Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

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Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

Match Type: No Holds Barred
Victory Conditions: Submision or Knockout
Special Location: A simple ring set up in an underground garage

It seemed an immutable law of the universe that if the elevator has music, it has to be annoying, luckily for LI, this one was not long enough to make her lose her mind. Getting down to the -2 level of the building, the doors opened revealing a simple, almost ramshackle ring set up in the middle of an underground garage, no audience, just a camera crew recording as she made her way to the ring, each step she took echoing through the space, reflecting off the cement walls and closely clustered vehicles until her feet came to a softer surface of the ring. She was not making a show, she never planned to in the first place and without an audience there was even less of a point to try, they were watching to see violence anyhow and that she could deliver in spades.
Settling into the corner, she'd rest her arms on the ropes, fixing her gaze on the same elevator door she just came out from, it should just be moments before her opponent shows. She was quite curious to stack up what she learned against the genuine article, the woman certainly seemed like an interesting opponent, though it was not the first time Li had thought so about the person she was going to face and all too often she was left disappointed. If she would not be, this garage should get a brand new coat of paint by the time they were done today.

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Re: Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

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Larissa Saito stood in the descending elevator, wild eyes gleaming with excitement as she stared at the smeared blood on her hands. The music playing was a distant annoyance, barely registering in her frenzied mind as she imagined the carnage ahead. When the doors slid open to reveal the underground garage, she practically leaped out, with heavy stomping on the concrete floor with manic energy. The ring was a shabby setup, but Larissa didn’t care. It was a stage, and she was the star of this bloody show. No audience? No problem. The camera crew was there to capture the mayhem she was about to unleash, and that was all she needed.

As Larissa made her way to the ring blood dripped from her body, leaving a trail behind her. A crimson path leading straight to the ring. There was no visible damage, so the blood had to belong to someone else. As she reached the edge of the ring, she didn’t just step onto it—she launched herself over the ropes, landing in a crouch in the center. A twisted grin spreading across her face. Larissa didn’t bother with a corner; she was already restless, pacing back and forth, eager for the fight to start. So this is the one I have to fight? YES!! ONE LOOK AT YOU AND I KNOW THE BLOOD WILL FLOW

Her gaze locked onto her opponent. All she wanted was violence, to feel her fists connect, to hear bones crack and flesh tear. The thought made her giggle, a high-pitched sound that echoed through the empty garage. Before she lost herself anymore she would at least have the etiquette to ask for a name. Scarred one, what is your name. Pleasantries can be done after that. Larissa not caring one bit for the stories behind the burns. Just that the mere sight of them gave her opponent this violent air that she found intoxicating. Larissa knew there’d be no disappointment this time. She’d make sure of it. The garage was going to get messy, and she couldn’t wait to be the one to paint it red.


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Re: Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

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Li looked on as her opponent made a rather bombastic entrance given the circumstances, it seemed some people would carry the show wherever they went and though Li was not one of them, she could respect that. The loud personality of Larisa, the very expressive way in which she moved and spoke made it in fact easier to asses her now, comparing what she saw with what she researched of the woman. 'Above average build for the weight class, considerable strength and inhuman endurance. Dangerous striker, though lacking in finer technical points, and an unimpressive grappler. Violent, uncontrollable, careless. Overall danger... 8 out of 10' She thought to herself as her opponent started to seem starved for the fight to begin, asking Li's name before they'd start.

"Li-Wei Yun" She stated simply, not bothering to return the question, she already knew who she was facing, instead walking forward to stand face to face with Larisa, measuring the woman for a brief moment. Then, without warning she would open the fight with a sudden low kick to try and get the woman off balance followed up with a hook entirely intent on taking the woman's head clean off!

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Re: Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

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Larissa obviously was someone that could dominate the room with her personality. Even with a room filled with a few people and dust, Larissa found some way to dominate the room. That loud and expressive personality of hers allowed it to happen. It did help that her opponent didn't seem to be the type to engage Larissa in her hijinks. Not that it mattered whether they liked it or not, Larissa's opponents always came around to her way of doing things. Wanting to get things underway, Larissa was at least nice enough to ask for her opponents name. Not something she does often, so that goes to show that she already respects her opponent.

"Li-Wei Yun" A simple name, one that is easily remembered. Larissa would make sure to not forget it. Without any sort of invitation, Li would walk up towards Larissa. Intention was unclear to Larissa, seeing as how to indication was given by either of them to begin. After a quick look at the blonde. Li would quickly start the fight with a sudden low kick. Catching Larissa off guard as she expected a more explosive start. Ngh... Larissa would grunt as she shifted her weight away from her leg. This would be followed by a combo right hook, completely blowing Larissa's head to the side! All you could hear was the impact of Li's glove on Larissa's face. Larissa would still stand upright not buckling, instead grinning and grabbing onto Li's hand. YES, THAT IS HOW YOU SHOULD DO THINGS Larissa said as she would counter with her own massive hook to Li's head. Looking to go blow for blow with her opponent.

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Re: Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

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Both of Li's opening attacks landed on target, not that it alone said much given how Larisa did not seem to expect exactly what Li's first move was. Still, the reaction that followed checked out with what Li expected as far as the involuntary bodily reactions went, that's to say, not much happened as Larisa bearly shifted in her stance and grabbed Li's hand.

That was a signal to Li as to the next move Larisa would make, and so she would shift her body, stepping in just a few inches closer so the hook would instead glide across her back, the rough surface of the glove making a thin but along its path while Li would get her own hand behind Larisa's neck. Using both this and Larisa's own grip on her hand to pull the woman's head down, trying to land a knee strike directly against her nose before following with a teep to push her back. She heard that the supposed blood devil liked her matches bloody and that should get them on the right track at the very least!

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Re: Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

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Larissa was fully expecting to go blow for blow with her opponent to start. Certainly would've been more fun. But Li went about capitalizing on her advantage immediately. While the opening strikes weren't dangerous, they were enough to put Tilde at a disadvantage. So much so that her countered was countered! Li expertly shifting past Larissa's own punch. Then using both hands to pull Larissa in for a facial knee strike! GAH! Larissa would let out in audible pain.

Larissa would be revealed to be having a bloody nose from the strike. Despite the pain though, the same smile would still persist. Copying Li and get her own hand behind Li's neck. IF IT INCURS BLOOD THEN I CAN DO IT ALSO Larissa would add her own spin to things. Pulling Li's head down and even jumping into her face with a jumping knee strike! More and more into this fight. Larissa was finding the upmost enjoyment, and it was only just beginning!

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Re: Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

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Larisa was undeterred by the strikes she received which were not particularly surprising and she seemed hell-bent on trying the same thing that Li just demonstrated. Thinking it would be an easy catch, Li waited to get grabbed to then counter the move but just as it was happening, Larisa would jump up with her strike, hitting Li's face to the slight surprise of the woman, whose blood now adorned her opponent's skin. Some adjustments were necessary going forward.

For now, however, she would go with her plan from before as she'd grab the leg just used to attack her before it could be pulled back, pulling it up as she'd then ram her shoulder into Larisa's body to topple her over, stepping around the outside while still holding her leg to then stomp onto the woman's skull twice before trying to deliver a soccer kick to her face!

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Re: Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

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Larissa would be never one to claim that she is a master at anything truly useful. Yet when it comes to violence that is something she is all to familar with. If it involves that, no matter how crass it may look. Larissa will damn sure be able to imitate it. Something that would prove to be rather annoying for Li as time goes on in this fight. Feeling her blow connect though, that gave Larissa a feeling like no other. Coupled with Li's slight bleeding on her knee? A cherry on top. But it'd be a diservice to just lose focus after just one knee. Didn't even break anything.

Larissa may look like and come off as an idiot. But the woman has a knack for violence. So she had a feeling this knee strike of hers would not be free of consequence. As Li reached to grab Larisa's leg, Larisa anticipated the maneuver, twisting her body at the last second to keep her balance and evade the grip. Instead of allowing Li to catch her leg, Larisa swung her momentum into a spinning backfist, aiming directly for Li’s temple. The unexpected strike hopefully staggering Li. Allowing Larissa the chance to spin the positions on her. Leaving Li now in the corner and Larissa with the open space. That psychotic grin never leaving her face throughout. As she adopts some sort of makeshift striking stance.

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Re: Blood and Dust - Li-Wei Yun vs Larisa Saito

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Li would feel Larisa twisting in her grip and anticipating her next move, she'd drop even lowe, moveing to the side as her opponent's backfist sailed through the air. Now behind the other woman, she would quickly grab around her waist, setting her feet wide before pushing off the ground to try and lift the woman up and throw her back with a german suplex to slam Larisa's head against the corrner.

If that would go to plan, she would quickly spin around building some momentum to nail the woman with a spinning kick to the face jsut as she should fall to the ground after a previous move. Li was never one to let her opponent's catch a break and this fight would be no different.

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