Sweets and Smothers

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Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika Noir and Sachiko Koizumi had presented themselves, their real selves, to the world and to LAW and now they were about to do everything to make people accept their domination. The lights in the arena turned into a deep red when the loud sound of a motor could be heard and out from Gorilla position came nothing short then a Porsche, but not just any Porsche, it was the pitch black 1988 Porsche Turbo Cabrio of Veronika Noir who came through the curtains as Heart Connection made their appearance to their new theme, a female rendition of Mötley Crües "Kickstart my Heart", pumping up even the most booing fan as the two sexy delinquents drove into the arena, the waving their hands with big grins on their face!

The Car:
The Song:
The Girls:
They stopped at the ramp and jumped out of the car, their new pink and black ring gear shining in the spotlights as they met each other in front of the car for an impromptu make out session at the sportscars hood, before getting back to business, swinging around black and pink bats as they walked down the ramp to the ring!

It was exciting and Veronikas heart pumped fast in her chest, Heart Connection was finally theirs and they could do with it whatever they wanted!
She got onto the apron and slipped through the ropes, climbing the turnbuckles while lifting the shining black baseballbat into the air while accentuating her chest with both arms for good measure! When she got down, she and Sachi leaned against a corner and took some mics from the staff.
"Say, Sachi, what a fine evening this is, huh?", she began and then looked to the crowd.

"A fine evening, too hot for this time of year,don't you agree?", she said and tugged at one of the strings of her top.
"How about we get a bit more comfortable before we talk to all those little horny lowers?", she asked and without waiting started to strip out of their clothes, throwing them out the ring and onto the staff which collected it and brought it to the car.
After their little show, all that remained where two pink and black heart shaped patches, a small thong in heartshape and their boots as Heart Connection went on with their promo.
"Much better, wouldn't you agree?", she said and laid one arm around her girlfriend as they closed the distance to the middle of the ring, swinging around their barely covered behinds in the process.
"What we wanted to adress was, well, look at us. We are the hottest thing going on in LAW since...well, since ever. And there are so many different types of matches to accentuate such prime specimens like us. But nothing else like a good smother! And let's face it...", she said and turned around, both members of HC sticking out their shapely behinds, twerking them just enough to get a proper reaction.
"...we have the best fucking assets in this whole league! So, instead of waiting for our lameass bookers and managers to do the job we decided to make this an open challenge! We challenge any team who thinks it could outdo us to a best of five stinkface match! Right here, right now!", she said as the crowd started to cheer and boo the two delinquents alike.

Veronika on the other hand just leaned over and let Sachiko have the word as she moved behind her, letting her arms trail around her girlfriends chiseled midsection and laying her head onto her shoulder, smiling like a Cheshire cat!
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Re: Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by CaptainL »

No one could say that the Heart Connection didn't believe in making a big impact. That had been readily apparent ever since the two of them decided to make their big announcement - that the Heart Connection was here to stay, and they were about to become something much more than a tag team of two begrudgingly cutesy babyfaces forced together by the management to punish a couple of feuding rivals. No, the last six months had been a journey of discovery for both Sachiko and Veronika, and it was there they found that they worked far better as allies than as enemies. They had seen how well they could work together - both in the ring and personally - and already they had staked their claim as a force to be reckoned with in LAW's tag division, settling into their groove as the perfect combination of brains and brawn - both of them had the beauty to spare, of course. They had definitely put on a big show when they cut a promo from the roof of the arena, after spraying the entire building in graffiti. But even with that behind them...no one was expecting them to come thundering down the entrance ramp in a convertible, the sounds of engines revving echoing through the arena!

"WOOOOOO!!~" Sachiko cheered, thrusting a fist in the air on the way down to the ramp. Already, cries of "Holy shit! Holy shit!" filled the air, and when Sachiko heard them, she only grinned a little wider. They had been out to make a splash since the moment they returned, and at that, they certainly succeeded! But this was what the Heart Connection was all about - living life fast, hard, on the edge, and making no excuses for anything. And they were out to put that manifesto across from the very start of the next chapter in their career!

Sachiko hopped out of her seat, only to clambor on top of Veronika a moment later for a passionate kiss. She moaned into the blonde's throat, a shudder running through her as she flared up with heat from deep inside her core. This was nothing new for them, of course - but there was something else Sachiko had revealed in that promo. The Heart Connection weren't just partners in the ring. They were officially a couple now - and this was the first time they were showing it to the world, live and in view of a capacity crowd. Sachiko purred sotftly, grinding her body up against Veronika's own to massage her curves with her chest and hips. Knowing what they knew now only made the moment feel even sweeter. And it didn't bother Sachiko one bit that they were doing this in public - if anything, that made it all the more exciting!

"A fine evening indeed," Sachiko said with a nod in Veronika's direction. "'course, aren't they all fine when we're around?~" She struck a pose, puffing her generous chest out with an arm behind her head. Their display had gotten them plenty of cheers already - but they would only get even louder as the two of them stripped down into their outfits for this match, which left their bodies on full display, with nothing to the imagination whatsoever! Sachiko struck a few more poses to milk the moment for all it was worth, loving every second of the attention. When Veronika made the offer of a Best of Five Stinkface Match, the grin on the sukeban's face could only grow wider. And she was riding those cheers high as Veronika gave her the floor!

"Yep! You heard the gal - a Best of Five Stinkface Match!" Sachiko looked back at Veronika, grinding her hips up against her own; her arm slipped around the dancer's side, tracing down her back to rest on her behind, where she gave it a firm squeeze. "You know what that means! Whoever hits a stinkface on their opponent first wins! Er, whoever does it in a best three-out-of-five falls format! Uh...look, I didn't prepare a speech!" She cleared her throat, but continued nonetheless. "Why are we doing this, you ask? Because Veri said it best - we've got the best couple of asses in the business, and we want to prove it! If there's anyone out there who thinks they can compare, I say, JUST TRY IT! We're saying this with confidence, because we're sure that there's no one here who can even HOPE to stand a chance, and we'll demonstrate as much when we have you smothered in the corner in no time flat!" With that, Sachiko slapped her hand against Veronika's cheek, just for good measure! "So come on! Step up and take it! Prove us wrong, if you really think you can! If you aren't scared! But you should be! Except not all that much, because we do want a match to happen here. Look, we would stand here and be sexy all day if we could, but the losers in management only let us have so much time, so we want to make that worth it...uh...where was I going again?"

It was quite apparent that writing speeches wasn't her forte. Nevertheless, Sachiko cleared her throat. "Listen, point is...we're waiting!" Just to punctuate things more, she leaned over, giving her hips a wiggle back and forth. Now, all she could do was wait for their challengers to approach...
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Re: Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by dddybee »

While Heart Connection had been celebrating their development as not only a tag team but a straight up couple, the Booty Empresses had recently had a major team update as well. Along with officially going from bona-fide queens to bona-fide empresses (hence the recent tag team name change), the Booty Empresses had also just inducted a new member into their stable! Honie B. Bea, the only member of their stable who was only an empress by wrestling gimmick. But given how close of a friend she was to Melony and Jasmine, as well as how GOATED the bee was at smother/booty-based offense, the heroine not being an authentic monarch didn't matter to the other two Empresses. They were all too excited to tag with the Booty Buzzer / Heroine of the Beehive!

That being said, Heart Connection had thrown the Booty Empresses for a loop here. They had been planning to have Honie fight in their first official match as Empresses. But Heart Connection's open challenge was sudden and unexpected. The thing about open challenges was that only wrestlers who happened to be around at the time could answer them. And this time around, Honie was chilling at her barn house, taking a well-deserved day off after a week of intense training! Melony and Jasmine were in the building however, and Jasmine especially couldn't let this open challenge go unanswered! Not with how competitive Heart Connection was already getting, even while they were waiting for their competitors!
Entrance Theme (Jasmine & Melony)
Each pair of Booty Empresses had an entrance theme specific to them, and the music for Jasmine and Melony soon blasted on the speakers! And then, the monarchs in question appeared on the top of the ramp! Each of them wore their recently updated wrestling attires, and this would be the first time they wore them into an official match! Jasmine and Melony walked side by side, smiling and waving at their beloved fans, which of course included many citizens from their empire! As they ambled down towards the ring, they repeatedly bumped their massive, sexy rears together. Jasmine's cake-themed cake repeatedly coming into contact with Melony's peach-themed peach! The Makers of Human Thrones had arrived!

"What's up Heart Connection?!" Jasmine started. "I'll be the first one to admit that you two have some really nice curves. But you can't just go declare you have the best butts in the business, not as long as any number of the three Booty Empresses are around!" To emphasize their point, the two royals turned their big, beautiful behinds towards their competition, before slamming them together in a very audible 'BUMP'! "But you guys have great taste!" Jasmine admitted, as she and Melony turned back around. "A best outta five STINKFACE match?! Dudes, that's like our favorite move! And if anyone's gonna beat even you two in a match like that, it's gonna be us! The Makers of Human Thrones! The number ONE contenders for LAW's tag team titles!"

"Greetings Sachiko and Veronika." Melony spoke up, respectfully bowing her head to Heart Connection. Despite being an actual royal, Melony enjoyed greeting others in humility, especially considering this was the Heart Connection's open challenge. After straightening herself back up, Melony continued. "We would be delighted to accept your challenge, if you will have us. This will be our first match since becoming Empresses, so we certainly want to make it a good one. The upgrade in royal status has been a lot of work, but I'm sure rubbing my sweet peach against your pretty faces will help me relive some stress."~ Melony teased, getting a bit competitive herself there, but Jasmine had an idea to further fan the flames of competition!

"Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!" Jasmine chirped excitedly. "You guys mind if we also make it a Kiss My Cake match? I'm doing this club where I document people who end up kissing my butt. And when we win, that's what you two will be doing at the end of our bout!"

"It's up to you. I could also use by bum smooched, but no pressure of course." Melony assured Heart Connection. "Of course, in the theoretical event of us losing, then Jasmine and I would have to kiss your posteriors instead."

"But that's not gonna fudging happen!" Jasmine asserted. "But we'll make this match a blast regardless! What do you lot say?"
Jasmine & Melony

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Re: Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika had counted on it. She had counted on it and she had won. Of course every Sexy opponent would have done but she really had hoped that the so called "Booty Empressess" would bite. And she had not been dissapointed as the theme of the two aristocrats started to play. Of course there were a few reasons for her to want to fight those two. First off, they were dead Sexy and to roll around with those gals, Sachi at her side was just a wet dream come true for her. Secondly, the two of them, plus Honie, were infamous for being LAWs best smotheres, especially with stinkfaces. So what could have been better then to beat all the people who had some "reputation" or "records" at their own game and take a shortcut to the top? Sachiko and veronika were the antithesis to another team that had an Austrian Eagle in it. For Harmonia and Molly it was all about getting stronger, Fairplay and rising to the top by excelling over themselves.

Heart Connection on the other hand just saw themselves as unbeatable anyway and if they came to an obstacle they just took sledge hammers and slammed right through it. Sure, Veronika made sure that every move of them was planned, but in the end it was their tricks and ruthlessness, paired with a cunning talent for cheating that made them succeed. It was helped that both members of HC were sensual, sexy, curvy girls that just foamed over with personality. They were good to look at fun to listen too and because of their unpredictiveness, be it new outfits, no clothes at all, all kinds of match types down to fetish levels, they excited the crowd. Sexappeal, Excitement and being X-treme. S.E.X. Veronika knew that they just had to put this into a promo sometime. But for now the both of them watched in awe as the two busts babes rolled into the ring, coming right into their faces.

Veronika just chuckled as she looked over to Sachiko.
"Yo, Babe, stop drooling, yeah?", she grinned and gave her a kiss on the cheek, leaving her trademark black lipstick there before turning to the women who just adressed them.
"Melony, Jasmine. What a pleasant surprise.", she said and took a few steps into the larger girls direction.

"I knew we would have a good time tonight but it seems the universe is spoiling us.", she smiled and came closer to Melony while leaving Jasmine to Sachi, all four women now eye to eye with each other.
"Kiss my cake club, huh? So that means we are members now if we want or not? And if we kicked your royal touchies, leaving you in a pile in the middle of the ring, that means you have to kiss our butts. Terrific idea.", she said and now came so close that her breasts squeezed into Melonys.

"Then this is settled. Sachiko and I just have two more demands. First of all, this will be a Texas Tornado. That means we are in the ring the same time, all four of us. And the second demand is that there will be a no DQ rule, because let's face it, you should know by now that every rule put on us is just in one ear and out the other. If you can agree on this then there will be no problem. So best of five it is. That means that whatever team manages to get three stinkfaces wins. Easy, isn't it? So what do you say, my royal creampuffs. Do we have a deal?", she said and reached out her hand to Melony.
Last edited by RedShinigami on Thu May 30, 2024 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by CaptainL »

Sachiko wasn't sure who was going to answer the Heart Connection's open challenge. But whoever it might have been, she was sure she would've been happy with the results. LAW had no shortage of hot girls and guys she would have no qualms about sharing a ring with any day - and whoever it was they took down, it would surely cement their well-deserved dominance over this company; after all, it was hard to imagine a more dominant victory than humbling their opponents with a stinkface not just once, but multiple times. However, when Jasmine and Melony made their way down the ramp, Sachiko jumped up in place, her jaw dropping as her eyes went wide! She was already excited, but now things had just gotten even better! They weren't going up against just anyone - they were about to dominate the number-one contenders for the tag titles! A victory over them would have surely propelled them to the top - potentially even putting them next in line for the belts! And if they got that far, nothing could stop them!

The fact that the Empresses had exactly the sorts of hot bodies Sachiko wouldn't shy away from having rubbed all over her didn't hurt, and indeed, Sachiko's eyes were wandering hungrily over every curve of their opponents, which seemed all the more enticing in the flesh than the TV screen could ever do justice to. Not that that was going to happen, of course, given that this was a match they were out to win! But it seemed that even these icons of the tag division were fans - and when she heard Jasmine's compliments, Sachiko flashed a wink and a pair of finger guns in her direction. "Glad to know you're a lady of culture...~" she added - only for Veronika to chime in trying to get her to quell her lust. "Eh? Hey, I wasn't..." she said, fooling absolutely no one.

As Veronika stepped up to handle the boring business stuff with Melony, Sachiko took a step closer to Jasmine, squeezing her breasts between her arms to accentuate her cleavage all the more as she waggled her hips back and forth with every step. She listened as Jasmine named her conditions - but it only made the grin on Sachiko's face grow wider. The fact they had gone from Queens to Empresses would only make things even more impressive when the Heart Connection knocked them off their pedestal. And if they would have a couple of self-proclaimed Empresses kissing their butts, it was going to send a message to the world that they had reigned supreme over the tag division! "Well, I hope ya like our body wash..." Sachiko chuckled. "'cuz I have a feeling you're gonna get a good faceful of it!" She pushed her breasts up against Jasmine's to exert her presence all the more. She knew that she was picking a fight with one of LAW's most storied smotherers...but that would only make victory that much sweeter, and she faced the challenge fearlessly!

When Veronika brought up their additional conditions, Sachiko looked back at her with an eyebrow raised curiously. "Wait, we do?" she muttered - but it wouldn't matter. At the requests Veronika made, she could only nod her head with a chuckle. She and Veronika were closer than ever, and she couldn't wait to put their newly-tempered teamwork to the test - going with tornado tag rules would only give them even more of an opportunity to lift up and benefit one another. And if it was no-DQ, they could bring the mayhem they were known and loved for! It would be a perfect showcase of what the Heart Connection was all about - and Sachiko could only crack her knuckles in anticipation as she watched the Empresses closely for their response...
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Re: Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by dddybee »

Background Music
Now having joined the ring, the Booty Empresses were face-to-face with Heart Connection, as the groups sized each other up for the inevitable showdown! But before they could get this match underway, the two groups had to settle on the rules. Or in Heart Connection's case, the lack thereof! Jasmine of course was pitching a Kiss My Cake Match, desiring to induct more people into her Kiss My Cake Club! She already had a few kiss marks on her butt from earlier human thrones she had smother dommed just today! And after this match was over, Jasmine wanted her massive cake to be covered in kisses from Heart Connection! "Not quite yet dude, but you'll be members after we win!" Jasmine responded confidently to Veronika's question about whether they were members now.

Sachiko soon closer to Jasmine, talking quite the competitive talk herself, before emphasizing her point by pressing her bust into Jasmine's own. Jasmine smiled at this and returned the favor, squishing their large boobs together. She stared down Sachiko with a wild glint in her eyes, slowly licking her lips. "OH... Just the THOUGHT of forcing you ear-deep between my cheeks makes me SO excited..." Jasmine purred. Even amongst the other smother-lovers of the Booty Empresses, Jasmine's obsession with smother domming others ran deep. Even before she began her Kiss My Cake Club, there was a reason her buns were never publicly seen devoid of at least one kiss mark...

"Haha. Control yourself Jasmine." Melony instructed, noticing her chaotic friend's intense smother-lust. "The match hasn't commenced yet. We're still discussing the stipulations." Heart Connection accepted the risk of joining Jasmine's club. After all, the Booty Empresses were risking having to kiss their opponents' rears as well. But they did have some requests of their own. They wanted a Texas Tornado Match, which the Empresses readily agreed to. "AWESOME! That means we don't have to keep tagging in and out to do our famous double smother moves! Works for us!" Jasmine chirped in response. And of course they had already confirmed they were more than down for a Best of Five stinkface match. But Veronika had one more condition to add...

"No disqualifications?" Melony repeated, after hearing the condition from Veronika. The wise empress knew that wrestlers who requested No DQ matches were usually just looking for licenses to cheat without risk. "Hmmmm. I'll have to think..." Melony's thinking was interrupted by her partner giving her a playful punch in the arm that was yet rough enough to make her wince. "It's cool Melony! Our booty power can handle whatever chaos they may throw at us! Besides, this means rope breaks don't matter, and we can give some EXTRA long stinkfaces!" Jasmine exclaimed. "Save the punches for our adversaries my friend." Melony pouted slightly, rubbing her arm before looking back at Veronika. "Very well then. A No Disqualification Match it is. May the best stinkface-ers win." Once things were settled, the Booty Empresses would smile at walk to their side of the ring, before turning back around to square-up proper. They'd wait for the bell to rang, so what was sure to be a very sexy match would officially get underway!

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Re: Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Veronika chuckled and looked over put of the corner of her eyes, seeing Sachiko flirting heavily with Jasmine. And no it didn't made her jealous, quite the contrary it excited her. The brains of Heart Connection bit her lower lip and squeezed her legs together as she saw the two barely clad women standing chest to chest with each other.
But then Melony accepted the terms that Veronika demanded and a big, foxlike grin appeared on her face.
"Then it's a deal .",she said and reached out to shake hands with Melony but instead of doing so she grabbed her and pulled her in, giving the Empress a peck on the lips.

"Just so you know that even if we leave you beaten up and barely conscious, there is no bad blood...Babe.", she grinned and let the team go, throwing an arm around Sachiko and as they reached the corner she leaned into her. Tough as hot and bothered as she was she just couldn't resists, looking over to her girlfriend and start a messy Makeout session, their hands traveled all over each other's bodies as their tongues met in a slow, sloppily dance.

This was just what they were about and even if it was in the ring with a match underway, they just couldn't let their fingers off each other.
"Hmm...fuck...you and this cake chick...that made me so fucking hot..."

The bell resounded and the spectacle was on! Veronika knew that playtime was over and reluctantly let go of her girlfriend.
"Hah..ah...phew...well...", she said and looked over to their enemy team.
"Let's get this party started eh Babe?", she grinned and gave her a slap on the butt.
"Let's show them what our butts are made off!", she grinned and jumps tarted out of the corner. Now it was time to play with her old tricks again. Veronika was a trained gymnast, ballerina and dancer, meaning that she was fast, swift and flexible, something she showed off as she charged Melony but before she could come in reach she suddenly spun a wheel, getting behind the fruit themed empress and smiled.

"Behind ya!", she said and without a warning she lifted one of her strong legs and slammed it into Melonys side with a sharp and brutal kick that hopefully would give her first advantage of her fellow noble woman.

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Re: Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by CaptainL »

Even before the bell had rung, the tension between the two teams was running high - and Sachiko wouldn't have it any other way. The only thing she loved almost as much as dominating and lording over her opponents and their pathetic attempts at fighting back was the thrill that could only come from pitting herself against a well-matched, capable, and passionate foe, and right now, Jasmine seemed like all three of these things - and her body wasn't anything to sneeze at either! In fact, Sachiko would almost say she might not even mind having to kiss her rear...well, almost. Because as alluring at that thought was, Sachiko knew the Heart Connection was here to dominate anyone in their path, and to send a message to the rest of LAW about what might await them! "Well, ya can certainly try, heh..." she muttered to herself - and then whispered back to Veronika. "We might have to think about doing that to them. Sounds like it'd send the intent across, huh?"

And if there was ever any doubt that Jasmine was a woman after Sachiko's heart...that question would certainly be answered when she cut in front of Melony to agree to the Heart Connections' demands of a no-DQ match! An eager grin flashed across the blue-haired girl's face, and she proudly pumped a fist in the air. "WOO! Alright!" she cried, before jabbing a finger gun toward Jasmine. "Just hope you're aware...we're gonna use every bit of that to our advantage, too. 'Cuz that's how the Heart Connection rolls! I hope you're ready!"

The tension in the air between the two teams wasn't lost on Veronika - unable to contain herself, she pulled the sukeban into a passionate kiss, and Sachiko wasted no time in joining in, throwing her arms tightly around her partner's sides as their bodies rubbed and massaged up against every corner of each other. She could hardly help herself - everything Veronika did made her feel something hot rising deep within her, and now that the two of them were officially a couple, it made everything feel that much bigger and more important; enough to send Sachiko's heart thumping in her chest with the rush of adrenaline. It all ran over her and consumed her every thought - she could almost forget that there was a match just ahead of her.

...Until the bell rang, anyway.

"...Damn," Sachiko muttered to herself as she looked away from her passionate embrace, casting a less-than-impressed glare back at the timekeeper. "Guess that's gonna have to wait until after our big win, huh, Veri? No problem...I can take it!"

As soon as Sachiko had stepped away from Veronika, she was back in the game - it was as though a switch had been thrown in her head. Now, it was time to get serious! She cracked her knuckles as she focused in on Jasmine with a glare. While Veronika planned to fall back on her speed, Sachiko had taken it to heart that she was the muscle of the team - and she was willing to put that to good use here, as she stormed closer to Jasmine, raising her hands and leaning in closer as she prepared to meet her in a test of strength. Of course, she was studying Jasmine all the while for any sudden moves. She had to be aware if she could secure an opening...and she couldn't resist taking a nice, long look at her opponent's curvaceous frame.
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Re: Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by dddybee »

After settling on the stipulations (or lack thereof), Melony reached out to give Veronika a handshake. But instead Veronika opted to abruptly pull Melony in to peck her on the lips! "Wh-Whaa...? Oh yes. Of course. No hard feelings, no matter who wins. Haha." Melony confirmed in a flustered tone, having been caught off guard by the sudden peck. Despite the pleasure they gained from smothering anyone, Melony and her fellow Empresses were straight girls. But she nonetheless could appreciate Veronika's show of affection and her proclamation of goodwill. Sachiko didn't seem jealous at all, especially since Veronika's next instinct was to embrace her partner in a full-on make-out secession.

Despite how excited the Booty Empresses (especially Jasmine) were to get things underway, they were perfectly fine waiting until their opponents were done. But it seems as though the timekeeper wasn't so patient, as the bell rang while the two were still getting it on! "Aww shucks." Jasmine giggled, noticing the lovers' reluctance to stop and Sachiko's glare at the LAW official. "But remember to save those lips for our BUTT-CHEEKS as well!" The Empresses bumped their huge rears together with a resounding 'THUMP', signaling they were more than ready to get this booty-brawl started!

As all four girls squared up, Jasmine returned Sachiko's glare and punched her palm, as the blunette crackled her knuckles. This left Melony to square up with Veronika, who made the first move, charging at the fruit-themed royal! Melony braced herself to take Veronika head on, only for the woman to swiftly spin behind her! Melony's eyes widened, as Veronika suddenly called out to her from behind. She quickly turned around to face her foe, only to take a hard kick to her side! "Nghh!" The strike made Melony stagger away, before she focused and regained her footing.

"Very good. Your leg strength is quite solid." Melony complimented wholesomely, before racing back at her foe! She'd proceed to drop down and extend her leg for what looked like a leg sweep. But instead, Melony would suddenly and nimbly shift her incredibly flexible and fast body, turning her plump peach towards Veronika. She'd then spring off the mat, going for the first booty move of the match, attempting to bash Veronika in the gut and bump her away with a powerful hip attack!

Meanwhile, Jasmine and Sachiko had marched right up to each other, so the former could accept the latter's offer of a test of strength. The cake-themed monarch was quite confident in this area, since strength was one of her greatest...well, strengths. Along with her overwhelming strikes and suffocating smothers, Jasmine was quite the middleweight powerhouse! That being said, Sachiko was of a similar weight, and Jasmine wanted to test how strong her foe was as well! "Bring it on!" Jasmine challenged, as soon as their hands met for the push-off. How much either wrestler would give way was yet to be seen. But if she was able to do so, Jasmine's goal would certainly be to push her opponent's back into the ropes behind her!

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Re: Sweets and Smothers

Unread post by RedShinigami »

An evil grin came onto Veronikas black lips as she spun a wheel right before reaching Melony and sending one of her best assets, her leg, right into the side of her fellow aristocrat. "I heard you were fast your lameness, but for me you have to be a little faster!", she blurted out before the cocky smile dropped off her face as she saw Melony more or less shrugging off her attack. Veronika took a step back, measuring her opponent from head to toe as she listened to what she had to say, not that it had much value to her. But if this, not quite weak attack by Veronika could be shrugged off so easily, she wondered what Jasmine had in the pocket to throw against Sachi, as both muscles of their respective teams locked up in a sexy test of strength.

Tough the Franco-Austrian had to be on her toes as Melony already started her countermove and before the Blonde could comprehend what happened, she already saw the thick buttocks of her opponent coming her way, slamming right into her and sending her back into the ropes.

"Ghuuuufffff!", the European cutie gasped as she was sent back into the steel cables, but of course Veronika hadn't become Sachis partner by being a weak cream puff. Using her athletic skills she used the rebound of the ropes to perform a handstand flip and landing directly next to Melony who still faced her backwards.
The brains of Heart Connection tough lost no time before she slung her arms around the midsection of her unsuspecting victim, starting to squeeze down in a reverse bearhug.
"Nghhh~ Seems we have crushed melon today~", she joked, knowing how bad her quip was but not giving it any more thought as she started to give Melony a squeeze with all that her strength had to offer, to weaken her opponent enough for further punishment!
If she managed to keep Melony trapped in this position then she already had forged some nasty plans how to go on from here...

She glanced over to where Sachi and Jasmine started to push against each other, their muscles rippling which let a soft moan escape from Veronikas lips. No matter how often she saw Sachiko testing out her strength, her chiseled body never ceased to turn her on...

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