Natalie McCathy vs Freya Ederne

Weight classes take on different weight classes to determine which class earns a tournament later this year. Takes place in the Tokyo Dome
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The Riders
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Re: Natalie McCathy vs Freya Ederne

Unread post by The Riders »


The ref hand would smack the canvas for the third time before making the motion for the bell to be rung. The crowd is in stunned silence as they didn't expect the match to be over this fast, especially after Freya had that big entrance.

And for it to be over just like that is a massive let-down for the fans and the people watching at home. Even Freya is in shock seeing that the match had just started, and she lost to a roll-up as she looks at the ref and trying to make the motion of that she had her shoulder off the canvas. Or that Natalie might have used the tights something to give an excuse of why she lost so quickly.

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Re: Natalie McCathy vs Freya Ederne

Unread post by Pegasus »

Winner by pinfall: Natalie McCathy
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