Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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Gabi Green vs Bill "The Crusher"
Standard match
Victory via Pinfall only
Hentai allowed
No Disqualifications

How was Gabi Green feeling about her match tonight? Mixed, very mixed. On the other hand, she was happy to get more action... More matches naturally equalled an increased paycheck. It was going to be against a guy as well, and Hentai was allowed, which could play well with her sexfighting experience... She had understood that some of the men in LAW were totally weak to it, and basically earned their income by being hapless cumming machines for hot girls inside the LAW ring. She could be having an easy night out there!

But then again, this match was ominously reminiscent of her previous bout against a male, with the rules being Hentai allowed and no disqualifications etc... And last time, she had been getting a crushing and a spanking, both literally and figuratively, pretty much already right from the start. And from what she had understood, ratings from that match had been sky high... Sure, it was obviously very good that her popularity was skyrocketing with the crowds, but if people wanted to see things going at all how they went last time, she could be having a pretty painful night out there.

Truthfully, her main hopes laid with how her opponent tonight would turn out to be like. Her previous one, El Rey Del Cielo had definitely been on the larger end, which had certainly been the source of some of her struggles. How likely would it be to get another opponent as big as him? Not very likely to her. This time she was supposed to face some guy called Bill. "Bill"? Sounded just like some jobber nobody to her.

Gabi Green - Amor da Amazõnia
Entrance theme: Anitta feat. Jhama - Essa Mina É Louca

Hearing her Brazilian entrance tunes beginning to play, Gabi began making her way calmly down the ramp. Having gotten more accustomed to and popular with the LAW crowds by now, the green-thonged woman waved quite a bit for the crowds while shaking her hips slightly along the way, even if she felt absolutely no need to be playing their favorite or anything like that. They were still her customers tonight! Still, the curvy girl proceeded to make her way somewhat unseremoniusly inside the ring, although making sure to show off her curves for the audience before settling into her corner to wait for the arrival of her opponent. Starting to complete some stretches, the Brazilian wanted to recheck that her flexibility was up for the task of the match tonight, taking advantage of the ropes as well to show off some of it, and her delicious body for the crowds as well.


But the moment of truth for Amor da Amazônia was nearing. How would her opponent of the night really turn out to be like?
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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Bill was not a complicated man. Despite his reservations in his own ability after a loss, the imposing man did not lose focus on his earnest desires. He was in this promotion to do what he did best~ What he practically lived for while his mask was on. And that was to utterly dominate any opponent placed in front of him.
Bill emerged from the curtain without much fanfare. No music accompanied his entrance and if you weren't paying attention you may not have even realized he had entered the arena. But once your attention was locked; the hulking mass of Bill's stature would become evident. The man's attire left very little up to the imagination as he imposingly stomped his way down the ramp with a fierce determination in each step. Through the emotionless void of his mask it was unclear what he was even thinking as he approached the ring; Did he care much for the crowd's cheers and belittling words? Was he excited for his match or did he have reservations upon coming into view of his opponent? This would all remain a mystery as Bill hoisted himself up on the ring apron with great force; before lifting each leg over the top rope, allowing his prominent bulge to flop against it seemingly undignified.

Bill shook the entire ring with each powerful step he took as he made his way closer to the centre. His mask looked in the direction of his opponent~ A Woman with a curvaceous body and thick features. Oh yes, she would do.

"Come closer."

Without moving a muscle, Bill maintained his imposing stance while issuing his command. And that's practically what is sounded like- A command more than a request. His body language told anyone watching exactly what they needed to know~ His arms lay to his side, steadily rising and falling with his Chest from each imposing breath the massive man took. What his opponent though of him was irrelevant~ All that mattered was that she follow orders, or this may be a more painful night for her than need be.
Last edited by Lycanstar on Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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Gabi was focusing on her stretching for now, while her mind was still prone to being occupied by the guessing game over how her opponent was going to turn out to be like. The Brazilian knew very well though that there was no use doing that as she would be finding out soon enough anyway... Although this seemed to take an unusually long time for her opponent's music to begin. The music served as her cue to finally focus on something else than her stretching, but apparently there was no hurry to introduce her opponent to the ring... The management probably wanted to milk every viewpoint and angle from her thick, curvy body that they could get, and of course, Gabi was happy to oblige, as in the end, the audience's ratings were going to be reflected by her paycheck.

Besides, based on the cheers she was hearing, they were liking her moves indeed - albeit the random belittling words she could hear were a normal nuisance as well. Facing the ropes and the crowds, Amor da Amazônia bent over for one, final time, when-...

"Come closer."


Glancing over her shoulder, the green-thonged girl was shocked to see a figure towering in the middle of the ring. Getting immediately a bit scared by the unexpected turn of events, the Brazilian quickly jumped up and turned around, while leaning her back hard against the ropes to fully take in what she was seeing.

And what she was seeing... What the hell? Where had this guy come from? Was this her opponent? This absolutely huge man? Why hadn't he announced himself? Why did he have that hideous mask? And that even more hideous...attire? How could he be so huge? So huge and so muscular? Were that huge guys even allowed to wrestle in LAW? And they were expecting her to wrestle HIM? Sure, she was thick, but... So was this guy! Did they just want to see her get slaughtered by this butcher?

Gabi couldn't prevent the cameras capturing the horror on her face as all of those thoughts were running through her head. For now, she had been frozen in place, exactly contrary to what the man had been demanding for... But she was also gradually realizing that looking like a deer in the headlights probably wasn't the best thing for her to do either. She was supposed to present herself as a confident wrestler, right? Not one that smelled defeat before the bell had even rung?

Besides, she also just recalled that Hentai was allowed in this match. And that attire was pretty much an invitation for her.

Cautiously taking a few steps towards the masked man, Gabi decided to try engaging in a little bit of chatter, trying to appear at least a little bit fearless. "Who are you...? And where did you come from?" the green-thonged girl began querying in a suspicious tone. "Did they send me here to take off that mask, and that... Whatever that is of yours?" she then continued, concluding her words accompanied by a marked gaze towards his bulge. She wasn't still coming exactly close to him though, deciding to still leave several feet between herself and the towering man out of caution.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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Bill's question seemed to startle the thick Woman in the ring who institutionally backed away while studying Bill's figure~ She looked like she had seen a ghost as a unmitigated expression of horror was etched on her face! Bill tilted his head slightly as he awaited a response from the frozen Woman who seemed frozen in place as she attempted to collect herself. Frankly, her reaction was amusing to the large man who witnessed the struggle in her eyes as she tried to build up a false confidence to match him; slowly stepping towards him with caution.

"Who are you...? And where did you come from? Did they send me here to take off that mask, and that... Whatever that is of yours?"

Bill's lack of response was eerie to say the least. After she finished speaking a good few seconds passed of him blankly watching her as she brought her eyes down to his waist. He knew what she must be thinking; It was easy to judge from the outset and presume a great many things just by looking at a man like Bill. And while a number of those presumptions may ring true; Bill's choice of attire was purely practical to him. He didn't need to get dolled up like his opponent who clearly cared a great deal about her appearance and with pleasing others. And that is exactly where her faults would lie; while she seemed to want to impress others with her looks and empty threats, Bill was only here to please himself.

"Let's get one thing clear. You will not be taking off my mask. I'm going to fold and stretch you like a pretzel~ It's purely up to you how much you'd like it to hurt. Keep running your mouth and this will go on much longer than you can handle. Speak with some respect and I'll go easy on you. Ring the bell."

Bill hardly moved a muscle as he spoke; once finished he returned to a simple pattern of breathing while staring down at his opponent.

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Re: Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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Gabi couldn't deny that the huge male opponent who had suddenly appeared in the ring apparently to face her was intimidating to say the least... But according to all of her experience, even the most intimidating men usually would soften up once she got the chance to chat with them. She had her curves and her feminine allure, combined with some cheeky smack talk, she could probably get this dude to relax and looosen up a little, right?

Not Bill. If anything, his response to her words was even more intimidating than Gabi would have ever expected. Granted, maybe taking the mask as a topic had been quite an obvious mistake, but the Brazilian hadn't had the chance to think it through... His attire was pretty striking in any case. And it wasn't even just his words, it was also the eerie silence before them... Although when he did eventually speak his mind, what Gabi was hearing wasn't any less unsettling either.

What was the most unnerving for the curvy Brazilian though was the masked man's seeming attitude... And his motivations. It didn't feel like he was there to have a light-hearted contest, or simply to tussle with a skimpily-clad curvy babe... It didn't feel like he was there even for the sex. No, Gabi got the distinct feeling that he was there for the violence. And that did not feel like good news at all - especially not when the man in question had the looks and appearance of Bill.


As if by his command, the bell rang marking the start of the match right after the masked man had finished speaking. And Gabi would have lied if she had claimed not to be scared by her opponent's appearance and words at all... But she also knew very well that showing fear had no place inside a wrestling ring - not at this stage of a match at least. No, of course she needed to try presenting herself as a strong warrior from the Amazon - and it meant that she couldn't simply stay silent after Bill's threatening words!

"Touchy subject, huh?" the green-thonged Brazilian began addressing her opponent once again, still trying to exhibit defiant and confident attitude the best she could. Her hesitance and reservations were pretty apparent in her body language though... "You can certainly try to fold and stretch me if you can... Just be warned, I'm pretty flexible." she then continued, before conluding with a threat of her own. "Besides, I might squeeze you in half, and make you cum all over yourself before you get to it..."

But Gabi wasn't interested in waiting for a response, instead, she tried to surprise the muscled man! Taking a step forward, the Brazilian tried to quickly shoot a kick with one of her thick legs to Bill's midsection, before retreating once again to observe the effects that the kick might be having!
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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Immediately after the bell rang Gabi started spouting off her vain threats to Bill, claiming a great deal she could do to him in the ring. But Bill could see right through her; this was all a shallow attempt to give herself a bit of a boost in self-confidence, maybe even kid herself into thinking she actually had a chance against him. All the while she talked and talked... Bill just stared blankly on, not a reaction in sight before she would look to step forward and lunge at him with a swift kick to the gut!

Bill being a bit slow on the reaction and a little lost in his head thinking of what lay in store for Gabi, felt the brunt force of the kick to his midsection which caused the Statuesque man to stumble back slightly!

"Mmmf... Shouldn't have done that."

Bill certainly felt that; he held his midsection softly with his left hand as his body hunched over while looking to maintain his gaze with the confident Brazilian. She really seemed determine to make this more difficult for herself then it needed to be as she retreated to simply observe Bill's reaction... Only to find he would return quickly to his intimidating stance, hardly seeming to have felt any long lasting effects from the kick.

"Care for me to return the favour?"

Bill turned his head in a sinister amusement as he asked his question; and soon after he would begin walking towards his opponent with thunderous steps that shook the ring! He would look to use pure intimidation to get close to Gabi; and if given the chance he would grip her right shoulder tightly with his left hand and while walking bring his right fist hard into her soft belly! Bill prayed that she wouldn't try anything again; perhaps She would be smart this time and simply take the move to avoid any unnecessary embarrassment on her part.

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Re: Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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Gabi had to admit that Bill was quite an intimidating opponent indeed, but she also knew that letting that get to her head wasn't going to be the path to success. Besides, voicing out those thoughts and threats of hers to Bill also served as a good way to verbalise and formulate a strategy in her head... There weren't only few men who had gotten subjected to the might of Gabi's thighs in the past... Even if they generally hadn't been as big and statuesque as the Crusher.

But Gabi still had confidence in her thick legs, so opening the match up with a stiff kick to Bill's midsection felt like a good way to go! And it was even a success, managing to catch the taller man off guard, making him even stumbling backwards a little... Definitely a confidence booster for the Brazilian! Maybe she should try another one straight away...

Bill was quick to warn her against that though, even declaring that already the first kick had been a mistake. Gabi still considered to quickly execute another kick... But the intimidating stance that Bill took made her decide against it. Maybe it was timer to get defensive now... Especially as the masked man was declaring his intentions of "returning the favor". He was quickly backing the claim up with threatening steps towards the Brazilian, who intuitively knew that the best bet now was to try protecting herself from a kick of the man's own.

"Sure. Go ahead. Show me what you've got..." The curvy woman stated to the Crusher, seemingly prepared to take in what the man had in mind. The kick just wasn't coming... Gabi even lifted her other knee up already to protect herself, before Bill decided to grab hold of the girl's shoulder instead... A moment of confusion ensued, before instead of the kick that Gabi had been expecting, Bill's fist easily penetrated all of her defenses, getting driven straight into her soft belly!

"GAHHH!!!" The Brazilian coughed and bent forward from the impact, as Bill's fist had already started to drive air our of her lungs. He certainly wasn't pulling any punches, not even against a woman... Not that Gabi would have even expected him to do so. She still got surprised, stuck in the Crusher's grip as the impact of the fist caused the green-thonged fighter's face and breasts pressing against the muscled mans midsection as she was toppling forward.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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As his fist sunk deep into Gabi's belly, the Brazillian let out an exasperated scream; her body falling slowly forward as Bill's fist remained tucked deep into her. Her legs and body gave way and she began keeling over against her attacker~ Her face and chest resting against Bill's midsection while Bill slowly removed his fist but kept his hand firmly on her shoulder to keep her in place.

"I told you."

Bill stared down at Gabi as she continued to slide against his body; each heavy breath she took he felt against his skin. It was as if her body was calling out for more punishment, her egotistical facade fading as fast as it had arrived. Bill looked up to the ceiling and took in a deep breath. It almost seemed ritualistic how he presented himself~ As if all that was going to transpire to both competitors in the ring was destined to happen. But great pain to his opponent would bring out a comforting appreciation. Bill would take care of her through all that would transpire tonight~ Despite what it may seem he truly would want the best for Gabi. But there was nothing to gain without hardship~ And Bill would only hope by the end of the night Gabi would feel what he felt as well.

"You ready?"

Bill turned his head down and looked at Gabi who had continued to slide down his midsection; but Bill kept her at least on her knees. His hand on her shoulder was soft but controlling; He stroked his thumb against her skin as he looked to comfort her slightly before his next maneuver.


Bill brought his right hand down to her hip; bending down himself to get a good hold of her. She certainly carried the weight she appeared to; there was plenty of soft flesh that pressed up against Bill's body as she almost looked like she was dragged up to her feet. Bill's hand lowered down to grab underneath her glutes to get a good grip on her and kept her upright as tall as she could go while pressed firmly against his body. He stared at her while holding her close; the two Wrestler's hips pressing against one another in what almost seemed like an embrace.

"Now. Let's take our time and I promise I'll take care of you. The night is only going to end one way~ Don't make any of this harder than it's going to have to be."

Bill sounded both demanding and respectful at the same time; as if she was a dance partner that had just gone off script slightly. He hoped his blunt wording would be understood by her and that she would concede to his control. If not... Well. Bill wasn't the most patient individual when it came to disrespect.

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Re: Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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OK. This wasn't good. Bill certainly wasn't here to just tussle with a curvy girl, just to have some fun and horny fight with her regardless of who came out on top. He certainly wasn't like most guys Gabi had faced before... Clearly, in LAW, wrestlers weren't looking for just some exciting and sexy action. There clearly was an element of violence and domination included as well. And while yes, technically that didn't come to her as surprise... Had she really believed it? Had she really thought to be put in such matches? Had she really known what getting set up against opponents like that would feel like?

Not before having gotten her belly pounded by Bill's fist. It was a big blow, both physically and mentally... Which was evidenced by the way the curvy sexfighter's body was crumbling against the Crusher's towering and muscled one. As she kept on sliding down his midsection, Gabi couldn't help making comparisons to her previous male opponent... El Rey Del Cielo. While the masked luchador had been big and dominant too, at least he had been fun and flirty... With this guy, it felt like he had come here simply to punish and dominate.

Especially after hearing all of his words. And even more profoundly by the way he dragged her back up, and closed her into his embrace... Which probably felt mentally tighter than it may had physically been. But it certainly must have looked very appealing for the crowds... The bodies of a big, towering, muscled, scary-looking man, and a thick, curvy babe full of sex appeal pressed against each other, ready to engage in a battle... Gabi could easily imagine what the cameras must have seen right now. But while the image was exciting, she couldn't shrug off the ominous undertone. It felt like Bill was expecting her to simply surrender herself to him, to simply just be his own little sub bitch...

Too bad she wasn't really into that specific kind of fantasy. She was here to wrestle, and to give the viewers as good of a show as she could.

Besides, Bill's arrogance was ticking her off a bit too. She wasn't here to simply do what he wanted to - and surely the management wasn't going to feel that way either. "What, you're expecting me to just stay still and do whatever you want to me? Come on, this is a wrestling match, not a BDSM session... I'm sure they would have hired me for one if that's what they wanted to see." the Brazilian replied with a slightly grumpy tone, but still one that was clearly a bit wary and cautious was well.

But what could have Gabi done to back up and prove her words? Well, in this position, the options were limited... She wasn't going to just punch him in the face. That would get her nowhere. Instead, she did the only thing she could think of on the spot... So, the green-thonged Brazilian began wrapping and tightening her arms around Bill's body, as if trying to trap him in some kind of a bearhug hold. An attempt which was yes, brave, especially considering that Bill was bigger and heavier than anyone she had tried to properly bearhug before, and that her own belly was still hurting from the Crusher's punch.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Gabi vs Bill - Amor For The Crusher

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While Bill felt he was doing Gabi a favour by making his intentions clear; the Brazilian reciprocated his words with more tiresome banter. It was starting to get a little infuriating that Bill had to deal with another opponent who seemingly just did not understand the position they were in. What he was saying wasn't an opinion or him boasting; it was moreso a statement of fact. A fact that Bill would have to wait to prove as Gabi suddenly from their embrace began to tighten her grip around his lower body; looking to bearhug the masked man!

This served to push both competitors hips against one another even tighter as Gabi seemed to be mustering as much strength as she could! ...Unfortunately Bill did not seem all too impressed; his expressionless mask simply staring down at her as he stood firmly in place. Some exertion was felt to keep his composure but it seemed that the attempt was mainly annoying the masked man more than anything. He had made things very clear and this was actively defying his vision for the night- Something which would not stand.

If she wanted to show competitive spirit; Bill would oblige the request. While still feeling the pressure around his lower body he would attempt to bring his arms around Gabi's back and the back of her head and with as much strength as his position allowed- Press Gabi's head against his chest! If he could overpower her grip he would look to push as much as was necessary until she capitulated and released her hold! Would Gabi be undeterred by Bill's grip or would she succumb to his smother?

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