The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

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The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

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Halloween Sonohara was ready for action. Dressed in her typical outfit, she’d had all her customary pre-match preparations. Got some stretches in, limbered up, nice and fit. Made sure to stop by the bathroom to handle some business, nullifying the chance for any unwanted mishaps in the ring. All of her makeup was on point, and she’d even gotten her in just the right style, with time to spare.

There was only one tiny, little, insignificant, miniscule, speck of a problem that she had to deal with. A fly in the ointment. It all stemmed from an important question.

”How the hell do I have a tag match?”
Halloween Sonohara
She had only been called in at the last minute, with management needing someone to fill in as an opponent for a debuting wrestler. Halloween was more than happy to fit the bill, but it was only now that she was hearing about who she was up against - Umi and Kairi Yamamoto. Two wrestlers. Plural.

She’d found one of the agents backstage, a portly girl in glasses with a name that she couldn't recall for the life of her, and she was in the process of airing her confusion as the woman looked at her like she was speaking Greek. ”This isn’t some handicap thing, is it? Because I’m not about to go out and have a threesome with two chicks I just met out of nowhere, that’s like-”

”No, no, it’s nothing like that.” The woman shook her head, sounding every bit as confused as Halloween was, if not more. ”It’ll be you and your partner.”

Halloween’s head tilted to the side, as if her brain needed to shift a bit so it could process that. ”Tag…partner?” Her eye twitched. ”I don’t have a-”

”Oh, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenie!

”Dear God no.”

Halloween’s tanned face turned pale white as she spun around and saw a familiar blonde prancing her way down the hallway. That long, flowing hair, those roomy hips, those bright eyes, that shimmering smile. It had been a good while since she’d seen her, but she hadn't changed a bit in that time.

Hanako ‘Lovers’ Inose.
Hello, world.
Halloween stood, wide-eyed and slackjawed, as her ex-girlfriend came skipping over, hands on hips, bobbing from side to side. ”Hey, weenie! You ready for this? I’ve been aching to go all week long, let me tell you. I know it’s a little last minute, but I was thinking we could do a little thing where I go out first and then you come down, and we kind of dance around to the music - mine, not yours, since this is my first match in LAW and all. We could probably come up with a new tag theme later. I figured we could go a little upbeat for it, you know? Maybe some synthwave or house music, something with a really good beat. Or phonk! Always wanted to try coming out to that heavy bass stuff, like you see on the YouTube videos with-”

Halloween threw her arms forward and clapped, loud enough to make everyone in the gorilla position stand at attention. ”Lovers. Hanako. Focus. Look at me, look at me, look at me.” She pointed at her eyes and stared straight at her ex-girlfriend, making sure she had the woman’s undivided attention. That was super-important with her. ”Why. Are You. Here?”

”For the tag match, silly.”

Halloween blinked. ”Hanako. We are not a tag team. We have not been a tag team for six months, two weeks and three days. We broke up.” She leaned forward. ”You do remember that we broke up, right? Please tell me that you remember that we broke up. It is of the utmost importance that you remember that we broke up.”

Lovers snickered and flipped her hair back in that lovely angelic way she did, practically radiating light. ”Um, yeah, of course, I remember. Kind of hard to forget that. You took my cat.”

”For the last time, Salem is my-” Halloween had a hard sigh and brought her hands up. Don’t get off topic. ”Fine, whatever. But if you remember us breaking up, that begs the question: Why are you here?”

”Because I’m your tag partner, silly.” She shrugged, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. ”Us breaking up doesn’t mean we’re not a tag team anymore.”

It took a solid ten seconds for Halloween to find the breath to speak again, and by the time she did, Lovers’
was playing. ”Ooo, that’s us! Come on, let’s gooooooooooo!” Lovers ran out through the curtain while Halloween stayed frozen in place, still trying to process the madness that had been thrust upon her.

She shouldn’t go out there. She shouldn’t do this. She should let Lovers wrestle by herself. She should let her get demolished in the ring, and maybe that would knock some sense into her. Halloween knew this woman better than anyone. If she went out there and went through with this tag team match, she would never get the concept in her head. The two of them would be tethered for her entire LAW career, and there would be no escaping from her. Yes, Lovers would get beat up, and that was sad, but it would be worth it for her sanity. This was her one chance to escape, her one chance to be free. All she had to do was walk away.

And she did, Halloween sighed, shook her head, and walked away from the gorilla position.

Only for her to turn around five seconds later and head back to the curtain. ”Fuck, fuck, fuck, hijo de puta…”

By the time she made her way out, Lovers was already in the ring, blowing kisses to the adoring fans and bathing in the attention. Halloween was notably less cheery - she simply stormed down the ramp, hopped up on the apron, and made her way over to their corner. She leaned up against the turnbuckle as Lovers’ music died down, practicing some breathing exercises to illicit calm.

This was going to be a long night.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Feb 14, 2024 11:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

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The Twin Sirens: Umi & Kairi Yamamoto vs Scary Love: Lovers Inose & Halloween Sonohara
Match Type: "Tag Team Hardstyle Hentai."
The win condition is to first force an opponent to an orgasm and then immediately follow up by either pinning, submitting, or knocking them out. The attempt resets upon an unsuccessful pin/submission/KO. Any attempts at a submission, pinfall, or knockout will not be counted unless a wrestler has forced an orgasm first. Furthermore, both the orgasm and the following pin attempt/submission/knockout must take place inside the confines of the ring in the presence of the referee. Tags must still be made between teammates, and the legal orgasms and fall attempts can only be scored on legal wrestlers.
No Disqualification - DQs and Count-outs will not be counted, but the verbal submission MUST happen within the confines of the ring.


"Entering second, standing at a unified 5'4 at a combined weight of 266 lbs...THE TWIN SIRENS...UMI AND KAIRI YAMAMOTO, LADY KITSUNE!!!"


The Twins would arrive shortly after the seemingly impromptu team of 'Scary Love' as it seemed Lovers and Halloween's so-called 'chemistry' appeared less than ideal. When compared to that of the Yamamoto twins, they seemed COMPLETELY out of their depth when it came to tag team coordination. The Twins entered with grace and finesse, combined with an eerie level of synchronization as they matched and mirrored each other's movements one-for-one. They sensually posed at the top of the ramp before making their way down the walkway, strutting with style and an erotic flair before they ascended the steel steps on both sides of the ring, meeting in the middle and performing one final unified pose, entering the ring by slipping through the ropes in a sexy fashion, showing off their equally lovely, mirrored figures before moving toward their corner, taking a lap around the ring to wave and blow kisses at Halloween and Lovers, admiring the eye candy put on display for them...getting a nice, long look at their first VICTIMS...
Last edited by Misfit_Alien on Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

”OHMYGOOOOOOOOOOOOD. ‘Weenie, look, they’re twins!”

”Can see that. Stop calling me that.”

”And they’re not, too. Like, reallyreallyreally hot.”

”Can see that, too.”

Lovers actually managed to get two facts in a row straight, a new record. Their opponents were, in fact, twins, and were also, in fact, hot. The two moved like it, too, strutting their stuff with practiced poses and fully synchronized steps. Pretty impressive stuff, actually, but Halloween was more worried thinking about all the ways that fighting two opponents who looked damn near identical could be a major pain in the ass. They weren’t exactly the same - she could see little differences in their outfits, blue where white was in a few places. But when these two were running around and flipping and doing whatever the heck they were supposed to be doing? Geez.

The hotness reminded her, too. ”What’s with signing me up for a hentai match, by the way? You know I’ve never done that, neither of us have.”

Lovers shrugged and waved it off. ”Nah, we got this. It’s just sex, how hard could it be?”

Hard. Halloween snapped back quick. [color=#ffbfff0]”It could be very hard, Hanako.”[/color] She glanced to the middle of the ring as the referee moved into position, looking to start things up. It probably best that she go first, wanting to get a read on what these two could do, what their deal was. ”When the times come, you do the fucking, got it?”

Lovers threw the twins a flirty wave, then hopped out on the apron. ”Pfft, no complaints from me.”

There was a really mean comment that Halloween could’ve made about her ex-girlfriends sexual history, but she kept in her pockets for now. She’d be the bigger woman. Figuratively speaking.

Halloween rolled her shoulders as she strutted towards the center of the ring and starting bouncing on her toes, getting in the mood as she took her spot. ”All right, first thing, which one of you am I facing first? Names.” She looked between the two and groaned. ”And fair warning, I’m already way above my BS quota for the day. Test me at your peril.”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Tue Feb 20, 2024 2:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

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The pair would giggle and snicker simultaneously, baffled and amused at the ongoing chaos between the two tag team 'partners'...but the terms 'partner' and 'team' were doing a LOT of heavy lifting there...especially considering the OBVIOUS dismay between Halloween and Lovers...This would be easy pickings...for the most part. The pair scouted and analyzed the two from afar, making silent judgment calls based on how their opponents acted. It would seem that the one with all the brains and focus was the 'Halloween' chick...meaning that if they could get rid of her early on, the lovely-looking 'Lovers' lady would be easy prey to dismantle and fuck into oblivion. Without revealing their cards or devious plots, the twins would smile with delight and eagerness, keeping up a friendly attitude even as one of them approached Halloween in the center.

The twin with the dark blue bandana would enter the fray first on behalf of her team, making it clear who she was as she waved her dark blue bandana around. "Pleased to meet you cutie pie~...I'm Umi...that's my sister over there, Kairi. Sorry to hear that you've been putting up with so much. Why don't I help you relieve a little stress? I give GREAT 'massages' fact, why don't you just let me demonstrate~?" She asked, waggling her hips from side to side, giving Halloween a lovely showing of lustful proportions as she began to pregame a bit before the bell properly rang, trying to see what Halloween would and wouldn't bite for.
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Re: The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Halloween hated both of these women immediately.

Granted, the situation itself wasn’t helping her mood, but she was pretty certain that, even if she’d met these two in completely neutral circumstances, she would’ve still developed an intense dislike of them right off the bat. It wasn’t that they were rude or offensive or anything - quite the opposite. All the smiling, all the giggling, all the cutesy crap, it was all rubbing her the wrong way. The two were acting like this was meet-cute, not a match.

That didn’t change when Umi came over and introduced herself and her sister-clone, already turning up the cuteness with her little bandana. Halloween focused on it for a moment, committing it to memory so she wouldn’t confuse the two, before she looked over to the woman herself and digested the offer she was making.

It took a moment to process, but a little smirk came across Halloween’s previously placid face. ’A massage, huh? Okie-doke.” She turned about on her heel, presenting her back to Umi. ”Go ahead. Work your magic.”

Halloween stood there, waiting for Umi to approach, but kept her eye on the big screen from the side of her eye the whole time. If her opponent took the bait and approach, she’d wait until she was just close enough, then through her body back, bring her leg over in an arc, and try to clock her with a Pele Kick to the face.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Mon Mar 25, 2024 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

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"Sure thing~!!! I'll be right on over~..." Umi said with a pleasant smile, her outside expression betraying her internal thoughts. Well, this bitch was a fucking IDIOT...that was the thought that Umi and Kairi had in their heads as Umi walked forward, skipping along innocently, prancing cutely around Halloween before coming back around to stand face-to-face with her. She would lean in nice and slow and try to YANK the woman's hand in a quick flash, but the dark-haired short stack was quicker on the draw as Umi's vision would be filled with flashes of black and white as something clocked her in the face. She stumbled back and clutched her cheek, seething and growing furious as she stared at Halloween. "W-What the-!?! What's the matter with you!?!! Too pent up and stuck up to recognize a good time when you see one?!" Umi yelled. "My sis and I were gonna take it easy on you two, but now you've just sealed your fate!!! I'm sending you to watery grave after I fuck you into submission and make you scream for mercy." She yelled, losing her composure almost immediately after being foiled seconds into the match. With the veil pretty much gone, an equally infuriated Kairi chimed in from behind.

"Break that whore like a glowstick, Umi-!!!"
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Re: The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

The only downside from hitting Umi with that? Halloween couldn't see the look on her face when she hit. God, she bet it was the funniest thing ever.

Thankfully, the reaction she got just after was a decent enough substitute. She stayed on her back, looking up as the twin lambasted her, giggling at the sight. Yeah, she was mad, really insulted, giving her all kinds of threats. Would’ve come off a lot more intimidating if it wasn’t being delivered with that whiny, pre-teen sounding voice of hers.

”Don’t threaten me with a good time.” Halloween did a quick kip up, spun about on her heel, and egged Umi on. ”Bigger bitches have tried, Parent Trap.”

Halloween sprung into action and charged straight at Umi, bringing the fight straight to her - or so it would look like at first blush. Instead of a straight up attack, however, she ducked low, did a quick leap, aimed a short drop kick at her opponent’s knee, trying to cut her off and bring her down to size.

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Re: The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

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Umi was prepared to shut the pipsqueak up with a quick Big Boot to the face, looking to shove the sole of her boot down Halloween's throat. Unfortunately, for her, the already tiny wrestler shrank down even more with a quick dive, ducking down low and lunging forward with her legs outstretched to send a low-angled Dropkick right at Umi's knee...and considering the twin was already stuck in motion for that Big Boot, Halloween's attack basically flipped her over after making contact with her knee, forcing Umi to stumble forward into an awkward front flip that had her endure a rough landing on her backside, unintentionally turning Halloween's attack into a sort of Dropkick-and-Kitchen-Sink combo. Kairi yelled at Sonohara from afar, cursing her while Umi did the same under her breath, the two berating the dark-haired woman in tandem as Umi rubbed her back, trying to get to her feet as she stumbled.
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Re: The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Yeah, Halloween figured that Umi was going to try and hit her with something like a Big Boot. It was a consequence of being so short and having what most described as a ‘punchable’ face, people were always trying to knock her block off.

Fortunately, she’d learned how to deal with it well enough over the years - when they went high, she went low, and left them rolling in the process. Umi was sent flying, ass-over-teakettle, coming down hard on her back from the sound of it, and Halloween was far from done.


”I’m going!” Halloween squawked back at Lover’s as she pushed up to her feet and took off again, dashing towards the ropes at top speed. She hit them and came bouncing back with all the momentum she could muster, turning into a tiny blur as she closed in on her fallen foe.

She waited until the last second, then leaped up, tucked her legs in, and tried to come down Umi’s pert chest with her back, dropping all of her weight on the twin to execute a senton bomb.

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Re: The Twin Sirens vs. Scary Love - Supermassive Black Hole

Unread post by Misfit_Alien »

Although small, Halloween was deceptively dangerous...especially when it came to her high-speed was the natural course of action for fighters who were lighter and smaller than your average combatant. Where Halloween lacked power, she made up for it with an unorthodox offense that turned her weaknesses into strengths, such was the case with her turning herself into a flying projectile. The lack of weight made it easier to build up speed and gain considerable air before she allowed gravity to do the rest, crashing back down against Umi's chest, flattening the twin with her hundred-pound body, packing just enough 'OOMPH' into the attack to dish out some considerable damage as Umi released a pained grunt. Umi would make the smart, tactical decision to roll away to safety, reaching the edge of the ring and pulling herself up with the ropes, trying to catch her breath, clear her mind, and figure out a plan to rip this tiny tramp into pieces.
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Chie Akiyama:

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Mikuma Sato:

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Anya Young:

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Isabelle Romero:

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Carmelita De Leon:

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Giselle Beauregard:

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Octavia Venus:

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Renee Winters:

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Maeve Harlow:

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Umi Yamamoto:

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Kairi Yamamoto:

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Nia Orion:

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Beatrix Briar:

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Lynda Jäger:

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Jade Cho:

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Aoi Hoshino:

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Kyoko Matsumoto:

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