Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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Re: Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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Matilda did get heated when things were getting out of her grasp and this wasn’t any different for her. No matter how many times someone could try to remind her this is for fun and for a good cause, Matilda was dead set on winning and beating an established star and authority figure. Her and Sarabeth could create the upset of the century that would put their names in the top runnings for their graduation down the road. Matilda waited and spread her legs knowing Molly was about to launch and soon enough, the blonde bunny launched her behind once again! Molly would no doubt counter if Matilda dodged and then struck another blow. She had to go a bit more precise even if that meant putting herself in the line of fire! When Molly got closer, Matilda reached out with a twirl of her body striking Molly right on impact with a butt bomb to the bunny!

Sarabeth kept herself composed as she was not doing so good against her stepmother. She didn’t anticipate it to be a cakewalk, but her mother was not even flinching in this moment and without Jessie to help handicap Astrid, Sarabeth seemed to be destined to lose. She shook those defeating thoughts away and stood up for her team as she was their captain. Sarabeth stomped her feet and glared down her mother beckoning Astrid to bring her best, because Sarabeth was going to get super serious now gritting her teeth with competitive fire!
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Re: Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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Molly had thrown herself through the air, pushing her feet off the land to take off toward Matilda at top speeds - and with her behind held out in front of her, ready to come crashing into the puppeteer like a missile. There was only so long Matilda could keep ducking and parrying, Molly thought - sooner or later, her stamina would have to give out, and her balance would soon follow. Another good strike would take Matilda down, and when she took off toward her, Molly was sure this would be the one!

But to her surprise, Matilda wasn't taken down by it at all - in fact, she would only throw herself right back into the fray, as she hurled herself back at Molly! Their rears collided with the sound of a crack, and the arena broke out into cheers at such an expertly performed counter, with Matilda striking Molly just at the right moment! The fact that the aftershocks caused Molly's cheeks to jiggle didn't hurt, of course. But now, all the momentum Molly had built up behind her charge was turned back around on her! The eager grin on her face gave way to a gasp as she found herself going flying backward and away from Matilda. She had been deflected - and the trajectory she was on was about to take her right off the land!

Molly let out a scream as she sailed past the edge, but she was quickly silenced by a splash, and now, it was her face that lit up with an X on the big screen with the word "OVERBOARD." Finally, Molly too had been eliminated - and that left Astrid as the last woman standing of her team!

Astrid heard the buzzer announce Molly's elimination, and she looked back over her shoulder at the scene. There, she took in a deep breath. With her gone, she was outnumbered two to one, and she was sure that Matilda would soon come to gang up on her. But she still outweighed the Young Lionesses in both size and experience, and she wasn't about to give up yet! Once again, she took a step forward, thrusting her chest out into Sarabeth to try and shove her back toward the edge of the land! If she could try and eliminate Sarabeth now, she could easily take care of Matilda afterward!
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Re: Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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Matilda grinned as she saw Molly go straight into the water and scored yet another elimination for her team. She blew Molly a kiss and patted her bum as she pressed her hands on her hips. Now, they had a tall order to take care of and Sarabeth was bounced back by her mom’s tits going in her face. Even if Sarabeth was determined to prove her worth to her mother, Astrid was still a tall problem that couldn’t easily be overcome. She was over 6 feet tall and even smaller foes that may have had some luck against her only managed to move her a few inches. Sarabeth had tried knocking her back combining butt blows and tit hits, but it was barely anything without another person present and Matilda probably wouldn’t reach her in time if Astrid landed another blow to her.

What could she really do? Was she just going to lay down here to her mother? Astrid wouldn’t want her to go down that easily, but what else could she do? One look at the floor basically almost guaranteed that the sting of losing yet another match was coming to haunt Sarabeth, but it was there that her lightbulb started shining bright. She didn’t need to teeter Astrid. She needed to disturb the ground she stood on! This match was all about balance and if that balance was disturbed, Astrid couldn’t focus with her dependency on concentration and strategy. Not to mention, it wasn’t against the rules as Molly demonstrated. Another victory for logic! Jessie would be proud!

Too bad for you, Mom! You have a kid that loves jumping in rain puddles as a kid!” Sarabeth shouted as she started jumping up and down on the platform making her and Astrid’s side of the land vibrate with the water pushing up against it.
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Re: Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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With Molly going overboard, Team Forster's ranks had been thinned down to a single woman. But that woman was Astrid Ostberg - easily the largest in this match by a long shot, and with the credentials to back herself up! The fans watched with rapt anticipation to see what might happen next - Astrid outweighed both Matilda and Sarabeth, but how well would she contend with having to face both of them simultaneously? And just as intrigued was Molly herself - as the Englishwoman rose back up from under the water, shaking some droplets out of her hair, she lifted a fist and cheered. "Go, Astrid! You've got this!!" It was all down to this!

Astrid, to her credit, wasn't even intimidated by the thought of having to face the two Young Lionesses at once. She had been up against bigger threats - if she had triumphed over such foes as Selket and Cyber Widow, she had nothing to fear. And she had Sarabeth cornered - if she kept this up, she thought, she could take her out before Matilda even came into range. Watching the green-haired girl stagger backward, Astrid took a step closer, already lining up another thrust of her chest. A confident smile crossed her face. She had this in the bag!

But what she wasn't expecting was for Sarabeth to jump up again - not to sling herself at Astrid, but to drum her feet against the floor of the land! Little by little, the platform shook and began to teeter, until the surface of the water was creeping up over the edge closest to the Norsewoman. Astrid let out a gasp - Sarabeth's clever thinking was tipping the odds in her favor, literally and figuratively! The former Heavyweight Champion didn't know the first thing about keijo, but she did know she could use her size to her advantage. But Sarabeth realized there was more to it than that!

Gritting her teeth, Astrid spread her legs further apart and lifted her arms, trying to steady her center of balance. The more the land tipped, the more precarious her position became - she couldn't let herself fall! "Rrgh...that's clever," she said, "but it won't be enough-!" Astrid slid a foot forward, trying to work her way closer to the center of the land. If she could get there, her weight would help push it back down...but getting there would be the tricky part, when her balance was compromised.
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Re: Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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Sarabeth’s plan had worked and Astrid was trying to find her way to her stepdaughter without slipping. The hardest part would be to avoid the now wet parts of the platform. One wrong slip and Astrid was done for whether toppling on land or going into the water with a massive splash. Whatever came first to deliver victory for Sarabeth and Matilda. However, there was going to need to still be a driving force to take Astrid down and the crowd were eager to see the Young Lionesses try their hand at taking down the longest reigning Heavyweight Champion of LAW. It wouldn’t be entirely easy, but their odds could only go up if they played their cards right.

Matilda saw no easy way to Sarabeth. She had to get to her before Astrid did, but then, if she showed up just behind Sarabeth, she was right in the line of fire if Astrid could make her way over. Instant loss right there. She could go behind, but three people on slippery cushions was not a good idea since any of them could cost themselves the match right there. Matilda took a look at the gaps of the platforms and realized hopping her way to Sarabeth was likely the best route. She had to time it good and hoped Sarabeth could keep Astrid busy. She also had to line it up since Astrid was on the move. Here goes nothing!

Matilda took a deep breath rounding a corner to hop to one platform and then the next and then the next taking every few seconds to balance herself and not slip into the water. Once Matilda hit the last platform before the platform her loner friend was on, Matilda turned in mid-air going to hit Astrid’s face head on with a hip attack. Matilda landed in front of Astrid before ducking down to nod to Sarabeth before Sarabeth ran with an excited grin using Matilda’s back as a makeshift platform and come down on Astrid’s with a full breast strike to the face!
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Re: Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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As the largest woman in the match, Astrid seemed like she should have been a shoe-in as the favorite to win it all. But the two Young Lionesses had their ways of working around their limitations - and now, they were able to put their heads together for a plan that just might be enough to tip the odds in their favor. In forcing the land to tilt, Sarabeth had compromised Astrid's center of balance - she was forced to brace herself in her stance to avoid toppling back into the water. But while Astrid was being forced to concentrate on keeping herself upright, she wasn't able to focus on pressing her advantage and bringing the fight to Sarabeth. She was still inching her way back toward the center of the land, but she had to do so slowly and carefully, moving one foot at a time and holding her arms out at her sides to distribute her balance. She couldn't afford to come charging in - and that meant Matilda had the time to gain some ground of her own.

As Astrid worked her way toward Sarabeth, Matilda took off, hopping from platform to platform to try and catch up to Astrid. With every turn and jump she made, the crowd cheered louder and louder at the tenacity and acrobatic skills she put on display! As Matilda touched down on the platform ahead of her, Astrid looked up, taking her attention off Sarabeth for a moment to watch as the brunette came closer. She tried to lean in forward, pushing out her chest to shore herself up against whatever might come next - but Matilda wasn't stopping for anything; she hurled herself straight through the air and into Astrid butt-first, punctuating her entrance on the scene with a hip attack right to the Norsewoman's face!

It landed with a crack, sending Astrid stumbling backward a few steps as the crowd cheered even louder to Matilda's comeback! Once again, the land began to tilt against the shifting weight. Astrid leaned backward, needing to hold her hands out at her sides to try and steady herself; she wavered from one side to the other. She was too focused on maintaining her balance to press the advantage. And that meant the Young Lionesses had a golden opportunity to strike!

The moment Matilda landed, she leaned down - and Sarabeth, with another stride forward, leaped off her back to catapult herself into Astrid! The sight of such a brilliant double-team move had landed the two girls a standing ovation even before Sarabeth had hit - but when she did hit, she came crashing into Astrid at full speed! When her stepmother was already struggling to maintain her balance, an impact from Sarabeth was all she needed to be pushed over the edge. At last, her feet slipped backward and kicked up into the air - and when Astrid fell back, she dropped right off the edge of the land, and into the water below! Team Chummers-Ashworth had just scored their final elimination!
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Re: Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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The upset had been realized! Astrid had been toppled and the gong sounded to end the match. Sarabeth and Matilda had become the sole survivors for their team and they got the biggest cheers of their lives. Matilda was surely the MVP having a hand in eliminating all three members and Sarabeth could boast about having a win over her stepmother. It wasn’t a win like she should be experiencing in the wrestling ring, but she can at least be undefeated right now in keijo matches. Sarabeth hugged her best friend as Jessie swam to their platform getting on as all three American girls did a group hug with cheers being uttered all around the arena! Just for them!
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Re: Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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At last, it was over. Astrid and her team had fought hard, and even managed to score an elimination over Jessie, but in the end, victory would go to the Young Lionesses, thanks to Matilda's quick reflexes and determination. When the Norsewoman went toppling into the water, causing her portrait to be crossed out on the big screen, the whole arena lit up with cheers. Even when outmatched in size and experience by Astrid, Sarabeth's team had triumphed. And they had given everyone a thrilling match in the process!

Astrid's head broke out from under the water, and she sputtered and gasped, trying to clear the wet hair away from her eyes. When she looked up, there was her stepdaughter and her friend, celebrating atop the land. Even still, she couldn't help but smile. Sarabeth had fought hard and shown how determined she could be, and Astrid had no doubts that she deserved the victory. Besides, when she didn't have much in the way of keijo experience of her own, she didn't have anything to be ashamed of if she didn't measure up. Still, as she bit her lip, she couldn't deny that she hadn't been having the best of luck lately...

All the same, once she swam over to join her teammates and picked herself up onto dry land, Astrid clapped for Sarabeth and her team - and so too did her teammates, who rose to join her. "That was fun!" Sheila cheered with a wave, hopping up and down a few times before she slipped on the wet ground and narrowly caught herself. "Oop-! We'll have to do this again some day!"

Molly, meanwhile, turned to Jessie, going to extend a hand to her for a shake. "Don't feel bad," she said. "It's new for all of us. But you did a great job! And it's always good to branch out."
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Re: Keijo Charity Match: Team Chummers-Ashworth vs. Team Forster

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An unexpected victory by the three Young Lionesses certainly gave everyone a possible future into three big stars for the world of professional wrestling. Sarabeth hugged her mother and Jessie shook hands with Molly for a good match as the crowd cheered them all on. The total number of money raised for charity was shown as all six competitors had did their part for sea life and for the audience’s entertainment. It was a good day for a keijo match indeed!

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