Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Smother Match: Victory obtained only via submission or K.O from a smother move.

Finally. After a long break from LAW, following a losing streak with her twin sister in LAW's tag division, Lucia Light had returned! And she had returned a much better wrestler than she was before. She had joined the Young Lioness Program, where Young Lioness Trainer Antonia A. Aunt had generously taken her under her wing. She wasn't done training with Antonia, and she still had a lot to learn from her and other potential trainers. But she was far from being completely devoid of talent, like how she basically was before. And now, making her singles debut, Lucia wanted to make it clear to LAW that she was no longer a jobber! Antonia was currently backstage with Lucia, giving her trainee a prep talk before her match.
Antonia's Appearance
"What is going to be the outcome of this bout?" The General of the Anthill asked her soldier.

"I am going to finally WIN!" Lucia responded.

"Why are you going to be victorious?"

"Because I'm BETTER than my stupid and dumb opponent who's stupid and dumb!"

"What makes you superior to your adversary?"

"The fact that I'm being trained by YOU!"

"Obviously... And what have you done to ensure your victory?"

"I took your advice and demanded that management put me in a smother match! Because you've trained me to be great at smothering! And because my opponent is a jobbing loser who's jobs and is known to be weak to those kinds of moves! So now, I must exploit this weakness, and make her SUFFER for it!"

"Nyehehehe. That's my little solider." Antonia snickered, before taking out her swagger stick to point it towards LAW Arena's entrance. "NOW GET OUT THERE MAGGOT. AND MAKE THE GENERAL OF THE ANTHILL PROUD."
Lucia's Entrance Music
Lucia nodded and went off with the intent to do just that! She was clad in her new hamburger bun/sun-themed attire, and she had a perfect tan to boot! She walked down the ramp with a devious smile, intending on making an example out of her opponent. Her foe, Hitomi Rose, indeed had a current reputation as a jobber weak to smothers. One would think this should make Lucia particularly empathetic towards her, but nope. The cute, thicc-reared meanie just wanted to bully her, as Lucia had been bullied in the past. That would certainly make her feel better about herself! The Smother Sun entered the ring and awaited her opponent, eager to show off what she'd learned, since joining the Young Lioness program!
Lucia's Appearance

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Re: Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Hitomi was nervous this match. normally she'd be excited to face someone new especially someone as cute as her next opponent but lately Hitomi had been on a losing streak. everyone wanting to pummel her and exploit her weakness to smothers and ragdoll her into the ground. but Hitomi was still a wrestler and under contract to fight so she walked down the ramp in her Tatsumaki Cosplay from One Punch Man and faced her opponent.

Her cosplayImage
Her intro

as she went down the ramp the crowd booed her calling her a jobber and calling her worthless. when she enter the ring and saw her opponent Hitomi just had this defeated look on her face.

Hitomi: Sigh...let's get this over with.

she said sounding almost depressed.
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Re: Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Soon enough, Hitomi had arrived and was in the ring with Lucia, standing face-to-face with her. But if Hitomi's tone and expression were anything to go by, then the lightweight wasn't very excited to put in mildly. "Such a sad, sad face." Lucia snickered, mocking her adversary. "But now is a time only for joy. You're about to be a part of something wonderful! You have the unique honor of being the first loser I'll ever destroy with my brilliant, shinning radiance!"

And just like that, before the bell even rang, Lucia would rush at Hitomi for a sudden hip attack! While Antonia hadn't taught Lucia to cheat, she had taught her how to bump with her backside much more effectively! And if the sun girl's strong butt rammed Hitomi in the gut and knocked her away, the dishonorable heel would turn towards and address the now protesting referee. "Whoops. I could've sworn I heard the bell ring." Lucia said in a deceptively innocent voice, using her cuteness to lower the official's suspicions. Lucia had never cared about following the rules, but in the past, that alone hadn't been nearly enough to make her a genuine threat. But now that she was stronger, she could add some weight to her rule-breaking ways!

Regardless, the ref would then signal the bell to ring. Making this match officially get underway! Lucia would square up with Hitomi and stick her tongue out at her, happy if she had gotten off some dirty, pre-match damage on her foe!

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Re: Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Hitomi was bearly even paying attention to her opponent or what she was saying. All she heard was "blah blah blah I'm going to be you blah blah you're a loser blah blah blah you suck."

Before the bell rung however Lucia slammed Hitomi hard in the stomach with a hip attack. Hitomi was a former boxer but this hip attack felt worse than any uppercut from any opponent she ever faced it was as if Lucia's butt was a sledgehammer being swung by a man 3 times Hitomi's size and that hammer slammed into her stomach knocking the wind out of her and bringing the purple haired pipsqueak to her knees gasping for air.

The match hadn't even started yet and already she was on the back foot. Hitomi looked up at Luica with a pained look in her eyes thinking. "this girl...she's cruel...I can't let her get away with something like this."

Despite the pain in her gut Hitomi rose up(hehe puns) to her feet looking like now she wants to fight.

Hitomi: You wanna fight well I'll fight. I'm going to kick your buns!

she said with a difiant attitude.
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Re: Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Lucia's powerful, pre-bell hip attack slammed right into Ms. Rose's gut, knocking the poor girl to her knees! And despite the clear foul play, Lucia's cute lie was enough to prevent the referee from delivering any penalties. Lucia laughed at Hitomi's expense, as her downed opponent glared at her. But soon enough, Ms. Rose was back on her feet and ready to square up proper! It seems as though Lucia's dishonorable move had lit a fire under Hitomi, giving her genuine motivation to fight!

"Really now? Is your jobber-self known for kicking buns, or getting sat on by them?" Lucia taunted. "I'm gonna have a blast picking you apart!" The audience wondered what other moves the sun-girl had in store. Lucia ran at Hitomi, only to go straight for another running hip attack to the gut! Lucia wasn't the best at strategizing, but her pervious hip attack had worked so well before. So Lucia was thinking as the old saying said: 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it!'

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Re: Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Hitomi saw Lucia run at her trying for another hip attack but this time Hitomi was ready for it. she caught Lucia's hip attack and suplexed her down to the mat. the suplex also showed that just like Tatsumaki in one punch man she was not wearing anything under the outfit. no bra and no panties.

the crowd seemed to enjoy the show Hitomi unintentionally gave them as she suppexed Lucia. it wasn't anything weird or perverted. it was simply Tatsumaki didn't wear them so she didn't for her cosplay.

Hitomi wrapped her up in a move that I have no idea what the name is. this is the move.

Hitomi: Take this you jerk!

she says as she aggressively twists Lucia's body in this painful hold.
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Re: Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Antonia would have to reprimand her trainee for this later. As it seemed as though going for the same move twice in a row wasn't the best idea, since this time, Hitomi saw it coming and could properly prepare! Lucia gasped in shock, feeling her adversary catch her hip attack. But that was only the beginning of her problems! "UGGH!" She grunted, as Hitomi further countered it, by throwing her on the mat in a skillful suplex!

"Nghh... Hey! No fair!" Lucia protested hypocritically, despite having actually done something unfair before the match officially started. Nonetheless, Hitomi took the opportunity to secure her in a body submission hold! Lucia grunted as Hitomi tried to restrain her limbs and strain her body in the hold! "No no no! Get your jobber hands off of me!" Lucia protested, squirming around to fight against the hold the best she could. But it seemed that despite Hitomi's current reputation for jobbing, she skill had some skillful tricks up her sleave!

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Re: Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Hitomi aggressively twisted Lucia's torso trying her best to keep her locked in place.

Hitomi: I might not be a strong wrestler but I don't go down without a fight.

Hitomi said trying desperately to keep her grip on Lucia and not lose another match. Lucia was strong though, Hitomi could feel her fighting to get free. if she slipped up for even a second she might lose her advantage.
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Re: Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Lucia squirmed and grunted, as Hitomi painfully twisted her torso in this submission hold! In the past, Lucia had been so weak and pathetic, that she'd have little hope of escaping a hold like this. But after going through a substantial amount of training in the Young Lioness program, Antonia had made Lucia significantly stronger than she used to be! There was probably a smarter way for her to attempt to escape. But if things went Lucia's way, she'd eventually be able to brute force her way out!

If so, she'd stand up and stagger back a bit from the lingering pain. "Why you...!" Lucia grumbled, before straightening herself back up. She was out to totally dominate Hitomi. Allowing her foe to fight back simply could be be tolerated! In an attempt to reestablish dominance, Lucia rushed at Hitomi to try and tackle her to the mat for a simply yet hopefully effective spear!

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Re: Lucia S. Light (D) vs. Hitomi Rose: The Sun Rose Up

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Hitomi struggled to keep her hold locked in as long as she could but soon enough Lucia broke out of the hold. now those sunbaked buns where free.

Hitomi: Crap...I was hoping I'd keep her locked in a bit longer.

as soon as she got back to her feet Lucia slammed into her with a spear sending the purple haired cosplayer down to the mat painfully.

Hitomi: Ugggghn....

she grunts as Lucia's shoulder slammed into Hitomi's gut. the two of them hitting the ground hard made their breasts and booties jiggle a bit. Hitomi tries to get up before her opponent can take advantage of her downed state.
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