Age: 28
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’8 ft.
Weight: 165lb
Entrance Music:
Alignment: Neutral
Nationality Japanese
Fighting Style: Striker

Reference for sleeves






Workout Attire:


Kasumi is a very social person and some that is approachable. Very witty and highly flirty, as she can tease, and give sass when she wants to. She can be quite mischievous, but in the more playful manner; as they are made with light-hearted humour, with the worst just being elaborate pranks.
She will not hesitate to use her natural beauty as an allure to persuade people.
She also has a habit of drinking quite a lot on the weekends or social nights. Even though she’s good at holding her drink, watch out.
While her background is rather mysterious, Kasumi Kaneko (or at least that’s how she refers to herself because even then it is difficult to determine if that is her real name) appears to come from a rather wealthy background. Whether she came from a rich family, or manage to accumulate that health (rather quickly we might add), is unknown. When asked, she tends to be playful and sassy with her answers, just to confuse people.
Of course, given her playful, mischievous nature, she took on the nickname “Kitsune”; as her personality has been compared to that of foxes and the mythological creatures of the same name. Plus, to make the nickname fitting, she adds fox hear and tail attachments.
She spent considerable time training and learning to fight and wrestle. Now she brings those to LAW, but for what reason she has to join is anyone’s guess. After all, a fox can be as elusive as it can be alluring.
Attitude to Hentai: "Woah buddy! I know I'm hot, but not in the ring."
Signature Moves
Foxy Swipes –
One opening move that Kasumi will open up with quick, rapid strikes to the face. 

A cartwheel, that is followed up by a drop kick.

A good counter to employ when escaping from a pin, as she will roll free and use the ropes to perform a dropkick.

A diving crossbody jump from a corner.

A headscissors takedown that involves Kasumi running off the ropes to gain momentum to throw her opponent to the ground.

Finishing Moves
Take to the Den –
An Irish whip that Kasumi uses in conjunction with the momentum and a Jersey Codebreaker to set up a pin.

A corner crossbody move where Kasumi will go for a pin afterwards.

A short-arm punt kick that Kasumi performs before going for a pin.

Physical Statistics
General Statistics
Endurance ★★ – Kasumi’s not well known for taking a lot of hits. She opts to avoid attacks if she can. Of course, this means that she can have potential trouble with submission-like holds.
Strength ★★★ – Kasumi’s strength is moderate to the utilize different strikes and attacks to wear down her opponent over a long period of time.
Speed ★★★★★ – Kasumi’s moveset relies on a heavy use of speed and agility. This allows her to perform high-speed attacks, quick escapes and disorientate her opponent.
Technique ★★★★★ – Kasumi utilizes forms of Northern Shaolin Kung Fu, as well as Muay Thai, in conjunction with the wrestling conventions; making her fighting style be more aggressive. This helps her to perform various forms of strikes, aerials and counters.
Wrestling Statistics
Strikes ★★★★★ – With Kasumi incorporating her martial arts and kung fu skills with her wrestling moves, she can land several types of aggressive attacks aimed to deal as much damage as possible.
Submissions ★★★ – Kasumi’s submissions are more of the “jack of all trades” category, where she will use them, only when she needs to.
Powerhouse ★ – Kasumi will need rely on many powerhouse moves, unless she had to resort to them; which may not be often given how she prefers strikes, aerials and counters.
Aerials ★★★★ – Kasumi’s quick movements fit well with relying on aerials for attacks and getting the drop on her opponents.
Counters ★★★★★ – Kasumi does very well with counters. Being able to quickly turn a fight in her favour (usually) and being able to escape from most situations (mainly pins).
Friends –
Candace “Fang” Lewis – viewtopic.php?f=12&t=12891 - The two knew each other from a while back, as they both competed in a minor wrestling league in the past (near when the two were entering post-secondary). They became good friends, as they learned a few things off each other; even Fang knowing that she cannot beat Kasumi in a drinking contest.
Allies -
Rivals -
Enemies -