Rules: Standard rules apply
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission or K.O.
While this was far from Azumi Tanahashi's first match, it was her first bout in LAW. Though she didn't want to make a very big deal out of it, after all she was mostly a part-timer. She had other obligations after all and that meant that she wasn't looking to make this into some spectacle. Though unfortunately it had become one, there was a buzz that she was joining LAW for a match, one which had spread around social media quite a bit! Azumi couldn't help but let out a sigh, she should have figured that this would happen. She was a decently popular and famous wrestler here in Japan, though she wasn't a world-wide star she could always bring in a crowd in the land of the rising sun.
She didn't know too much about her opponent for the evening, other than that she was a foreigner. Azumi wondered why this woman had been chosen to be her opponent, and she could only figure out three potential options. Either, this Cora Adair as her name was. She was a capable wrestler who could match Azumi's prowess, or she was someone that was being served as fodder for AZUMI, the famous Japanese wrestler....or, the final option was that Cora was a rising star and they wanted to boost her numbers by having her face AZUMI. Azumi Tanahashi figured all three were likely options, so she would simply have to find out in the match itself.
As her music started to play over the speakers, the white and red clad wrestler stepped out onto the ramp and began to jog down towards the ring! She rushed to the ring and showed off some athleticism as she would jump up onto the ring apron and swung over the ropes in a smooth motion, landing on one knee in the ring in a superhero landing pose, with a fist pressing down into the canvas. She rose up to her feet and had a confident smile on her face as she looked out at the adoring audience.
AZUMI was here and like always fed on the energy of the crowd, she would run up to her corner and jumped up to stand on the middle turnbuckle, and raised her arm up and saluted to the crowd! Then jumping down as she would settle into her corner and lean her back against it, stretching her arms out over the top ropes. Awaiting her foe.