Standard match
Victory via Pinfall only
Hentai allowed
No Disqualifications
How was Gabi Green feeling about her match tonight? Mixed, very mixed. On the other hand, she was happy to get more action... More matches naturally equalled an increased paycheck. It was going to be against a guy as well, and Hentai was allowed, which could play well with her sexfighting experience... She had understood that some of the men in LAW were totally weak to it, and basically earned their income by being hapless cumming machines for hot girls inside the LAW ring. She could be having an easy night out there!
But then again, this match was ominously reminiscent of her previous bout against a male, with the rules being Hentai allowed and no disqualifications etc... And last time, she had been getting a crushing and a spanking, both literally and figuratively, pretty much already right from the start. And from what she had understood, ratings from that match had been sky high... Sure, it was obviously very good that her popularity was skyrocketing with the crowds, but if people wanted to see things going at all how they went last time, she could be having a pretty painful night out there.
Truthfully, her main hopes laid with how her opponent tonight would turn out to be like. Her previous one, El Rey Del Cielo had definitely been on the larger end, which had certainly been the source of some of her struggles. How likely would it be to get another opponent as big as him? Not very likely to her. This time she was supposed to face some guy called Bill. "Bill"? Sounded just like some jobber nobody to her.
Gabi Green - Amor da Amazõnia

Entrance theme: Anitta feat. Jhama - Essa Mina É Louca
Hearing her Brazilian entrance tunes beginning to play, Gabi began making her way calmly down the ramp. Having gotten more accustomed to and popular with the LAW crowds by now, the green-thonged woman waved quite a bit for the crowds while shaking her hips slightly along the way, even if she felt absolutely no need to be playing their favorite or anything like that. They were still her customers tonight! Still, the curvy girl proceeded to make her way somewhat unseremoniusly inside the ring, although making sure to show off her curves for the audience before settling into her corner to wait for the arrival of her opponent. Starting to complete some stretches, the Brazilian wanted to recheck that her flexibility was up for the task of the match tonight, taking advantage of the ropes as well to show off some of it, and her delicious body for the crowds as well.

But the moment of truth for Amor da Amazônia was nearing. How would her opponent of the night really turn out to be like?