"La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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"La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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Luzura didn't had a singles match, and was excited about having a 2nd one after months of pause and not counting the few ones she had in tag team along with Amity. This would be her time to shine and she knows more than others that she must do her best in this match. Once she walked past the backstage area to entrance area, she gets ready for to enter.


Once her song starts to play, she passes the entrance curtains and shows up to the public, getting cheers from the crowds, then she does a quick run to the ring and jumps off of the floor to do a straight forward roll over the bottom rope and once inside, she stands in one knee while looking at nowhere, in the center of the ring. Later, La Titan gets up and stands on both feet to go to her corner and take her beanie off, dropping it under the bottom turnbuckle, as showing that she was ready for this match.


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Re: "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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The atmosphere was very lively and electric today, with people cheering for their favourite superstars, booing the heels and resonating with the wrestlers. They all expected a good show, that not just entertained them, but also got their blood pumping, and feel the rush of a wrestling match in full force. Allison would be going against "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura. Allison did not know much about her and had to figure her out in the ring, without any prior reference or help. But Allison was confident in her abilities. She didn't get this by doubting herself or backing -off from a challenge and she wouldn't do so now. The jet-black haired woman observed the tan woman enter through the curtain and run through the ramp and rolled into the ring. "Ooh..she seems to be a bundle of energy. This is gonna be an intriguing contest"she slightly nodded murmured to herself as she was watching Luzura through the backstage monitor. As the dominican woman's entrace was finished, Allison started to get ready, clad in her jacket and awaiting the backstage crew for the word Go.
Entrance Attire

Theme Song
Ring Attire

The arena roared as Allison Music blared through, pumping Allison up as she entered through the curtain, scanning the crowd with a confident gaze, holding the lapels of her unbuttoned jacket in her hands. Her ring gear wasn't completely visible. A sly smirk appeared on Allison's face as she slowly strut down the ramp, swaying her hips side-to-side as she slowly pulled the lapels of the jacket away, holding them farther, revealing her clad in her ring gear, with her midriff proudly on display and her top showing ample cleavage. She casually looked at audience on the left and right side of the ramp, locking eyes with a few lucky people and winked at them as she continue to strut down the ramp. The brawler climbed the steel steps and got into the ring from in between the top and middle ropes, before slowly taking off her jacket, making sure to give the people a show, before hanging it outwards on the ringpost and leaned against the top turnbuckle of her corner , arching her back to accentuate her midriff as she sensually ran her hands through her long, smooth hair. The woman from Brooklyn then slowly closed her eyes and rotated her shoulder joints, waiting for the referee to begin.
Last edited by Hitman45 on Wed Jul 10, 2024 7:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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Luzura was patiently waiting inside the ring while walking from side to side, just not knowing who will her opponent be until Allison's song started with a roar, moment in which Luzura stands quiet in the middle of the ropes between two corners, in the opposite direction to the entrance and ramp areas of the arena. The Dominican luchadora looked at Allison approaching to the ring with her own manners until she stepped the steel steps.

Luzura stretches her arms when Allison entered to the ring to finish her entrance, and later goes back to the same corner in which she leaned seconds before her opponent's entrance, just waiting for the match to start.

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Re: "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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"DING,DING,DING!!"The bell rang, the referee signalled to begin.Allison slowly starightened herself, before slowly starting to move sideways, wanting to circle the ring. Most probably, Luzura, looking focused and in the zone would follow suit. Allison was ever the pragmatist, not wanting to dive headfirst into a match, but rather test the waters first, before proceeding to the next course of action. She has had many painful and regrettable experiences going with the former option, with consequences ranging from being in the place at the wrong time, causing her to be suspended; to surprise ambushes in the college gym. "Let us start nice and slow, yeah?" she whispered to herself as she began to steadily and leisurely go around the squared circle.

The brawler would plan to raise her left hand, indicating a test of strength. She didn't think of any surprise attack or anything; just wanted to gauge Luzura's movements and observe what she would do.If they did get locked in a test of strength, and Allison managed to push her back , she would push the Dominican Titan to the corner, before attempting a high-knee to her exposed and toned midriff. But if the Luchadora managed to even push her slightly back, she wouldn't bother to stand her ground and would volountarily be driven back, in the hope of trying to counter Luzura's next move. The jet-black haired woman didn't feel the need to go gung-ho from the beginning. She would try to be calculating, opportunistic and effective. Her feet were moving with grace and she felt in good spirits, hearing the crowd scream and goad them. The atmosphere was charging her up, and she could see it having the same effect on the Dominican Luchadora. The audience deserved great show , and they both were going to give them one.

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Re: "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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Luzura cracked her hands until the bell rang, and then she walks off of the corner and goes around Allison while getting into her own stance, doing the same thing until locking fingers with her, then she puts her other arm up to grab her other hand and start the test of strength.

Once she locked both hands with Allison's, Luzura at the start gets pushed back by Allison. The dominican luchadora sees that she was closer to the corner and starts moving forward to push Allison back to the middle of the ring, proving her own strength against her opponent.

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Re: "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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As Allison rsied her left arm, Luzura obliged and locked her fingers with Allison's and both began to push and exert pressure from their."Ngh..." The jet-black haired woman's nostrils began to flare as she pushed against the force of the Luchadora and it seemed to work at first, with the Dominican woman taking a step back and another....and another, and another. As Allsion was almost about to push her to the corner, she began to experience more force directed towards her, as the Luchadora first firmly planted her feet on the mat, pushing back against the brawler, when both of their chests mashed together, with Allison's larger bosoms on top of Luzura's due to her height advantage. Their abs also came into contact as Allison felt her abs grinding against the Dominican's toned midriff.

The audience collective gasps and sounds of awe at sensual scene unfolding in the middle of the squared circle,were clearly heard by both of the competitors"Oooh...I like where this is going. If this weren't a match, we could've kicked things up a notch *wink*" Allison whispered with a sly smirk as she felt herself taking a step back, then another, then another....until both were back to square one at the centre of the ring."Urgh...no time to get distracted" the Brooklyn woman thought to herself, as she tried to figure out a plan to tilt the match in her favor.

Both of them were at a standstill, grunting trying to push against each other; sweat creasing at their brows and beads of them visible on the sides of their faces. FInally, Allison decided to use her towering presence to her advantage by applying pressure in a dialgonally downward direction, instead of horizontal direction; as this would probably cause Luzura to bend one of her knee to withstand the pressure, causing her to kneel, which would put the brawler in a considerable advantage. Allison then would take a couple of small steps backwards, her fingers still locked with the Luchadora, transferring her weight to her arms, and then propelling both of her now lightweight legs and folding them so that the knees are facing Luzura, thrusting her hips forward and driving her knees into the Dominican's woman face for a Double-Knee Strike!
Last edited by Hitman45 on Thu Jul 11, 2024 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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Luzura smiles after pushing Allison back to the center of the ring, and she was going to push her against the opposite corner but the things changed when Allison started to push her down with all her weight, and Luzura felt that when she goes down on one knee, getting the disadvantage against her.

Luzura kept struggling and tried to get up until she saw Allison ready for the double knee strike with some steps back, but Luzura reacts quick to avoid the attack by stepping aside and gets up behind her opponent to start kicking on her left thigh until taking her against a corner.

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Re: "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

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As Allison's knee was driving forward,about to hit Luzura square on her face, The Dominican Luchadora dodged the strike at last second and got behind Allison, using the momentum. "AArgh..." Allison groaned;one being of surprise more than pain as she felt Luzura unleash a kick on her left thigh, which on contact, caused her muscles to ripple and bent her knee slightly; while she took a step forward to avoid losing balance."Aaackk!!, Urgh!!, Shit!!"jolts of pain repeatedly shot up her left thigh and up her spine, as it was attacked again with a couple more strikes, resulting in Allison temporarily limping towards the corner of the ring. Now, her thigh was starting to feel uncomfortable; but she didn't worry too much as she physically endured a lot of pain since she could fight and also trained her butt off on maintaining that aspect of her fight, which is sometimes the cornerstone of the aspect of a fighter and the difference between winning and getting your rear kicked.She knew that her thigh would recover soon, but the jet-black haired woman now needed to curb the strategic assault on her thigh. "Uff...Ahhh"As Allison leaned against the ringpost, panting and hissing in discomfort; clutching her thigh,she saw Luzura's leg propelling towards her targeted thigh and was coming fast.

Allison decided to take a risk. She knew that blocking the attack would open her body up for other forms of damage; and she couldn't dodge it due to being cramped for room by Luzura. So, she decided to grab the Dominican woman's leg with both as it would make contact with her thigh and soldiering through the pain, would twist herself to slam the Luchadora's leg into the outer ringpost and simultaneously getting out of the corner; even provide a few preciously moments for her to tend to her thigh. If this elaborate maneuver does become successful, she would grab Luzura's head from the back and slam in on the top turnbuckle multiple times, while her leg would still be stuck outside having been slammed against the outer ringpost

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Re: "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

Unread post by The460Slayer »

Luzura was throwing kicks at Allison's thigh until taking her against a corner. After those, she was going for one more but she gets caught of the leg by Allison and gets her leg slammed against the outer ringpost, which makes the dominican luchadora to groan in pain, without hope to escape and gets her head brutally slammed against the upper turnbuckle.

"Hey! Hey! Stop of you'll be disqualified. 1! 2! 3! 4!" said the referee as trying to separate Allison from Luzura after getting ambushed.
Last edited by The460Slayer on Fri Jul 12, 2024 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: "La Titan Dominicana" Luzura vs Allison "Avalanche" Ford

Unread post by Hitman45 »

*Thump* *Thump* *Thud* *Thud*...Allison was taking no chances as she continuously rammed Luzura's head onto the top turnbuckle. She could even hear people wincing sitting in the front row, their reaction indicating that she was dealing good damage. SInce the brain is the driver, the control centre, and in terms of american football, the quartermack i.e, the most important part of the body; taking heavy damage at the early stages of the match could have dire consequences as the fight progress, affecting the vision, hearing and decision making of the fighter.

After the few more head slams into the turnbuckle , elicitng gasps and groans of agony the Dominican Titan; the referee tried to get in-between Allison and Luzura, whose leg was still stuck between the middle and top-turnbuckle, having seen her leg and specifically, her shin; getting smashed against the outer ringpost and the resulting 'thwack' sound reverberating through the arena.

"Oh come on ref! Too hardcore for your feeble heart?" Allison taunted; having to shout to the referee as her voice was getting drowned by the cheers and screams of the crowd. The referee was unwilling to budge and when warned about getting disqualified, the jet-black haired woman had to relent and took a few steps back, "*Tsk*fine, whatever you say, dude..."putting her arms up feigning surrender.

The brawler could see Luzura was visibly in pain as she gritting her teeth, eyes shut sharply, groaning in pain and also, she still hadn't taken her leg out of that predicament; "She ain't thinking straight..."A vicious smirk appeared on Allison's lips, as she shot forward, taking the referee by surprise as she planned to drive both her feet into the side of the Luchadora's stuck leg, aiming at the side of the knee like a Dropkick. If successful, the brawler would then swiftly grab Luzura'a other leg with her hands, which was bearing the weight of the tan-skinned woman; and pull it, causing her to fall on her back!
Last edited by Hitman45 on Sat Jul 13, 2024 6:35 am, edited 2 times in total.

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