KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva
Last edited by Monsy on Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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This was the exact scenario that Noelle Silva had been worried about when she was deciding if she was going to sign up for this tournament; getting paired against some musclebound Heavyweight who was literally twice her own weight. The biggest opponent that Noelle had fought to this point was Thereisa Niedermeyer, and Oscar Orelash made even her look small in comparison.

Noelle wasn't sure what her odds realistically were of winning this match. She could beat bigger opponents, she had plenty of wins over women in larger weight classes. But there was a point where the gap in size and strength just becomes too wide for any amount of skill to close if the larger fighter is a professional that is trying to win. Noelle would still fight regardless, but she had to wonder if this matchup was simply past the threshold of what was doable.
Noelle's music came on, and she walked out down the ramp with a strut that said she was ready to kick Oscar to the ground and step on him. Whether or not she would actually be able to do that was another question, but she could make the crowd believe that she could. And she could convince herself that she would at least have a chance to do that.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Oscar had finished his prep in the back as he eagerly looked forward to his next match in the tournament. Based on his research, Oscar had found quite a bit of info on Miss Noelle Silva. Not only was she an accomplished wrestler, but it appeared to Oscar that she had quite the infamous moment when she beat a rival in a high-stakes match- one where the loser had to surrender their ring gear to the winner... and the exchange was done right in the middle of the ring! Such things seemed to be common in LAW- but that didn't mean Oscar liked it. He actually felt pretty bad for the poor girl who had to endure humiliation like that from Noelle... still- it seemed like Noelle was quite the accomplished wrestler who earned her spot in this tournament. After his match with Audrey, as much as a fight she put up and the talent she showed, Oscar was more optimistic about fighting someone on equal footing as him instead of a self-taught jobber. Not that he had anything against Audrey- who had been so very nice to meet- but Oscar was simply excited to face a name like Noelle's.

As Oscar's theme dropped, the Barbarian Prince emerged and set off his signature fireball for the crowd before letting out a mighty laugh and making his way down the ramp- serving up piping-hot fist bumps and high fives to the crowd as he slid into the ring and got into his corner to get a good look at Noelle, having caught her confident entrance before walking to the middle of the ring and offering her a handshake.

"I've heard quite a bit about you, Noelle. I look forward to putting on a show with you for the second round. You ready to burn the house down tonight?"

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle knew how much bigger Oscar was than her. Of course she did, it had been the main thing on her mind since she knew that they would be paired together. But seeing him in person, "that size is unreal," the princess muttered to herself as the Heavyweight stomped his way down the ramp and into the ring.

"Burn down the house?" Noelle repeated back to Oscar. "Something that you must not of heard is that my theme is water. I'm more about putting out fires. Tonight, yours." The Spaniard still had absolutely no clue as to whether or not backing up her words was anything that she was remotely capable of doing, but Noelle knew she had no chance if showed weakness to Oscar.

Noelle did still accept Oscar's handshake before stepping back and settling into her stance. Once the bell rang, she stayed back. "Come on big boy, show me what you got," the princess said. Noelle was hoping that a man themed after a barbarian would attack recklessly, in a way that would leave an opening that would let her technique take the lead in place of Oscar's strength.
Last edited by deezcastforms on Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Oscar raised an eyebrow at Noel's retort. Ah yes. He did forget about her water theme. Made sense to hit him with the good ol' water douses fire line. It earned a light chuckle from Oscar as Noel at least returned the handshake.

"Hehe. I'm surprised it took me this long to hear that one. I hate to disappoint, but I think you'll find that my fire is hard to put out"

With statements said and done, Oscar would return to his corner and get some last-minute stretches done. The bell would ring to signal the match and Oscar would push out of his corner- only to notice that Noelle made herself nice in cozy in her corner. Even daring Oscar to come and get him. The Barbarian Prince narrowed his eyes at Noel suspiciously and shrugged before running out of his corner right at the water-themed fighter... but if Oscar was successful in making Noel think that he was going just throw himself at her like that, he would stop just shy of running into Noel and grin at her.


If Oscar managed to fake Noel out successfully, the Barbarian Prince would leap up into the air and swing his boot around- looking to start the match off strong by nailing Noel in the head with a massive roundhouse kick to the head!!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Just as had hoped, Oscar was charging right in, giving the princess the chance to execute her plan. When the barbarian was a few steps out, Noelle burst forward, diving down at Oscar's legs. It was a neat little trick. The mindless attackers weren't ready for the Spaniard's quick counter-shot because they were preparing to attack Noelle where she was standing. And even for those like Oscar, who had a bit more of a brain to them, she would crash into their legs as they stopped moving.

Yet despite Noelle getting everything right and to plan, it didn't work. She wrapped around Oscar's calves, her shoulder ramming into his knee, yet he still was able to jump. Oscar jumped and swung his legs around for his kick despite the collision. Noelle saved herself a mighty blow to her head, but instead she was thrown off of Oscar's legs by the force of his kick and sent flying through the air.

"Ah!" Noelle yelped as she flew. The princess landed on her hip with a dull thud. Unhurt, but very worried that her concerns about this match where coming true in real time. "You are a pretty big fire," she said to the redhead. "I'll admit that I wish I was a bit bigger of a hose right now, if you catch my meaning."
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Oscar's fake out didn't exactly go as he imagined... but! It did have the intended results! A task failed sucsessfully- that was the best way to sum it up! Yup- Oscar was going to go with that. The Barbarian Prince turned his attention to Noel as she talked about his fire and... something about a hose? It just made Oscar blink at Noel- not catching on at all.

"...Sorry- no. I'm afraid I don't catch your meaning at all. Anyways- back to it!"

Oscar shrugged apologetically before running after Noel again. Assuming Noel stayed on the ground, Oscar would approach her spot and leap up into the air- extending his legs out so that when he landed, Noel would be served a mighty leg drop across her body!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle had thought that Oscar might not be as dumb as his image would suggest, based on how there was clear strategic thought present in initial attack. But when the Spaniard's low-hanging fruit of a metaphor managed to somehow go right over the barbarian's six and a half foot head, Noelle was then convinced that Oscar was in fact, an idiot.

Noelle got back to her feet quickly, as Oscar's leg throw did next to nothing in terms of dealing pain or damage, so she was ready to get out of the way of his Leg Drop. With the giant redhead bringing himself down to the ground, the princess saw an easy access to her head that she knew she had to take advantage of. Noelle would drop down behind Oscar and try to lock in a Rear Naked Choke.

"I'm saying that you're twice my size, and that's a bit of a problem for me since we're wrestling," said Noelle, making sure that the biggest word she used was 'wrestling.' Hoping to keep Oscar down and locked in the chokehold, the Lightweight would wrap her legs around him for a Bodyscissors. If it were possible, she would also catch Oscar's arms with her legs and pin them to his sides, hoping that the basic biological fact that legs had naturally bigger, stronger muscles than arms would prevent the barbarian breaking free despite the strength difference between the two.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Oscar let out a grunt as Noel locked in the rear naked choke and added a bodyscissors just for good measure- pinning Oscar's arms to his side for the moment. Oscar didn't plan on staying like this for Kong, however, and would attempt to use his raw strength to power out of the bodyscissors!

"If you're that concerned about the size difference... then you've already lost!"

Oscar grunted out his words. Assuming he got his arms free, Oscar would use a hand to grab onto Noelle's arm and try to get to his feet before attempting to throw Noelle over his shoulder!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( SF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle was squeezing with everything that she had. Trying to cut off Oscar's air at both his throat and his chest, as well as trying to keep the barbarian from swinging his big muscly arms around. The princess figured that it probably wasn't a good sign that Oscar could still speak clearly. And the words he used that freedom to say just made it worse.

"Easy for you to say!" Noelle shot back with great strain in her voice. Her legs shook with exertion as they a battle against Oscar's arms, a battle which Noelle appeared to be losing. The redhead wasn't free yet, but the Spaniard's calves were slowly getting pushed further and further away from Oscar's ribs. "Hrrg, grah!" Noelle grunted as she fought to stay latched on.

But eventually, Noelle's legs were forced off and sent out wide. She got lifted up on top of Oscar's back as he stood up, and then put right back down to the mat as the giant man slammed her down. "AGH!" Noelle cried out as her back impacted the floor.
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