However, Akari hadn't really broken through many of the glass ceilings that hovered over her, and time spent overseas to work on her music production and DJ'ing passion kept her away from the ever-expanding competition. It left her feeling worried that she was falling behind. New talent was being signed every day, exclusive deals were being given to more active wrestlers, and all types of matches to highlight who would be the next big thing and potential future face of LAW's divisions...Ultimately, it meant fewer opportunities for people like Akari...who lingered around and stepped away for too long...Things were becoming more...'cutthroat' to speak. Akari couldn't just come back without a plan in mind, so as soon as she returned, she wasted no time, getting straight to work with her preparations to have a proper return to get back into the swing of things in the halls of LAW.
First things first, the Sea Turtle hopped out of her bed to get into the showers, going through her usual routine as she washed up and prepared herself for the day, eating a light breakfast while reading up on the latest LAW news, trying to catch up on everything while gearing up for her walk over to the gym. Almost half an hour later, Akari jogged out of her home, heading down to the city streets, moving with a purpose as the hurried pace in her step carried her forth, the wind blowing a gentle breeze through her raven-black hair as she smiled brightly. Eventually, she reached the LAW gym, looking to check out and use its newest facilities to try and improve on her usual regimens. Akari wanted to start back on her journey with a bit of a boost in an effort to make up for lost time. After some preliminary stretching, the Sea Turtle got to work with the basic exercise routine...crunches, push-ups, pull-ups, planks, etc...a lot of your typical movements and drills to get her properly warmed up and get the blood pumping!!!
Akari's Gym Attire (Normal Akari hair, not braided)