Red Lion & Grey Dragon

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Red Lion & Grey Dragon

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Red Lion & Grey Dragon

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Signature Tag Team Finishers
Zhuang Che


The two sisters often switch which one of them will be lifted, and have their own version of it:

With Weijiang, she will use her knees or her feet to smash into her opponents chest, not aiming for the face for obvious reasons, but it will be enough to get the air out of her opponent and keep them squashed against the corner.

With Karuda, she off course has her own humiliating version of it and would instead slam herself crotch first against her opponent's face. She'll quickly get her legs over her opponent's shoulders before going for the Frankensteiner to bring her opponent to the ground and in a facesitting pin.[/url]


The two sisters often switch which one of them will be lifted, and have their own version of it:

With Weijiang, she will perform a corkscrew dropkick flip towards her opponent's chest, stomach or even their crotch, whichever she lands. She'll avoid hitting her opponent's face but if she can't, she'll aim herself butt first against their face.

With Karuda, she will do a front flip and slam herself crotch first against her opponent's face. She'll then quickly grab the middle ropes and proceed to bronco buster her opponent, to humiliate them before twisting to the side and locking her opponent in a headscissor hold.[/url]
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Re: Red Lion & Grey Dragon

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     Personal Information
Full Name: Karuda Rine
Alias: The Repriser
Age: 46 years old - July 8th, 1977
Hair Color: Black with grey highlights
Height: 6'3
Weight: 174 lbs
Eye Color: Grey
Birth Place: Japan
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Restaurant/Brothel Owner
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Intro Song: Pulse - Thunder Rolls Remix

    Social Information
Attitude: Karuda is a rather kind woman in and out of the ring. She's fond of cute things, especially girls smaller than her, which is a quick thing considering her height. While it's not easy to piss off Karuda, when she reaches a point where she can no longer forgive someone for the day, she will do her upmost to leave them in a beaten, exhausted mess. She is a sucker for lightweight wrestlers though, and will befriend one with ease to give them free meals at the restaurant to build up their courage to keep fighting in LAW.
Quirks: Smiles and plays with her hair whenever she is about to lose a nerve. Always brings her hand up to stifle her chuckle, head patting girls smaller than her.
Likes: When it comes to liking things, there is nothing Karuda likes more than rainy days, whether she is at her restaurant or at home, she enjoys the soothing sound of it. Other than her daughters, she also likes shy girls, often doting on them to get them out of their shell. She is basically a mother to all who are willing to accept her. Off course, she also likes making the more violent girls purr from her touch, but that will be a not so innocent kind.
Dislikes: Despite being born in the summer, Karuda has no love for it. It has been so bothersome for her that she has air conditioners installed in multiple rooms in both her mansion and her restaurant. Though she is an avid drinker herself, she does not like drunkards, since they often cause violence or have disorderly behavior. Lastly, the thing she truly dislikes are girls out to seriously hurt others. She believes wrestling is meant to be enjoyed, so if she finds someone act or do something like that, even if it's not against her.. She'll set them straight.

[▇▇▇▇▇] 【Strength】
[▇▇▇▇▇] 【Defense】
[▇▇▇▇] 【Technique】
[▇▇▇▇] 【Endurance】
[▇▇▇▇▇] 【Agility】

Favored moves

Dragon Suplex

Abdominal Stretch

Scorpion Deathlock

Signature Finishers

It starts off with the Old School

When Karuda walks to the very center of the top ropes, she then jumps onto her opponents shoulders to bring her opponent down for a humiliating pin.
Whore Out(Erotic)

Once her opponent has been thoroughly weakened and if the match type allows it, Karuda will use a strap on and hold her opponent in this tight hold, bouncing her opponent forcefully up and down onto the strap-on until her opponent screams in submission or because of a orgasm. Preferably both if it were up to Karuda.


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Wrestling Attire

Karuda came from a low income family, who lived hand to mouth. Despite this, Karuda worked hard for her family, though income was still low, too low to be considered worthwhile. She had tried numerous types of jobs, from office work to swim or dance teacher kind of roles, considering how good at dancing and swimming she was, even having a few graduations in both directions. None of them truly paid enough to pay for the debt caused by her parents. Still, she did not complain and decided to get a part time job at night. Because of her curvy assets, she had been approached a few times after her night shift by a few drunkards like she was a prostitute, which was something she couldn't exactly be mad at since the office where she worked in was right next to a local brothel.

After a while though, she was curious to see what kind of pay that would be. At that time, she had already grown to a mature woman, and she acted a lot older than she actually was due to the increasing responsibilities in her life. When she visited the brothel to take a peek, she did her research as to what kind of services they were offering. At first she was a bit disgusted by it all, mainly because the establishment didn't exactly look great, but the women within it seemed to be more than just prostitutes, they offered all kinds of services and the prices were.. Rather insane.

Money was tight, and if she ever thought about getting a child, she would need proper funding, a good house and steady income, so ultimately she decided to try it out. She started with the small services at first, which was mostly just listening to people, giving them massages or talking dirty to them. Karuda was good at those considering she came from schools where sex was basically second language. She was good at listening, good at giving the customers what they wanted and ultimately she went for more services once she got more accustomed to it and with encouragement from the other workers.

Within the next five years, she had mastered the craft, and even got great connections within the world of prostitution. She had only recently been appointed as the new owner considering her good relationships with the customers and other prostitutes, and Karuda used her previous experiences from her old office jobs and design jobs to start planning for the future of the brothel, though she always asked for approval from the other workers. With their blessing, she had a idea that would become a success within the next few years.

After a few years, Karuda had transformed the brothel from a almost run down place to a beautiful, ancient Japanese oriented restaurant and brothel in one, where customers could eat and hang out, while at night the brothel services would start. She invested heavily in the place, and it was paying out with how popular it was. Karuda was accustomed to foreign relationships, where the foreign workers often seemed to dream of ancient Japanese settings with girls in kimonos. Karuda exploited that, and made sure that all the extra earnings went to security, wellness of the women and their families and the restaurant quality. During this time, Karuda had found her own love, whom she already had a child with. The relationship unfortunately didn't last too long, at least enough for three children until the father showed his deadbeat side and left, leaving Karuda to care for three children.

Over the years, Karuda used her brothel, which she named the Kiyohime, as a sort of second house, where she also brought her children to take care of them while also doing her job. She was no longer a prostitute, yet she was now responsible for the well being of the brothel, its customers and more importantly, the workers. Fortunately, her children never met the brothel side of her work but they did acknowledge it as they got older.

As time went on, she had learned that her daughters had taken an interest in wrestling, something that Karuda had done a lot in the past due to her customers often having a wrestling or wrestling move kind of fetishes. She watched their matches with interest. She knew some of the people as well, whom she had seen in her restaurant before, even a select few who came in the night to experience the pleasures the women under Karuda had to offer. Considering that the Kyohime was operating smoothly thanks to the happiness and the experience the workers had offered over the years, combined with the full support, the rich quality and surroundings, she considered some extra advertisement opportunities in the form of joining LAW as a part time hobby. Karuda had some years of wrestling experience due to her job, not to mention it was often on the television, so she had knowledge of it. Deciding to spend some time with her daughters in LAW and to see what kind of girls she could dote on, she signed up for LAW to see what it could offer her in terms of fun.



Karina Rine - Her firstborn and former problem child. Karina was a bit of a loose cannon when she became older, and Karuda was often called to the principle's office to deal with the many things Karina had done to other students. In truth, Karina was simply too energetic for school but Karuda managed to keep Karina in it so Karina learned. Once Karina was old enough to decide for herself, it came to no surprise when Karina told her mother that she was planning to take on a fighting sport as job. Karuda has seen Karina flourish from a eager oddball to a grumpy woman, something Karuda often teases her with.

Kagura Rine - The now current problem child. Kagura has been eager to follow in Karina's former footsteps. The girl has a limitless bottom when it comes to energy, always ready to fight someone or cause trouble. At this point Karuda has gotten used to her rowdy daughters, and she was still proud of them. To see Kagura follow Karina's choice in wrestling actually made Karuda a bit happier, knowing the two were heading the same path and that Karina would take care of Kagura if something was ever afoot, though Karuda herself was always ready to help them both.

Kanari Rine - Her youngest daughter and someone who keeps surprising Karuda with her choices. Kanari harbored no intentions of fighting like her older sisters and instead focused on her voice and dancing, much like Karuda had self had done at a very young age. Ultimately though, Kanari also made the choice to follow her oldest sister to try out wrestling, since Kanari often sparred with her sisters about the smallest things and it ultimately became a habit, however she wasn't as fanatical as Kagura about it, nor was Kanari mostly looking to make that her life like Karina does. Kanari still goes her own path with singing, which is something Karuda will always appreciate.

Xiao Weijiang Rine - Karuda considered Weijiang her first 'child', though that was mostly because she was a big sister to her and often took care of her considering their age difference. As she got older though, Weijiang seemed to become more independent. While it saddened Karuda at first, it was nice to have another girl, a family member to just walk and talk with. She didn't blame her father for leaving her mother, and had welcomed Weijiang with open arms. To this day, Weijiang is still her greatest friend and now her ally in LAW.

Last edited by Ghost on Mon May 27, 2024 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Red Lion & Grey Dragon

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     Personal Information
Full Name: Xiao Weijang (Pronounced Shao Way-zeeyhan) Rine
Alias: Red Lion
Age: 38 years old - May 27, 1986
Hair Color: Black with red highlights
Height: 6'4
Weight: 206 lbs
Eye Color: Red
Birth Place: China
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Occupation: Restaurant owner, Shrine Temple head maiden
Alignment: Lawful Face
Intro Song: Ferkingge - Celestial March

    Social Information
Attitude: Very friendly and always smiling. She has a very relaxed personality, even when she is fighting and likes teaching those she believes aren't really that good. She also tends to bring gifts before the match starts, whether it's in the ring or backstage! She tends to make her opponents feel complimented, even when she doesn't need to.
Quirks: Keeping her eyes closed, always a big smile on her face, nodding along with every word given to her.
Likes: Cooking, making people happy, getting to see relatives, compliments(Both given and received), healthy food
Dislikes: Loud people, too much violence, people who disrespect her cooking or her family, being called ancient, being called a milf

[▇▇▇▇▇] 【Strength】
[▇▇▇▇] 【Defense】
[▇▇▇▇] 【Technique】
[▇▇▇▇▇] 【Endurance】
[▇▇▇▇▇] 【Agility】

Favored moves

Camel Clutch


Grapevine Pin

Figure Four Headlock

Headscissor hold

Facesitting pin

Signature Finishers


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Wrestling Attire
Wrestling Attire
Wrestling Attire
Wrestling Attire
Wrestling Attire
Wrestling Attire
Wrestling Attire
Wrestling Attire
Wrestling Attire

Younger sister of Karuda, though from a different mother. When their father broke up with Karuda's mother, he began a new family in China, having met Weijiang's mother through a restaurant they both repeatedly visited. From there, love flourished once more and Weijiang was brought within the world. Fortunately, the break up with Karuda's mother was mutual, and there was still respect and raising Karuda with both parents being in the picture. From there, Weijiang and Karuda became close sisters the moment they met, disregarding that they came from different mothers since they both seemed somewhat similar in many things.

The two remained in contact until they were old enough to travel by themselves and often visited, even when the two had families of their own now. Weijiang adored Karuda's daughters like they were her own and vice versa. Through them, Weijiang actually started to gain some interest in wrestling. Weijiang herself had multiple jobs, one being the head priestress of the local shrine temple near her house, another one being a family owned restaurant which specialized in spicy food. She always send her older sister Karuda new menus to go through since they both had that culinary touch and often shared dishes.

After a while, Weijiang decided to visit Karuda and her family once more. That's when she saw them on the television, performing matches. Interested by the whole design and how it seemed Karuda was keeping a good balance of family, work and fun, Weijiang decided to test it for herself, after talking to Karuda about it. The two even decided to become a tag team!


Karuda Rine - Weijiang is quite fond of her older sister and her family. Having similar interests definitely helped out to broading Weijiang's horizons into new things. The two have and always will be inseparable regardless of their different mothers, heck even their mothers still get along to this day, one of the rare relationships where even the opposing wives were friendly towards one another.

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