Taking a long break

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Taking a long break

Unread post by Pegasus »

Hey all,

I know a few times in the past is when I said I was taking a break, but I always eventually kept coming back because I had PPV matches to get through and title defenses to get over with so I didn’t just leave people wondering where I went. I just thought about go no contact and just take my break in silence, but I feel like people I’m doing threads with deserve to know. I don’t have any prior engagements to finish at the moment so I am taking a long break. Probably a month or two at the most. I have had a horrible first half of the year with work and trying to get my mental health under control. Things are calming down now and I’m hitting the homestretch with things.

Another reason for the break has been a constant dread of falling behind on my own projects with Power Rangers, WFPW, and Dead by Daylight: The Series. I think it’s time to fully focus on those for awhile. I do have plans for We Are LAW set with other people so I will plan to be back in time for those to come forward when sign ups happen. If anyone needs to discuss for the future, my PMs and Discord DMs are always open.

Until then, I’m going on vacation! See ya!
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Re: Taking a long break

Unread post by SwordSavior1 »

That's completely fine Pegasus. Take all the time you need. Your health and other wishes are important

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Re: Taking a long break

Unread post by anime_hentaifighter »

enjoy the rest , and take all the time you need

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