KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Unfortunately for Noelle, Oscar wasn't so keen on letting Noelle off so easy for a second time. With the added bonus of trapping her arms at her side, Oscar pumped his biceps as he squeezed the water princess against his body- sending Shockwaves of pain through her spine as Oscar had grown tired of dragging things out. He just wanted this match to be done at this point. It didn't matter if Noelle submitted or passed out- the Barbarian Prince was utterly relentless with his bearhug and showed sign of letting go anytime soon...

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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It was over, Noelle knew it. Oscar wasn't going to switch to something else or drop the princess, he was just going to hold this until he won. And eventually, he would get his way. "Ah! AH! AHHHH! I GIVE I GIVE! LET ME GO!" And with that cry for mercy, Noelle Silva's hopes of becoming LAW's inaugural Mixed Division Champion were dashed.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

Unread post by MappleMan7 »

The Bell was rung as Noelle screamed out a submission, unable to endure his crushing embrace any longer as Oscar dropped her to the canvas. Despite the crowd cheering in support for Oscar, the Barbarian Prince only bore a neutral look on his face and let out a sigh. He just looked down at Noelle for a moment before speaking briefly to her.

"... Good match, I guess. No hard feelings and all that? Good luck on whatever else you do'

With a half-hearted shrug to accompany his monotone voice, Oscar turned around and slipped out of the ring- quietly walking to the back without a single word spoken. Fans noticed the lack of excitement from the Barbarian Prince and his disappointed vibe around him- earning some whispers amongst one another regarding what possibly be going through his mind...
Last edited by MappleMan7 on Wed Jul 03, 2024 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

Unread post by deezcastforms »

Noelle was fuming. Not with the fact that he lost, which didn't help, but the thing that truly angered her was the fact that Oscar undoubtedly felt that he had somehow been vindicated in his bullshit claims by his victory. That his naive, idealist views of wrestling held true, when in fact he only got to keep thinking that way because he couldn't even realize how good he had it. And the worst part was that Noelle had no way to prove him wrong. Words didn't work on a man that thickheaded, and as had just been proven, she was too small and weak to beat it into the barbarian.

Winner by Submission: Oscar Orelash
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