Heated Debate

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Heated Debate

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Gracie just couldn't help but to make a lot of enemies in LAW. The thing was, none of them had anything to do with the ring but either through the gym, public areas, or even through twitter. This time, it was because of twitter. To summarize what happened, Gracie had met another milf, Unzen, in LAW and always got into contact with her through DMs. It was during their chat that Gracie had made a joke of how much better she was compared to Unzen. They had never fought or met in person which upset the Japanese woman. With her pride damaged, she barked back as the chat log had been flooded with insults.

Eventually, they'd reach to an agreement by settling the problem with a classic nude catfight. Which they agreed should take place in Gracie's apartment. The apartment would almost be cleared. The tables would be moved and the couch would be covered in sheets to offer as netting if they fall into it. As where they'd be fighting on would be a cheap small wrestling mat. It's not too large for them to crawl away from each other. But it's big enough for both of them to fight on.

Before Unzen would arrive to her place, she would already strip herself naked. Covering herself up with nothing but a towel that offered little to almost no cover for her breasts or her ass that were sticking out.

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Re: Heated Debate

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Unzen wasnt the biggest advocate of social media. She only made an account in the first place because many peopke said it was a good idea and she thought nothing bad could come off of it, but how wrong she was. Now she had someone she already disliked, and the two only knew each others names. But one thing she did know of the woman who insulted her, a woman called Gracie, was that she was clearly a fan of catfighting, and nude ones at that.

Unzen usually wasnt the kind of person to praise others, but she did like Gracie's challenge of a nude catfight at her place, which she agreed to, because she knew she could defeat her, no problem. She was actually sonewhat eager to meet Gracie and settle this dispute, as she had always wanted to test herself against a big woman like herself, and now she had the chance. She changed into her everyday attire, but did not put any underwear on, knowing Gracie's apartment wasnt too far from her own place.

It took merely 15 minutes after the twitter war had ended before the Japanese woman reached the front door. She brushed off her outfit, before ringing the doorbell, tapping her foot and crossing her arms, ready to meet the bitch that antagonised her.

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Re: Heated Debate

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Surprisingly, it didn't take long for Unzen to show up at the door after the whole DM dispute. Gracie opened the door, the first thing the Japanese woman should see was an American milf wearing nothing but a towel. Her breasts were barely well hidden as her erect nubs would be seen poking through. "It's nice to finally meet you in person, Unzen," Gracie said in a sarcastic tone. "Hurry up and get your fat ass inside." Stepping aside to allow her opponent to enter the apartment. As the Japanese woman entered, Gracie just couldn't help but to try bump her butt against hers to knock her aside.

With Unzen inside, she'd close the door behind them and lock it. She walked her deeper to the main room where the wrestling mat will be. "Since we've talked about making each other beg for mercy," she explained, "we'll be doing something just like that. Whoever submits loses." Taking off the towel that was wrapped around her torso. Revealing her curvy body as the towel dropped to the floor.

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Re: Heated Debate

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Unzen pulled a face when she saw Gracie for the first time. She was half annoyed by how slutty she looked, but also half eager to get naked and show the bitch who was boss. She walked into the house and took off her shoes, letting her bare feet touch the carpet, before her butt got bounced by Gracie's. She retaliated with a bump of her own, the fight already brewing before they even had gotten naked.

She heard the door lock behind them, and now there was no going back, not that she intended on going back. She followed Gracie into the main room, which was open, but had a solitary mat on the floor, clearly their battleground. She nodded as Gracie explained the win condition for the fight, before beginning to strip naked herself. As she did so, she asked Gracie, "Alright slut, what are the rules for this fight that I will win regardless, other than me making you beg for mercy?" She said, taking off her shawl and top, leaving her naked form out for Gracie to see. She then looked up and down Gracie's bare body, already eager to get down to business.
Naked Unzen

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Re: Heated Debate

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Gracie kicked the towel off the floor and on the couch while Unzen took off her shawl and top. Of course, before they could fight, she decided to do a little twirl to show off her curvy body for a bit. Back in their DMs, they've always said how ugly their body was and how theirs were better. This was their chance to prove that. She had her back turned on the Japanese woman with her ass sticking out. "You should be grateful that I let you in, it's not common that you get to fight someone with such a hot body~" She smiled, smacking her own ass.

Of course, they weren't here to show off so when Unzen was straight to the point, Gracie turned back to face her. "We'll start off with our tits, whoever knocks the other down first will be allowed to go on top," she explained. "And then we'll settle who's the better woman from there, got that?"

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Re: Heated Debate

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Unzen barely flinched as Gracie tried to flaunt her body. It was certainly nice, but she had seen others like it before, and she was still convinced her own body was superior. She gave a twirl of her own, not expecting much of a reaction from Gracie either, before the two faced off once again. "Hmph, dont act like you are the greatest thing to grace Earth. Because you are far from it. As I shall prove today." Unzen huffed as she looked at the mat once again, before back at Unzen, who had now turned around.

She listened as Gracie laid down the gauntlet and set down what she wanted them to do. She nodded in agreement and did a little bit of stretching. "Alright then. You can get into position and I will follow suit. First to fall off their feet using only their tits, I assume?" Unzen asked, just for clarification.

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Re: Heated Debate

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Both seemed to notice how they had nice bodies by refused to admit it. They've fought other women before so surely what makes this bitch different than the other. What better way to start it through body comparison. Gracie gestured Unzen to join her on top of the wrestling mat. She place both hands behind her head while swinging her breasts from left to right. Hinting they were going to smack their tits against each other to see which was better. "That's correct."

"Be warned, the last titfight I had the bitch bursting into tears," she boasted, "don't go whining how my girls beat yours~"

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Re: Heated Debate

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Unzen watched as her butt naked opponent walked onto the mat, standing almost perfectly in the middle, with her hands behind her head, swinging her breasts back and forth. She followed up, facing Gracie and pressing her breasts, which were the same size as her opponents, against Gracie's, before also putting her hands behind her head.

"Must have been a weak bitch then. I will not be like her. My breasts have taken large beatings and been victorious. This will be no different." Unzen said confidently. "I will start swinging when you do." She said with a challenging grin, twisting her body to the right, expecting Gracie to do the same, before starting to swing back and forth as soon as Gracie either counted them in, or as soon as she started to swing herself.

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Re: Heated Debate

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Gracie swung her breasts from one side while Unzen swung hers from the other. With a simple nod from both women then they can finally begin as both swung their breasts into each other. The side of their boob would smack into each other followed by the weight of the other one. A loud smack echoed the room followed with grunts and gasps. "Hngh..." Their breasts rub passed each other, completing the full swing.

After the first swing was finish, they went for another swing from the opposite direction this time. Another smacking sound echoed the room followed by grunting. It was right after the second time, Gracie took a small step back to allow herself to slightly bend over for her tits to hang underneath her. Swinging them upwards to try land a uppercut into Unzen's!

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Re: Heated Debate

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

The battle begun with titflesh slamming into titflesh, with both women letting out little grunts. They swung twice before Gracie went for an uppercut, which Unzen confidently took before retaliating with the same thing. She then proceeded to return to swinging back and forth with vigour.

"I think dodging attacks in these styles of fights is a sign of weakness. If you are unable to take strikes such as these, then you are inferior" Unzen proudly stated. "I am pleasantly surprised you are not trying to avoid my swings. You are still a bitch for insulting me, but I give you credit for that, at the very least. Still gonna lose though." Unzen said confidently as the titfight raged on

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