KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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It was finally time. The excitement Oscar felt in his soul was too great to put into words. The inaugural LAW intergender champion belt... such a thing was something that Oscar had been hoping to see in LAW for a long, long time. Ever since he got started in the Young Lions. It was funny to Oscar how brief those days felt when the truth was he graduated years ago. With his promotional offer to the tournament accepted and his opening match set up, the Barbarian Prince was ready to go absolutely HAM tonight!!

Oscar had done some digging on who his opponent would be and he was... a bit surprised to say the least. Audrey Trovita. A name he had heard pop up more and more frequently in the company. A young lady who's career has had a good deal of involvement with the men of LAW and even openly advocated for the intergender circuit in her qualifying promo. Not that Oscar saw anything wrong with Audrey personally, but... from what he saw from some of her matches and her overall record, Audrey had the unfortunate title of a jobber thrust onto her. To see her in this tournament for a championship belt was a bit odd to him... but hey- there surely had to be a good reason for it. After all, Audrey did show a lot of determination and passion for her work. Perhaps with the offer of a championship on the line, Oscar will see how far Audrey's determination will push her to fight for a victory. To see her at her absolute best. It left Oscar feeling curious and having high expectations for his opponent.
Finally, as Oscar's theme dropped, the young man took a swig of his canteen full of ultra-pure lantern oil and lit his torch before heading to the ramp. It was showtime.


With that, Oscar stepped onto the ramp and sprayed the oil in his mouth into the flames of the torch- blasting a massive fireball into the air before letting out a triumphant laugh. A laugh that was practically drowned out from the deafening cheers of the audience! Passing the props off to the staff, Oscar walked down the ramp to exchange high-gives and fist bumps with the crowd before he slid into the ring. After taking one more moment to wave to the audience with a great big smile, Oscar would settle into his corner and await Audrey to arrive. After all the hype, it was time to see what Miss Trovita was going to bring to the table tonight...

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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Peeking her head around the frame, Audrey watched Oscar's entrance with interest. It was unlikely anyone would spot her with all the eyes on Oscar's fireball show, which was exactly what the redhead girl was hoping to catch. It was one thing to see it on screens and video replays, but it was another thing to witness it live. The size of the flame was impressive, to say the least! As he headed down the ramp and Audrey retreated back to her proper position, she was left to wonder; how did he deal with the taste of the oil? Did it even have a taste?

She leaned against a wall, taking a deep breath to settle her nerves. Audrey hadn't had high hopes for her chances when she'd applied for the tournament, given both her history and the resulting record. So, when she heard she'd been selected to compete, Audrey had been somewhat surprised. But even considering that, she was pretty undeniably active in the mixed division. Her goal had shifted a bit; she still wanted to take the more arrogant fighters down a peg or two, but she now realized that doing so also involved trying to push the more respectable ones into the spotlight, and this tournament provided an excellent means of doing so! Perhaps the underlying message of her entry resonated with someone - or at least, she'd hoped so.

All the research Audrey had done on her opponent told her that Oscar was a fine example of what she felt was needed. Sure, he'd had some occasional accidents with his female opponents, but as far as Audrey could tell, they'd all been truly unintentional. And even she recognized that some unintentional intimate contact was to be expected, even, given the nature of just being in close contact with each other. But otherwise, Oscar seemed to be a skilled, respectful opponent. Which meant, as far as Audrey was concerned, she needed to give him her very best.

starting jolted her from her thoughts. She took one more deep breath before heading out, plucking and lighting her hand sparkler along the way.

She'd had the ramp sparklers - evenly spaced every few feet down to the ring - improved for this event, not having had time to do anything more creative. But it was enough for now. The sparks got some good height now, far over her head. Audrey spun and twirled down the ramp, flaring her skirt and drawing hearts at some spectators with her hand sparkler.

She doused it in the waiting vase of water before climbing through the ropes into the ring, where she then fixed her gaze on Oscar. Even at this distance, she found herself inclining her head upwards to meet his eyes; Oscar stood over a full foot taller than her and over a hundred pounds heavier! He was going to be a challenge, for sure, but with all the hype going into the first round, she felt more confident than she ever had when going up against someone so much larger. Audrey stopped dead center of the ring and held out her hand towards him with what some might call an uncharacteristically confident grin.

"We've got a lot riding on this match, so I hope you don't expect me to just roll over for you. Let's make it a good one!"
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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Oscar watched Audrey make her sparkly entrance- eagerly tapping his heel on the canvas as she entered the ring. Oscar's gaze scanned Audrey's body language- and he liked what he picked up from the plucky redhead. There wasn't a trace of fear or anxiety in her (that he could tell, at least). Audrey seemed to ooze nothing but confidence as she greeted the crowd and approached him with a hand extended outward to him. The response brought a smile to Oscar's face as he stepped out of his corner and approached Audrey, responding to her by extending his own hand and giving her a firm, sportsmanlike handshake.

"I'd be deeply disappointed if you did. I'll be giving you nothing less than one hundred percent of my effort here tonight- and I hope to get the same amount of effort from you in return. Even if the stakes are high, let's have fun with it. May the best person win"

With one last smile from Oscar, the Barbarian Prince returned to his corner and settled in as he awaited for the bell to ring- taking one last deep breath to steel his nerves. It was now or never, for both Oscar and Audrey...

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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Audrey waited somewhat anxiously as Oscar reached for her hand. Moment of truth - was he the kind of guy she thought he was, or was she about to fall on the back foot?

His grip was firm, but that was all, and Audrey let out a quick breath of relief. This was the more likely outcome, given what she knew of his history, but she'd learned from her own experiences to always be on guard, just in case. Thankfully, in this case, it wasn't necessary.

"I never give my matches anything less than my best," Audrey replied, returning Oscar's grin. Even if they might not always look like it, she thought to herself... but there was no reason to voice that aloud. She had a different kind of determination behind her tonight than usual, and it seemed like her opponent thought the same - Put on a good show for the crowd, but try to come out on top.

She retreated to her own corner opposite Oscar, trying to create a plan of attack while bouncing on her heels until the opening bell sounded. And from that point forwards, it was game on!

Audrey approached cautiously; most of her previous opponents were similar in build to Oscar - larger and heavier than she was - which meant that there was no reason yet to alter her strategy. She'd have to try to use her speed and smaller build to stay out of his grasp.

"Ladies first?" Audrey would tease when he got close enough... and then she'd attempt to slide between his legs, hoping to get behind him, while also trying to catch his ankles and pull his legs out from beneath him in the process!
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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With the sound of the bell, Oscar would push out of his corner with his guard up- taking it steady as he approached Audrey. Oscar chuckled a little at Audrey's comment before she suddenly dove down and slid between his legs- whiffing the air as she avoided him trying to grab her before feeling her hands catch and yank on his ankles. Since Oscar was already moving forward, Audrey was successful in tripping Oscar- but instead of falling flat on his face, Oscar would tuck and roll to rest on a knee for some quick thinking acrobatics. Oscar looked back at Audrey. She was fast- creative too. Nothing Oscar hasn't dealt with before, but it could still prove to be a challenge if he wasn't careful.

Oscar was already working on getting back to his feet- keeping his emerald gaze fixated on Audrey to see what she'd do as a follow-up as he fully expected her to try and capitalize on her bold opening to the match!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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Step one was a success - Audrey managed to duck underneath Oscar's grab attempt, and even succeeded in tripping him! A decent start, because she really wanted him on the ground... but as she sprung back to her feet, ready to pounce on her downed opponent, she caught sight of him not face-down on the mat, but rolling forwards with his momentum and ending up on a knee, instead. Yeah, he was definitely quicker than she'd guessed.

But he was also still rising. If she could just catch him before he got fully back to his feet...

Audrey sprung forwards, trying to catch his wrist with the goal to wrench his arm behind his back. If she managed it, she knew she wouldn't be able to hold him for too long, so she'd then try to trip him by hooking her foot around his ankle.

Then, should she get him to the mat, she'd flop down on top of him, using her body to keep his one arm behind him, while she wrapped her own around his neck.
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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When Audrey tried to catch Oscar's wrist, the Barbarian Prince attempted to grab onto her again- only for Audrey to maneuver around him once more and hook her foot around his ankle, using his weight against him to try and bring him down to the canvas- with Oscar quickly responding by shooting a free hand out to catch himself and support himself so he didn't eat the canvas! Unfortunately, that didn't stop Audrey from mounting his back and twisting his other arm behind him before wrapping her arm around his neck! Oscar winced at the pressure... before letting a chuckle escape him.

"Not... bad... at all. You got talent... I'll give you that..."

Instead of struggling or trying to fight off Audrey, Oscar pushed himself to his feet and grabbed Audrey's arm- looking to keep her stuck on his back as he positioned himself to look at one of the ring posts.

"... buuuut you should... really consider... the size difference!"

Oscar would suddenly charge BACKWARD with Audrey on his back- and assuming he could keep her stuck on his back, Oscar would attempt to throw himself into the ring post opposite of him and sandwich Audrey between his muscular mass and the padded post!

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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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While her maneuver didn't land perfectly, Audrey still - with some surprise - managed to topple Oscar to the mat! He didn't crash, but he'd gone down, taking her with him, and that gave her enough time to lock in her choke!

She knew it would take more than this to put him out when they were both so fresh, but now that she had him locked down, she could spare some time to consider what to do next. If she could get him winded enough, he was in prime position for a follow-up!

At least, that was her plan... until Oscar chuckled at her.

The compliment was nice, but it was easy to deflect for now, in no small part because Oscar had risen back to his feet! Audrey maintained her grip around his throat, both because she wanted to try to maintain her offense and because Oscar had hold of her arm, but even though she was basically dangling in the air on his back - he was taller than her by quite a lot - it didn't take long for him to rise.

Audrey had indeed considered the size difference; that was why she needed to take him down to the mat in the first place, rather than fight on her feet. What she hadn't counted on was her opponent simply standing up with her in tow! She held on, but then Oscar started to retreat backwards. Audrey knew immediately what was coming, and without the strength to push back (or, importantly, the ability to reach the floor), it was time to switch tactics.

But as she made to let go and drop to the mat, hoping he'd simply step or trip backwards over her, she found her arm immobile and suddenly realized why he'd grabbed her.

Panic set in after that, her eyes going wide. She thought about trying to climb up his tall form - maybe if she absorbed the impact lower than on her back, she'd be able to wiggle out - but she hadn't the time.

The redhead let out a gasp and a wheeze as they both crashed into the corner and her body cushioned Oscar's. He kept her pressed there, the turnbuckle digging into the skin on her lower back. It was far from comfortable, but she took some comfort in the fact that it wasn't the metallic post itself. But he wasn't letting her go, either; even if he wasn't pressing his full weight against her, he still had hold of her arm, too. And the longer she was stuck here, the worse off her flexibility would be going forward.

Well, there was one way she could try to get out of this, and it wasn't going to be by squirming.

Audrey grit her teeth and tensed, tightening her arm around his neck. She couldn't be sure it was even having an effect, considering how easily he'd stood up, but trying was better than crying. Especially tonight. She attempted to wrap her legs around him too, to make it clear she wasn't going to be knocked off so easily. Her free left hand balled into a fist and started aiming punches at his side. Not her strong suit - it felt like punching a wall and made her knuckles hurt - but it was something.

"Tell ya what..." she choked out in his ear with some strained effort. "Let me go and I'll let you breathe."

That was a fair deal, right?
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Re: KINGS & QUEENS ( QF ) — Oscar Orelash vs Audrey Trovita

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Oscar was shocked to see Audrey stay locked in on the hold even after crashing into the corner post like that. In all his time as a wrestler, when Oscar used that trick to deal with piggybackers and people trying to lock in a choke hold, they typically let go. As Oscar felt Audrey's legs wrap around his body and her fists peppering his side with strikes, it was clear that she wasn't going to let go of the hold easily... until she offered him an interesting deal.

"...Heheh... you got some... guts. I can respect that... you got a deal"

Oscar, as Audrey requested, would step away from the ring post and let go of her arm. Should Audrey follow through with her promise, Oscar would rub his neck and take a deep breath before turning to face his opponent and chucking at her once again.

"Color me impressed... no offense when I say this, but now you REALLY have me wondering how someone with talent like that has a record with so many losses on it. Consider my curiosity piqued"

Oscar would follow up with the compliment by taking up a defensive stance, slowly circling Audrey as he watched to see how she'd take his words- and what the plucky redhead would do to follow up next...

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