feet! At this point, Leila's victims were usually begging their submission, promising to kiss Leila's ass or become her pet or whatever else the dark-skinned woman demanded of them. However, even after nearly being bent in half, Garlim refused to offer her submission! She whimpered and cried out, but made no effort to beg Leila for release!

"Well, someone's as tough as they look!" Leila sneered, and would mockingly wiggle her ass on top of Garlim's head, griding her panties into her cheek! "That's fine though. I hate it when they break too early. The best ones are the ones who make me work for it!" Looking over shoulder, Leila would give a grin that Garlim would never see. "Oh yeah, we're gonna have a lot of fun together tonight!"

It was then Leila would release the woman's muscular legs, ending the Boston crab submission. This was no mercy, however, just the beginning of another torture LEila had planned for the blonde! To start with, the punk schoolgirl would remove herself from Garlim's head and roll the woman onto her back. From there, Leila would sit down next to her victim's head and begin wrapping her massive legs around her throat and head. Crossing them over one another, Leila would apply a textbook figure four headscissor to Garlim, choking her tight within her mighty legs and applying a massive amount of pressure right away!

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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For Garlim, it was very unpleasant just to imagine that this punk schoolgirl would start playing with her, without having the strength to put up any resistance. As soon as Leila started rubbing her big ass on Garlim's head, the feeling of displeasure and embarrassment began to take on a different meaning. The blonde's breathing became heavier and heavier and she began to mewl, and her fluttering was soon generating spasms all around her body. But suddenly Leila would let go of Garlim, causing the former champion to fall like a rag doll on the mat.

"AAAAHG!... HAah! HMmph..." The burning of her back after the sudden release caused Garlim's body to become more sensitive. During the impact her thighs trembled, as did the curves of her waist. The blonde gasped after this unpleasant punishment, Leila would turn her over to lay her on her back, Garlim's messy hair barely able to hide her reddened face, so much from the pain, the accumulated blood and the shame he felt. And it wouldn't take long for the punk schoolgirl to subdue her again, encircling her throat between the African-American's thick thighs.

The sudden pressure she felt around her neck made her gag, she gritted her teeth hard and closed her eyes, her cheeks starting to turn blue as the pressure increased almost all at once. Garlim tried to put his hands around Leila's thighs to pull them tightly, in an attempt to loosen the pressure on her neck, with every second his strength was beginning to wane and her mind was beginning to cloud completely. Aside from the fact that the lock of hair that covered half of her face, began to rise and fall slowly to the rhythm of the breath that Garlim lost with each squeeze.

In an attempt to avoid unconsciousness, she kicked his feet on the mat to push Leila backwards and thus achieve an opening to escape. But instead it seemed to be more like a choke kick, as Garlim couldn't exert enough force to plant her feet. If she could open her eyes now, she would be seeing double as she slowly ran out of strength.

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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In the past, if Leila ever needed to tame or break someone, she would use her world-class legs in order to do so. All she had to do was wrap her chocolate thighs around some unfortunate soul's head or body and they would be pleading for mercy within a matter of seconds. The schoolgirl punk had always gotten what she wanted this way. Needed straight As? She'd squeeze some nerd's body until they agreed to do homework for her. Someone mean to her friends? She'll knock them out in a reverse scissor and make them kiss her ass while their at it!

It was a because of this that when Leila wrapped her powerful limbs around Garlim's throat, she already considered the heavyweight to be a goner, and could relax on her elbows as much as she pleased! The blonde would of course kick and paw and struggle as much as she could but she would come to find Leila's figure four to be quite immovable. It was so effortless on Leila's part that she would actually perform a mocking yawn for the benefit of her victim, further driving home how easy this all was for her. "I'd ask you if you want to submit," Leila said down to Garlim. "But why don't we just skip to the point where you refuse and I knock your ass out? Nighty night!"

With that, the busty bully would flex her legs incredibly tight around Garlim's throat, revealing that she had been holding back quite a bit of power when she had initially captured the bigger woman in her thighs! Leila would apply a long and devastating squeeze to Garlim that would not end, trying to make good on her threat to knock the trapped woman out cold. Whether or not Garlim actually tapped out would not matter; there was no saving the blonde from this fate...

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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When was the last time Garlim had been dominated in this way, had they ever managed it before? The sensation of some strange form felt somewhat familiar, Garlim squirmed and spasmed as her lungs fought for breath. But despite her constant movement, her strength was depleting faster and faster with every second. Her grimace of pain slowly turning into an expression of panic, she slowly opened one of her eyes as she looked up at the ceiling, her vision completely blurred and her mouth half open.

Garlim's cheeks had turned purple, due to the pressure she was suffering. "Hmmph... Mmph..." Garlim would let out a soft moan as soon as Leila squeezed the scissors even tighter, her cheeks puffed out and she knew in that instant that she was finished. After a couple of contractions, Garlim would slowly lose consciousness.

Her hands slowly sank to the mat, going limp and falling completely limp between the thick legs of the punk schoolgirl. The war goddess was now deflated and turned into a squeeze doll, Leila now had complete control over the former MMA champion.

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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Leila loved a good knockout. There was something so special about that moment when someone's body failed completely against her after fighting back so hard. She had so many methods of doing so as well, such as smothering them out in her breasts or under her butt, or simply bludgeoning them unconscious with a good hard punch. Leila's favorite method though was using her powerful legs to choke someone out. The schoolgirl bully enjoyed watching someone squirm pitifully between her thighs taunting them cruelly before putting their lights out! That was exactly what Leila did to Garlim now, squeezing her thighs tight to make the poor woman pass out, a satisfied sigh coming out her lips as she did so.

It would only take a few seconds before the bigger woman was out like a light between her legs, and Leila felt that rush of excitement that came with squeezing someone unconscious. The bully would unwind her legs from around Garlim's neck and let her head flop limply to the floor, with Leila slowly climbing to her feet afterwards. Soon the curvy black girl would loom over the body of her fallen foe, that feeling of pure dominance washing over her. Grinning, she would press her bare foot against the sleeping blonde's cheek, looking like a conquering warrior that had just bested her challenger.

And yet.....Leila craved more still. The busty bully had defeated her opponent far too quickly. She thought an MMA fighter might offer more of a challenge but clearly she had overestimated Garlim. Leila was hungry for more pain and humiliation to inflict....and luckily she still had a willing participant!

"Wakey wakey," Leila would call down to Garlim in a sing-song voice, and would grind her foot into the woman's cheek, trying to rouse her back to full consciousness. Assuming she succeeded, Leila would then walk away from the awakened woman to the center of the octagon. "Get up, bitch. That was way too easy! Ya gotta at least make me break a sweat." Leila would then bang her gloved fists together a few times, a sadtic smile on her face. "Last chance to make it fun for me. If not.....oh, I'm gonna stop playing nice with you..."

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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The blood circulation had been cut off and Garlim's brain was heavy, fainting was inevitable at this point, it was a frightening image that someone like the goddess of war, was completely humiliated by a simple schoolgirl. How fortunate that no one was on site to witness this, Garlim already had too many problems to endure other things in this way, no doubt it is a more than frightening season, but at least this had come to an end ... Or not?

At this point, thanks to her bad luck, it was obvious that it was not. After a few seconds, Garlim felt that something was stepping on her, an extremely embarrassing and unpleasant sensation suddenly invaded her, making her gasp and moan softly as she regained consciousness. And to anyone's surprise, the blonde's eyes snapped open and she lashed out and slapped her heel hard against Leila's heel to get her bloody foot out of her face.

Garlim was suddenly resuscitated and as if in sudden possession, she got up too quickly, extending her thrashing limbs as she twisted. She spun quickly to get up suddenly with the momentum of her legs, shooting out with a powerful jump and ending up crashing backwards against the bars of the octagon, her chest shook up and down after this. Despite the state she was in, Garlim's resilience was mind-boggling. But when she calmed down, her breathing was deep and she began to slowly sink into the bars, as if she was about to fall down sitting up, despite her impressive way of recovering, the powerful blonde was in a daze.

Garlim's fatigue became more and more evident and every breath she took was harsh and forced, trying to catch the breath she had lost, she supported herself by digging her fingers through the bars as she closed her eyes tightly, even though she was struggling to stay upright at the moment, she found herself wobbling a little. "Heh... You're... In so much trouble." Garlim would indulge in the luxury of blurting out a threat, though it sounded somewhat tender due to the muffled tone of her voice.

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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It would take a bit of prodding from Leila's foot to bring Garlim back to consciousness, but when she managed it, the bully was not disappointed. Her pathetic opponent came back to life in very dramatic fashion, thrashing and flailing about like a newborn baby before springing to her feet, purely on instinct by the look if it. Leila watched with amusement as Garlim's frantic return to consciousness brought her up against the cage wall, her chest heaving heavily and her eyes wide and confused. It wasn't the first time Leila had seen someone react that way after being KO'd by her, though most stayed down a little longer than Garlim had. Either way, it was always fun to watch.

However, despite this, Garlim, having regained her faculties, had the nerve to make a threat to Leila. It was a pretty ballsy talk considering that Leila had just knocked her ass out in her own octagon after, what, five minutes of fighting? Still, it made the busty bully smile. She loved the challenge of breaking someone, and she had a feeling this heavyweight was going to be very entertaining. "Oh, I'm fucking terrified," Leila would sneer sarcastically before she started to approach the fighter.

As soon as Leila was close enough to Garlim, she would launch a powerful jab directly into the blonde's face! Whether it landed or not, the bully would immediately follow it up with a mighty left aimed at Garlim's stomach! These would be the opening blows to a furious assualt of punches that Leila would unleash on her opponent shortly after! Leila would throw a barrage of jabs and hooks upon Garlim, targeting her face, stomach, chest and anywhere else she could manage to sneak a blow! Keeping Garlim trapped between the cage wall and her, the buxom bully would ensure that she would hammer the fighter with punches that would feel like wrecking balls!

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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Garlim touched his chin and felt the bruise left by Leila's first blow, a bump had already formed and the tooth hurt immediately with the touch. That didn't really bother her, it only made her angrier, but in her current state she could barely stand on her own two feet. She gasped as she saw Leila approaching her, this set off her alarms immediately and she anticipated the next blow, narrowly dodging Leila's blow with a simple shake of her head. But the real problem began with the next blow, and that is that a blunt hook would hit her in the middle of the stomach, causing her to lean forward giving a muffled scream. The air shot out of her mouth like vomit and she immediately raised her arms upwards to try to defend herself from a possible siege.

The punk schoolgirl would lash out with several blows at the goddess of war, each one as hard as the last. Although she was able to contain and avoid some blows, most of them hit her right in her stomach, side and sometimes in the face. Garlim had to do something quickly, because she could feel how the blows and the constant pain made her tremble and stagger, at this rate she would become even softer and fall again.

She would not allow that, and quickly pulled away to lunge at Leila while giving her a tight hug, gathering Leila's forearms to her sides as she wrapped her arms around her. This was to prevent her from throwing punches, despite having her sides exposed, Garlim held Leila's forearms tightly so that her punches would not have half their regular power. She also did this to stay on her feet, leaning on the punk schoolgirl to avoid falling limp to the mat as she rammed her.

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Re: So many languages, and you only understand by knocking

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After trapping Garlim in the unfortunate position of being between the cage wall and herself, Leila would unleash her powerful fists upon her trapped foe, raining a furious barrage of blows all across Garlim's body! Though she had no formal training, Leila learned early how to throw a good punch, as her blonde victim would no doubt be finding out! Though many of her punches would end up being blocked, many more would make it through Garlim's defenses, bruising up her body and face little by little, weakening her further and further! A twisted grin would be on Leila's face as she continued to batter the bigger woman and she seemed to show no signs of slowing down, almost like she was gaining strength from Garlim's suffering!

However, her barrage of blows would be put a stop when Garlim lunged forward to wrap her in a hug, preventing Leila from throwing any more punches by placing her arms at her sides! Leila blinked in surprise at the move, looking down at the battered, exhausted fighter clinging to her, and realized that had she not been holding on to Leila, Garlim likely would have collapsed to the mat! Rather than an attempt at fighting back, Leila saw the bigger woman's hug as a desperate releif from the pain, and it brought a smile to the bully's face.

"You know, this starting to get pretty sad," Leila snickered down to her victim. "Maybe I should have just let you sleep before? But nah, this is way too much fun!" As Garlim clung to her desperately, Leila would grab onto the woman and suddenly lift her up off the mat! She would position Garlim in such a way that that her legs would hang over Leila's hips and thighs. At the same time, she would wrap one arm around Garlim's neck and the other would hike the blonde's arm painfully up her back! The result would be a truly painful and humiliating submisssion hold!

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