[PROVISIONAL PROFILE] Saki Asami (浅見 咲希)

121-169 lbs / 54.6-76.657 kg
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[PROVISIONAL PROFILE] Saki Asami (浅見 咲希)

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Note: This is a provisional profile and character details are subject to change.


S A K I   A S A M I   (浅 見   咲 希)

  Stage Name: Saki Asami (浅見 咲希)
  Real Name (SECRET): Natalya Romanovna Vasilyeva (Наталья Романовна Васильева)
  Sex: Female
  Age: 23
  Birthday: December 25th, 20XX
  Eyes: Emerald Green
  Hair: Purple
  Height: 168 cm (~5'6")
  Weight: 56 kg (~123.5 lbs)
  Ethnicity: Russian and Japanese
Saki is 50% Russian and 50% Japanese.

  Nationality: Russian
  General Alignment: True Neutral
  Wrestling Alignment: Tweener

  Faceclaim: Reze from Chainsaw Man

     Saki's personality is somewhat of an enigma. At times, she can be teasingly warm like a rising sun. On other occasions, she can be bitingly cold and tauntingly cruel like a Russian winter. Women are more likely to see the rising sun, and men are more likely to see the Russian winter. These tendencies melded well with her JAV career, allowing her to do both lesbian and femdom JAV. Regardless of the aforementioned dichotomies, Saki is no stranger to teasing and flirting, and manifests such in almost all of her interactions, regardless of sex or gender.
     It is hard to say whether or not Saki is a nice person, at least from an outside perspective. In actuality, Saki is fairly kind to her friends, which happen to be almost exclusively female. But, aside from friend interactions, an astute observer may get the feeling that Saki always wants something out of them. This is no hallucination: Saki is no stranger to manipulating others to get what she wants. She seldom seeks to harm, though.
     Lastly, Saki has a particularly high libido, enjoying relations with both men and women. With men, Saki likes to take control, and with women, she tends to be more balanced. One would not be wrong in labeling Saki as fairly promiscuous, but in recent times, she has slightly toned down that behavior
This is due to her growing romantic relationship with her fellow female Russian-Japanese coworker Sasha at her workplace (Asano Consulting).

Combat Information
     At first glance, there is very little information about Saki's martial arts and fighting experience. A couple of vague comments made in passing seem to suggest that Saki might have some training, but nothing is certain. But, if one were to pick up a copy of Bomb Girl at one's local Japanese adult video store, one can get a vague idea of her skills. Sure, a studio could have just foisted hasty martial arts training onto some martially inexperienced JAV actress and had her eke out a fight scene or two. But Saki's movements during those scenes were too deft, too practiced, for that to be the case. Perhaps she had training in judo? BJJ? Who knows. She did, at least, seem to show a preference towards the southpaw stance—and her tendency to step outside an orthodox-stanced opponent's lead foot with her own indicates that she is not a stranger to the southpaw stance.

     Saki is rather reticent about her background and usually opts to nonchalantly brush off any inquiries into it. Prior to her debut as a JAV actress, there is next to no publicly available information about her. A deeper dig would reveal that Saki was a university student at the time of her JAV debut—perhaps she was just another attractive university student who turned to JAV looking for money? Regardless, it is unknown if she ever completed her degree or what she even majored in. But, if one were to believe her cheeky claims that her most famous JAV film Bomb Girl was based on her own life, she probably studied chemistry in undergrad, getting fairly far into the curriculum.
     What is known for certain, however, is that Saki is a well-known JAV actress, with her breakout role being her leading role in the JAV film Bomb Girl. The film gained a cult following worldwide after its international cut (which omitted the explicit sex scenes) was released. From there, Saki's main JAV roles tended to fall into two categories: femdom and lesbian. She became a highly sought-after JAV actress and could have survived off of her JAV earnings had she kept up her activity.
     However, in more recent years, Saki has become much less active as a JAV actress, citing "other obligations" as a result. What these "other obligations" entail has not been publicly revealed, leading to rampant speculation. People have speculated everything from prostitution, to getting hitched, all the way to international terrorism. Saki herself has done little to quell these speculations, instead opting to revel in the confusion.
     When it was announced that Saki would be joining LAW to primarily compete in the hentai division, discourse surrounding her circumstances quieted down. The widely accepted consensus is that Saki had been secretly training to join LAW and thus became less active as a JAV idol. Yet, Saki never explicitly confirmed or denied this consensus. The truth of her circumstances would remain hidden from public eye.
In reality, Saki had simply gotten too busy with work and school. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering, Saki worked as chemical engineer for an explosives manufacturing plant owned by Vasilyev Holdings—the company owned by her biological father's family—for about a year. After that, Saki went back to Japan and became a law student at Waseda University. Concurrently, Saki started working at a private investigation firm named Asano Consulting as a means to support herself through law school.

Quick Facts
  • Prior to joining LAW, Saki's claim to fame was her leading role in the cult-classic JAV film Bomb Girl, where she played a serial bomber university student out for vengeance against a yakuza clan.
  • Saki is a native speaker of Japanese and Russian. She is also fluent in English, although her English is not at the same level as her other languages.
  • Saki has an alluring combination of Russian and Japanese features. She does not look fully Russian, nor does she look fully Japanese.
Last edited by Ichi on Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:15 am, edited 4 times in total.

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  • My username "Ichi" and the "killer" motif come from "Ichi the Killer", a manga/movie. I do not have an obsession with killing.

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