AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Standard Match

Rules: Standard rules apply
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission or K.O.

While this was far from Azumi Tanahashi's first match, it was her first bout in LAW. Though she didn't want to make a very big deal out of it, after all she was mostly a part-timer. She had other obligations after all and that meant that she wasn't looking to make this into some spectacle. Though unfortunately it had become one, there was a buzz that she was joining LAW for a match, one which had spread around social media quite a bit! Azumi couldn't help but let out a sigh, she should have figured that this would happen. She was a decently popular and famous wrestler here in Japan, though she wasn't a world-wide star she could always bring in a crowd in the land of the rising sun.

She didn't know too much about her opponent for the evening, other than that she was a foreigner. Azumi wondered why this woman had been chosen to be her opponent, and she could only figure out three potential options. Either, this Cora Adair as her name was. She was a capable wrestler who could match Azumi's prowess, or she was someone that was being served as fodder for AZUMI, the famous Japanese wrestler....or, the final option was that Cora was a rising star and they wanted to boost her numbers by having her face AZUMI. Azumi Tanahashi figured all three were likely options, so she would simply have to find out in the match itself.

As her music started to play over the speakers, the white and red clad wrestler stepped out onto the ramp and began to jog down towards the ring! She rushed to the ring and showed off some athleticism as she would jump up onto the ring apron and swung over the ropes in a smooth motion, landing on one knee in the ring in a superhero landing pose, with a fist pressing down into the canvas. She rose up to her feet and had a confident smile on her face as she looked out at the adoring audience.

AZUMI was here and like always fed on the energy of the crowd, she would run up to her corner and jumped up to stand on the middle turnbuckle, and raised her arm up and saluted to the crowd! Then jumping down as she would settle into her corner and lean her back against it, stretching her arms out over the top ropes. Awaiting her foe.


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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Tonight was Cora's second match in LAW after an exciting debut the week before, this match likely could be just as exciting if not even more so. Cora was already in the locker room, her shorts and top hugged her body in all the right places as she sat down and put on her boots before springing back up to her feet and jogged to a mirror looking to make sure how her attire looked going so far as to look at her butt in the mirror. Heck she might just have the best ass in the lightweight division. Pulling on her top to adjust it a bit she was ready. Walking out of the locker room Cora pushed her hair back over her shoulder as she walked through the hall, her hips swaying with each step, her shorts showing off just a bit of her butt along with it.
Reaching the curtain she hopped on her toes while stretching each of her arms across her body one at a time as she waited for her opponent's music to end and her own to start up. Hearing it Cora smiled and stood still for a second before walking through the curtain onto the stage before stopping. Placing her right hand on her hip Cora raised her left in the air pointing to the ceiling and making a pose for a few moments before readjusting her posture and skipping down the ring high fiving the fans on her way down to the ring. Getting close enough Cora jumped up onto the ring apron before turning and looking up the ramp before gripping the top rope and kicking her legs, propelling herself over the top rope into the ring. Turn and giving her opponent a friendly smirk before raising her arms and doing a lap around the middle of the ring before walking to her corner, turning and facing her opponent while rolling her shoulders making sure we was nice and loose before the bell.

Once the bell rang Cora was going to do something different for once, rushing her opponent Cora would go low at the last second trying to go slightly past her opponent before tripping the woman up and rolling her up for a pin attempt right off the bat if successful!


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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Azumi waited for her opponent to make her way down the ramp, from what she could see it seemed as if she had a spunk in her step. Very much what one would expect when hearing a phrase like Lightweight wrestler, it looked as if she had the speediness and agility down from the way that she moved and propelled herself into the ring!

The Japanese woman would nod her head and smirk back at her Cora once she was in the ring. She would start to move out of her corner and got closer to the center of the ring. Azumi had figured that they would do the usual feeling out state of a match beginning. Especially with how they most likely didn't have much knowledge of one another.

Azumi would move to the center of the ring and when the bell rang she moved to start circling Cora! To her surprise though, Cora went for the offensive right away. Azumi brought her arms up and got ready to intercept her, but Cora ducked low and went for her legs! Grabbing and pulling the Japanese lightweight down onto her back, specifically onto her shoulders and getting her into an early roll up position. Azumi was shocked at how bold Cora was with this strategy. The referee dropped down and raised her hand up into the air, she was about to bring her hand down but before she could AZUMI would buck! Kicking up and shoving Cora off her to break the early pin attempt.

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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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With the bell rung Cora wasted no time showing she was here to win as she went low and went for a surprise roll up pin attempt right in the match opening. Even thought it caught Azumi off guard it wasn't really surprising to anyone that the Japanese woman kicked out. As her opponent thrusted and broke the pin Cora took a few steps back and placed her right hand on her hip looking down at Azumi. "I'm Cora by the way" she said introducing herself with a cocky yet friendly smirk before standing up straight ready to engage Azumi the minute she was right up on her feet trying to grapple with the woman in order to overpower her.

If everything went well Cora would attempt to transition Azumi into a side headlock a hold with a lot of leverage and one that opened up to many offensive options with the perk of being able to wear your opponent down by wrenching on there neck and head.


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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Azumi had come at her quite swiftly and managed to get an early pin attempt, practically the moment the bell had rung the shoulders of AZUMI had been down on the canvas. The Japanese veteran though wasn't going to be bested that easily as she managed to kick out of the pin and freed herself. The raven haired fighter would quickly bound up to her feet and let out a slightly annoyed huff.

Her gaze was aimed at Cora as the girl introduced herself and AZUMI would reply with a slight smile as she pushed up to her feet. " Azumi. Pleasure to meet you." The Japanese wrestler would let out as she saw Cora start to move in after her. She was quick, but Azumi wasn't looking to be taken by surprise, this time she was ready! She would let Cora get in close for that grapple attempt of hers...and then the second she was close enough, Azumi would suddenly try to duck out of the way and weave to the left, she'd drop down and try to grab a hold of Cora's legs and try to roll her up for a quick Roll-up pin attempt!

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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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An early pin attempt was sure to send a message to her opponent and get things started between the two, and completely unsurprisingly Azumi kicked out quickly and was even quicker to get back up. Cora was only going to give a moment of peace long enough for the two to introduce each other before heading right back after Azumi. "Pleasure will have to wait until after the match... if you're into that sort of thing of course" Cora flirted and teased before the two were face to face, Cora was ready to lock up but Azumi had other plans!

Her opponent moved quickly, changing things quicker than Cora could actually react to and right before she could process it she was grabbed and tripped up, landing on her back and this time she was the one rolled up and pinned!


Cora plant her hands on the mat before thrusting her body kicking out of the hold before pushing herself up and doing a handstand before doing a short cartwheel back up to her feet before running forward aiming to nail her opponent in the head with a running knee strike before she could get back up to her own feet.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Azumi had moved quickly after their brief exchange of words, she had no intention of getting up into a lock up after that strong opening by Cora. No, Azumi had a different plan as she dove in and down to Cora's legs and latched onto them as she decided to roll her opponent up! An action which worked like a charm, as she got Cora down on her shoulders and the crowd gasped as the second early pinfall attempt of the match had happened in the first few seconds of the match!

The referee dropped down and started the count, but all she managed to get off was a one count before Cora was able to kick out! Not only that but she performed and impressive gymnastic display of athleticism as she took to a hand stand and cartwheeled away. Azumi clicked her tongue and would move up towards her feet, but before she could rise fully Cora was already charging at her! The knee of Cora drove right into AZUMI's chest and sent her reeling, crashing onto her back with a thud as she coughed out as a fair bit of air left her lung from that running knee strike.

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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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One simple maneuver wasn't going to keep Cora down at all no matter who it was and Cora showed that as she not only kicked out but followed it up with a kart wheel. Not going to simply remain idle though she quickly turned and ran back at Azumi, her knee striking the woman in the chest, it may not have been the woman's skull but her attack worked nearly as intended by sending Azumi back down onto the canvas. After her knee struck her opponent Cora decided to show off a bit by coming to a stop with a slide while pointing at the camera with a thumb sticking up.

Cora would then hop back up to her feet before reapproaching Azumi aiming to pull the woman up by her hair. She would then attempt to tuck the woman's head under her arms before grabbing the side of the woman's bottoms before attempting to lift and slam the woman back down with a quick snap suplex!


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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Azumi coughed out as she was on her back, trying to recover from the harsh knee strike she had taken square in the chest. She needed to get some air back in her lungs. Meanwhile Cora not only had the time to show off, but go on the offensive yet again! As she reached down and grabbed a hold of Azumi's black hair, pulling the lightweight Japanese superstart up by her hair until she was up on her feet.

Azumi felt how her head was guided in under the armpit of Cora and then how she was being gathered up, her bottoms yanked on as she was then brought up into the air for a split second before being brought down, her body hitting the canvas with a loud thud as she was hit with that speedy snap suplex of Cora's! "Gaah!" Azumi would cry out from the impact.

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Re: AZUMI Vs. Cora Adair

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Cora lifted Azumi up and quickly slammed her back down with a snap suplex. It was early but Azumi was definitely going to start feeling things now. Sitting up Cora had a small smile feeling it was time to go for something a bit bigger. Getting up Cora walked to the ropes, grabbing the top one while smiling mischievously down at Azumi, motioning for the woman to sit up. When she did Cora would rush her attempting to leap up and slam her boot on the woman's forehead for her signature known as the warriors boot!


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