“Nine… Ten!” Inside the lockers room, a big and muscular green haired woman exercised. After a final rep of situps she would huff a little. Those were just some warmup exercises before her debut match, so the woman didn’t want to overexert herself. The exercise helped her relax and focus for the upcoming task though. After all, one only debuted at L.A.W. once and she wanted that debut to be the best possible. Swiping her burrow clean of sweat with a soft towel, Abi Clarke looked at her reflection in the mirror. She had tested her wrestling outfit’s flexibility for a while now and she was more than pleased with the results. Clearly L.A.W. put attention on every small detail.
Abi Clarke

Once she was given a signal, Abi walked backstage first and with a rush of confidence she made her appearance on stage, walking towards the ring at a steady pace while giving some thumbs up and fist bumps to the most supportive of the fans standing. Slipping between the middle and the top ropes, she would make a final sign of respect to the crowd before walking towards her corner, making some final stretches so her muscles remained on point before her rival would make his appearance. Besides the fact of him being a guy, Abi knew nothing of Ishigami Yuto, so she was more than eager to get to see him enter the ring.