KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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This would prove to be a historic match, for more than one reason. Not only was it a part of the Kings and Queens tournament, heralding a new title on the horizon, it would also mark the debut of not one, but both of its competitors! With so much attention on the upcoming tourney, it seemed like the perfect time for these two newcomers to LAW to make their grand entrance to the company, with more eyes than ever to greet them; the promise of seeing some new talent on the card had only piqued interest more. This match was proving to be a hotly anticipated event - and with both of its competitors unknowns in LAW, it was anyone's guess as to who would emerge victorious. Only time could answer that - but now, it was finally time for that question to be answered!

"Coming first to the ring, from Staunton, Virginia! Standing at 6'5, weighing 230 pounds, and making his debut in a LAW ring tonight! The American Hercules, LUKE CRANSTON!"

And already, there was no shortage of excitement!
Luke Cranston
Flora Biscoletti
The curtains parted, and out strode a young couple dressed in ancient Greek attire, the man wearing a purple cloak around his shoulders - and as he came down the ramp, he swept it aside, lifting a muscular arm and flexing it to no shortage of cheers as he flashed a grin to the crowd! Luke's good looks had garnered quite a few high-pitched squeals from the stands, even when his wife, Flora, stayed close on his side, hanging off his arm and waving to the crowd as her husband did. When they finally came to the ring, Luke turned and pulled his wife in for a kiss before slipping off his cloak and turban, folding them neatly and handing them to her. In return, Flora held down the rope to allow him to slip inside, and he did a few stretches before stepping out from his corner.
The referee passed Luke a microphone, and the former bodybuilder was quick to address the fans. "Hello, LAW! Ladies and gentlemen...I'm proud to have made it this far. This is my first time competing in a promotion this big, and to do so at an event of this caliber is, if I do say so myself, nothing to sneeze at. I don't mean to brag..." He flexed even as he said this, regardless. "...but I'd like to say that I've faced plenty of success in my life. But this just may take the cake. Of course, I don't want to speak too soon...because I know that when I win this tournament and walk away as the inaugural Mixed Division Champion, this will look like nothing!"

Luke paused a moment to allow the fans to cheer even louder before he continued. "I'd like to take this moment to thank my dad, Paul Cranston, who's watching me right now, and who's helped shape me into the person I am today, as a wrestler like he was. I'd like to thank my wife, Flora, for being the light of my life, and for being here in my corner to watch me in my moment of triumph. I'd of course like to thank all of my fans for supporting me in the journey thus far - and all of you watching right now, because I know for a fact I'm going to make a few more fans before that bell rings! But if there's one thing my dad taught me that stands's that talking will only get you so far, and you can't have charm if you don't have the skills to back it up. Luckily...I've got both!"

Winking to the camera, Luke passed the microphone back. "So, let's see who I'm up against tonight, and get this show on the road!"
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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No sooner had Luke finished his speech then the music of his opponent started. A lively and upbeat song with a clear Latino influence but with some electronic additions as well, giving it a modern and almost club like sound. The person emerging from the back technically making her own start in LAW as well, at least as far as a official capacity went on tv. But it was a opportunity she was looking to make the most of, but rather than use words to make an impression the woman known as La Dama De Loba was looking to have actions do her talking for her as she came out and released a loud howl on top of her music!
"His opponent, making her official debut from Aurora, Colorado, standing at 6'2 and weighing in at 216 pounds, La Damaaaaaa De Lobaaaaaaaa!!!"

"Awoooooooooooh!" Having made her howl along with her name being called Loba proceeded to come down the ramp with a little sway to her hips, half dancing and half walking down the ramp towards the ring. A beaming smile present and just barely noticeable under her mask, her bright pink and blue attire catching many fans attentions and earning many a wolf whistle a she strutted her way down. Hopping onto the ring apron and leaning back while pumping her fist and throwing her leg out Loba would slip herself into the ring and stand up fully while looking at her opponent with her hands on her hips, not backing down in the least to the slightly bigger man.
Offered a mic to make a opening statement like her opponent Loba would take it but make a bit of a show of clearing her throat. "Ahemmmmm..." She said before pausing, letting suspense build up for a moment before continuing. "WHO'S READY TO SEE US BEAT EACH OTHER UPPPPP!!!" She yelled out into the mic getting a universal reaction of cheers and whoops of excitement from the crowd that Loba readily joined in with! "Whoooooo! Lets goooo! vamos a pelear/lets freaking fight!" She said with the last part being in Spanish while pumping her fists excitedly before handing the mic back to the ref and turning back to her opponent, smirking confidently while bouncing on her heels, ready to sink her teeth into this challenge.

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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With this match being a double debut, both of its competitors were eager to make themselves known to the world, and for this match to serve as an example of what they could bring to the company. But while Luke had sought to establish himself through a speech, his opponent had no use for words. No, Loba would let her actions speak for her. And even before she said a single word, her entrance was enough to tell everyone of the energetic, aggressive bravado she was willing to bring to the table!

Luke raised an eyebrow as he turned toward the luchadora, placing his hands on his hips as he studied her up and down. But he flashed her a smirk. At the end of the day, both of them were new to LAW. He had never heard of this girl before, and he had no idea what he could expect from her - which made this match all the more exciting. He didn't need to get caught up in strategizing or planning his offense. He could focus on putting on a good show. And Loba seemed just as ready for that!

"Excited, aren't we? Well, that's am I!" He rolled his head back and forth to work the kinks out of his neck, then stretched out his shoulders before he lifted his arms and settled into a stance.

Flora, on the other hand, was less enthused at how eager Loba had been for the two of them to beat each other up; as the arena burst into cheers, she leaned back with a wary eye. "Please, at least, tell me you'll be reasonable..."


Either way, there was no more time for formalities - it was time for the match to begin, and for the two newcomers to show the world what they had in them! His eyes narrowing in focus, Luke took a couple of steps closer to Loba, where he extended his hands for a test of strength. At the same time, he knew he would have to keep a close eye on her...
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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After making her bold declaration of war and getting the fans sufficiently hyped up Loba would pass the microphone down to a stage worker before turning to her opponent with a bright grin on her face. A grin that only grew brighter when Luke confirmed he was just as excited as herself! "Nyehehe yeah this will be great!" Loba said while pumping her fist before raising her own hands up at seeing Luke doing the same, offering a test of strength, a contest she was happy to accept! Grasping hands with the man she would smirk a bit more competitively as she began pushing, shoving herself forward as she did so, pressing her chest against Luke's as she put her absolute all into the test of strength, doing everything she could to win this test of strength!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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With the match beginning, Loba was no less excited to get things underway. For both competitors, this was their opportunity to make a strong first showing in their new promotion, and boast of their skills to the world - and both of them were going to make the most of it! Luke settled into a stance, raising his hands and bending at the knees as he prepared to lock up with Loba. But even when he had intended for things to start on even ground, Loba was no less enthusiastic about making her first move as she was in her entrance - and she practically threw her whole body against him!

"Nngh-!" The sheer force with which Loba rammed into him was enough to shift Luke backward just a little bit, and he winced as his center of balance teetered. Still, he quickly righted himself, digging his heels into the mat and clenching his fingers tighter around Loba's. As the two of them pushed and pulled at each other, his muscles bulged to draw on as much force as he could, and his chest pressed tightly against the luchadora's, causing her ample breasts to flatten against his body - a sight that made Flora bite her lip and glance aside with a grumble. It was clear from the start that Loba wasn't all talk. She was going to make use of all that energy she'd displayed!

That seemed reason enough to believe that Loba's endurance was going to be an obstacle in this match - and an obstacle Luke would have to adjust to. But he had a trick up his sleeve, too. Gritting his teeth to draw on his strength, he shoved at Loba as hard as he could, trying to shift her balance back even just a little. If he could compromise her stance enough to make her momentum stutter, he would break one hand from the test of strength and go to sling it around Loba's head, clamping it against his bicep as he stepped to the side to pull her into a headlock!
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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Going all out right from the jump Loba had pushed herself against Luke, flattening her chest against him and pushing her arms against his own, pumping out one hundred percent of her strength to try and overpower the man as soon as possible. Something she was sure would make a huge impact for all to see, after all what better introduction to the LAW stage than overpowering the so called modern day Hercules?

In any case it was enough to put him on edge evidently as he gave a sudden push, making her stumble for a moment, but not enough to o to knock her off her feet just yet. However that wasn't his plan evidently as instead he used the moment to release her hands and suddenly locked his arms around her head, pushing her head down in a side headlock, pulled tight against the man's chest. "Ngh!" Loba grunted out before hissing angrily as she brought her arms up and around Luke's waist, locking her hands tightly together.

If she was successful in managing to do so than Loba would huff slightly. Luke was strong and had a slight height edge on her but she was no slouch in ring awareness or power and if he wanted to play this way she was all for it and show him what real power looked like all at once! "Haghhh!" Roaring out in effort Loba would pull up, attempting to lift Luke off his feet before dropping backwards to slam the man back first into the mat with a make shift suplex!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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Even when neither of the two competitors were known to many people in the crowd, with little name value among LAW's audience, the efforts they were putting forth from the first ring of the bell were already enough to draw on no small amount of cheers! From the outset of the match, Loba's bold, indomitable spirit was shining through from how she ran right up against Luke, not the least afraid to go head-to-head with even a man of his strength. She was showing the world that she wasn't afraid to take risks - but then, Luke wasn't afraid to fight back, either! Loba had forced him onto the back foot, but if she was going to run right into grappling range...he was ready to take advantage of that, as he pulled her into a headlock!

As his biceps tightened down around Loba's head, Luke would only pull back harder, trying to keep his opponent bent over forward in order to take back more leverage. But once again, Loba was out to show the world no threat was too big for her! She had to push and pull a few times to gain control once she had wrapped her arms around Luke's waist - but with some effort, she was finally able to hoist him higher off his feet, swinging him into the air! A gasp went through the stands at the sight that Loba was even capable of bringing such a big man off the ground. And when she dropped him down a moment later, the cheers were louder than ever!

Luke struck the mat with a loud thud, causing the ring to shake and his wife to clasp a hand to her mouth in shock. But if Loba wasn't going down so easily, neither was he. For a few seconds, he winced and groaned, but then he pushed himself over onto his hands and knees. Taking in slow breaths, he looked up at Loba, and there, a smile crossed his face.

"Yeah, you're pretty good at this," he conceded. "But I'm not done yet!" Pushing off the canvas with his hands and one foot, the former bodybuilder rose to his feet, dusting himself off in preparation for the next round!
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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There it was. The crowd's reaction to Loba managing to haul Luke through the air and drive him into the mat with a suplex was exactly why she was here. Shocking the fans, amazing them, giving them what they came to see while proving her own power and skill for all to see! It was everything she wanted and she wsan't about to stop anytime soon! Kipping back up to her feet in a athletic show of skill she would turn and smile brightly at Luke as she watched the man push himself back up as well, not moving to do anything against him just yet, allowing him a moment to get to his feet. "Hehe, I'd be disappointed if you were." Loba shot back at Luke and deciding to keep things going in the very competition esque sense that they had been going with so far Loba would rear her arm back before throwing it forward, aiming a simple but sharp chop right across Luke's chest and, should it land she would thrust her chest out, inviting Luke to do the same!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Luke Cranston vs La Dama De Loba

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Luke was someone who often found success going to his head - but, in his own mind, who could blame him? He had a respectable career in professional bodybuilding, he was living his best life, he was married to a gorgeous model, and now, he had joined the most prestigious wrestling promotion of his career to date - and with his first match, he was already on the track to a championship victory! As he got to his feet, he heard Loba's praise, and he could only flash her a grin. So far, she was impressed. That was just what he wanted to hear.

"That's the thing...I don't disappoint!" Loba was quick to throw herself back into the thick of the action when she closed in to sling a chop across Luke's chest. It landed with a smack, causing his teeth to clench in a grimace as he reeled backward through the air. A few fans winced at the thought of how hard Loba had to have hit...but it wouldn't slow Luke down for long. No sooner had it hit that he straightened his back, dusting himself off, and he faced her with a smirk.

"Heh...was that supposed to hurt?" he teased. Loba was offering him the next blow, standing at the ready, and there he nodded his head. It seemed the luchadora still had a mind to compare their skills - but Luke was ready for that. In fact, he was already set to deliver on her challenge!

"Why don't you see what a real chop looks like?" he boasted, before drawing back his arm and firing it off with a sharp strike aimed right back at Loba's chest!
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