I’ve got you under my skin

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I’ve got you under my skin

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The letter was laying just at her threshold when she arrived. As if it were slid underneath her door, and no one in the immediate vicinity knew anything about it when she asked. Though she shouldn’t be surprised she figured, even as she questioned how she knew where she lived. But of course that woman would know that, no matter how creepy or unhinged that made her look in her eyes.

Yukiko was tempted to just burn it without even reading it just to spite her, but curiosity won out in the end. She knew that woman had been making moves at LAW recently. And as much as the pinkette wanted to avoid her and her cronies like the plague, she just couldn’t bring herself to ignore it. So the former wrestle angel tore open the letter and read its contents. And when she had finished, the letter had become a crumpled ball in her trash can.

And on the next night, Yukiko was riding a taxi to the location that the letter Provided. A club right in the middle of one of the busiest districts of downtown. And after being dropped off, all it took was a short walk for the pinkette to arrive at the place mentioned. Dressed in a simple white shirt and red skirt. Just fashionable enough to be thought as a girl on the town, but practical enough to where people got other ideas.

Taking one last breath through her nose, Yukiko would make her way inside. Immediately her ear would rumble at the sound of music, obnoxiously loud even as it was muffled by the walls of the lobby. There a lone receptionist sat with a phone in her hand. She looked up with a smile, mouth open to utter what had to have been her standard greeting. Only to stop when she locked eyes with the pinkette. “Hello. If it’s not too much trouble but could I see your boss? I was told I was supposed to see her here.” Yukiko asked cordially, yet internally she was on high alert as she subtly scanned her surroundings.

One can never be too careful when dealing with Freia Kagami.
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Re: I’ve got you under my skin

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Wow. She came. She actually SA-KI owed her 100 yen.

There was some understandable pushback When she told the other Fallen Angels that she was inviting Yukiko over to her club for a little meeting of the minds. The others - well, Maria and SA-KI, Zero could not have cared less - figured she was wasting her time reaching out to the woman. Mighty Yukiko was the antithesis to everything they’d been trying to do. She’d been a white-meat heroine in their time, always doing the right thing, always playing the hero. Incorruptible, inflexible, infinitely insufferable. Any conversation with them would go poorly, and SA-KI had bet the woman wouldn’t even be stupid enough to show up. Walking into ICE, Freia’s own strip club, she would have to suspect a trap. She would have to know better.

And yet, here she was. Freia wasn’t too surprised. Yukiko had always had more guts than sense, never one to shy away from a challenge. The idea that this was a trap probably made her more likely to show up, looking for a chance to shine and be the star, to struggle against the vile villainess.

Lo and behold, the lamb was walking into the wolf’s den. Lucky for her, Freia had been sincere about her invitation - as sincere as she was about anything. She had no ambushes waiting in the wings, no one hiding in the shadows. That being said, there was a little surprise for her, which Yukiko would no doubt notice as the attendant led her through the club.

As it so happened, Freia was running a Wrestle Angel theme tonight, and all the girls walking around the club were dressed in skimpier versions of attires Yukiko would be quite familiar with. Bomber Kirishim, Succubus Manabe, Natasha Han - some of the biggest names in their old federation, all used to titillate Japan’s horniest men.

And there, in the back of the establishment, Freia Kagami sat in a booth, legs crossed, smiling out of the gloom as Yukiko was led her way. She sat, crossed-legged, barely clothed. ”You actually came.” She gave the red-haired wonder a little clap, then motioned for her to sit. ”Sit, please. Can I get you a drink? Something without alcohol, I assume.”

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Re: I’ve got you under my skin

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So far, nothing popped out to her. The lobby remained empty, no cronies or any of Freia’s goons came out to greet her. It was just her and the receptionist. Some may call her paranoid for seeing attackers in shadows when others could not, but after years of dealing with the She-Wolfs antics back at Wrestle Angels. Yukiko had to take everything her former rival did with a grain of salt and a fine tooth comb.

And yet, despite it all. The pink haired ace was in no way prepared for what she saw when the receptionist led her into the club properly. Where Yukiko finally realized that Freia didn’t just own any club. She owned a strip club. Lights flashing all around in various colors, multiple stages and private booths dotted the large room. Patrons of each gender sitting all around, swooning and cat calling those who danced seductively on the poles that connected from stage to ceiling.

But it was what those dancers were wearing that caught most of Yukiko’s attention. Her eyes growing wide as saucers as she saw the familiar attires and outfits that her fellow angels wore, only in what could only be described as stripperized! They even went as far as to style their hair in a similar way. Chigusa and her green ponytail, Minami and her black shoulder cut, Natassja and her short blonde hair. And many many more, all copying, all mocking the wear of her friends!

It took everything Yukiko had to not turn around and storm out there and then. But she had a job to do, so she continued to follow the receptionist through this club of debauchery and towards the back of the building. And there, lounging in a secluded booth was her rival.

Freia Kagami.

Instead of the standard fur covered outfits Yukiko always saw the white haired wolfess wearing. Freia was instead clad much like the girl around her, in a very revealing outfit that showed off all of her curves and her luscious pale skin. But the Ace only gave such an outfit a glance before glaring deep into the eyes of the woman who invited her. Trying to keep her cool even as Freia offered her a drink in that sickening sweet voice of hers.

“What the hell is this? Yukiko demanded. Ignoring the wolf’s question and instead cutting right to the heart of things. Having no interest in playing Freia’s games more than she has to. “In fact. What the hell was with the letter? If you wanted to prove how creepy you already are with stalking me then congratulations.” She growled as her arms crossed. Still standing and still glaring at Freia’s pretty face.
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Re: I’ve got you under my skin

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Freia was often dressed down when she was hanging around the club. After all, it was her place, her rules, her business, and the patrons paid well to see women wearing as little as possible, so she didn’t see the point of dressing up in front of them. Let them watch, let them oogle, even if she wasn’t on the menu for this particular night. She’d never had any shame in her body.

Certainly not something a prude like Yukiko would ever understand.

Seeing the woman’s reaction to it all brought a warm smile to Freia’s face, already taking the Ace out of her element. She was so pure and holy, it was a wonder she didn’t burst into flames the moment she came through the entrance. ”It’s called a strip club, Yukiko.” Freia put a little volume into her voice, making sure she was overheard through the thumping base. ”Or gentleman’s club, if you want to sound more dignified. Not a fan of the term, myself.”

It always made the place sound fancier than it was. Plus, in her experience, her business attracted everyone but gentlemen.

”The letter was what it was: an invitation. As you can see, I don’t have any tricks up my sleeves.” She spread her arms out wide, showing Yukiko her blossoming chest. ”I just want to talk. Catch up, spitball with you. You’re here, you might as well sit and enjoy the free drinks.”

One of the girls, a young thing dressed up like an even sluttier version of Beauty Ichigaya, came over with a notepad in hand and stood nearby Yukiko. ”Um…excuse me. Miss? Can I take your order? Or are you just here for the show?”[/color]

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Re: I’ve got you under my skin

Unread post by Ringropes98 »

Yukiko said nothing, but her eyes narrowed as she heard Freia’s reply. Yukiko knew that Freia knew what she was asking about, but of course the She-Wolf had to play coy and instead talk down to the pinkette as if she were a small chip. The Ace knew very well what kind of club this was the second she saw a woman shaking her ass in front of a tax man to the point that the man looked as if he were about to start drooling. The glint of gold she saw on his finger did not help matters.

What Yukiko wanted to know was why this bitch thought it was a great idea to dress the strippers up like various angels of their former league. Only for the pinkettes mind to grind to a halt by a sudden realization. Of course Freia would do something like this. Not even her other rivals like Beauty Ichigaya were as spiteful and as petty as Freia was.

But Yukiko reined her anger in for now. She refused to let the wolf get into her head now. So instead she listened to the offer of an olive branch between the two of them. An offer to talk and chat like old friends and not hated rivals. Yukiko didn’t believe a single word of it, not one bit. But if this was the game Freia wanted to play, then she wouldn’t be disappointed as Yukiko turned her head to the Beauty lookalike.

It was a good rendition. The only problems being that she showed more skin than clothes in her attire and that she was far too short to be beauty. Heck! The blonde in front of her was shorter than she was!

“Vodka and orange juice. Shaken and poured neat.” Yukiko replied flatly before turning away from the waitress and back onto Freia. Finally sliding inside of the booth opposite to her former rival and giving her another glare. “What else did you want? Cause no offense, but you don’t do friendly chats. You don’t do friendly calls. Not unless you have something to gain from it. So what do you expect to gain from this?” Yukiko demanded. Her eyes never leaving Freia’s

Though her ears could do without the sound of moaning as a girl dressed as Panther Risako grinded against the pole near to them.
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Re: I’ve got you under my skin

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Freia had told all the staff that a former associate of hers might be stopping by and that the possibility of violence was not out of the question. While she wasn’t looking for a fight, Yukiko was, as she recalled, something of a passionate woman, especially when her honor was besmirched. Freia had every intention of besmirching it to hell and back.

Luckily, though, cooler heads were prevailing for the moment. Freia snickered at Yukiko’s choice of poison, then looked over to the waitress and nodded. ”My usual. Thank you, Ritsuko-san.”

She nodded and scooted off, leaving them alone for the time being. Knowing she wanted to give them some personal space, she slid over enough to put them at opposite ends, then leaned back and let her arms rest across the booth.

Of course, Yukiko had all her suspicions, and she didn't hesitate to let her know it, laying it all out in the bluntest terms. Freia kept her cards close and just sat back with her ever-present smirk. ”Vodka. Not what I would’ve guessed. Did Natasha turn you on to that?” She laughed at her own joke, then had a wistful sigh. ”You’re really too judgmental, Yukiko. It’s been years. People can change.”

She looked on as the current performer exited the stage, getting a round of applause from the appreciative crowd. If memory served, she knew exactly who was supposed to come out next - perfect timing. She chewed her lips, writhing with anticipation, before she looked back towards Yukiko. ”I’ll get to business. I need to know if you’re up to speed, though. Me and a few of the other girls have a little group going - Fallen Angels. Have you heard?”

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Re: I’ve got you under my skin

Unread post by Ringropes98 »

Once again Yukiko was forced to bite her tongue and keep herself from lashing out when Freia completely ignored her question. Instead focusing on the pinkette’s choice of drink. But the former Ace kept her cool and instead glared silently as the wolf ran her mouth. Even having the gall to say that she’s “being too judgmental” and that “people can change”! Yukiko may have believed that for some, but with Freia.

“After what you and SA-KI did to Chisato before you left. I find that very hard to believe Kagami.” Yukiko practically hissed as the memory of said match reverberated through her mind. And the feeling of helplessness she felt when it happened those short years ago. Wounds could heal, but scars mental or physical will always remain. And like hell was she going to let Freia forget that.

It was then that Yukiko noticed that Freia seemed distracted. Her head turning to where her rival was looking and only seeing another stripper dressed as Thunder Ryouka leaving the stage. Turning back to Freia, she would roll her eyes at the wolf’s question and answer just as easily. “Oh yeah? The little band you put together after you got booted from the company? I’ve heard of them.”

Yukiko then leaned in closer to the table. Her voice growing more fierce as her glare intensified ten fold. “I’ve also been hearing that you all are making moves in LAW now. Supposed backstage politicking and closed doors deal. And targeting other former angels too. Don’t think I didn’t see that match with Minami!” The pinkette growled
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Re: I’ve got you under my skin

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Freia had been idly tapping the table with a finger, following the steady thump thump thump of the beat, but that came to an end when Yukiko brought that incident up. It was quick, barely longer than a blink, but her demeanor dropped, the smile faded, her entire face melted into something darker, and an unpleasant memory passed through her brain. ‘The Chigusa Incident’. Should’ve known she’d bring that up.

She opened her mouth, hesitated, then closed it again, keeping her explanations inside. She didn’t owe Yukiko that. She didn’t owe her anything. Everything she needed to say, she’d said to Chigusa.

”You’re up to speed. Good.” Her tapping resumed. ”We’ve been meeting with some of the other Angels, offering them a chance to join up. What you saw with Minami was a part of that. Ryoko, Emily, some others. We’re making the rounds. Think of it as a union, of sorts.”

She leaned forward, elbows on the table, red eyes piercing through the darkness. ”I won’t bother with you. I know you’d never go for that, obviously. Too pure. But.” Freia wagged a finger. ”I’m hoping that time’s taught you that discretion is the better part of valor. So that’s what I’m offering.”

Freia held up her hand and made the appropriate sign, as she sat back and slouched against the pads. ”Peace. I want a ceasefire, Yukiko.”

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Re: I’ve got you under my skin

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Yukiko had been watching the Wolf like a hawk the second she had lain eyes on her. Not trusting her for a second to look away. Which was the only reason why the pinkette was able to see the facade drop, even if it was for a blink. It was there. And all because she had mentioned that disastrous match with Chisato. Yet there was something in her rivals eyes, something different than the smug, haughty woman she knew.

Regret? But… that couldn’t be right. Could it?

Yukiko would never know, Freia may have opened her mouth to say something at first. But when she closed it, the Ace knew that she would get nothing out of it. Probably for the best, she didn’t like reliving that particular memory anyway. Seeing the aftermath was enough for her to want to scrape it all from memory.

With the pause between former angels passed. Freia continued like nothing had happened. Laying out her ideas to the pinkette. How she had given an offer to other angels to join her and her group. A union so to speak. And it would seem that Freia knew Yukiko better since she apparently had no intentions on offering the same to her. Points for observation miss Kagami. A+. But it was what Freia said next that truly caught her attention.

“A…Ceasefire?” Yukiko questioned. As if she would never have even heard the words leaving Freia’s mouth. And despite herself, Yukiko couldn’t say that she wasn’t tempted. They were both professionals after all, (or at least mostly for one of them). They could ignore each other’s presence and focus on their own careers without needing to get into each others business. But there was just something that Yukiko couldn’t stop thinking about. A feeling she couldn’t shake.

“Why are you doing this Freia? Why the offers why this whole… union business? What’s the goal here? To bring back Wrestle Angels? To take over LAW and rule as its queen or something?” Why are you going through all the trouble to recruit them?” Yukiko asked. Before leaning in close and asking the million dollar question.

“And what happens should they refuse?”
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Re: I’ve got you under my skin

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Well, there was the offer. She’d thrown it out there. Now, would Yukiko be smart enough to take it?

More than any other woman in Wrestle Angels, she and Yukiko had butted heads during their time together. She’d gotten to know the woman in about as intimate a way as anyone could with someone who wasn’t a lover - at times, it even felt like they were. There was hate there, or at least there had been, not just because they often vied for the same prices. Yukiko had always treated her like she was a lesser than, like she didn’t even belong in the ring, like she was disgusted just to breathe the same air.

Such a perfect, pristine princess. God, even now, she wanted to punch her in the face.

But she held back. That was the past. This was the present.

”Yukiko, you’re not stupid. You know what happens if they refuse.” She waved it off, figuring it didn’t need much explaining beyond that. The dots were easy to connect. ”And what I’m up to isn’t of your concern. All you need to know is that it doesn’t involve you.”

Finally, The waitress returned and handed off their drink, setting Yukiko’s drink and a dirty martini for Freia. She nodded her thanks, took a sip, savored it, then turned her attention back to Yukiko. ”LAW is a big, big federation. Plenty of titles. Plenty of tournaments. Plenty of opportunities. I know you’ve got a hero complex, and I know you’ll eventually have the temptation to start meddling, but this time? Resist it. Just give us our space. Find some other windmill to tilt at. The roster has a few bootleg Freias, wrestle them if you’ve really got the urge.”

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