Waiting backstage for his que, Jaegu Song was nervous. It wasn't the first time he was in a fight and not the first time fighting in front of a crowd either, so why? Well, the size of the crowd was much bigger in this case. This company was immensely popular and apparently was mostly focused on pro-wrestling, something he doesn't fully understand and has never faced off against such an opponent. Speaking of which, he didn't know who his opponent would be for tonight. Jaegu was a complete rookie in here and tonight it was his debut match. Despite having already overcome such things as pre-fight anxiety and nervousness, he was feeling them now, same as when he first started fighting.
When he signed up for the company, he was registered as a ''Young Lion''. Sounds kinda impressive, but from what Jaegu understands, that's how they classify rookies. The company provided him with a place to stay for free, plus the rewards for winning a match were really good (but he didn't know that it was nowhere near the main roster pay). While the payment for losing a match was still good in Jaegu's eyes, it was far lower than winning. Makes sense, but Jaegu did not realize that all of this was to make him dependent on LAW and it will inevitably have consequences later down the line.
Ladies and gentlemen! Starring tonight, our new Young Lion! Let's welcome the young man from South Korea, standing at 5'9'' and weighing in at 148 pounds, he's looking to prove himself in his debut match... Jaegu Song!
With all those thoughts running through his mind, he was trying his best to mentally prepare for whatever may happen once his music starts playing.
It was time for Jaegu to enter and so he just walked out normally. There were some cheers, probably excited to see a new face, but nothing special. However, all those eyes on the boy were figuratively killing him like a million daggers stabbing into him. Trying his best to keep himself composed, he proceeded to look forward and walk towards the ring, nervously. Once he slid into the ring, it dawned upon him that it must be the weight of expectations, or at least he thought so, maybe trying to rationalise it all.
He would proceed to move to a corner and lean against it, his eyes facing towards the entrance, waiting for his opponent to show up, partly hoping that they would show him how it's done.
Last edited by ragaz on Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
LAW had a brand new rookie on its hands, and they had asked Momoi Satsuki to welcome him to the pros. Sometimes Young Lions and Lionesses would debut against others of their kind, giving them a decently fair match for their first. Other times they got sent in with a main roster regular as a show of what the pro level truly was. Momoi's opponent, Jaegu Song, had drawn the baptism by fire straw of LAW introductions.
Momoi had been given a rundown on what bits information was available on Jaegu before his move to LAW. He was trained as a boxer, and accordingly, his style was that of a punch focus boxer. In other words, somebody who likely would have little recourse on how to handle himself if brought down to the mat and locked into a battle of grappling skills. Music
Momoi's music came on and her announcement soon followed, "Opposing him, at 5'3" and 117 lbs. from Tokyo, she's unparalleled in analytics: Momoi Satsuki!" Momoi
Momoi came out from backstage with her jacket hung loosely over her shoulders, open so that her teal blue bikini and the treasures it held were on open display. She hadn't been too frequent a fixture on LAW match cards, but the three matches she had fought thus far had been as dominant for her as they were sexy. As a result, Momoi came out to roaring applause by a crowd ravenous to see her do to the rookie Jaegu what she had done to anybody else who had met her in the ring.
Things weren't all bad for Jaegu though. Assuming he was into women, Momoi would certainly make this match worthwhile for him even if he couldn't keep up. And if he could keep up, well then there was a reason LAW had put the Korean against someone who also worked as a trainer/manager. Momoi wasn't opposed to potentially taking Jaegu under her wing if she was impressed by what he could do. Once Momoi was in the ring, she shed her jacket entirely, putting a bounce in her chest as she leaned forward and gave Jaegu a wink. "Hi! Welcome to the pros," she said to greet him.
Jaegu's opponent was a woman. And what a woman she was... The Korean boy's jaw dropped somewhat when the beauty entered into view. His mouth open, he couldn't believe this Momoi woman was coming into the ring while dressed for the beach. Momoi was exuding the kind of confidence that made Jaegu jealous and unlike for the boy, everyone was cheering for the pinkette. it was understandable, since the girl certainly wasn't new here and that body, oh boy...
Speaking of which, intentionally or not, she was really flaunting it by that suggestive lean forward, giving an angle to her cleavage. It was impossible not to see and it quickly got Jaegu's cheeks to redden.
Uhm, heh, maybe someday... Maybe he misunderstood it, or maybe that was Jaegu's answer, but he didn't believe he belonged to be with or against pros.
Jaegu was trying to look away from the cleavage, but in order to do that, he basically had to look away from her entirely. Forget the cleavage, looking at any part of her would make him seem like a pervert. He wouldn't have been all that surprised if his opponent was wearing one of those tight leotards. It was a pretty standard wrestling attire based on what he knew.
Jaegu looked real silly as he was trying to look at her and look away at the same time, but he didn't know how he should act. How was this supposed to proceed? are they supposed to bump fists? maybe a handshake? So uhm... how should i say this... What happens next? do we wait for the signal or are there some more theatrics involved..? Jaegu was cringing inside as he felt like he was making himself look silly in front of his opponent, beautiful, scantily clad opponent...
"Someday?" Momoi scoffed. "You're in the ring with a pro right now, if you hadn't noticed. Whether you think you're ready for it or not." The analyst added that last part on because she had seen enough rookies internally shaking like Jaegu was now to recognize where his head was. They weren't necessarily helpful or hurtful words, it came down to how the Korean fighter would interpret them.
Momoi also noticed Jaegu doing another thing she saw a lot, and not just with wrestlers, but men in general. She giggled as the debutante put his full attention into anywhere but her but. "Hey, my breasts are over here Jaegu," the pinkette chuckled. "You can't exactly fight me if you aren't looking at me. Don't worry, I like an appreciative male gaze. You're gonna get to do a lot more than look once the match starts too, you know."
Momoi raised an eyebrow once she heard what Jaegu said next. "Aren't you a boxer?" she stated, more than asked. "It's just like that. A bell will ring, and the match will start. Should go in the next few seconds I think." As if on cue, the bell to start the match did in fact ring. "Well, good luck. Here I come!"
Knowing that Jaegu was a boxer, Momoi would start by trying to bait out and punish some of those habits. She's approach the Korean in a low stance, as if she wanted to take him down by lunging at his legs. Her hands would be low, just above hip height, and her head would be positioned forward. The kind of stance that should have any boxer salivating to blast their opponent's head.
If Jaegu did swing however, he'd be falling right into Momoi's trap. The pinkette would have to make her move early, practically at the first twitch of Jaegu's shoulder, so she was liable to get caught out if the rookie did something different. But if he threw a punch, Momoi would lean back, dodging out of the way, while kicking her legs out at Jaegu's in order to take them out from under him and knock him to the ground. Even if things didn't work out quite perfect though, Momoi should still end up on her back, out of punching range, and all but daring Jaegu to come down as well and start grappling with her on the mat.
Oh no... Did I offend her? Jaegu asked himself and soon regretted his choice of words as he heard that scoff. He must've annoyed her by inadvertently implying that the woman in front of him was not a pro. Sorry, I didn't mean to... Heheh... The boy didn't even finish his sentence. The extra "distraction" didn't do him any favours either. Well, maybe it did, but not in the ways he wanted, although his body would beg to differ.
Momoi really doubled down on the whole teasing thing. His face turned bright red. Whose wouldn't? W-why are you doing this Miss Momoi?! He asked, probably rhetorically, but in his head, he also asked that himself and started thinking about why would she do that. Little did he know that the answer would be revealed soon enough.
So, no handshake or touching gloves, huh? Well,
there were no gloves... Wait, does that mean he should be more careful with punching? Oh, ok... But uhm, I've stopped making assumptions the moment I saw you come in a bikini, Miss Satsuki. It was a bit of a joke, but he knew less what to expect of LAW that before he signed up for it. He really should've made some research...
And then the next moment the bell rang. Oh no! He let out inwardly as Momoi came at him. And on that moment, it dawned on him - all that teasing was to distract him so that she could get the jump on him! At least that was his conclusion.
Having no time to think and acting on instinct, Jaegu took a step back, but it was too late, Momoi was already upon him, diving for a tackle from the looks of it, it did leave Momoi's beautiful face exposed. Gritting his teeth to try and suppress his inner turmoil, he sent a right punch for the girl's face more as a desperate act to stop the tackle.
To Jaegu's surprise, the punch missed as Momoi pulled her face, as well as her body backwards. Impressive reflexes! Was his first reaction to that. He could've sworn Momoi was committed to the tackle... Ghk! Surprises would continue as Jaegu suddenly felt a sharp pain in the side of his knee, forcing him down to one knee. To dodge and attack in a single motion... Impressive move. Or... Was it? Jaegu thought as he saw Momoi drop to the mat. Her move was also desperate! Now's my chance!
Jaegu would proceed to dive forwards into Momoi's trap in an attempt to straddle her for some ground and pound.
Momoi stifled a laugh as Jaegu went beet red and started questioning what she was doing and saying. "Oh don't worry, I'm just a flirt," she said. "Oh there are a few wrestling 'purists' who get their leotards tied in a knot when people wear non-standard attires or play into the more gimmicky matches that LAW does." Momoi's mind promptly went to one Alice Rose as she spoke on that type of wrestler. "But the organization was founded on the concept of breaking from standards and maximizing entertainment while still maintaining the competitive edge that things like WWE compromise on. Really the people who join LAW and then complain that it's working as intended are the weird ones."
Momoi's plan worked perfectly. Jaegu took the bait, and was swiftly sent falling forward right onto the pinkette's legs; exactly where she wanted him. Strangely enough, the Korean seemed to try to propel himself forward at Momoi as he fell, putting his trajectory further up her body. It was as if despite falling victim to the base plan, Jaegu had also manage to get himself caught in the contingency Momoi had set in case she failed to take him down. It'd be impressive if it wasn't the byproduct of his extreme inexperience with wrestling.
Momoi got her limbs up to control Jaegu's fall. Her legs wrapped around his midsection, controlling the rookie's body and slowing him so that his landing wasn't too heavy upon Momoi. Her arms came up under the rookie's own, hooking around them and pinning them forward as the pinkette put him in an Inverted Full Nelson. But Momoi wasn't quite done yet.
With the Inverted Full Nelson bringing Momoi's hands up behind Jaegu's head, the flirty analyst pushed down on it, pushing his face directly into Momoi's cleavage! "Let's start you off with something you can enjoy," she cooed as she trapped Jaegu in the first submission hold of his career: an Inverted Full Nelson Breast Smother combined with a Bodyscissors!
The false sense of urgency got to Jaegu. He saw what he perceived an opportunity to maybe knock his opponent out quickly. Though the idea of punching Momoi's beautiful face felt really wrong.
In any case, the boy would not be able punch the girl. First of all, due to his knee getting struck, his dash forward to straddle the pinkette was a bit clumsy. Second of all, Jaegu soon found out that Momoi didn't fall on accident, and in fact, it was all planned. Either that, or she was extremely good at improvising. It felt like Momoi was predicting his every move. This may have been an industry of entertainment, but Momoi's skill was undeniable and her earlier words started making sense real fast.
Well, these opinions and revelations started forming when Jaegu's face dove straight into Momoi's cleavage. How did he end up in that situation?
After Jaegu dashed at Momoi, he was caught between the woman's juicy thighs. Gh... Jaegu let out a grunt, feeling the muscles of her thighs pressing against his sides. Two things saved him from immediately succumbing to this intimate position. He wore a shirt, so their skin wasn't in direct contact, plus he didn't pay much attention to his predicament and proceeded with his plan of ground and pound.
He had fallen forward a bit and was supporting himself with his left hand on the mat while he reared his right fist back. While hesitant, he was about to fire that fist forward before Momoi wrapped her arms around his and locking it in at the back of his head. wha.?! Jaegu let out, his arms felt tied up and then his face was pulled into Momoi's cleavage.
Nngh n-no... Jaegu muffled into the analyst's breasts. He could not believe this. No one ever uses a move like this in MMA! And if they were, they'd be considered throwing the match. But here Jaegu was, in shock and feeling powerless. Worse yet, he was becoming more aware of his position and it was making him aroused as well as embarrassed as this is seen by thousands, if not millions of people.
He tried motioning his head, his nose and mouth looking for pockets of air while blowing hot exhales on Momoi's skin. Jaegu's lips would sometimes accidentally brush against Momoi's chest or the sides of her breasts. Ghuagh! Jaegu felt another wave of Momoi's legs squeezing him. Aside from being painful, making harder for Jaegu to inhale after exhaling.
This was bad, Jaegu had to do something. Well, the only thing that came to mind was him to start forcefully flexing his arms downwards, groaning into Momoi's chest from pain and strain, basically trying to overpower his opponent. His shirt would slightly pull upwards, giving him a bit of a feeling of Momoi's legs.
If Jaegu managed to force at least one of his arms free, he'd attempt to punch Momoi in the face, or wherever on her body he could land since he was basically blindfolded by Momoi's tits.
If it failed, well, he'd still continue trying, but at the same time would also be attempting to plant his feet on the mat one at a time while trying to force himself upwards.
What does a fighter with minimal grappling experience do when they are put in a submission hold? Usually the wrong thing, in Momoi's experience, and that's exactly what she was counting on with Jaegu. He had to get his head up to escape the pinkette's breasts to breathe, but Momoi's arms were holding him down and intertwining with his arms to make escape even trickier.
"Mmm, not a bad kisser, are you," Momoi teased as she felt Jaegu's lips and breath against her skin as he tried to find an opening of air. A reasonable tactic that might work on a woman without Momoi's caliber of cleavage, but unfortunately for the rookie, she was more than buxom enough to keep his head buried if he couldn't make a complete escape.
Then Jaegu made a true rookie mistake with his next attempt. He pulled down his arms, which pulled down Momoi's arms, which were around his head with hands clasped behind his neck. Meaning that all he was doing was making Momoi push down on him even harder. The attempt to overpower the smaller wrestler was understandable, but his disadvantageous position sapped too much of his strength for his plan to work.
Seemingly sensing that going down wasn't working, Jaegu then tried going up. He planted his feet on the mat and started trying to pull up, this time using the intertwined nature of their bodies to his advantage as Momoi slowly began to lift up off of the ground. Do I want to be mean? Momoi asked herself as she contemplated using one of her legs to kick one of Jaegu's out from under him to make him fall before immediately reestablishing the Bodyscissors. If Momoi did do that, she could probably hold the rookie here until he tapped or passed out.
In the end, Momoi decided against it, wanting to give this fight a bit more of a chance than that. So once Jaegu got her up a decent way into the air, she would release the Inverted Full Nelson Breast Smother on her own and let her upper body fall. Then the pinkette would twist her hips hard to pull Jaegu back down and slam him into the mat. She might've been willing to show some mercy, but she wasn't going to let the rookie Powerbomb her that easily.
Momoi's further teasing was increasing Jaegu's blood pressure, making his face and body heat up. "That's not it!" He wanted to exclaim, but he couldn't, only some muffled sounds came out from Momoi's rich cleavage. His own attempts at escape didn't do him any favours in that regard as Momoi's arms were strong enough to keep them locked in, so that meant Jaegu only pushed his head into the cleavage harder.
"No... I can do this..." Jaegu told himself. He has been in a similar situation before, who was a smaller opponent as well... But uhm... It was an armbar, not whatever this was...
That time, he forced himself up, along with the opponent and slammed him to the mat. It was what he was about to do now to this pink haired woman. However, it was as if she knew what Jaegu was gonna do before he did it - she released Jaegu's arms and eased her body down onto the mat. Ghhk! It seems I can never take you by surprise... Rrgh!
Jaegu commented, with a pained smile on his face, temporarily forgetting that his whole face was visibly red.
Momoi's legs were still doing work on Jaegu's body and it seemed those legs had one more task - Momoi's hips twisted and as a result, her legs forcing Jaegu's body sideways to fell him again. Tschghh! Jaegu grunted, planting his feet more firmly on the mat, withstanding the force that tried to take him down again.
At that very moment, Jaegu's eyes lit up with an opportunity. He made Momoi's move fail, or at least he hoped he did. According to the pinkette's master plan or not, Jaegu would use this opportunity to send a right hand, turning, downwards hook hard into Momoi's exposed belly. His teeth grit and a fierce expression on Jaegu's face as he would land his first punch in this league and this match with a resounding CLAP sound. Hopefully that would be enough to force Momoi's legs to release him. If not, he'd then use his hands to pry them apart.
In either case, he would take a couple steps back, to steady his breathing and waiting for his opponent to get up. If Jaegu saw Momoi in visible pain, then he would immediately feel bad about it, realising that in the heat of the moment, he didn't hold anything back and potentially hurt this woman. I'm sorry, I... well, he didn't really know what to say. Momoi was his opponent, so they are supposed to be fighting, but causing pain to a woman with his own hands was giving him a heartache.
"Well I've been involved with wrestling most of my life. You're just starting out," said Momoi. "It'd probably be weirder if you could pull off a move that could surprise me." Yet despite saying that, the analyst had not been expecting him to stay upright when he tried to pull him down. Though in her defense, that wasn't exactly a move, it was Jaegu's physical size and strength being up to the task. Which was less surprising.
Yet regardless of Momoi's level of surprise, she was still about to take Jaegu's fist to her stomach. "Ugh!" she groaned as her leg came loose. Yeah, makes sense the boxer can punch hard, thought Momoi. But she wasn't deterred, as Jaegu tried to back away, she stuck her leg out behind his knee. Tripping the rookie and making him fall on his butt before he could even get the apology out.
"Nice punch, but I can take a hit," said Momoi as she went to grab Jaegu's legs. A red. fist-shaped mark was on her belly, but the pinkette didn't seem to mind it. "Now let's see if you can take a hold," the analyst said as she lifted the Korean's legs up before twisting her own legs around them and bringing them back to the floor in a Figure Four Leglock.